White Diamonds (2 page)

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Authors: K. Lyn

BOOK: White Diamonds
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“You don’t say?  I see that you’ve discovered the dark secret of the neighborhood.”  Vicki gave him a quizzical look.  Wilson held out his hand.  “Come on, I’ll show you…and don’t worry, the black doesn’t rub off.”  Vicki rolled her eyes as she took his hand.

Wilson’s house was filled with beautiful artwork and ancient relics from the Old South.  Vicki ran her hand along some of the symbols of what must represent a painful period in history to Wilson, wondering why he would want to keep them.  “Passed down through the generations,” he answered to her unasked question.

“You have nice things.”

“You sound surprised.”

“I didn’t mean it that way.  Is this what you wanted to show me?”

“No.”  He led her to the very back of the house and opened a door that Vicki assumed led to the basement.  Instead, it opened to a room with thick cement walls.

Vicki spun around.  “This is just…”

“Like the one in your house?”

Vicki nodded her head in disbelief.

“You see, my dear, Mr. Jones and his cohorts seemed like good upstanding men, but from the stories passed down in my family, they may have been keeping slaves for their own purposes.”

“Like what?”

“Hard to say.  Teaching reading and writing might have helped get them cheap labor for their businesses and of course a very thankful work force.  No unions back then, you know.  Oh, don’t look so shocked, Vicki.  Same thing goes on today, except now it’s legal.”

Vicki just stood there.  She didn’t want to believe that what he said was true, but she knew it was.  The same thing had happened to her, in a way.  Vicki’s husband was a wheeler and dealer in the financial markets, a fantastic golfer, and vivacious.  He could charm the best of them, and when Vicki was by his side she had reaped the rewards of his station in life.  With no formal education, she had become the director of creative design, but once it was announced that she and her husband had parted ways, he climbed higher and she had been asked to resign.  They said she didn’t fit their corporate culture, but Vicki knew why they had let her go.  Now she was working as a secretary and barely making enough money to get by.

Wilson gently touched her chin and startled her.  “Hey, I didn’t mean to bring you down.  It is what it is.”

Vicki looked up into big dark eyes as she fought back tears.  She blinked several times and then she felt the strong arms wrap around her.  Her eyes met the man’s waist and she slowly wrapped her slender arms around him.  His skin was smooth and warm and Vicki didn’t want to let go.  Her husband had never held her like this.  “How do you do it?”  Her words were mumbled, but Wilson had heard them.

“Do what?”

“Survive…like this.”

Wilson took a deep breath.  “What choice do I have?”

Vicki shook her head against Wilson’s chest.  He stroked her long blonde hair, running the silky strands through his fingers.  Vicki slowly looked up again, and Wilson lowered his lips to hers.  It was the first time a man had wanted her in a long time and it felt good, too good, and Vicki opened her mouth to receive him.  She kissed him as she would a lover, pressing her body to him and standing on tiptoe to give him more.  She could feel him grow hard against her and she wanted to feel him deep inside of her.

Wilson pulled back and looked into her eyes, questioning her.  “What do you want from me, Vicki?”

“I want you,” she whispered.

“I can make no promises, given…”

Vicki slid her tongue downward along his chest.  “I don’t need promises.”  She placed her mouth on his chests, tasting him, and wanting him more than she could have ever imagined.  She ran the zipper down in his well worn jeans and felt along the length of his shaft.  Her head had been filled with stereotypes, and at least one was true.  This man was huge.  She looked down, lifting the briefs over the head of Wilson’s penis.  It was wide and gorgeous.  She heard Wilson gasp and she looked up at him.  His eyes were closed.  She kissed his belly and urged him to take her to his bed.

Vicki was lifted easily into Wilson’s arms and he took the stairs two at a time to the upper level of the home that was rightfully his.  He laid the petite woman down upon his bed and slid her pajama bottoms from her aroused body.  She lay there with her arms above her head and her legs slightly parted.  This man with skin as dark as night could do with her whatever he pleased.  He lay over her, smothering Vicki’s petite body with his large frame.  She felt safe and protected with this man.  He kissed her and she reached for his cock, guiding it to her entrance.  She was wetter than she had ever been and when he entered her, he filled her completely, stretching her and filling her the way she needed to be filled.  She bent her knees and spread her legs wide for the dark stranger.  He watched her, this beautiful woman beneath him, as she received him completely.  She wanted his thickness that women before her had not, and he gave of himself freely and completely.  Vicki’s slender arms around him made him feel like a man, a feeling he thought he had been robbed of forever.  He lowered his lips to hers and Vicki felt loved in their lovemaking.

As they lay together in the afterglow, Vicki thought that Wilson was the perfect man.  It was not until the light shone through the window the following morning that she realized what she had done.  She had slept in the arms of a black man.  That was taboo in her world, something so forbidden that women who were seen with men such as Wilson were often shunned in public places.  “Mornin’,” he said as he kissed her on the mouth.  Vicki smiled sweetly and told him that she needed to go home.  “See you around, Vicki.”  Wilson turned on the shower and closed the bathroom door.  With the water streaming down his face, he could almost ignore the tears that were mixed with it.  Vicki was just like all of the other white girls.  To them he was a good lay and nothing more.

Vicki filled her bathtub with warm water and bubble bath and tried to sink away her shame.  When the bubbles reached her chin, she laid her head back and closed her eyes.  She should never have run out of there the way she had.  What must Wilson think of her?  She tried to reason away her actions by telling herself that it was only sex and that was all that either of them had wanted last night.  But Vicki knew it was more than that.  She and Wilson had a connection, a spark, electricity which they had not expected.  She was sure she had seen something in his eyes.

After nearly falling asleep in the cooling water, she wrapped a towel around her and began sifting through the clothes she had not yet unpacked.  Pulling on a pair of jeans and a shirt, she shoved one of the boxes into the closet and pulled at a piece of old newspaper that seemed to have caught on something.  She was determined to clean the old house from top to bottom if she ever had any time off from her mundane job.  Who knew what she might find in here?  The old newspaper was yellowed and very worn, but still readable.  Vicki sat down on the floor and looked at the photograph.  A very distinguished looking gentleman was accepting an honor of some kind.  As Vicki read, she was shocked at the words.  The gentleman was the owner of this very house, and his fellow club members were celebrating his achievement in transporting runaway slaves to other slave owners under the guise of promising freedom.  His name of Jones was more than a last name.  It was a brand of sorts, not uncommon among fellow so-called freedom runners.  Vicki was stunned.  Wilson had been right about the owners of the homes in the neighborhood.  They didn’t care about the runaway slaves.  All they cared about was money or whatever they exchanged back then.  That was how all of those men became wealthy and remained wealthy.  Vicki wondered why Wilson had chosen to live in one of the houses in the neighborhood knowing what he did about their previous owners.  If I were him, Vicki thought, I would go as far away from this place as I could.  She flipped through the old newspaper, reading as much as she could, and then she crawled back into the closet to search for more information.  The closet was dusty and Vicki wheezed and coughed as she rummaged through old papers.  None of the parchments seemed of much significance, until she pulled out a deed.  It wasn’t a deed to a house.  It was a deed to people.  Buying and selling slaves was human trafficking before it was given its present day name.  Vicki had never before thought of it that way.  The owner of this house would have been arrested for what he had done if he were caught doing it today, but years ago slaves were not considered people.  Slaves were property.

Vicki scooted backward out of the closet, sliding the weathered paper across the floor.  She had moved into the bedroom when her butt hit something hard.  She turned around and screamed in alarm.  “What the fuck!  Wilson, what are you doing here?”

He stood there drinking a cup of coffee, smiling down at her.  “What are you doing down there?”

“Cleaning out the closet.”  It wasn’t a complete lie.

“What’s that?”

Vicki handed him the deed.  “Hmmm, seems as though the old man was proud of his purchase.”

“Stop it.”

Wilson sat down on the floor beside her.  “Stop what?  Seems to me you were pretty happy with that same purchase last night.”

“That’s not fair!”

“It’s not?  Then why did you sleep with me last night?”

“I wanted you.”

“Are you sure it was me you wanted?  Perhaps you were curious about the black man.”  He winked at her and Vicki blushed.

“No,” she answered weakly.

“Were you disappointed?”

“No,” she said, looking up.  “But that wasn’t why I did it.”

“You felt sorry for me, right?”

“No.  I’m not your enemy, but what about you?  Maybe you wanted to sleep with a white woman.”

Wilson laughed a hearty laugh that annoyed Vicki.  “Honey, don’t flatter yourself.  I’m not a racist, and you were not my first taste of vanilla.”

Vicki stood up.  “I’m not a racist, either, Wilson.  Don’t ever call me that!”

Wilson pulled her down onto his lap.  At less than half his size, Vicki fell easily into his arms.  He pulled her to him and kissed her hard on the mouth, feeling her give in to his demands.  He left her breathless as he let her head fall over his leg and kissed her neck.  Her nipples were hard and his fingertips sweeping across them drove her crazy with desire.  Wilson watched her, studying her response, and he became aroused as he thought of taking her again.  With her blouse open, Vicki waited impatiently for Wilson to claim her breasts with his mouth, to feast upon them with his full thick lips.  When she felt his heated breath on her flesh, she gasped and felt the wetness begin to form deep inside of her.  She went limp in his arms as her breasts were taken by this sensual man.  He aroused and satisfied her like no other man, and when she felt the zipper being lowered in her jeans, she tried desperately to wriggle out of them.  A thick finger slid between her lips and stroked her awakened clitoris.  Wilson smoothed a hand along Vicki’s flat stomach and pushed her jeans down and onto the floor.  The long soft legs parted instantly and the finger inside of her made her ache for more.  Vicki opened her eyes and looked into the dark brown eyes of her lover.  He began to lift her into his arms, but Vicki grabbed his arm.  “Take me here,” she whispered.  The thick hard cock was at her ready entrance and she looked into the eyes of her lover once again.  Wilson entered her slowly, satisfying every contour, until he had filled her completely.  Vicki rested her legs on the back of her lover as they rocked back and forth, the floorboards creaking beneath them to the tune of their lovemaking.  Neither of them closed their eyes.  They wanted to see ecstasy in the eyes of each other.  Vicki had never felt so free.  She moaned and gasped as her lover gave her body what it desperately needed.  She wanted this man to know how he made her feel.  Wilson had never known a lover like Vicki.  She was uninhibited and she wanted him.  He lifted his young lover and stood up.  As he did, Vicki squeezed hard around his cock, but Wilson had no intentions of taking it from her.  Vicki kissed his mouth and laid her arms loosely around his neck, relinquishing all control.  As Wilson laid her down in the warmth of her bed, he pulled out just long enough to flip her beautiful body over.  Pushing her knees underneath her and spreading her legs, he entered her again and watched as Vicki grasped the bed sheets.  He lay over her, grasping her breasts, as he plunged into her depths.  “Wilson!” she screamed.  She had never felt anything like it.  She backed up as he entered her, riding the man as she climaxed.  The expert lover pinched her nipples, causing her orgasms to grow stronger.  Wilson pulled Vicki’s legs flat as he filled her with his seed.  Vicki let out a grunt-like sound as she spread her arms across the bed.  She felt the warm body on top of her and the steady breathing of the man she could no longer live without.

“Wilson, I…”

With his heated breath over her ear, he hoarsely said, “What is it, baby?”

Vicki stopped short of finishing her thought.  Wilson had called her baby, something her husband had never done.  “I…I’ve never done it that way.”

Wilson smiled to himself.  “Good, isn’t it?”

“Mmm.”  Vicki’s head was spinning.  Thoughts and feelings swirled together and she had trouble sorting them out.  The man who lay over her confused her.  She couldn’t deny her feelings for him, but she knew that in this city it would never work.  She remembered the hushed whispers at work when a young woman had brought a Puerto Rican native to the office picnic.  This was a place where mixed couples were not acceptable, nor were they accepted, and she was fooling herself if she thought that she could change things.  Her ex-husband had been the worst when it came to mixed couples, using every derogatory term he had in his potty-mouth vocabulary.  He was a tycoon in the real estate business, not that Vicki had benefited any in the divorce.  He practically owned the local housing market, while Vicki owned an ancient house that needed a lot of tender loving care.  She felt soft kisses on her back and her vagina automatically clenched around the penis inside of her.  Even when flaccid, the man had a lot to offer.  The thickness grew hard inside of her and a hand began to press her pussy lips over her clitoris.  Her own flesh was driving her wild.  Then the pleasure was taken from her, but not for long.  Wilson flipped her onto her back and spread her legs wide.  Vicki reached for the cock that hung low and hard and brought it inside of her.  She had never known a man as sexual as Wilson.  She pulled him into her and begged for his lips upon hers.  He lifted her into his arms as he plunged into her again and again.  “You’re amazing,” he moaned breathily as he filled her once again.  Vicki fell back onto the bed.  “Mmm, you’re amazing, little one.”  He kissed her parted lips and she wrapped her arms around him.

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