Wicked Nights (11 page)

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Authors: Lexie Davis

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Wicked Nights
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Addison wiped the countertops down and tossed the rag in the sink. The boys went to the living room and settled in front of the TV. She said goodnight and went to the master bedroom, heading straight to the bath.

She undressed and ran the water until the garden tub was nearly half full. She climbed in and lay back in the hot water, closing her eyes and draping a wet wash cloth over her face. Her mind roamed from thoughts of work to her house. She didn’t know what her next move should be. Stopping by to assess the damage was still something she couldn’t do. She didn’t know how much of her stuff she’d actually lost.

When the water finally chilled, she took the rag off her face and let the water out. If she were at her house, candles would surround her with the soft scent of something tropical. Instead, she’d settled for Mason’s body wash, which, thankfully, was gender neutral.

She climbed out of the tub and wrapped a towel around her wet body. She needed some sleep, and maybe tomorrow would be better. She dressed in a set of pyjamas that Lila had picked out for her. The pink and black looked nice, but the kittens with bows were a bit much. Addison smiled knowing Lila had done that just to piss her off.

She pulled the covers back and climbed into bed. Mason didn’t have books to read so she settled for some TV, scooting comfortably in between the sheets. She’d gone through three episodes of
before the bedroom door opened and Mason entered, obviously drunk.

He closed the door and slid his cut from his body. “You missed one hell of a party.”

She turned the TV off. “I’m sure I did.”

He fisted his shirt and tugged it over his head. “Why’d you leave?”

She folded her hands in her lap. “I’m not the partying type.”

He smiled. “You’ve got your goody two-shoes on.”

Addison stared at him. His hands went to his pants and undid the button. “I’m going to sleep. See you in the morning.”

She shut the lamp off beside the bed and gave him her back. The light thump of his jeans hitting the floor sounded behind her right before the mattress dipped with his weight.

“You know if you let your hair down once in a while, you might actually have some fun.” He slid his hand up her arm.

Addison pulled away from him. “I don’t have time for fun.”

“Make time.” He slipped his hand beneath her shirt and Addison sat up, pulling away from him.

She flipped on the light and frowned. “What? This is not happening.” She glowered. “You let other women rub all over you all night at the MC and you expect me to roll over and finish the job? I don’t think so.”

He frowned, his drunk stupor pissing her off even more. “What women rubbed all over me?”

She tossed the blanket back. “I’m not doing this with you while you’re drunk. Sleep it off.”

She left for the couch and settled with the pillow and blanket she had grabbed from the closet. She knew the prospects filled the guest rooms, so the couch seemed like her bed for the night. She lay there no more than ten minutes before Mason came out, dressed. She watched as he headed to the door and stepped outside. She heard a car door slam and knew he’d called someone to come get him.

She got up and watched a truck pull away, her heart aching as the distance grew between them. She grabbed her phone and walked back to the couch. She didn’t know if or when he’d come back. She lay back and closed her eyes. The sooner the day was done, the better she’d be.

Her phone rang nearly an hour later and Addison sat up, glancing at the readout.


“Addison, this is Lila. I really think you should come down to the MC. It’s about Mason.”

Addison snorted. “Mason can fuck off.”

“You don’t mean that.” Lila paused. “Have one of the prospects bring you. Hurry.”

Addison rolled her eyes and disconnected. She went to the bedroom and pulled on a pair of jeans and a loose shirt. Her hair looked a mess and her makeup had mostly worn off, but she didn’t care. She found some boots and pulled them on before heading to the stairs. Tony had evidently taken up residence in the first guest bedroom, so she knocked and moments later had him driving her to the MC in Mason’s truck.

It didn’t take them long to get there and once she did, Tony escorted her inside the building. The room smelt like sweaty men and alcohol. She had no idea why any woman would ever want to step foot in the place, much less anything else.

“He’s in the apartment.”

Addison moved to the back of the clubhouse and knocked on the apartment door. Mason answered it almost immediately.

“What the hell do you want?”

She scoffed. “What’s the emergency?”

“Lila! Your ass is mine!” he yelled down the hall. His shirtless chest blocked her view of the room. “You can go.”

Addison frowned. Whatever had happened that had beckoned Lila to call her must have been serious. Mason, in his drunken state, looked like he was hiding something. She bit down her thoughts and put on a calm, collected facade. “What is going on?”

“Mase, honey, are we going to start or what?” A blonde woman came up behind him and wrapped her arm around his waist. She kissed his shoulder and met Addison’s eyes. It didn’t take Addison long to realise it was the same woman that had flashed him earlier.

Her stomach plunged to her toes. He confirmed her doubts of his lack of commitment, with the little blonde rubbing on him like a cat in heat. Addison didn’t even want to think about the fact that she could be carrying his child and he didn’t give one shit about her. The hurt cut deeply. He hadn’t got what he wanted from her, so he’d jumped to the next available pussy. She hated that she’d allowed herself to feel anything for him.

Addison swallowed, refusing to show any emotion. “I see you do remember what women rubbed up against you tonight. The irony of you going back to the very one that I saw is just fitting. Enjoy your skank, Mason. You’re obviously too self-absorbed to think of anyone or anything else. I’m sure the two of you will be perfect together. I’m done with this bullshit.”

She left him, heading back to the main room. If she was smart, she’d find some other way to protect herself from the Skulls. She’d cut all ties with him, rent a motel room and walk out his door and never look back. If she was smart, she wouldn’t even acknowledge that she knew anything about the damned Wicked Angels or their stupid MC.

Lila sat at the bar with a drink, watching her. “I broke a million rules by doing that and you’re just going to walk away?”

She should. She wanted to. Addison tried not to feel the hurt he’d caused. Whatever they had going on, she didn’t know him enough to like him. She didn’t care for what she did know about him. She knew his past and his preferences. He liked trouble and stayed in it often. She should run screaming for the hills.

Addison glanced towards the pool table on the far side of the room, remembering what he’d said to her. She didn’t have fun. She’d been told that before by ex-lovers and quite frankly, it only pissed her off. She may not be the partying type, but she did have fun.

She glanced back at Lila. “Nah. I’m going to hang out for a little while. Who wants to shoot some pool?”

Chuck, Tony and Matty stood around the pool table. Addison smiled at them and grabbed a cue stick. Chuck racked the balls and Addison broke them. It may not be a solution, but it took her mind off the current situation, even with the anger sizzling inside her. She played four games before Mason’s skank walked out with a smile on her face. Addison barely acknowledged her.

Mason wasn’t too far behind. Addison took a shot and glanced up at him. He looked like shit. Instead of the sexy man she’d grown to like, he looked like a drunk troublemaker dressed in jeans and leather. His hair was a mess and his eyes showed his fatigue.

“Why are you still here?”

Addison arched an eyebrow at him. “What’s it look like? I’m playing pool.” She stood and chalked her cue stick. “You’re not the only one who can have some fun. And I definitely don’t need you to have fun either.”

“Get out.”

She tossed the cue to the table. “You’d better think twice before using that tone with me.”

“Not you. Them.” Mason glanced around. “Out. Now.”

Everyone in the room filed outside and Addison leaned against the table, pissed. As much shit as she had going on in her life, why the hell did she allow personal reasons to muddle the mess?

He rubbed his red eyes and stared at her.

“You know, I get that I mean nothing to you, but to rub it in my face like that is just fucking shitty.” Addison blew out a breath. “And your quality of skank is going downhill. Dare I say it, Kinsey looked way better than that stupid bitch. And the desperation she showed for you was just pathetic.”

He let her say her piece. She didn’t feel any better, though. As mad as she was, she wanted to wring his neck. He glanced down at his feet for a moment before finally meeting her eyes again. She really didn’t want to have this conversation with him. She didn’t want to think about him with another woman while Addison stood a few hundred feet away.

“You pushed me away. That was pretty fucking shitty too.”

“I pushed you away because I know this shit is your life. Your bedroom has a revolving door and your dick is like ‘climb aboard ye wanton pussy’. I let you fuck me because I wanted it. Plain and simple. And the only reason I rejected you is because you’re too self-absorbed to even consider where I’m coming from. You said I’m yours—and just look at you. Jumping to the next available cunt on the block. I get that nobody likes rejection, but you rejected me first. I could be growing your offspring inside me and that’s just going to be my tough shit, right? Or did you forget about that?”

He met her eyes. The tension in the room increased the longer they stared at each other. She shook her head and moved away from the table. He didn’t get it. God, she didn’t even understand some of it.

“How did I reject you first?”

“Tonight.” She held her arm up. “We spent all day together and it was nice. Then we come here and you act like I don’t even fucking exist. That’s why I left. I didn’t want to be here. I don’t feel like I belong here, and you made me feel it in every way possible. Barbie comes over to you and lifts her top up, showing you her breasts, and you’re mesmerised like a teenage boy seeing boobs for the first time.”

He rubbed his eyes. “What do you want me to say? Women flash me. Am I supposed to pretend that I don’t like it just to keep you from getting pissed off?”

“You know what? You do whatever you want. I don’t care. We’re two different people and our worlds do not mesh well. Chalk it up to a lesson learned and we’ll part ways from here.”

He stalked towards her and Addison held a hand out. He grabbed her none to gently and crashed his mouth to hers. His big body pushed her against the pool table as he held her face, his lips and tongue assaulting her. Damn, he knew how to kiss. She gripped his arms and shoved. He stepped back, staring into her eyes. He couldn’t kiss her and make it better. If he’d been with that other woman, he definitely had no right to even think she’d want his lips anywhere near hers. She didn’t want to feel anything for him. She didn’t need more personal drama in her life.

She wiped her lips on the back of her hand. “Don’t do that. Not after everything.”

He turned slightly, frustration showing. “I’m not boyfriend material. I agree with you there. I’ve never wanted to be either.” He blew out a breath of frustration. “You shouldn’t be here. We shouldn’t be together. All of that is true. But is that what you really want? If it
, I’ll walk away. You will have to get some other protection from the Skulls and another place to live, but I’ll do it. Do you want me?”

She swallowed hard. She didn’t want to answer that, deciding instead to pull away and focus on the moments prior to their fight. “Sleeping with other women is not cool, Mason. I don’t care if I did turn you down. You can’t just do that to me. I told you I wouldn’t let you.”

He scoffed. “I didn’t fuck her.”

“Suck your cock, whatever. It’s still not okay.”

“Didn’t do that either.”

She stared at him. “I played four games of pool. What the hell were you doing in there?”

“She went to Cody’s room. I’m pretty sure he fucked her.”

Addison stared at him in shock. They really didn’t have any shame. And the girls, she couldn’t even imagine being that way. “Unbelievable.”

Mason shrugged.

“Can you at least pretend that it’s not normal?” Addison shook her head in disbelief. “And can you please act like you didn’t want to? You came here with the intention of running off to some skank, knowing full and well that would piss me off.” She glanced away briefly. “Why? You said you want me, blah, blah, blah. Why would you do that?”

He folded his arms over his wide chest. “I didn’t come here to fuck some girl. I sat at the bar, drank some strong coffee, sobered up some. These women always want my attention. I left the bar and Lila saw her go into my room and called you. You can’t prove I was going to do anything with her and you can’t prove that I did do something with her. I’m telling you I didn’t, though. I didn’t really think about it either. I was just pissed at you and the situation.”

Addison glanced towards the pool table beside her. “This is the same girl that giggled in your ear and pulled her shirt up to show you her tits.” She met his eyes. “You can’t tell me that you didn’t think about fucking her.”

He sat against the pool table, hands on each side of his hips. “Women want me to fuck them. It comes with the life. I like to fuck, that’s not a secret. The whole point of her showing me her tits was because she just had implants and wanted my opinion of them. I don’t care about those girls. You know that.” He rubbed a hand over his face. “Did I want to fuck Macy? Not tonight I didn’t. I wanted to fuck you.”

Addison still didn’t quite believe him. She didn’t believe that he could have that much self-control. The whole story would have probably played out in a different way if she hadn’t shown up, knocking on his door.

“But you’ve got to get it in your head that I’m somewhat public property as well. Those girls want me, flirt with me and offer to do a whole bunch of dirty things to me. It’s part of it. It doesn’t mean I accept. At some point you’re going to have to trust me. I haven’t cheated on you and I haven’t given you any reason to think that I would.”

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