Why Did the Chicken Cross the World? (49 page)

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13. A Last Cause

Chung is the protector of the
: Nguyen Dong Chung, interview by Andrew Lawler, 2013.

That fact worries the Chinese biologist
: Han Jianlin, interview by Andrew Lawler, 2013.

One-third of South Asians
: “Highest Prevalence of Malnutrition in South Asia,”
Bread for the World
, June 25, 2012, accessed March 23, 2014,

Chicken meat and eggs
: David Farrell, “The Role of Poultry in Human Nutrition,”
Poultry Development Review
, Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations, 2013,

The country's rapid development
: “Vietnam Population 2014,” World Population Review, April 2, 2014, accessed March 23, 2014,

The number of birds
: Le Thi Thuy, interview by Andrew Lawler, 2013.

After China, Saudi Arabia, and Singapore
: “Global Poultry Trends 2013: Asia Puts More Emphasis on Trading Prepared Products,” The Poultry Site, September 11, 2013, accessed March 24, 2014,

Recent research suggests
: T. M. Tumpey, “Characterization of the Reconstructed 1918 Spanish Influenza Pandemic Virus,”
310, no. 5745 (2005): 77–80, doi:10.1126/science.1119392.

In the late 1990s
: K. M. Sturm-Ramirez et al., “Reemerging H5N1 Influenza Viruses in Hong Kong in 2002 Are Highly Pathogenic to Ducks,”
Journal of Virology
78, no. 9 (2004): 4892–901, doi:10.1128/JVI.78.9.4892-4901.2004.

All 1.6 million of the city-state's
: Paul K. S. Chan, “Outbreak of Avian Influenza A(H5N1) Virus Infection in Hong Kong in 1997,”
Clinical Infectious Diseases
34, no. Supplement 2: Emerging Infections in Asia (May 01, 2002), accessed March 23, 2014,

“From the tips of their combs”
: John Farndon,
Bird Flu: Everything You Need to Know
(Thriplow, U.K.: Icon, 2005), 9.

In 2004, Thai prime minister
: Chanida Chanyapate and Isabelle Delforge, “The Politics of Bird Flu in Thailand,” Focus on the Global South, accessed March 23, 2014,

In 2013, a new strain of the H7N9
: Robert J. Jackson,
Global Politics in the 21st Century
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013), 506.

Some researchers argue that
: C. Larson, “Tense Vigil in China as Nasty Flu Virus Stirs Back to Life,”
342, no. 6162 (2013): 1031, doi:10.1126/science.342.6162.1031.

This radical approach
: Hongjie Yu et al., “Effect of Closure of Live Poultry Markets on Poultry-to-Person Transmission of Avian Influenza A H7N9 Virus: An Ecological Study,”
383, no. 541 (February 8, 2014).

Other researchers say that disinfecting
: Q. Liao and R. Fielding, “Flu Threat Spurs Culture Change,”
343, no. 6169 (2014): 368, doi:10.1126/science.343.6169.368-a.

“This feature of chicken”
: Page Smith and Charles Daniel,
The Chicken Book
(Boston: Little, Brown, 1975), 194.

Only farmed salmon
: “Salmon Have the Most Efficient Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR) of All Farmed Livestock,”
Mainstream Canada
, accessed March 24, 2014, http://msc.khamiahosting.com/salmon-have-most-efficient-feed-conversion-ratio-fcr-all-farmed-livestock.

Meat production accounts
: Henning Steinfeld,
Livestock's Long Shadow: Environmental Issues and Options
(Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2006), 112.

The British economist Thomas Malthus
: Thomas Robert Malthus,
An Essay on the Principle of Population
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989).

A billion chickens
: “Global Poultry Trends 2013: Chicken Imports Rise to Africa, Stable in Oceania,” The Poultry Site, November 13, 2013, accessed March 23, 2014,

Global poultry exports
: Ibid.

U.S. consumers eat four times
: “Per Capita Consumption of Poultry and Livestock, 1965 to Estimated 2014, in Pounds,” National Chicken Council, last modified January 10, 2014, accessed March 23, 2014,

Mexicans are the leading egg eaters
: Carrie Kahn, “It's No Yolk: Mexicans Cope with Egg Shortage, Price Spikes,” NPR, September 18, 2012, accessed March 23, 2014,

In China, people eat twenty-two pounds
: Janet Larsen, “Plan B Updates: Meat Consumption in China Now Double That in the United States,” April 24, 2012, accessed March 23, 2014,

In 2012, for the first time
: Ibid.

Fujian Sunner Development Co.
: “Fujian Sunner Development Co., Ltd. Class A,” Morningstar, accessed March 23, 2014,
; “China Rich List: #151 Fu Guangming & Family,”
, accessed March 23, 2014,

Tyson Foods intends to build ninety
: David Kesmodel and Laurie Burkitt, “Inside China's Supersanitary Chicken Farms,”
Wall Street Journal
, December 9, 2013, accessed March 23, 2014,

In 2014, the Chinese
: Ian Johnson, “China Releases Plan to Incorporate Farmers into Cities,”
New York Times
, March 17, 2014, accessed March 23, 2014,

By heating, cooling, and pressurizing
: Alton Brown, “Tastes Like Chicken,”
, Sep­tember 15, 2013, accessed March 23, 2014,

Another California startup
: “Hampton Creek, Named by Bill Gates as One of Three Companies Shaping the Future of Food, Debuts First Product at Whole Foods Market,” Business Wire, September 20, 2013, accessed March 23, 2014,

The chicken in China
: Fang Zhang,
Animal Symbolism of the Chinese Zodiac
(Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 1999), 100.

“Don't try to convey your enthusiasm”
: Roy Edwin Jones, introduction in
A Basic Chicken Guide for the Small Flock Owner
(New York: W. Morrow, 1944).

Upscale Neiman Marcus
: “Beau Coop,” Neiman Marcus, accessed March 23, 2014,

Just as the Victorian Fancy cooled
: Jonel Aleccia, “Backyard Chickens Dumped at Shelters When Hipsters Can't Cope, Critics Say,”
NBC News
, July 7, 2013, accessed March 23, 2014,

“The snare is carried in a basket-like case”
: Fay-Cooper Cole and Albert Gale,
The Tinguian: Social, Religious, and Economic Life of a Philippine Tribe
(Chicago: Field Museum of Natural History, 1922).

Nguyen Quir Tuan
: Nguyen Quir Tuan, interview by Andrew Lawler, 2013.

Brisbin, the man who saved Gardiner
: I. Lehr Brisbin, interview by Andrew Lawler, 2013.


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Squier, Susan Merrill.
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