White Diamonds (24 page)

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Authors: K. Lyn

BOOK: White Diamonds
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“How did he know my size, Denise?”

“Don’t look at me.  But surely you must know that he was sizing you up the minute he saw you.  You’re not the first female he has dressed, no offense.”

“None taken.”  She pulled her hair back into a loose ponytail, applied her makeup and dabbed a little of Denise’s expensive perfume on each wrist, and waited for the car to pick her up.

Grant opened the door of the long black limousine and popped the cork on a bottle of champagne.  “To a night of firsts,” he toasted, and Kara nervously took the glass from him.

The man was a perfect gentleman, impressing Kara when he ordered in a language unfamiliar to her.  “It’s Dutch,” he said.  He looked around at the men in the restaurant.  They envied him.  He could tell.  He had someone young and fresh with him, and everyone wanted to be him.  There wasn’t a man in the room who wouldn’t give his left nut to be with Kara, and she was his.  With a young woman in his life, he felt more powerful than his wealth made him feel.

After dinner, Grant took Kara to his mansion in the hills far removed from the city.  When he opened the door to the grand estate, Kara felt the door to her world open as well.  It was glamorous, like the movies, and she would gladly be this old man’s mistress if it meant living in such a place.  With a hand on her right arm, Grant kissed her neck and cheek, knowing she would turn her head to offer her lips.  She closed her eyes and realized that even in the light Denise had been right.  She imagined Grant’s lips to be those of the college football quarterback and they no longer felt like the lips of an old man.  He didn’t take her to bed that night.  He stepped back and started the negotiations.

“Kara, did you have a nice time tonight?”


“Do you like me?”

Kara nodded.  When Grant handed her a check for $3,000, she looked at him questioningly.  “What’s this for?”

“This is for your time.  A check will be made out to you in the same amount every month if you are willing to escort me to various social engagements, and of course, spend an occasional night in my bed.”

Kara’s heart felt like it was in her throat as she voiced her consent.  Her money worries were gone.  If all went well, she could pay off her student loans and have a nice chunk of change saved when she began her career as a surgeon.  She gingerly touched the paper note and took it from him.

“I will be in touch,” he said and sent her off with his driver.

Kara sat in the back of the limo staring at the numbers written on the check.  She was excited and frightened at the same time.

Imagining a world of travel in her future, Kara wasn’t prepared to receive a call from Grant at eight the following morning.  “This weekend, Saturday night?  Okay.”  She hung up the phone and looked over at her roommate.  “I hope this is worth it.”

“It is,” Denise assured her.  “Grant Latham is mega wealthy.  He can buy anything you want.”

Kara forced her tired body to move.  She was a full-time college student by day and had to keep up her grades.

Two days later she was once again on her way to Grant’s estate, driven by the man’s somewhat overly attentive driver.  He kept looking at her through the rearview mirror as if he were trying to figure out why she would want to be seen with a man like Grant Latham.  Kara was beautiful and smart.  She didn’t need a man to take care of her.

Grant met her with a smile and a gift that could not be mistaken for anything but jewelry.

“What is it?”

“Open it, my dear.”

Kara gasped when she saw the strand of pearls and diamonds.  “Are they real?”

Grant laughed at the naïvete of young Kara.  “I will never settle for anything but the real thing.”

The conviction in his voice was on the edge of sinister, and Kara flinched a little at the touch of his finger making its way down her arm.  He hooked the pearls at the back of her neck and led her up the stairs to his bedroom.  Behind the closed doors, he lay on the bed and ordered Kara to undress.  “Slowly,” he said.

Kara slid the zipper down in the black dress she wore and unclasped the lace bra.  “Make them hard,” Grant commanded.  Kara ran her fingers across her nipples, pinching them and coaxing them to do what had been ordered.  “Look at me.”  Kara looked into the dark brooding eyes of her master as she kept her nipples hard.  Yes, this man was indeed her master whether she wanted to admit it or not.  He was her puppet master and when he pulled her strings, she danced for him.  She began to slide her panties down her legs, but he stopped her.  “Not yet.  Come here.”  Kara knew how to be sexy.  She crept onto the bed like a cat stalking its prey.  As she neared the man who had paid for her, she stopped and waited for him to direct her.  He unzipped his pants and pulled out his flaccid penis.  “Suck it, baby.  Make it hard.”  Kara tried not to show her distaste for the act of falatio, but she hated giving blowjobs.  She closed her eyes and tried to imagine something else as she felt the soft dick enter her warm mouth.  It seemed that she could feel every wrinkle with her tongue as she tried to coax the old man’s erection to life.  It seemed to take forever, but she finally achieved the goal the old man expected.

“I’ve still got it,” he bragged.  “Now, undress me.”  He placed his hands behind his head and waited for Kara to do her job.  “Come here,” he whispered.  Kara felt the old man’s hands on her butt as he slid a finger inside the crotch of her panties.  Again, she pretended it was the quarterback of the college football team.  She felt the head of Grant’s cock at her entrance and the push of her hips down to take him inside of her and she went into actress mode.  “Act like it’s the best cock you’ve ever had.”  The words of her roommate echoed inside her head.  She moaned and gasped like a pro, throwing her head back, and the old man believed every breathy sigh.  It took him a long time, but finally Kara felt the stream of semen enter her.  She exhaled loudly, as if she was climaxing, but it meant nothing more than relief.

Grant went flaccid within seconds and Kara lay down beside him.  “My dear, you are too good to this old man.  What can I do to repay you?”

Kara was confused.  Was this another of his games?

“Come with me to my island?”

“You have an island?”

“Yes, it’s very exclusive.  We can spend the entire weekend.  Perhaps your roommate and her gentleman friend will join us.”

Kara raised her eyebrows.  “My roommate?”

“Yes.  She does what you do, no?”

Kara couldn’t argue the truth.  But she didn’t need to pretend.  They knew what they were doing, all parties involved.


Denise was thrilled to be invited to Grant’s private island, but Kara had expected nothing less from her oversexed roommate.

“He’s bringing a friend, if you know what I mean.”

Denise smiled at Kara.  “Yes, I know what you mean and I can’t wait.  My guy is out of town this week, no doubt with his wife.”

Grant’s driver drove the girls to the airport where Kara asked, “Where’s Grant?”

“He’s waiting for you on the island.  Hurry now.  He doesn’t like to be kept waiting.”

Kara and Denise hurried aboard Grant’s jet and took a seat in the lap of luxury.  “Sweet, Kara.  You definitely caught a big fish when you hooked up with Grant.”

Kara shrugged her shoulders and looked around.  She slid her hand along the leather seat and buckled her seatbelt.  She wondered why she heard the voice of Grant’s driver on the loudspeaker.

“He’s flying this thing?”

“Guess so.”  Kara had no idea Grant’s driver was also a pilot, but there was a lot she didn’t know.

The plane ride seemed to last forever and Kara and Denise fell asleep somewhere over the Atlantic, not waking until they felt the bumpy landing on less than ideal terrain.

“Kara, where are we?”  Denise stretched and yawned.

Kara looked out the window and saw what appeared to be a jungle.  “I don’t know…the tropics?”

The airplane came to a stop with a jolt and the pilot entered the room where Denise and Kara were waiting.  “Welcome home, ladies.”

Denise hopped out of her seat, eager to begin the adventure, but Kara noticed the somewhat sadistic, or was it hesitant, smile that formed on the pilot’s face.  “Home?”

“Come with me, Kara.”

With the man looming over her, she felt a little fearful of him.  His name, she learned, was Drago.  He was a big man with broad shoulders and a wingspan that could rival a small aircraft.  Kara had done a bit of snooping when Grant was asleep and discovered that Drago had been born and raised in Lithuania when it was part of the Soviet Union, that he had been trained to kill while working for the KGB, and that he loved vodka.  He towered over her as he helped her down the steps of the plane.

“Where’s Grant?”

“Grant is waiting at his private estate.  It’s up ahead through the trees.”

“Denise, wait up!”  Kara ran ahead to catch up with her friend.

They were soon swallowed by thick trees and darkness until at last a streaming light appeared and the magnificence of Grant Latham’s island estate shone brightly.  Kara’s breath caught as she took in the sight.

Denise stood with her mouth open as she stared at the twinkling lights that adorned the mansion.  “I’ve never seen anything like it,” she finally said.

The door opened and Grant stood in the entranceway with his arms folded.  His stance clearly indicated that he thought he was the king of the world.  The two young women approached him slowly, as if waiting for some kind of signal from a higher being.

“Come in, ladies.”

Kara nodded, took her friend by the hand, and ran up the steps.  “I didn’t know anyone could own an entire island.”

“My dear, Denise, everything is for sale and everything can be owned.”

She looked around the interior and nodded.  It was Kara who caught the true meaning of Grant’s words.  She and Denise were as good as owned by the man himself, or so he thought.

“Where exactly are we, Grant?”

He came up behind her and kissed her on the side of the neck.  “I’m on my island, and you are a long way from home.”

“I know that, but where in the world are we?”

“My privacy is of the utmost importance to me.  You know that, Kara.  We are in a place where the weather is warm year round.”  He smiled at her and Kara smiled back, uneasily.  All she could deduce from what he said was that they were not far from the equator.  “Relax, my dear, and enjoy the weekend.”

Denise had already kicked off her shoes and was looking out at the ocean.  Grant opened a bottle of champagne and poured generous glasses for the four of them.  “Drago doesn’t usually partake, but when we’re on the island he can drink as much as he likes.”

Drago nodded as he downed the sparkling liquid in one big gulp.

“How about a tour of your home, Grant?”

Grant looked uneasily at Kara, but then he turned his attention to Drago.  “Do me the honors, please.  I believe I’ll visit with Denise.  You don’t mind, do you, Kara?”

“Not at all.”  If the old man was trying to make her jealous, it wasn’t working.  Kara wanted him only for his money and nothing more.  Denise could fuck him all night long and she wouldn’t care.  She was a little fearful, however, when Drago offered his hand, but his grip was strong and the way his hand encased hers was somewhat reassuring and she relaxed as he guided her through the private home.

“Do you like it here, Drago?”

“The boss is very generous.  I have much reason to be happy.”

Kara could see that the man was happy here.  His hard exterior seemed to soften a bit as he opened the door to each room.  When he passed a door marked ‘private’ Kara asked what was inside.  Drago spoke softly, “Mr. Latham goes there to be alone or sometimes not so alone.”

“I see.”

They moved on, but when they came back around, the house being circular in its design, they heard the low deep voice of Grant Latham along with a giggling Denise.  Drago stopped, so Kara wouldn’t see, but she saw anyway.  The door to the room marked ‘private’ was opened and Grant and Denise went inside, closing the door behind them.

“Do not be upset,” Miss Kara.

“I’m not,” she lied.

Drago led her to a place within the home that was far removed from Grant’s room and motioned toward the photographs along the wall.

“What’s this?”

“These are photographs of my homeland, Lithuania.”

“They’re beautiful, Drago.  Do you miss it…your home?”

“It is not the same there as it was long ago, but I will always have these along with…”

He stopped mid sentence, but Kara asked, “Along with what, Drago?”

“I should not have spoken.  Mr. Latham is very generous.”

“Show me more,” Kara said.

The huge man pushed a button that opened a wall and behind the wall was a room containing several safes.

“What’s in them?”

“If I show you, you must tell no one.  Mr. Latham does not know about my private wall.”

Kara looked at him questioningly.  How could he not know about a secret wall within his own house?  “I won’t tell anyone.  What do they contain?”

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