Who Do You Think You Are? Encyclopedia of Genealogy (89 page)

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business records 328

canal records 294

census returns 111

civil servants' records 340

criminal records 457

customs and excise records 241

divorce records 438

emigration records 322

estate records 316

Harland & Wolff archives 249

lawyers' records 339

lunacy records 411

National Schools records 352

online index 43

parish records 131

poor relief records 407

probate records 149

profile 510–11

railway records 300

tithe records 319

Public Records Office (PRO) 507

public sector (professional classes) 340–53

case study: John Hurt 342

clergymen 352–3

civil servants and government officials 340–3

medical professions 344–8

police 343–4

teachers 349–52

Quakers (Society of Friends) 79, 113, 116, 121, 280

quarter/petty sessions 443

bastardy returns 418–19

records 448

RAF Museum, Cosford 218

RAF Museum, Hendon 212, 214, 218

Railway Ancestors Family History Group 69

Railway Ancestors Family History Society 304

Railway Benevolent Institution 302–3

Railway Gazette

Railway House Journals

railway police records 302

railways 287–8

case study: Griff Rhys Jones 298

case study: Sue Johnston 301

records 296–304

accident reports 302–3

employees 297–302

Railways Act (1921) 296, 300

Redman, Amanda 231, 246

Reeves, Vic 440

regimental histories 177–8

regimental museums 158, 178–9

regimental records (WO 76) 159–60

regiments 153–5

regional mining records 255–9

regional industry archives 275–8

Register General of Shipping and Seamen 232

Registrar General 75, 77, 128

RG series 90, 103, 120, 121, 122, 123, 128

Registrar Office of Merchant Shipping (RGSS) 220, 225

Registry of Shipping and Seamen (RSS) 220, 224, 226

Regnal years 47

religious guilds 358

Religious Society of Friends Library 121

rentals 466

Republic of Ireland 37

adoptions 420, 424

age of consent 79

census returns 111

civil registration 92–3

company registration records 327

divorce 439

institutional catalogues online 43

research 52–71

approach 3–4

avoiding early mistakes 52–4

budgets 31

case example: Ian Hislop 53

goal setting 28–31

investigating previous 54–8

offline help 67–71

online 59–67

pre-1800 460–1

reasons for 2–3

Revenue Cruisers 234–5

records 236, 237, 238

Rhodesia, child migration to 388

Rhys Jones, Griff 298, 415

Riding Officers 234

records 236

river transport records 295–6

roads and turnpikes 286–7, 289–91

turnpike records 289

Rochdale Museum 36

Roman Catholics 113, 118–20

oaths of allegiance 325

parish records 121–2, 130, 131

wills 135

Roman times 133, 252, 288

Romany and Traveller Family

History Society 69

Rootsweb 64, 106

Rose Act (1813) 114, 115

Rothschild Archive 332

Royal Agricultural Benevolent Institution 311

Royal Air Force 208–19

accident reports 212

airmen's service records 213–14

births, marriages and deaths in service 214–16

brief history 208–10

case study: Julian Clary 215

courts martial records 213

finding out more 218–19

medals and awards 216–17

officers' service records 211

operational record books 218–19

prisoner of war records 212–13

troubleshooting guide 491

see also
Royal Flying Corps

Royal Naval Air Services

Royal Air Force Nursing Service 216

Royal Air Forces Association (RAFA) 219

Royal Air Forces Register of Associations (RAFRA) 219

Royal Artillery 161, 166

Royal Bank of Scotland 332

Royal College of Nursing Archives 346

Royal Commission on the Historical

Monuments of England (RCHM) 273

Royal Engineers 159, 161

Royal Engineers Air Battalion 208

Royal Flying Corps (RFC) 208–9

airmen's records 211–12

births, marriages and deaths in service 214

medals and awards 216–17

officers' records 210

Royal Horse Artillery 164

Royal Hospital, Chelsea 162–3, 175

Royal Mail Archive 291

Royal Marine Artillery 205, 207

Royal Marine Light Infantry 201

Royal Marine Museum 204, 207

Royal Marines 200–7

attestation forms 205

brief history 200–2

description books 205

discharge papers 205

finding your ancestor's division 206

genealogical information 207

medals 206

pension and casualty records 206–7

officers' service records 202–4

other ranks' service records 204–6

service registers 205

troubleshooting guide 490

Royal Naval Air Service (RNAS) 209

airmen's records 212

deaths in service 214

medals and awards 217

officers' records 210–11

Royal Naval Division (RND) 197

Royal Naval dockyards 198, 247–8

Royal Naval Museum, Portsmouth 197, 199, 248

Royal Naval Reserve (RNR) 196, 199

Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve (RNVR) 196–7, 199

Royal Navy 182–99, 209, 226, 235–6, 237

Admiralty records 199

brief history 182–4

case study: Robert Lindsay 194

confidential reports 189

individual service records 184–92

officers' records 185–9, 192–3

medal rolls 198

naval lunatics 411

other archives 199

passing certificates 188–9

pension records 192–5

ratings' records 189–92, 193–4

reserve and auxiliary forces 195–7

succession books 188

troubleshooting guide 486–7

Women's Royal Naval Service 197

Royal Ordnance Factories (ROFs) 271

Royal Regiment of Artillery 201

Royal Society of London 183

Rural History Today

rural life museums and archives 310–14

Rural Museums Network 310

Sadler, Michael 269, 271

Salmon & Gluckstein 331

Saxmundham 95

SCAN website 322

school reports 12


adoptions 420, 422–3, 425

age of consent 79, 80

apprenticeship and guild records 364–5

army recruits 162

bankruptcy records 330

canal records 293–4

census returns 94, 97, 106, 110

Chartism 283

civil registration 30, 74, 90–2

coal-mining 260

coastguards 235

commercial websites 59–60

company registration records 327

criminal records 456–7

customs and excise records 240, 241, 242, 243, 244

divorce 428

before 1830: 434–5

after 1830: 436–7

emigration from 309, 321–2, 390

farm survey records 320

Scotland institutional catalogues online 43

lawyers' records 338–9

lunacy records 411

manufacturing 271

mining 250, 262–3, 264

parish registers 130

parishes 112

police 343

poor relief 406

probate records 148

railways 299, 300, 304

shipyards 248–9

teachers 351–2

turnpikes 290

see also
Act of Union

Highland Clearances

National Archives of Scotland

National Library of Scotland

scotlandspeople website 59–60, 92, 110, 130, 148, 273, 313

online 61

Scottish Archive Network (SCAN) 37, 42, 260, 274, 289, 316

Scottish Association of Family

History Societies (SAFHS) 69

Scottish Business Archives 329

Scottish General Register Office 59

Scottish handwriting 47

Scottish landowners 315–16

Scottish Life Archive 312

Scottish Maritime Museum 249

Scottish Mining Museum 262–3

Scottish Record Society 364, 365, 435

Scottish Reformation 434

Scran Trust website 312, 321

Sea Fencibles 195

sea-based occupations 234–49

case study: Amanda Redman 246

coastguards 234–40

customs and excisemen 240–4

dockyards and shipyards 247–9

fishermen 245–7

Seaman's Fund Winding-up Act (1851) 232

search engines, specialist 65–6

Second Dutch War 200

Second World War 13, 94, 166, 249, 302

battlefield sites 181

battalion war diaries 177

Belsen liberation 331

farming 310, 319–20

immigration 370–2

internee records 371

Merchant Navy 224, 228

medals 229–30

prisoners of war 213, 372

Royal Air Force 210, 218

airmen's records 213

death in service 214

gallantry medals 217

Royal Marine Commandos 202

women factory workers 271

Women's Auxiliary Air Force 216

secondary sources 33, 50

Seditious Societies Act (1799) 365

seize quartiers

self-reflection 2–3

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