Wishing on a Rodeo Moon (Women of Character) (28 page)

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heard the sound of a car out front. He half-ran to the front window. He’d
give her what-for, for scaring him like that. Jake was surprised and
disappointed to see Ben coming up the walk. Jake threw open the front door.
"Do you know where Tye is?" he asked without preamble.

walked into the house and dropped into a kitchen chair. "My sister rode
over to Mom's ranch."

rode all the way to your mother's? That's twenty miles away."

grimaced. "Less across the flats, the way she came. Something's going on
with her but Mom couldn't get anything out of her, so Mom called me." Ben
looked expectantly at Jake.

had an argument," Jake said shortly. "I've been worried out of my
mind, it's almost dark."

asked me to get her vehicle. Mom dropped me off. Tye's kind of grim, not saying
much of anything."

Jake put a hand up to his neck and rubbed at the ache there. He could feel a
headache coming on, his muscles were as tense as could be. He dropped down onto
a big chair, throwing his head back and staring up at the ceiling. "This
is all my fault."

Tye," Ben said dryly, "I doubt it. She can stir up more trouble than
a hornet's nest, if she has a mind to."

shook his head. "No, I'm the one to blame." He looked squarely at his
friend, the brother of the woman he cared about. "I blew it big

to talk about it?"

dumped me for good."

don't know, Jake, she's acting different than I've ever seen her. She seemed so
happy here, almost settled. I thought maybe you two, you know, maybe things
would work out..." Ben let his words trail off.

too," Jake said grimly. "Tye warned me, but I guess I was kidding
myself. I thought we had a good thing, starting over, getting along fine. At
the first hint of doubt, she bolts before we can get it straightened out."

slumped even further in the chair. Making a steeple out of his fingers, he
looked at Ben. "I went to the rodeo that night Tye got hurt. I thought I
could put her out of my life once and for all."

groaned. "That’s why you showed up there? Did you tell her

nodded grimly.

the accident happened," Ben said slowly. "You were there. The rest is
history." Ben put his head in his hands. "I’m really sorry.
Part of this is my fault for asking you to let her use the apartment. This must
have been hell for you."

was in the beginning, but how could I turn her away when she needed help? Your
sister is some lady, Ben."


is a hard act to follow. I found myself drawn to her again," Jake admitted
in a low voice. "I guess I’ve buried my feelings all these years
even though I’ve made a new life for myself. I know it all sounds
crazy." The pain inside wouldn't go away.

"I think
Tye's pretty confused right now, Jake. She's just coming out of an emotional
and physical trauma, and unfortunately, we're both carrying a lot of baggage.
Now, with my Dad's condition..."

didn't know you knew."

had it out with my old man. I guess the resentment just built up to a firing
point and exploded. I didn't know he was dying until he told me, and he thought
Tye had spilled it. Anyway, Tye's always taken to the rodeo like my father.
After you two split up, it’s like she was driven. I sure as hell know she
wasn’t happy."

closed his eyes, wishing he’d had more wisdom at nineteen. Maybe they
hadn’t been ready for a commitment, but he should have gone after her.
Jake felt guilt creep in. He should have gone after her.

the way we grew up, Jake. Mom and I have been worried about her for a while. A
few years back it seemed like she was on a self-destructive course. This last
year she's really straightened up, maybe she grew up. Then the accident
―" Ben looked at Jake. "I have to tell you, I was afraid she'd
slip back into her old ways when she lost her leg. I knew, somewhere in the
back of my mind, if anyone could help Tye, it would be you."

sister's one courageous woman. She's come back full force."

told me about her work with the riding program. She really likes working with
the kids. It's too bad it had to end."

rubbed a hand across his face. "Well, she’s planning on putting
together a rodeo to start up a new program. I think it’s a great idea,
but the idea of her bull riding again scares the hell out of me. I can’t
be around for that."

Tye is still hell bent on doing it," Ben said slowly. "My sister is a
rolling stone, just like Dad."

don't really believe that, Ben. I think Tye wants to settle down but she's afraid."

a different take on things," Ben said rather doubtfully.

have to believe it," Jake said in a low voice.

why the devil are you sitting here talking to me? Go get her."

wanted nothing more than to do just that, but then he shook his head. "I
can't. Dammit, Ben, Tye's got to come to the realization herself. It's got to
be her call."

guess I can see your point, old buddy. I wish I could help."

is between Tye and me, or rather, Tye and herself."


shifted in the desk chair, leaning back further and resting his booted feet on
the desk top. He propped the partially empty whisky bottle against his thigh,
ignoring the phone as it rang for the third time. Tye had left three weeks ago,
and he hadn’t heard a word in all that time. She'd left him good and
proper, just like he planned, but not like he wanted, he knew now. He had tried
to be up front with her from the beginning, but he’d been lying to
himself. His motives had been in the right place, but he had lied also, this
time to himself. He cared about Tye more than he admitted. Maybe he even loved
her. He had thought having her around would get her out of his system once and
for all, but God knows he was more deeply entrenched than he’d ever been.

frowned, staring at the stucco ceiling with sleep-deprived eyes. Surely it
would get better, this empty ache he felt?

phone stopped ringing. Jake’s head felt better when it was quiet. He had
a pretty good grip on things.

week he had been notified he would have his own exhibit at the gallery. It had
been the culmination of eight years of work on his part. His carvings would
hold a permanent place in the town’s history. It was a great coup, but at
the back of his mind Jake knew he wanted to share this success with Tye. He had
had one drink to celebrate, and that had led to another.

Maybe he
wasn’t handling this whole thing all that well, but he damned well
didn’t care. He was trying to decide how he had screwed things up so
badly. That niggling of guilt wouldn’t turn him lose. Should he have gone
after Tye all those years ago? Would it have made a difference? He should have
tried to talk sense into her, instead of being so angry and pushing her away.

The last
few weeks seemed like forever. What would another ten years feel like?

phone began to ring again. With disgusted mutter, Jake dropped his feet to the
floor and picked up the phone.


Jake," a female voice said, apparently unperturbed by his growl.
"This is Lynn, Tye's friend."

pressed a fist against his throbbing temple. "Tye's not here."

know that. Listen, I want to make sure you know what’s going on. I have a
feeling Tye hasn’t contacted you."

the hell would you think that?" he asked sarcastically.

Jake carefully
put the bottle on the desk, rubbing a hand across his eyes and shoving the hair
off his forehead.

Jake, I’m calling you to help out."

I don’t think you should be going behind Tye’s back ―"

not. I’ve told her what I think and now I’m telling you. Tye's been
really happy since she's been out there with you. She's almost like a new
person, and the gang really wants to see you guys make a go of it. Tye deserves
it. If you're the guy to make her happy, then I'm all for it."

right now Tye and I are on the outs. She walked out on her own."

come around," Lynn said confidently.

felt a spark flare briefly and he sat upright. "What are you saying?"

has to think things through. I've known Tye my whole life. She can be hardheaded,
but she's not dumb. In fact," Lynn drawled, "I want to issue you an
invitation to a rodeo."

heard about it on the news. Not interested." No way would he watch her
climb on a bull.

has worked herself crazy to pull this together in this short a time. I think it
would mean a lot if you showed up."

News of
the rodeo seemed to be everywhere he turned. Even his mother in Florida had
called when she’d gotten wind of it, no doubt spurred by his
sisters’ curiosity.

all proud of her, and quite frankly, Jake, kind of amazed. She got some really
big names to commit. And get this... all the concessions, the big name
sponsors, most of the money that comes in is going toward the new riding
program. When Tye sets her mind to something, that girl gets results."

So why
couldn’t she settle her sights on him?

why are you calling, Lynn?" Jake asked, impatient with this chit chat.

invite you to come. Jake! Aren’t you listening? I know Tye, she'd never
have let you in her heart in the first place, if she didn't care about you. A

swallowed hard, feeling himself sober instantly.
her heart? What the hell did she mean?

know I’m butting in here, but we’re all wondering why you let her
go. That night of the accident, everyone could see how much you cared about
her. You wouldn’t let anyone else near her, except for the

didn’t recall that part, all he remembered was his awful, wrenching fear
that Tye wouldn’t make it.

can we count on your being there?"

took a deep breath. The decision had already been made; the place didn’t
really matter. He had to see her again, even if it wrenched his gut and turned
his insides out.

be there."

Just make Tye happy."

hung up the phone, and then began to pace the room.

Could he
do it? Would Tye come back if he told her he didn’t care if she returned
to riding bulls? Would she return if he told her he might love her? Jake cuffed
himself on the side of his head.

up Miller. You love her. Admit it, dammit. You love her. How dumb can you be?
Tell her you might love her and she’ll kick you in the butt like you

She'd never have let you in her heart in the first place, if
she didn't care about you. A lot.

Jake couldn't
let Tye go without a fight this time. He’d made that mistake ten years
ago. Not this time.


looked around the crowded equine center, emotion clogging her throat. Her
friends, colleagues, everyone she had ever met in rodeo and called regarding
the new riding clinic had come through. The spectator seats were full, the day
was clear and warm, everything was perfect for the rodeo about to begin. Tye
scanned the rodeo yard. Almost everything.

pushed back thoughts of Jake. In time, the pain would ease. She had pushed
herself the last few weeks, trying to pull everything together. She
hadn’t let herself dwell on the pain of parting from Jake. Right now, she
had to take care of the business at hand.

walked through the pens, making last minute checks. Her leg began to bother her
a bit, she had been on her feet for almost four hours and it was barely ten
a.m. Tye climbed up on a bull pen and sat on the top rail, letting her leg
dangle and relax.

Tye Jenkins." Tye heard her name called, and she felt a strange sense of
déjà vu as she slowly turned her head and looked across the rodeo

Her gaze
connected with light blue eyes in a handsome face. The face of the man she
loved. Jake. This time he wore jeans and a western cut dark green shirt instead
of a suit. His head was bare and he just stood there and stared at her. He wore
an assured, assessing look on his face, like that night almost six months ago.
Had it only been six months?

Tye felt
some of the tension and worry inside ease and uncoil. Jake was here. He had
come, if only to say goodbye one last time.

snap out of it."

looked down. Denny was waving her hand at her and snapping her fingers.

need you over by the announcer’s booth. The opening ceremonies will begin

Tye smiled and began to climb down. When she dropped her feet to the dusty
earth, she threw one last glance Jake’s way. Tye looked around, but she
didn’t see him in the crowded yard. Had she imagined him standing there?

on Tye, we’re right on schedule. You need to do the opening speech."
Denny squinted at her. "Are you okay? You look a little pale."

nodded, frowning as she followed Denny. She was sure she had seen Jake. It
hadn’t been wishful thinking, had it? Tye smothered a sigh. She had
indulged in a lot of wishful thinking lately, all of it to no avail.


stood in the middle of the rodeo arena, a microphone clutched in her hand,
feeling strange and unfamiliar as the applause started. Her opening words to
the crowd had been simple, hopefully significant. She tried to make them
understand the importance of the riding program for the children involved or
yet to be involved.

heard pounding hooves and turned as Denny on her black mare cantered toward
her, leading Pongo behind her. Denny drew her horse to a sliding halt, stirring
up dust with a rodeo performer’s flair.

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