Wicked Love (Wicked White Series Book 3) (12 page)

BOOK: Wicked Love (Wicked White Series Book 3)
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can’t stop giggling as Tyler carries me outside while everyone at the party cheers him on, shouting obscenities about fucking me good.


Tyler’s large hands curve around my upper thigh as we make our way down the steps to his old beat-up truck sitting out front. He opens the passenger door and sets me down on the seat.

He’s about to turn away, when I say something that stops him in his tracks. “All that and I don’t even get a little preview of what I’ve just gotten myself into?”

Tyler turns and then threads his fingers into my hair. He pulls my face to his, effectively pinning me in place as he crushes his lips to mine. This kiss isn’t gentle like all the others that we’ve shared. This one is filled with need and lust and it excites me. His tongue dances across my lips, begging for entrance. I open up, allowing him inside. The rhythmic movements of his tongue remind me a lot of when he played the drums back at that party on campus. Tyler’s got natural rhythm. My legs spread apart and he grinds himself against me and I can feel how much he wants me.

He pulls back before I’m ready, leaving both of us panting while we stare into each other’s eyes. I’m about to ask him why he stopped until he opens his mouth to speak again.

“We have to stop now or I won’t be able to stop myself from taking you right here in this truck.”

I take a quick glance up at the house and wonder if taking him up on that threat would be worth it. Seems everyone is back inside and they probably wouldn’t notice.

Tyler shakes his head. “Don’t even tempt me by thinking about it. I can guarantee that Blake is watching through one of the windows and I won’t risk him seeing you. If anyone’s going to see that beautiful body naked, it’s going to be me, and only me.”

His possessive words make me shiver. I’ve never had a guy act like that with me before, and if I’m being honest, it’s a total turn-on. I like knowing he’s jealous—that he doesn’t like the idea of me with anyone but him.

I bite my bottom lip and tug on the hem of his black T-shirt. “Then we’d better get out of here.”

Tyler leans in for one last quick kiss and then orders, “Get your legs inside.”

He shuts the door and runs around to the driver’s seat so he can fire up the truck. We instantly head back the way we came, and when we round the corner toward Granny’s house, I tense.

“Where are we going?” I ask.

Tyler pulls into Granny’s drive, but parks in the tall grass near the road, leaving us a good distance from the house. “I have an idea. Come on.”

My shoulders slump as he gets out of the truck. He rummages behind his seat for a moment before shutting his door and then coming around to my side. Tyler opens my door and then chuckles. My disappointment must be evident. I’m not ready to go home. I want what he’s promised to give me.

“Come on. I’ve got an idea of where we can go. We’ll just have to be quiet.” He holds out his hand to me while his other hand holds a folded-up plaid blanket. “Trust me.”

I take his hand, giving him the trust he’s asking for, and allow him to lead me toward the house. When he passes the house, the barn comes into view and it hits me exactly where he’s taking me.

We sneak into the dark barn, and I’m suddenly uneasy about this idea. A flash of light comes from the spark of a match, and Tyler makes quick work of lighting a lantern that I never paid attention to before. “How did you know that was in here?”

The small flicker of light from the lantern shines on his face as he turns toward me, illuminating his features in the dark. “I saw it when we were out here cleaning the stalls.”

I look around the barn. “What now? Don’t say one of the stalls because I think my willingness the other day to have sex in there was a momentary lapse of my cleanliness judgment.”

He shakes his head and then points above his head. “The hay loft—it’ll give us the privacy we need and can make for a decent place to lay down.”

He helps me onto the ladder and then follows up closely behind me with the blanket slung around his neck and the lantern in one hand. When I make it to the top, I take in the sight of the neatly stacked bales of straw. Tyler’s right. Since we both live with our parents, there’s not exactly a private place we can go to be alone, but this loft is a decent option.

Tyler sets the lamp on the floor and then spreads the blanket over a few bales of straw, making it almost appear to be a bed.

He turns and pulls me into him and then presses his lips lightly against mine, teasing me with what’s about to happen next. “I’ve wanted you since that night in the parking lot, Avery. I know I said that we shouldn’t do this, but I think it just might kill me if I don’t have you. I know I’d regret it for the rest of my life.”

Tyler’s hand slides up under my shirt to touch the bare skin on my stomach, testing the waters with his gentle touch. His fingers inch up higher until they reach my breasts. The lacy material of my bra is all that separates him from me, and my breasts ache for him to touch them. I just want to feel him.

The way Tyler’s taking his time with me allows me to get lost in how much I want him. I close my eyes and give in to what my body wants, and right now that’s Tyler.

Tyler lays me down on the bed and then crawls up next to me and he cups my face as he kisses me again. Never have I wanted someone as much as I want Tyler. It’s almost physically painful how much I want him. There’s an ache inside me that I know only he can relieve.

I need him. Now.

My head falls back a bit as his lips trail down my jawline and then down to my neck. I moan as he threads his fingers into my hair and pulls my face back up to meet his. He crushes his mouth into mine and I throw my hands into that sexy blond hair of his.

“I’m going to make you so happy, Avery. I’ll do anything for you,” he says against my lips.

“You’re already making me happy,” I whisper.

He crushes his mouth against mine again and any politeness he had in his kissing technique is long gone. This kiss is more demanding, with the intention of not stopping with a little make-out session.

Tyler’s nose skims my cheek and he inhales deeply as he unbuttons my jeans. “You have no idea how much I need you.”

He helps me shimmy out of my jeans and then with one quick swoop, my shirt’s off too. I lie there in just my bra and panties, and Tyler’s lust-filled eyes rake over my body. He hooks his long fingers into the waistband of my panties and then slowly drags them down my legs. He then turns his attention to my bra and removes that as well.

The chill of the night air dances across my skin and goose bumps pepper my naked flesh. I lie there on full display before him, and Tyler doesn’t hide the fact that he’s studying every inch of my nude body.

He bites his lip while he stares into my eyes. “You are the most gorgeous thing I’ve ever seen.”

My pulse pounds beneath my skin as I ache for his touch. The thoughts racing through my head all focus on how much I want him. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever expect for this to happen so soon. It’s a little crazy and reckless but I can’t help wanting this with him. Tyler leans down and kisses me, putting one knee on the straw bale bed. My lips instantly part, allowing access inside. The warmth of his tongue against mine causes an ache between my legs. I cup the side of his face, wanting nothing more than to feel his body against mine. Tyler mummers, “I can’t wait to be inside this beautiful body.”

My hand slips under the hem of his T-shirt and my fingers trace the distinct ripples in his stomach. I want nothing more than to see him.

As if he can read my thoughts, he grabs the back of his shirt and drags it over his head. The blond hair on his head flips out in every direction, turning his hair into a sexy disarray.

My tongue dances behind my lips as I trail kisses along his bare shoulders. When I reach the soft skin just below his ear, he moans in approval. I can no longer resist tasting him, so my tongue darts out, licking the salt on his skin. I pull back to look at his face and see a flash of hesitation in his eyes.

“God, Avery. I want you so much. Are you sure you don’t want me to stop?”

I shake my head. “No. I want this. I want you to take me.”

When those words leave my lips, it’s like a fire gets lit within Tyler. Instantly, Tyler’s over me, his bare chest pressed against mine as he devours my mouth with his. He quickly kisses his way down my chest. When his tongue swirls around my taut nipple, I pant and writhe beneath him. I love being with him like this more than I could ever have imagined, and he’s barely gotten started pleasing me.

“Mmmm.” A delighted moan purrs out of me when he moves on to the other breast, giving it equal attention.

He pushes himself up and then makes quick work of unzipping his jeans and kicking his boots to the floor of the loft.

He hooks his fingers around the waistband of his jeans and boxer briefs, and I feel the need to help him unwrap my present. I lean up and then pull the fabric from around his waist. His cock springs free right in front of me and my mouth hangs agape. His shaft is quite impressive and with it being right there in front of me, I do something that I’ve never done before. I lick my lips and grab the base of his length and ease the tip of him into my mouth.

Tyler sucks in a quick breath and says my name like a hiss before his fingers find their way into my hair. A reflexive gag happens the moment his head touches the back of my throat, causing my eyes to water a bit, but I keep going, quickening my pace.

Tyler moans. “Christ, Avery, I’m going to come if you keep that up, and I’m not ready to do that yet.”

Understanding the signal, I pull back, freeing him from my mouth. Tyler grabs my legs and pulls me to the edge of our makeshift bed while wearing a wicked smile. “I think it’s only fair that I reciprocate.”

He bends down and teases me a bit by swiping his tongue across my lips. He slips his hand between my thighs and nudges them open. “Wider,” he orders, and I comply without hesitation.

Tyler doesn’t waste any time as my most sensitive flesh is splayed out in front of him. Tyler dips his head and then drags his tongue across my folds before focusing on my clit. He traces circles right in the spot where I ache to be licked the most and it doesn’t take long before Tyler has me crying out his name as a wave of pleasure sends me over the edge.

Tyler lightly kisses the mound above my pussy, giving me a chance to calm down before he works a path up my body. “I love seeing you come. It’s insanely hot. All it would’ve taken was a touch from you and I would’ve come while watching you fall apart like that.”

Tyler crawls on top of me, and the weight of his body covering mine has me turned on yet again. “I can’t wait to be inside of you. I’ll probably come as soon as I slip in and feel this pussy milking me.”

He slides his hand up my thigh as he hooks it around his waist. “You ready for this?”

I throw my head back and hiss out a yes as he slides his cock against my wet folds. My pussy is throbbing, begging for him to come inside. I’m not sure how much longer I can wait.

“Tell me that you’re mine.” He kisses my lips, and I taste myself on him. “Tell me, baby, that you belong to me.”

I moan as every part of me craves him like crazy. I’ve never had a guy ask me to give him permission to claim me, but I like it. It’s hot as hell and has me even more turned on, if that’s possible. “I belong to you,” I pant.

“Mine,” he growls and pushes inside me.

The sensation of him inside me catches me off guard. I’m one hundred and fifty percent turned on and ready to go, but my body isn’t as prepared as my mind. I claw his back as a whimper falls out of me.

It’s been far too long since I’ve had sex. I had been working hard to not sleep around and I’m sure that’s why Chance moved on to Charity—he was tired of waiting.

Tyler doesn’t miss my momentary pain. His eyes jerk to mine, and all I see in them is concern. “You okay? Did I hurt you?”

I shake my head as the rest of my body relaxes. “I haven’t been with anyone in a long time.”

Tyler balances his weight on his elbows so he can study my reaction. “I thought you and Chance . . .”

I swallow hard. “No. It never got that far. I was trying to be good.”

He drops his head, twists his lips, and then pops his head back up to meet my gaze again. “It’s a little late now, but I should’ve asked if you are on the pill. I’m sorry. I was a little caught up in the moment to think about it.”

He stares at me with questioning eyes and I shake my head. I can tell he’s waging a war within himself, torn about what the right thing to do is, so I make it easy for him.

I stare into his eyes. “I want you—just like this—you and me with nothing between us.”

Conflict is clear in his eyes, but soon he sighs and gives in, and begins moving inside me.

Neither of us turns our gaze away from the other. We both continue to stare at one another while our climaxes build. Sweat slicks Tyler’s skin, and my hands slide up and down his back as he pumps into me.

His movements become more intense and I know he’s getting close.

“I don’t want this to end. Being inside you feels . . . damn, it feels so fucking good I don’t even know how to explain it. All I know is that I want this forever—to feel you wrapped around me forever.”

BOOK: Wicked Love (Wicked White Series Book 3)
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