With Tongue and Teeth (4 page)

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Not sure if that was a yes or a no.
Nico took it as confirmation and came closer. His skin was darker than Justice’s,
his hands smaller too. He grabbed my head and pulled me in for a kiss. I was an
inch away before Justice placed his hand between our mouths.

“No one kisses Romeo but me.”

Nico gave him a lifted eyebrow
then said, “Okay.”

I shivered. That was possessive. I liked it. I
smiled and brought Justice in for another kiss that he deemed forbidden to
anyone else. Nico was undressing. I only noticed when we pulled apart that Edmond
was helping him. They were both shirtless as Justice slid his thumbs back into
the rim of my jeans. He tugged gently, sending them down my hips. Then he
pushed harder until they lost any hold and slithered down my legs.
but it looked downright evil. He grabbed my dick and I looked down. I wanted to
see the way his dark-skinned hand looked holding my pale shaft.
Fucking beautiful.
The sight was lost as Nico kissed my
hips. He was on his knees on one side and Edmond moved to the other. They were
both blissfully nude. The shadows of the night nearly swallowed us up. I felt
on each ass cheek as Justice
stroked my dick.

“You want me to kiss it?” Justice
asked, staring into my eyes.

God, yes.

He stroked me from base to tip.
“You want me to suck it?”

Fuck, yes!

He grabbed my balls, a little
I liked and I jerked. “You
want me to bite it?”

Okay, so I may have whimpered
just a bit instead of answering him. Justice smiled and then reached for a
small bag on the bike seat. I hadn’t even noticed it. Edmond and Nico were
me. I took a moment to
step out of my pants. Nico came up to me and started stroking my dick. Edmond
shuffled behind to spread my cheeks. I felt his tongue probe my tight hole and
sighed. This was the life.
Three men vying for my attention.
Funny, how only one seemed to grab it.
I watched
Justice. He began to remove his black belt then laid it across the bike. He unbuttoned
his fly and slid the black jeans down his legs. His legs were just as creamy
chocolate as the rest of him. There were short black hairs on his calves and
thighs. I couldn’t see too clearly because the light wasn’t the best.

“And whose lips are these?” Nico

Apparently, he saw the pair of
lips I had tattooed above my shaft. I just smiled and then groaned. Edmond’s
tongue was inside my ass, inquisitive. Nico was starting to wrap his lips
around my cockhead. He sucked softly and my hips bucked involuntarily, sending
a few inches into his open mouth. All the while, my eyes were on Justice. He
kept his black shirt on but peeled off his black boxers to reveal the biggest
prize of all. Justice had a dick that was beyond beautiful. It was darker than
the rest of him, the skin taut over his generous erection. His left ball was
swinging lower than his right. There was a nest of black hair around his base.
His shaft was thicker than mine and about the same length. The tip was cut and
the hole smeared so that the wetness glinted.

“Come to me, Romeo.”

I patted Nico on the head and he
let go of my dick. I heard the sucking sounds as Nico and Edmond started to
kiss. They weren’t my concern right now. Nope. I only had eyes for Justice. I
took his outstretched hand and he pulled me into his body. I wanted to feel him
against all of me but he refused to remove his shirt. I wonder if that had
anything to do with the
Justice kissed me,
pushing all my thoughts from the forefront of my mind. My dick was hard, his
was stiff, and we had two extra sets of hands. What the fuck was there to think

Justice pushed me toward a large

I stumbled on the harsh dirt but
caught myself. I placed my hands on the rock and bent over so that Justice
would have the perfect angle to make us both forget the world for a while. I
heard him tear open a condom. Then I felt the wet, cold smear of lube between
my cheeks. It made me moan.

“Next time, Romeo, I’m going to
get you in a bed and I’m going to bite you inch by inch until we’re both too
hard to see straight.”

Oh, fuck, next time?
Yes, yes, yes!
While I was busy
the others joined us. I glanced
over my shoulder to see Nico kissing Justice. Seeing their dark lips rub and suck
made me frown. How come Justice got to kiss other guys? I didn’t want anyone
kissing him but me. The wave of jealousy made me stumble and I landed with my
elbows on the rock. When had I started thinking of Justice as
I lost track of thought as Justice slid
two fingers inside me. The lube eased the way. Edmond had shifted
the rock and me. I cried out when he
took my cock into his mouth. Then I felt the sharp push of Justice’s dick at my
hole. I tensed, cursed, tried to relax. I stared out over the rock field and
the dark shadows of Mars. Justice pushed his tip inside me and the burning
stretch turned into pure pleasure.
I wanted
to chant his name it felt so good.

Edmond sucked on me, pulling a
drop of cum from my piss slit.

I wasn’t sure where Nico had gone
to. Justice pushed further inside me and I suddenly didn’t care about anyone
else. I closed my eyes and pressed my forehead to the soft curve of the rock.
Justice pulled out, I felt the squirt of more lube and then he plunged back in.
This time he took each thrust like a contest to see if he could go deeper.
Yeah, he could. Each penetration made me groan until I lost track of where the
fuck I was. Justice grabbed my hips and he filled my ass with his beautiful
dick. Edmond sucked at my shaft sending pulses of ecstasy through my body.
There was no way I could last long. I felt the brush of
and the sound of sucking. I knew without a doubt it was Nico.
He must be sucking on Justice
. Then all sounds
were drowned out by pure rapture. I cried out.
My dick so
hard, so ready to explode, that when my orgasm came I couldn’t breathe.

Edmond sucked at my tip, taking
all my jizz and swallowing it.

Justice stroked
me harder, faster. Our bodies slammed
into each other with such force that the pain added to my orgasm. It seemed to
last forever and then the high began to fade. Justice thrust hard once more and
held still. I heard his deep, guttural groan and it made my legs shake. His
heavy breathing echoed mine as he pulled slowly out of my sore hole. Then he
landed next to the rock with a heavy thud. Nico started licking at my balls. I
had nothing left to give but grunts and groans. When he pulled away, I fumbled beside
Justice. We both sat there, our dicks hanging out, starting to soften as Edmond
and Nico sucked on each other. I glanced at
who was watching his VP intently. Was there something there I misread? Did he
love his VP and I was just a sexy distraction?

There was a harsh gasp.

I turned in time to see ribbons
jet into the air from Nico’s
dark cock. It splattered on the red sand as Edmond blew his load. There was cum
on the rock too. It made me smile.

This had been a good trip.
Justice pulled off the condom. I couldn’t help but reach over and stroke his
softening shaft. Even without that hardness, he was beautiful. Justice grabbed
my hand, holding it rather romantically and rubbing his thumb in short circles.
There was a moment between us. Something I couldn’t understand or
something completely alien. Then Nico was standing
up and so was Edmond. They reached down to help us to our feet. Justice got up
on his
but I took
the hands. I was standing nude, watching Justice as we all went about finding
where the hell our clothes went.

It was a hell of a show on the dark side of


Chapter Five


We drove back in relative
silence. I held on to Justice as tight as I could. Not just because I was sore
and the bike movement hurt. Nope, it was because I liked touching him. It was
still dark when we arrived. Nico and Edmond pulled in first. They walked off in
different directions. But when I
hopped off
hover bike,
I wanted to follow
Justice. How fucked up was that? I actually wanted to go back to his room,
spend the night. I’ve spent the night with lovers before but not because I
wanted to.
the guy wanted to stay
and I wound up leaving before he woke. I’d
with a few of the Amazons. Being bi-sexual gave me many options for
recreational activities. But my mind just seemed stuck on Justice. I glanced

He had pulled the bike back into
the neat row and then hopped off. Our gazes caught for a moment and then we
both looked away.

Shit, it was going to be that
awkward after sex moment wasn’t it? I licked my suddenly dry lips.
Nothing like being unable to talk to a guy that just had his dick
up your ass.
“Thanks for the ride.” Yeah. That’s what I said. Those are
the words that came out of my mouth before I could stop and think
how they sounded.

Justice smiled and chuckled. “I’ll
talk to you tomorrow, Romeo.” He winked.

I grinned and we both walked into
the big chamber. It was quiet as Justice made his way to the right tunnel and I
moved left. Different directions, it was the story of my life.


After a night of fantastic sleep,
we spent most of the day preparing for the big event.
backups, explosives, bikes, weapons, it all had to be worked so we’d hit the
peacekeeper buildings at the same time as the Outlaw MC who was getting help
from the Amazon MC.
See, timing was apparently everything. I helped with
whatever I could. Starting with bikes—making sure they were running okay, but I
wasn’t as good as
, my MC
when it came to mechanics. I saw Justice once and he gave
me a smile. It was worth losing focus and hitting
in the foot with a wrench. Call me foolish. I did. One night of great sex
should not have me this besotted. It was a law of nature or lust or something,
wasn’t it?

It was about three hours before dusk
when Justice gathered us around. There were ten guys going in; Justice,
, Nero, and
included. We
also had ten for backup in case it didn’t go as planned or more peacekeepers
showed up. He went over our positions once more and to my surprise, he waited
at the ramp and gave every single man that was going a pat on the shoulder.
Like an encouraging touch before the big battle. “I’ll take a pat on the
” I mumbled as I approached.

” Justice

It sent all sorts of throbs of
pleasure to my dick.

“Keep your head
the mission.”

“Yes, sir.”
and rode my
hover bike
up the ramp. He was right. Explosions first, survival
second, and pleasure third.
Funny how I usually skipped
that last part.
This time I tucked my
body lower in the seat and rode into the dying light
the city. I felt the thumping of my pulse speed up the
closer we got. The shadows were growing, covering our approach
reaching fingers from the devil. I thought
it an apt description as we rode, two by two, into the place that cast us out.
I knew my MC was already in place. Our backup guys were hidden. All we had to
do was go in the building like the Outlaws we were and blow some shit up.


Chapter Six


There’s a moment when you’re
riding, you hit a certain speed and you feel invincible. Maybe it was just the
adrenaline pumping through my system. Maybe it was Justice riding in front of
me. But I had that feeling as we drove through the quiet city streets. Night
covered our approach. The building was surrounded by wispy trees that were only
a few years old. There were smaller business shops near it but not close enough
to be caught in any explosion we set off.

The plan would commence in
exactly thirty seconds.

We pulled up to the corner. To my
surprise there were no peacekeepers in front. Justice glanced back at me. I
gave him a smile. A few of us had masks
but we didn’t. Why bother covering our faces? I’d be killed
I pull this off or not. Justice was apparently happy to show his face, the
slave that they couldn’t tame.

He gave
who rode beside him, a nod.

The plan was a go.

We rode our bikes hard and floored
them right up the stairs to the front door. Justice and Nico would hold them
off. Nero and I would throw in the bombs we got from Mayhem, my MC
. Then we drive off a few enemies short. Justice hit
the door so fast it flew open and hit the wall behind it. We roared in and
found ourselves face to face with over twenty peacekeepers.

” Justice yelled

The word echoed, almost in slow
motion as the peacekeepers started firing. Round after round of laser shots
nearly blinded me. I dropped my bike as Nero was struck in the shoulder. I
shoved him. He rolled down the front stairs out of the way. I followed with a
giant leap. The landing was off so I hit a tree with my shoulder and flipped on
my back. Guns were firing. I heard the roar of engines as Justice gave the shout
to retreat. Where was he? How did the peacekeepers know we were coming? What
about my club? I rolled to my knees, drew my gun, and stood. I was half behind
but it was a lousy cover. Nico flew
out the door. He landed on his face and busted his nose. Blood sprayed as he
stumbled to his feet. “Where’s Justice?”

“Retreat!” he yelled, skidding
and sliding until he was at a fallen bike.

I screamed his
name. Where the fuck was he?

Nico slid the bike behind me.
“Get on.”
“I’m not leaving without
” Peacekeepers
pushed forward to the door. Our backup was firing. I heard them from various
angles. They were trying to cover us as more men
surrounding them. But I wasn’t leaving without my Justice. A
laser shot embedded the tree next to me. “Fuck.”

Nico grabbed my shirt, yanking me
back until I almost fell onto the bike.

We started moving forward and I
had no choice but to hold on to him or take a dive and possibly get shot.
I wasn’t giving up. I fired twice into the door,
hitting one guy and watching as he fell down the stairs with a sickening thud.
Then we were driving past the doors. We both hunched, less of a
but I peeked into those doors. And saw
Justice on the ground. Our eyes met
that fraction of a second. Then he was lost in the chaos. I stared back as the
guns kept going off. We were fleeing, explosives useless, bodies littering our
path. We had a rat that picked the perfect spot to show his beady face.

The president of the Underground
MC was now in the hands of the corrupt government.

A few more shots rang out as we
drove off. We stopped so hard I slammed into Nico’s back and he nearly flipped
over the bars. I went from
us trying to get a glimpse of my
captured lover to glancing in front where a row of peacekeepers waited. They
blocked the road with their cars and started firing. No warning, no threats,
just shooting.

“Fuckers,” Nico hissed. He spun
us around.

Two shots came dangerously close
to my head. I felt the whoosh of air as they passed each cheek. Being that I
had two legs over one side of the bike, I held on to Nico as tight as I could.
If we didn’t make it out of this, there was no way to save Justice. And I was
going to save him. Even if it was the last
I did on this miserable, red planet.

We turned wide into an alley. I
heard the roar of more engines. Everyone was fleeing. All we had to do was get
to the edge of the city and blend into the uncolonized parts of mars. They’d
never be able to find us and we’d be able to regroup. Nico cursed as we took a
sharp left. The building skimmed the tip of my boot and we skidded to a stop. I
adjusted as quick as I could, wrapping my legs around the bike, holding on with
one hand and realizing somewhere in the mess I had dropped my gun.
Fucking idiot.
I pulled Nico’s from his side holster and
twisted so I could aim backward. Two peacekeepers came running down the alley.
I managed to shoot one in the leg and the other ducked for cover. We took off
into the wide street. It was a main road. A few hover cars quickly slid to the
side and out of our way.
One in particular
swerved into the road behind us and gave us another few seconds led from our pursuers.

I grabbed hold of Nico tighter,
pressing my front into his back. My body was more secure as I twisted and
aimed. I shot at the front of the car after us. It was the sweet spot that
would take out the engine. The peacekeeper fired back but missed by feet as he
swerved to avoid a building. That did not exactly solve our problem. There were
four more behind his crashed vehicle. This called for extreme measures. Good
thing I had the fucking skills. We hit a bump and I used that momentum to swing
one leg up
the other. I wrapped my
legs around Nico’s waist as best I could.

“The fuck you doing?” he yelled
over the anarchy around us. Sirens going off, people screaming. I heard the
faint rumble of something exploding. Had Outlaw gotten the building down even
with the trap? No time to think. Holding on with my legs, I simply leaned back.
I arched to follow the curve of the seat and was damn glad I didn’t have long
hair. It would have been caught up in the hover tech under me. I stretched out
both arms and aimed upside down. The first shot went a bit wide. Hey, you try
shooting upside down on a hover bike while holding on with your legs. Fuck you,
what. I squeezed the trigger again. This time
the laser shot landed perfectly. It struck the closest car and it veered off
and crashed.

Two gunshots went off. I winced
as they came
but Nico was already modifying
our course, avoiding the deadly spray of laser bullets. I went back to aiming.
Three cars left. This time I went for the driver. Two shots and the window
cracked. One more and he slumped over in the driver’s seat. The hover car flew
forward as we turned and slammed into a building. Windows shattered, a door
busted open, and screams rang out. I heard that just before the turning
momentum caught up with me. I had time to tense as I slid to the right. My body
hung lower than the bike and I fumbled trying to pull myself back up. The hover
tech was hot at my shoulder. The flat, harsh road was so fucking close to the
back of my head.
” I
grunted and used my ab muscles to pull upward. It was damn scary and I felt the
tug of soreness as I sat up.

“Holy shit!”
Nico yelled.

I’d say the
but my voice wasn’t quite up to speed.
More shots rang out. Didn’t these fuckers give up? We bumped and skidded over
the last section of road. I saw two bikers in front of us, both speeding off
into the darkness. The construction zone was fucking dangerous at these speeds.
I hopped so high
the seat that I let
go just to cover my balls as best I could, then slammed back down on my ass and
winced. I squeezed a few random shots off in the general direction behind us
just to give us more time. Nico shut off the lights. Darkness closed around us
as we spewed dirt and dust.
didn’t begin to cover our speed. The peacekeeper cars tried to
but they didn’t know the terrain like
the Underground MC did. We had the advantage and we took it.

I was breathing heavily as we
started to slow. I could only see a few feet
but Nico was traversing like he knew each nook and cranny. He probably did. I
glanced back, thinking of Justice. He was still out there in the hands of the

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