WhiskeyBottleLover (19 page)

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Authors: Robin Leigh Miller

BOOK: WhiskeyBottleLover
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With that she came. This time she didn’t fall or explode but
the pleasure contained itself to her body, rolling through her limbs, filling
her head, curling her toes and tingling her hair. Tears sprang to her eyes,
leaked out the corners and dripped onto the mattress. She writhed beneath him as
he groaned with his release. His hips kept working gently, drawing out their
releases. Chance locked her legs around his waist, afraid he’d pull out before
she could milk the very last bit of sheer bliss from him.

When the tsunami of erotic heaven subsided Hayes fell
forward, at the same time rolling, taking her with him. She lay there sprawled
on his broad chest, tears falling and creating small puddles. He stroked her
back, kissed her face but never spoke a word. Somehow she got the feeling that
this was his way of telling her what he couldn’t in words.

Which of course made it that much more special and brought
on more tears. He did love her but he couldn’t voice it. Damn men and their
inability to talk. Now he’d turned her into a blubbering female.

“I won’t let you leave me,” she managed. She felt him sigh
beneath her, his chest rising and falling slowly. “I’ll find a way.”

“I know you’ll try, darlin’. And that means more than any
wish I could ever think up.”

It took nearly an hour for them to pull themselves together
and get ready for the day. Strangely enough, Chance felt wonderful. As they
drove to town she told Hayes about her plan to report Bill to the police. He
supported the idea, praising her for being brave. She explained it had nothing
to do with bravery and everything to do with covering her ass.

“If he pulls anything else I’ll report it and the police
will have a nice file on him.”

“If they don’t already,” Hayes replied.

That made her think. Lo and behold he did. The sheriff’s
deputy ran a check on old Bill and found he’d been charged with assault several
times throughout his life. Instead of age mellowing him out it appeared the man
got worse. Isn’t that what she needed?

The police gave her some advice, told her to call them if he
came onto her property again and filed her report. Chance walked out of the
police station feeling a bit better but leery at the same time. She didn’t know
what his charges entailed but a man who continued to be arrested for the same
thing could mean trouble.

Chance pushed all that aside and talked Hayes into carving
his pumpkins outside her store where passersby could see. It worked. The tree
he carved last night and two he created throughout the day sold immediately.

“That’s one talented man,” Jenny observed.

“Yes, he is. I should get more pumpkins. He’s great for

“He’s old-fashioned, isn’t he?”

Chance chuckled. “I find it charming.”

“So are you ready to tell me what happened and sent you
running away for the day?”

Without hesitation, Chance told the story of Bill and his
attack. Instead of fear, Jenny responded with blind rage. The curse words flew
from the older woman’s mouth, intensifying when Chance explained the man had a
record for several assaults. After Jenny vented she calmed down, only twitching
her face a bit as if she wanted to say something.

“Well, I liked your young man, but now I think I love him. I
can’t imagine what that slimy bastard would have done if Hayes hadn’t shown

“I try not to think about it, Jenny. I’d be afraid to step
outside my house.”

The day went on, sales were good and Chance decided she
liked having Hayes there with her. More importantly, he appeared to be enjoying
himself as well. At closing time they took Jenny home. Hayes walked her to the
door and when he returned to the car, Chance laughed.

“You’re going to make her fall in love with you,” she

“I like her. She’s tough, sweet and independent. Those are
hard qualities to beat in a woman.”

The rest of the ride home they chatted normally about the
day, about how many more pumpkins he could carve and about spending Halloween
evening at the store handing out candy. That really got his attention. Chance
explained how the local stores stayed open for trick or treat and what fun it
was to see all the kids. Hayes jumped on board, eager for the festivities.

After an evening of work on projects in the barn Chance went
in and fixed supper. With dinner and dishes done, she changed into a white tank
top and an extra-tight pair of shorty shorts. Normally she wore this to bed in
the summer but with the fire burning the house seemed extra toasty, or maybe it
was Hayes being there that made her temperature rise.

As soon as she appeared in the living room his jaw went
slack and then slammed closed as his muscles bunched. Every move she made he
followed closely. When she went to the fire and bent over, a muted, strangled
sound came from his throat. Pure female satisfaction burned through her.

Every day passed like that. Them acting as a normal couple.
They worked together well, talked as if they’d known each other all their lives
and then tore into each other with either raging lust or quiet sensuality.

Halloween night turned out to be a blast. She had more fun
watching Hayes react with the children than anything else. A brief moment of panic
struck when she saw a young woman dressed in a skimpy nurse’s outfit come
strutting down the street with three children. Her breasts were jacked up
beneath her chin, oozing over the material that barely covered her nipples. God
help everyone if she bent over. Beaver sightings would be reported for days.

Chance could tell the woman spotted Hayes and appreciated
what she saw. With her gaze fixed firmly on him, the woman put a little extra
strut in her step. The three unsuspecting kids ran up, holding their bags out.
Hayes talked to each one, admiring their costumes while their chaperone admired

“Got any lollipops for the nurse?” she purred, thrusting her
breasts out farther.

Chance barely stifled a groan at the innuendo. Forward much?
Still, a spear of fear jabbed through her as she waited for Hayes’ reaction.
How would he handle such a blatant display with another woman?

He fished around in the candy bowl, dug out a lollipop and
handed it to the woman. Now, there was no missing the perky, smooshed together
boobs spilling over the barely there material. A man would have to be totally
without sight to miss it but Hayes didn’t let his gaze so much as touch on

“Have a nice evenin’,” he said casually.

Slutty nurse apparently didn’t appreciate the lack of
attention. “Do you like my costume?”

The children hopped up and down, moaned and whined as
whoever this was to them spent valuable candy-snagging time flirting. Chance
didn’t blame them. Who did this sort of thing with kids around?

“Well,” Hayes responded slowly. “To be honest, it doesn’t
leave much to the imagination.”

This apparently pleased slutty nurse. She grinned and beamed
as if she’d accomplished her goal.

“I like unwrappin’ a gift and bein’ surprised at what I find
inside instead of havin’ it all out in the open. It means it hasn’t been used
and was just for me.”

Like a blown light bulb, her glow faded into nothing. There
she stood with a
what the hell
look on her face.

“Enjoy your night,” he said, dismissing her just like that
and moving on to two other children who ran up.

Chance stood back and watched slutty nurse walk away as if
someone had poked a pin in her overinflated ego. Hayes had probably been the
only man all night to call her on the trashy outfit and in such a way the woman
didn’t know how to react. Damn, but she loved this guy.

That night when they returned home, Chance asked him about
the woman. “You mean to tell me you weren’t the least bit turned-on by all that
flesh exposed?”

He shrugged. “Not at all.”

“Boy, being in that bottle has you really screwed up.”

“No, I have a type, Chance, and she isn’t my type.”

“Oh, what type is that?” Wouldn’t this be interesting?

“I like women who are intelligent enough to know they’re
sexy and not have to go out in public and flaunt it. Prostitutes in my day wore
more than that woman had on. I meant what I said, discoverin’ the gift is as
much fun as havin’ it. All that said to me is she’s used goods. Not that
there’s anythin’ wrong with it but I’m not interested in that type of used.”

Couldn’t he teach a man a thing or two? Now she wondered
about her decision of walking around the house at night in her tight tank top
and skimpy shorts. Did it turn him off? That night she put the sleep clothes on
but also tossed on a lightweight robe.

“Are you cold?” he asked, getting up and going to the fire.
“I’ll stoke the fire, get more heat in here.”

After that, every night he had the house at a sweltering
eighty and up degrees. She either went without the robe or melted. Perhaps he
did like the way she walked around her house at night?

The next three weeks came and went. They settled into a
comfortable daily routine. She noticed Hayes had relaxed his guard around her.
After amazing sex he stayed with her instead of running off.

Life was marvelous. Bill hadn’t made an appearance since
that awful day. Chance thought maybe Hayes had scared him off for good. The
only problem she could find in this scenario? She still didn’t know how to free

With the store closed for the Thanksgiving holiday it gave
her time to think the situation over. He clearly wanted to stay. Once in while
he’d let slip a comment about how it would be nice to see spring come and watch
her run around in shorts during the summer. Then he’d catch himself, go quiet
and spend an hour or so alone.

Kinda like he was doing now. As she prepared a small dinner
of turkey breast, stuffing, mashed potatoes and rolls, he made himself scarce.
While the food cooked she decided to take the time to do more research on
genies. Damn it, she could find everything else about the mythical beings,
nothing on how to free them. Blindly clicking on article after article, she did
find something about masters wishing their genies to be lifelong servants.

That sounded distasteful to her. She didn’t want Hayes being
her servant. He would retain enough magic to do meaningless things but he
wouldn’t have to return to the bottle until she died. Yippee. Imagine that,
growing old while he stayed the same. No, thank you very much.

Frustrated but determined, Chance continued with her search,
typing everything she could think of in the little box. Free genie. Genie’s
freed. Releasing a genie from the curse. Nothing. When this was over and she
knew the secrets, she was posting a website for people like her who found
themselves with one of these beings. Cripes, didn’t anyone think to write a
manual on this stuff?

* * * * *

Hayes sat in the barn working on the wood carving he’d
started weeks ago. He needed to finish it. His time with Chance was coming to
an end. He could feel it. If she didn’t make her wishes soon he’d fade away to
nothing and she’d be sucked into his bottle, forced to take his place. He
wanted to give this to her as a gift so she would remember him. It would be
nice to know someone did.

The strength in his arms and hands diminished over the last
few days. It took effort to move and his brain seemed to fog up. Even the
shackles around his wrists were tightening. A reminder, he supposed.

He wouldn’t say anything to her about it today. Chance
seemed excited about the holiday. What right did he have to ruin it for her?
Tomorrow he would sit her down and explain it all. Hayes brushed the carving
free of tiny wood chips to study it. Perfect. Exactly what he wanted.

The carving depicted Chance holding his bottle against her
breast as he floated in a cloud behind her with his arms outstretched as if
embracing her. He wanted her to know that he cared. That’s what was missing
before. He tried to keep his emotions from the carving and it didn’t work. Now
he allowed them to flow. It hurt. Sweet Jesus, it hurt.

He didn’t want to leave her. The last month had been the
only time in his existence he could remember living, and loving. Oh yes, he
loved her, everything about her. The way she teased him every night, driving
him to the brink of insanity with her hot little body. The way she looked after
him without smothering. The woman had entwined herself so tightly around his
heart he could feel her breathing even when they were apart.

He wanted a life with her, the chance to have children and
grow old together. He’d put his time in, damn it. Done without basic human
needs for so long, why couldn’t he have this? Even now he could feel his mind
breaking, knowing he would never see her again. Is this how the other genies
became the vile creatures he knew about? Had they loved and then been torn away
so cruelly it twisted them?

Hayes got to his feet, wrapped the carving up and hid it
again. He’d give it to her tomorrow. He wanted today to be normal and that
meant pasting a happy look on his face.

Chapter Twelve


Hayes helped her set the table, oohed and aahed over the
food and praised her efforts. She got a warm spot in her chest knowing she
could cook for someone and they appreciated it. When they sat down to eat early
that afternoon, Chance took his hand and smiled.

“One of the families I stayed with had a tradition and I
think I’d like to start it too. They always told what they were thankful for
before they ate. Today I’m thankful for finding that old, dusty whiskey bottle
and having enough sense to buy it. I’m thankful for rubbing the thing and
releasing you into my life. You’ve given me joy, and hope that being alone
isn’t the only way to survive. I’m thankful for you, Hayes.”

A very sad, tired look washed over his face even though he
tried to smile. He squeezed her hand, turned and cupped her cheek with the
other. She felt a slight tremble in his touch and it worried her.

“I’m thankful that even though it took a hundred years I
found you,” he said quietly. “You gave me life. Reminded me that there is
somethin’ to keep livin’ for. I’ll always be grateful for the sunshine you
brought into my world, Chance, and I’ll treasure it for eternity.”

Her heart sank slightly. It sounded like a goodbye. She
searched his face, noticing the lines around his eyes. Time was running out.
She saw it now. Okay. They could deal with this.

“You better eat before it gets cold,” he whispered.

She took the first bite and he followed. They both worked at
keeping things light. Idle chitchat, laughing and when they finished, Hayes
cleaned up the dishes as she put leftovers away. Stuffed to the gills, they sat
down and watched a few old movies. Hayes gathered her against him with

This is what she wanted for her life—someone to share these
ordinary moments with. To be held, cherished and loved. Was it asking too much?
After a lifetime of solitude, she didn’t think so. Everything she needed,
wanted, sat right here next to her. All she had to do was find a way to hold on
to it.

Chance realized Hayes’ breathing grew deeper, his body
tensed. She brought her attention back to the television and found the source
of his discomfort. On the screen a young couple was half naked, entwined in a
romantic, sensual kiss. The man stroked her hip, down her outer thigh and then
back up until he brushed the outer curve of her breast. Their hungry mouths
devoured flesh as their bodies writhed in pleasure.

The scene fueled the raging fire inside Chance. All her
desires were playing out in front of her without the satisfaction of feeling Hayes’
touch on her naked flesh. Her body ached, desperate for his attention. Hot
liquid pooled between her legs, her breasts swelled and her nipples stabbed
through her sweater.

“I need to go for a walk,” he grumbled, pushing off the

Her hands instinctively reached for him but in the blink of
an eye he vanished. There she sat, cold, alone and so damn horny she couldn’t
stand it. Frustration had her mumbling to herself as she paced the living room.
He’d been pushing away the last few days. She didn’t like it. She needed him.
He needed her. Now wasn’t the time to go reclusive on her.

Chance glanced over into the kitchen and spotted his bottle
sitting on the counter. Wicked, naughty thoughts popped into her mind.
Determined to bring him back, she ambled through the living room, into the
kitchen and glared at the old, cloudy bottle.

She snatched the bottle off the counter, wrapped her fingers
around the glass and strutted back to her bedroom. With a grin, she flopped
down on her bed, held the bottle in front of her and said, “Hold on tight,
Hayes. Things are going to get hot.”

* * * * *

Hayes paced around in the barn. With his life force waning,
he could actually feel the cold outside and had to take refuge out of the
biting wind. Worse, he found his ability to focus diminishing as well. He
needed to talk to her. She needed to know what was happening. He also needed to
explain to her about Annie, or herself. Hell, he wasn’t sure he understood any
more at this point.

First thing in the morning he would take a firm hand with
her, explain his situation and beg if necessary for her to make her wishes. It
would kill him, tear his heart into shreds, but it had to be done.

He could go back to his bottle grateful for the time he
shared with her, hold on to those memories for as long as possible and know
he’d done the right thing. As he stood there building his guards, convincing
himself to be noble, a warm rush of air slid over his body.

Every hair stood on end, his gut knotted tight and his body
tensed. Breath. Oh hell, it was hers. “No,” he whispered even as he melted into
the warmth. “Don’t do this, Chance.”

A tender stroking sensation slid over him from the top
center of his chest all the way down to his groin. He actually felt her
fingertips touch his flesh and then another rush of warm breath. Hayes balled
his fists at his sides.

The stroking continued all over his body. He could feel her
fingers in his hair, brushing over his neck and then down his shoulders. Her
touch was everywhere, a sensual assault that left his muscles quivering and his
cock throbbing. As she made his flesh tingle with desire she bathed him in her
warm, moist breath. Even his toes curled deep inside his boots.

He could smell her now. The scent of her soap lingered
around him, mixing with the sweet aroma of her arousal. A desperate moan rolled
from his chest, up his throat and rocked the barn as it exploded between his
lips. He wanted her so damn bad he could taste it. He tried to wean himself off
her. The last three days he managed not to fold and take her.

Hayes bunched his fists tighter, lifted his arms to his
sides and roared his anguish. Silently he prayed for the shackles to burn his
flesh, rip his insides to shreds, anything to distract him from the pure
pleasure she could bring even with them apart. Inside his jeans his cock
throbbed painfully hard, desperate for the feel of her tight, hot body.

The soft, torturous feel of her touch stopped. Hayes stood
there breathing hard like an angry bull ready to charge. He groaned, desperate
for more but grateful it ended. Weak from the teasing, he dropped to his knees,
hung his head and fought to bring his body back under control.

Had she given up? His questions were answered when the hot,
wet feel of her tongue slid over his chest, traveled down to his abs and lower.
Hayes burst to his feet, out of his mind, insane with lust. In an instant he
transported himself inside her house, found himself standing in her bedroom
watching her lick his bottle with slow, purposeful strokes.

The wicked little she-devil had stretched herself out on the
bed, her gorgeous hair fanned out over the pillow and her attention solely on
his bottle. She stroked the glass with her fingers, ran the tip of her tongue
from top to bottom, and he felt it all. The sight combined with the actual feel
of her touch annihilated any and all common sense he had left. Whatever made
him think he could quit her cold turkey?

His raw need urged him forward. Two steps and she looked up
at him with fire in her eyes. It only made his inferno burn hotter.

“Do it again,” he commanded in a voice he didn’t recognize.

Chance didn’t hesitate. This time she started at the bottom,
running her tongue up the center of the glass. He felt her heat brush over his
cock, up the shaft and then move on. His head rolled back on his shoulders as
his fingers dug into the palms of his hands.

“You shouldn’t have done this,” he growled, taking another
step closer to her. He couldn’t stop now if he wanted to.

“What? This?” Chance flattened her tongue and left a hot
trail up his body.

He growled, actually snarled like an animal, and he didn’t
care. She started this. He would most definitely finish it. With another step
he pulled his shirt from his jeans.

“I tried to make this easier,” he told her, “for both of

Chance crawled from the bed with her fingers wrapped tight
around his bottle. When she got to her feet she rubbed her cheek against the
glass. “It is easy, Hayes. All you have to do is come to me.”

He wanted to explain it to her, tell her what torture it
would be to leave, but he couldn’t think past the pleasure he knew awaited him.
He couldn’t wait any longer. Using his power, he blinked himself right in front
of her so he could smell her and feel her warmth.

“It will tear me to shreds,” he told her, taking the bottle
from her hands. “Knowin’ I had perfection and havin’ to give it up.”

“You don’t have to give up anything,” she retorted, placing
her palm on his chest, right over his heart.

Her touch seared him, burned right through flesh, muscle and
bone, wrapping his heart in a tight fist, so tight he could barely breathe. He
gripped her wrist, pulled her hand away and then slipped his arm around her
waist. With one hard tug he had her tight against his body, taking her mouth
with force. Savage hunger took over. He devoured her lips, feasted on them and
then pushed his tongue deep inside her mouth.

His brain spun as she stroked his tongue with hers, taking
control and calming the pace. Yes, he needed to slow down. He wanted this to
last, needed time to stop so he could have her in every possible way.

Chance’s slender hand slipped between them and worked the
buttons free on his shirt. His fingers speared through her hair, gripped her
head, turning it slightly so he could take the kiss deeper. Her sweet taste
drove him, along with the gentle touch of her hands on his bare chest. When her
thumb strummed over his nipple he jolted at the shock of pleasure ripping
through his body.

Chance pulled away, gasped for breath but didn’t hesitate to
take them to the next step. She kissed that spot over his heart, touched her
tongue there and sent him reeling through the cosmos. Still holding her head,
he let his roll back on his shoulders and allowed her to take the lead.

As her hands slid down his sides, around his back and up
again, her mouth worked its way across his chest. She set hot, wet fires with
each touch of her tongue and lips that quickly consumed him. But when she
sealed her lips over his nipple and sucked gently, his brain exploded. Each
lash of her tongue on the sensitive nub drew a tortured moan from his chest. He
held her there as each tug of her lips sent lightning to his groin.

“Chance.” Her name came out on a moan and it shocked him
that he could speak any words at all as she worked her sensual mouth.

“You like that,” she whispered, trailing more fiery kisses
over his chest. “Brace yourself, it gets better.”

It couldn’t possibly but then she moved down, her teeth
scraping his flesh, making his muscles quiver and bunch. She took her time,
lavishing every square inch of his abs with her lips. He held on to her like a
lifeline, afraid that if he let go it would all end and, God help him, he
didn’t want it to end. When she lowered to her knees and worshiped the
sensitive flesh just above his cock, he fisted his hands tighter in her hair.

Licks, kisses and nips over his hips drove him wild as her
skillful fingers worked the button on his jeans. After opening his pants she
tugged them down his hips slightly, freeing his throbbing cock. Her soft hand
cupped his sac as her warm breath bathed the head of his throbbing cock.

He couldn’t help himself, he had to look, needed to see her
mouth take him. The little she-devil cast her glance up his body, held his gaze
and then swiped the tip of her tongue over the head of his cock. The wet warmth
locked up his chest. He couldn’t draw air, couldn’t think, and when her tiny
hand gripped the base of his shaft, he jerked.

“Easy,” she whispered. “Let me love you, Hayes. Take what I
need to give.”

He blinked several times, unable to protest or even beg. It
would shatter him, he knew it, but he wouldn’t stop her. He needed this. As
much as he fought it over the last few days he needed her like this. The man
had to claim his woman and what better way. The immortal side craved the
pleasure she gave, knowing he wouldn’t find any better in two hundred years.

Chance opened her mouth, kept her gaze locked with his and
then took him. Hot, wet warmth surrounded him as she worked his cock to the
back of her throat. The slow, sensual bliss burned through his body, setting
off an electrical storm that reverberated into his bones. A deep, menacing roar
filled the room and it took a moment for him to realize it emanated from his

Chance didn’t seem to notice. If she did it didn’t faze her
one bit. She swallowed, her tiny muscles clenching around the head of his cock
and then sucked as she pulled back. Bright, colorful lights burst in his eyes,
temporarily blinding him. He wanted to see, watch as his shaft slid from
between her lips. When his vision returned the sight stole his breath again.

Her cheeks were hollowed, her lips stretched and his hard
flesh shimmered as she pulled back. He wouldn’t last. He needed to last.
Desperate, Hayes reached down for that mystical power. Magic shimmered through
his body, containing his release and holding it at bay.

With some measure of control, he took a steadying breath and
gently urged her to take him in again. The sight of him fucking her mouth
mesmerized him. He couldn’t remember ever seeing anything so beautiful before.
Her tiny little mewls of pleasure traveled up his shaft, vibrating in his sac.
God, he could do this forever.

Even with his magic working in his favor her mouth drove him
mad. He rocked his hips, groaned and used slight pressure to make her take him
deeper. Chance didn’t protest, she eagerly swallowed him, swirled her tongue
around his shaft, coming back for more.

As heavenly as this felt he needed her body. That compulsion
grew by the second. Finally he pulled her away, smiling at her small whimper of
protest. Very gently he helped her to her feet, cupped her cheek and traced her
swollen lips with the pad of his thumb.

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