Who Glares Wins (Lexi Graves Mysteries) (42 page)

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"They aren't going to fire Edward?"

"No. And there's more good news."

"There is?"

"The board might be interested in our services."

I rolled my eyes. "You turned my near death into a business meeting?"

"You seemed to have it under control."

My mouth split into a broad smile, the shock having receded.
"I did, didn't I?"

"Yes, you did.
I’ll send someone to get your car.
" Solomon leaned down
kissed me on the cheek. "
Take a home day to file your report.
Maybe a few days off.
See you when you come back," he said
left, making way for Maddox, who returned, my purse in

"It's all over," I said. "I solved the case.
Two cases!

outta here

"Back to the office,
I guess
" I told him. "How about you?
you have
to be?"

"I have to go to
the station. I still have cases to work on.
We’re drawing straws on who gets to interrogate Louisa.

"Montgomery's finest never sleep
, huh?"

"Something like that.
Do you need a ride home? I can get someone to take you.”

“No, I’ll be fine.”

I'll catch up with you soon, okay?
I’ll call you as soon as I can.
You did
good," he said again
, kissing
me quickly,
to another office
to follow him as he exited.

as for
me? It was time for me to go home. I dug in my bag for my car keys and sighed, my shoulders slumping. I still had a nail in my tire. Instead
I pulled my cell phone out and called Lily.

"Can you come pick me up
?" I asked. "I'm at the hotel and I need a ride home."

"Are y
on the lam from
another dead body?"

"No. This time
I quit."

"Right on
" said Lily. "I'm on my way."

I decided the best exit was a quiet one and
out the doors while everyone was distracted by the police. Three feet later
I stopped, seeing Chef Fabien with his arm around Sylvia. She smiled at me and held up her hand. On her ring finger
something sparkled.

"We're getting married," she said. "
I can't believe I was a suspect!
They read me my rights
Fabien yelled at them to

back off.

Can you believe that?"

I could. Fabien yelled at everyone. Except Sylvia, apparently.

"What were you talking about with Amanda in the conference center?" I asked. "I saw you right before the stabbing." It was the one thing I couldn't work out.

"Oh, that? Amanda was trying to patch things up with Fabien for me. He gave her the ring,
asked me to change my mind. I wasn't sure what to do. All the sabotage
was getting
us so angry and stressed
ut he's been my rock." And now she wore his. I was glad something
emerged from
Louisa's mess.

"I'm happy for you," I told them, "both of you. But I have to go. Good luck with everything."

Sylvia looked puzzled. "You aren't staying?"

"No. This is it for me.
I pointed over to Edward and Marissa,
their hands still tightly grasped together
“I think Marissa decided to stay on after all.”
I stepped around them and slipped outside.
the gardens
left the grounds, walking a little way down the street, putting
distance between The Montgomery
and me
while I waited for Lily.

"What are you doing now?" I asked Lily as I climbed in
a few minutes later
. "Aside from the obvious."

"What do you have in mind?"

"Short skirts, dancing, expensive cocktails with funny names."

"I'm doing that," said Lily and we sped off.





Chapter Eighteen


er Louisa got arrested, I took Solomon up on his offer
and had
a few days off. With the
bump on
my head
to normal
, I had plenty of time to lounge and think
what my colleagues thought
me reeling in a big case
. The thinking seriously ruined my lie

Instead of being at the hotel by nine, today
curled up on Lily's sofa while she passed me cof
fee and an icepack. "Should I get
more of these?" she asked. "Now that you
life of danger and intrigue
is full time

"Maybe," I said. "I hope not.

Lily hopped onto the sofa next to me, curling her feet under her. "I have to know the details. Tell me everything."

"It was obvious
when you think about it," I explained. "Louisa had access everywhere in the building, just like Sylvia. There was nowhere the staff wouldn't expect to see Louisa
and she could easily
make up
a reason to be in
part of the hotel. After all, she was the human resources manager. It was her job to
the employees."

"And that's how she got into the kitchens and
the concierge desk?"

I nodded. "Yep. She didn't stand out at all. Plus
she knew a lot about the business. She could get any key card she wanted and she had issued herself a secret
access pass too.
Maddox found it in her pocket when they booked her.
Like mine, it could get her anywhere in the building
so she didn't have to use her own pass."


"Totally," I agreed.

"What happened to all the stolen stuff?"

"It was
still in the hotel. Louisa just snatched stuff and ditched it in the basement. She knew which areas were
she couldn't get rid of the stuff. She didn't want to get caught with it. It was easier to dump it on site. And who would notice
the HR manager
walking along with a laptop under her arm
r a cell phone in her hand
The police got her fingerprints on most of the stuff. That's where she got sloppy."

"And the murder?"

"An accident
, just like she said
." I pulled a face.
Edward called again to thank me, mentioning that the board
to establish a fund to help Greg Conlan’s wife and kids.
"Murder wasn't part of Louisa's game. She
wanted to discredit Killjoy. The thefts, the extra money the hotel
had to plow into clearing up the chaos she caused,
staff quitting
should all have been
to get Killjoy fired. And that's exactly what she wanted. She wanted that spot free because she had someone perfect for the job. Richard Mayer."

Did I miss something?
Who's Richard Mayer?"

"Louisa's husband. When The Montgomery
changed owners
, Richard was up for the job
along with
Killjoy. It would have been a huge promotion after years
slugging away
the hotel group
but he didn't get the job. Richard was furious. He blamed Louisa. He started drinking heavily,
messing up at work. After all, what was the point? He didn't get the promotion and the opportunity probably
would never
come up again. Louisa figured with Killjoy gone
she would easily be able to
Richard into the job. After all, she was going to be the hotel's
And t
he reason it didn't totally sink."
All this
gleaned from Maddox
me the lowdown after Louisa finally
and started yakking.

"How could she be so sure the board would listen to her
? Or that
Richard would get the job

"Because she would
have made
sure there were no other suitable applicants for the
." I thought about all the problems
Louisa had create
d. If she'd
put as much effort into helpin
g her husband find a new job...
instead of murdering an innocent man to cover her crimes.
"Seems kind of a drastic way to get
if you ask me."

Lily shrugged
, sipping
her coffee. "I guess it's the recession."


"You're speaking to the woman who has to dress as a cigarette girl later
hand out flyers."

need to get your own club."

Lily grinned suddenly. "The bank came through. With their loan and my parents' investment
I get to go property shopping. I think I found somewhere already."



"I want
to be
on the guest list for the opening party."

"It's going to be huge. Ruby's going to be my bar manager. Jord said he'll bring all his cop buddies."

"How are things going with my brother?"

"Early days. Can't believe we're finally dating and..."


"It's not what I expected. He's nicer, sweeter
, than I expected

"Did he tell you why he finally asked you out?"

"He said he couldn't stand to see me dating another jerk
when I could have him."

We both pondered that. "Men," I said.

"Men," agreed Lily.

"Speaking of which
have a date with the boss."

"You decide what you're going to do?"


"Whatever you do, I'm here for you."

Best friends were always there for you. Marissa had that,
a new
I was getting a wedding invitation.
I had that
and I hoped Lily knew
how much
I cherished her

When I strolled into the Solomon Agency late morning,
I was
dressed in
pants and a
three buttons undone for
a hint of cleavage,
and the highest, sexiest, heels I thought I could get away with given my get
and Fletcher were already in the office. Flaherty and Delgado were noticeably absent and Solomon's office door was shut. Through the blinds
I saw him talking on the phone. He met my eyes and nodded. I nodded back. To some
that might have
a poor
elcome home,

but Solomon
was never
big on gestures. A nod was as good as a hug.

"Is that a picture of your wife?" I asked
the photo of an attractive woman with long hair on his desk amid his flat
screen monitors.

"Fiancée," he replied, smiling.

"Pretty. You're a lucky guy," I said as I
him to my desk. After years of temping, I got used to never leaving anything on my desk
, unless
I didn't mind never getting
back. But I was here to stay for now, a genuine employee. "I thought I might jazz up my desk too. It's looking a little lonely." I pulled a photo out of my
leather tote
and laid it flat. I fiddled
in my bag and
out a photo frame that I'd picked up on the way in
. I
levered off the back, finally shoving the photo in and setting it upright.

flicked a glance at Solomon's office. "You brought a picture of a guy?" he asked.

"No," I said,
the photo
around so he could see it. "The guys."

Lucas frowned. “Is that the Army?”

Fletcher wheeled his chair over
from the desk opposite, kicking his feet against the floor
rather than simply getting up,
and peered at it. "You know someone in the
rmy?" he asked, his brow
knitted together in confusion as he took a long look at the photo.

I pointed to a figure two rows back. "That's me," I said. "When I was in the

"I didn't know you were in the
looked up at me and his expression changed. I thought he looked more
but I could have been imagining it.

It’s not something I shout about
," I said, nonchalantly.

"When did you get out?"

"A few years ago."

"Your time up?"

"Sort of."


I leaned in. "Okay. You can't tell anyone. It's like this. I killed a guy."


eyes widened. "Seriously?"

"Maybe," I said. "I'll never tell. Coffee?" I could also lie well enough to confuse
. I smiled a
he contemplated me.

"I'll make it," he said quickly.

I rested back in my chair and smiled as I turned on my laptop. Behind me
Fletcher was earwigging. I would give it one day before
or Fletcher told Delgado
and Flaherty
about my mysterious military past.

Here's the thing though. I was
but it wasn't the most illustrious point of my life. Like I said, I was engaged and it ended badly. Embarrassed and hurt
I stumbled into a military recruitment drive and signed up, ending up in boot camp shortly after. I got through it okay. I was fit, I could shoot, I didn't totally hate the uniform
but I wasn't up for being shot at or shouted at every day. I could get that at home
for free
and I
broke up soon after
and I came home, slightly more dangerous, fitter,
a lot more at peace with myself.

Next to the picture of my boot camp
I added a recent one.

"What's that?" asked Fletcher,
curiosity getting the better of him.

"Oh, this?" I pointed to the second photo. "It's my commendation from the new mayor for solving a multi-million dollar fraud case with local PD
a while back

"I didn't know that. Cool.”

"I don't like to boast." I got to my feet
, trying not to smile as my PR stunt worked
. "I have a meeting with Solomon now. Can you ask
to give me a wave when he's back
and I'll come out and get my coffee

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