Wicked End (36 page)

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Authors: Bella Jeanisse

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Action & Adventure, #Romantic Erotica

BOOK: Wicked End
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He bit his lip and stood up. He had a plan of his own to play out. Looking around, he made sure they were in the shadows. Not quite, but if they moved back just a bit. He took her hands in his and pulled her up. He grinned as an idea came to him.

“What’re you doing?” Mackenzie’s eyes opened wide as he lifted her up then sat her on a speaker.

Brandon winked and leaned in close. “This is gonna be fun, another one off your list.”

She had forgotten about her list, “Which one?”

Then he spread her legs and opened his pants. “You know which one.” He pulled his half-hard cock through his zipper and stroked it several times. “Hope the bass gives you an extra thrill.”

She gripped the sides, the vibrations already sending shivers up her spine. She felt her pussy tingling with anticipation while she watched him encourage his dick to grow. Then he came closer, and she shuddered, a minor orgasm coming over her. When he grabbed her ass and thrust into her, she screamed, her pussy gripping him tightly. She never expected that item on her list to come true.

He groaned in her ear as she rhythmically squeezed his dick. His own body shuddered. He could feel the vibrations inside her. The speaker was an incredible idea. As soon as he could, he started driving into her fast and hard, wanting to spill his seed as quickly as possible, so the band didn’t miss him.

Mackenzie’s head went back, further into the dark. She wanted stay quiet but it was impossible. It felt like she had the vibrator in her while he fucked her with all his might. The speaker shook from the effort, worrying her she would fall.

Lost in how tight her pussy was, Brandon couldn’t feel or hear anything but her. He paid no attention to the progression of the song as he had planned. He also was not concentrating on cumming quickly. She felt too amazing. He lifted her legs higher and held them around his waist until she got the message and wrapped them tight. Then he gripped her ass tighter and slammed into her, making the speaker rock even more.

Scott was having a ball, playing and singing. He couldn’t remember the last time he performed that song, but it felt like yesterday at that point. He gazed at the enthusiastic crowd, half of the floor one huge mosh pit. Then he screamed his favorite line with as much gusto as possible. It was a line he used to relay many things; one that many others did the same.

He couldn’t believe the guys had set the whole thing up for him. Excitedly, he shouted the last line. Then he looked back and smirked. Brandon was fucking Mackenzie on a speaker. He turned back to the audience. “How about we do another one?”

Jake noticed the couple as well and leaned towards his mic. “I don’t think we got a choice. It seems our lead guitarist got his dick buried in a chick over there.” He pointed his thumb towards them.

The entire place erupted in cheers. Words of encouragement came from every direction. “Fuck her hard!” “Cum on her face!” “Fuck
, Brandon!”

“We’ll just go on without him until he blows his load.” Austin snickered. “Faster, Brandon, give it to her good.”

Jake laughed also. “Who knew he had it in him.” He was alluding to Brandon’s shyness around groupies. They all knew it was an act, but the fans didn’t. “I always thought I’d be the one to fuck on stage. Hey, shine a light over there and let everyone see his performance.”

Chico called Jason over to him. “Tell them we’ll do Avenged Sevenfold’s ‘Nightmare.’ That’s a long one that we all know.”

They had played it once before as a tribute to The Rev. Jason announced the song via the earpieces and everyone moved back into place. Jason brought out their keyboard. Austin loved playing keyboard sometimes, but he needed to stay on guitar, so Pepe, who filled in here and there when needed, stepped onto the stage.

When suddenly a spotlight was on them, Brandon jumped. He had not paid attention to the banter. He turned to the audience and saw them cheering him on. He didn’t disappoint. He leaned Mackenzie back even more, to obscure her face, and lifted her hips a little. Then he rammed into her. High-pitched notes almost drowned out her cry.

Mackenzie was glad when she was in the dark again. She was overwhelmed from his wild pace as the crowd watched his hips move. Although they couldn’t see anything but his pants and her legs, she didn’t think it was smart to have their relationship out in the open yet. Her hands had locked on the speakers’ sides. Then she was moving forward.

Brandon held her close. “I’m gonna cum,” he breathed in her ear. Then he ground into her, deep. “Ah, God!” He groaned as his cock pulsed.

“Baby, damn, baby!” She clung to him, her pussy throbbing as well.

“Nightmare!” Jake and Scott both shouted. They had switched, Scott on bass and Jake on rhythm.

At the previous direction of Jake, Jason snuck behind Brandon and held a mic near his head.

“Ah… fuck, fuck!” Brandon shouted, while his body shuddered. Then his eyes opened wide. His voice had echoed throughout the entire arena. Then the music stopped.

Jake laughed into his microphone. “Looks like Brandon came.” The entire amphitheater erupted in laughter and cheers. He walked to the edge of the stage. “Come play with us, lover boy.” He waved at him.

Brandon pulled out and turned away while he closed his pants, “Fucking asses!” He glared at Jason. “I’ll get you back later.” Then he helped Mackenzie down. “Jesse’ll walk with you to the bathroom.” He stared Jason down, still angry.

Jason gulped, not wanting to be on Brandon’s bad side. “Sorry. Jake made me do it.” He had protested, but it was his job to do as told.

“We gotta finish the song, enough fucking!” Jake smirked at the audience. “He’s insatiable. Anyone wanna help him?” Thousands of girls screamed at once. “Bra—a—a—an—do—on… You got women to satisfy.”

Mackenzie fought Brandon, who was trying to usher her off the stage. “No. I love this song. I’ll be fine for a few minutes.”

He scowled then led her back to her chair. “Fine, but stay right here.” He kissed her lips softly then he hurried to the front of the stage. “OK. OK. I’m here.” He took his guitar from Jake and put it on quickly. He played a riff from the song then leaned towards Jake’s mic. “Time to bring the house down.” His right hand rose up. “This is for you, Rev!”

Mackenzie stood behind her chair. They did not play the shortened version most heard on the radio, but the one from the album. Midway through the song, she started to feel a bit lightheaded, but she knew that was from dehydration.

Jesse was close by, waiting to walk her down the hallway. He was nodding his head to the music as he kept an eye on her. When he saw her look at the floor for a long while, he moved closer. “Maybe you should sit.”

“Um.” She turned to him, her face heating up. “That would be a bit uncomfortable.” She could feel a bit of semen oozing from her pussy, and her legs were damp.

With realization, Jesse bit his lip. “Oh yeah, guess that would be weird. Why don’t we head backstage then, so you can clean up?”

“In a minute.” She smiled at Brandon, who had his eyes closed as he wailed on his guitar.

Brandon had played a lot of Avenged Sevenfold songs since he picked up his first guitar. Synyster Gates created some complicated riffs and solos, which challenged him. He was in the middle of his favorite solo on that album. Barely hearing the screaming audience, he concentrated on getting every note perfect. He wished he had practiced that song more recently, but he knew it well enough to get by with few mistakes.

Scott was still reeling from singing. “Nightmare” had some background vocals, which he and Austin did together as usual, but singing lead felt so good. He missed it.
Maybe I’ll ask Jake if I can do a song on the next album.
That would be cool.

“Here—drink this,” Jesse urged Mackenzie, handing her a bottle of water. He could tell she needed it by the look of her face. Taking care of her during shows in Canada had allowed him to know her better, although she didn’t remember much of it.

Mackenzie gladly downed half the bottle, a ravenous thirst coming over her. “Thanks,” she shouted. She gripped the chair a bit tighter; almost sure she had overdone it that night. “I can’t wait anymore.” She hoped the music was audible in the bathroom.

Brandon turned to check on Mackenzie. He watched Jesse put a supporting arm around her waist and worry took over. He stepped back quickly, still playing. “Hey, Jesse!” he yelled as loud as he could. When he turned, he mouthed, “She OK?”

Jesse nodded and pointed to the back. He didn’t want to make Mackenzie deaf, by shouting.

Brandon took a deep breath and relaxed. She was fine. He was just paranoid, but who could blame him? She technically died less than a week before. He closed his eyes and finished out the song, no longer worried.

“You done yet?” Jesse called from just outside the ladies’ room door.

Mackenzie was at the sink. “Almost, keep your pants on.”

Jesse thought better of the lewd reply he concocted. She would probably balk at him saying he would rather have them off and her under him. Since the time he saw Brandon banging her in the shower on the bus, he had elaborate fantasies of doing the same. He knew his dick was a good size, and she would probably enjoy it, but he didn’t want to piss Brandon off.

He glanced down. “Great.” He sighed at his body’s response to remembering her naked.

“Wow,” Mackenzie commented, seeing the impressive bulge in his pants. “Didn’t know you were packing.” She had always found him cute, but shy. Since finding out he was her designated caretaker when Brandon and Scott weren’t around, she looked at him differently. She realized if Brandon trusted him when not there, she could trust him.

Jesse blushed and looked down. “Not many get to see it.” His face turned redder. He had not meant to say that aloud. Rarely did he admit he had never slept with a girl. He was shy and unsure of himself.

“Well…” Mackenzie chose her words carefully. “If you lived out by me, I may have taken you on as my personal orgasm provider.” She actually wished he did live in Florida. He was sweet and gentle, something she needed sometimes in a lover. Then she realized what she was thinking.
Could I fuck one of Brandon’s employees? Would that piss him off?

Jesse gasped when he got what she meant.
She wants to fuck me?
He had to have gotten that wrong. “Brandon would beat the hell outta me,” he softly replied, hoping she couldn’t hear him.

She had heard. “Not if I ask him first, but that doesn’t matter. I live in Florida, and you live in California.”

“No I don’t.” Jesse met her surprised eyes. “I live in Coconut Creek. It’s not far from you.” Then he covered his mouth and turned away, thinking she had been joking.
How can I even think about nailing her?
“Oh, God, I’m a dead man.”

Mackenzie giggled. “Will you relax?” She put a hand on his shoulder and felt him shudder. “Brandon’s not going to keep me locked up that tight. When he’s away, he said I can play around… if he likes the guy.” She still wasn’t sure how that was going to work out. Looking down at Jesse’s pants again, she felt guilty because he was turning her on. “That sounded so bad. I’m sorry.”

“I get it.” Jesse still could not look her in the eye. His dick was dying to be set free, and his balls ached to be emptied. “He’s gone for months at a time. If I had the opportunity, I’d wanna fuck too.”

She smiled and looked at him sideways. Was he offering up his services? If so, she might want to use them. Then she thought about where he lived. “How did your place survive? Mine didn’t.” She looked away for a few seconds, not wanting to be upset by it again.

“The storm hit south enough that my building didn’t get much damage I’m told. I was in Anaheim already when it hit. My neighbor kept me up to date. My apartment didn’t even have any windows broken. It faces north, so maybe that helped.”

Brandon was sweaty and exhausted, but their set had ended, and he was searching for Mackenzie. He wanted to make sure she was alright. When he saw her and Jesse, he froze, shocked. She was looking him over and even Jesse’s neck showed his blush. He could tell she was interested in him sexually. That didn’t surprise him though. He was exactly her type and maybe he was just the guy to help him with something he hoped he could go through with.

“Hey, you two,” Brandon said as casually as possible. He dropped an arm over both of their shoulders. “What you been up to?”

Jesse’s hands moved over his crotch. “I didn’t do anything.”

Brandon laughed. “I didn’t say you did. Your mind’s making you feel guilty, huh?” He noticed him trying to cover up the desire for his woman. “You and I need to have a talk.” He pulled Jesse away.

“Wait!” Mackenzie called to him, nervous he was upset. “Nothing happened, really.” She chased Brandon and pulled on his arm. “Brandon, don’t do anything, please.”

With a wide grin, Brandon met her eyes. “Tink, I trust you. I know nothing happened. We just need to talk about something.” Just then, Andy came down the hall. Brandon waved at him. “It’s time.”

Andy nodded and rushed towards the exit.

“Baby, what’s going on?” Mackenzie knew she was missing something.

Brandon ran the back of a finger down Mackenzie’s cheek. “Go with Andy when he gets back. I have something planned for tonight.” He walked away, pulling a nervous Jesse with him.

Chapter Twenty Nine

Mackenzie waited in the hallway until Andy came to her, minutes later. He didn’t say a word, just took her arm led her through the maze of hallways. She expected to go back to the dressing room, but they passed that going quickly.

“Hey, where we going?” she asked.

Andy replied without stopping, “Outside.”

They walked towards the buses then behind them, where there was a black stretch limo. A tall man waited at the door and opened it for her. She peeked inside; expecting to see Brandon, but it was empty. “But…”

“Wait in there.” Andy pointed.

She sighed and got inside. Once the door had closed, she looked around. There was a bucket of ice with Jack Daniels in it. She laughed. Only Brandon would do something like that. They both hated champagne. Then she found chocolate covered strawberries and whipped cream. She let out another laugh. He was too funny.

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