With Tongue and Teeth (5 page)

BOOK: With Tongue and Teeth
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Chapter Seven


I was fucking exhausted as we
skidded down the ramp into the Underground MC clubhouse. There were only ten
bikes here. What happened to the rest of the patch members? I hopped off. “How
many of our guys didn’t come back?”

“Your guys?”
his voice heavy with anger as he walked from the main
chamber. He had a bruise on his cheek and dried blood on his shirtsleeve. There
was a bandage around his arm where he’d

“You know what I mean?”

“I really
motherfucker. You come here and the plan goes to shit.”

I fisted my hands to keep calm.
Eh, fuck calm
. “If you don’t have a way
to get
men,” I emphasized the
word, “out,
get out of my way.”

Nero crossed his arms. “You think
you can suddenly take over? Justice is gone so let the white

“Fuck color.” I went right into
Nero’s face. “I don’t give a damn about your skin, Nero. What I care about is
Justice. He’s with the fucking peacekeepers.
We have to get him and the other guys out.”

Nico punched his brother in the
shoulder. “Calm the fuck down. He’s not taking charge...” Nico glanced at me.

I nodded. I didn’t want the
. I wanted a plan.

“Says you.”
Nero glared at

When had
become his foe? “So you make the scenario, you set everything up,
Nero? I don’t care who the fuck is wearing the leader title. I want to get
Justice back.”

Nico glanced at me harder, this
time his eyebrow rose and his lips pressed together. The expression was gone a
moment later. “Romeo’s right. How many men do we have left?”

“Eleven of twenty and that
includes you two. Five are dead. Justice and three others are captured. How the
fuck did they know we were coming?”

That I couldn’t answer. “What
about my club?” The thought ripped through me. They were walking into a trap
too. I didn’t wait for an answer. I ran for
and grabbed the radio as the door slammed shut from its sheer
He was our computer expert.
Crazy, kinky fuck but great with technology.
“Whip, are you

“Good to hear your voice,

My stomach lurched. “Is everyone

Tage got a
fucking scratch and Deviant went ballistic.” They were lovers and Deviant was a
bit...possessive. “We rode into a trap.”

“Us too.”
I collapsed
onto the nearest seat. “Justice and three guys were taken.” Saying his name
made a lump form in my throat. “How did they know?”

was silent for
a moment then whispered, “Rat.
they could know.”


“We managed to blow our building though.”
There was pride in Whip’s voice. “Fucker burned as we rode away. We are whole.
Let me know what you want to do with Justice. Outlaw and the guys are just
dealing with that shithead Day-Si.”

That was a particular peacekeeper
that liked to fuck with us but had yet to take us down. “Damn. I’d
in the building.”

“You and me
both, brother.”

“Talk soon.” I placed the radio
on the table and closed my eyes. Four slow breaths made my heart stop racing so
fast. When I opened
Nico and Nero were
walking into the room. “Outlaw MC and Amazons are whole.”

Nero opened his
but Nico glared at him. They sat at the

“We talked with the others,” Nico

“You have a plan?” I was all

“They want to wait until Justice
and the others are moved and then strike. They’re probably going to be taken to
the government building for a public execution. President Wexmen will make it
live television.
A warning to the rest of us and anyone who
sympathizes with us.”

I sat on the edge of the seat and
rested my elbows on the table. “We can’t wait. They’ll be tortured.
What if we miss the mark and don’t rescue them?
They’ll be fucking executed.”

“You don’t think we know
” Nero yelled from across the table. “He’s
our goddamn president.”

I swallowed hard to keep myself
from flipping the fuck out.

Nico placed his hand on mine.
“It’s the best plan we have. We can’t save them now without huge
. They’re in the heart of the peacekeeper
building. With only one left, they’ll be tons of them in there.”

I didn’t accept that. “So, we
take the building down like were supposed to. We go right through the fucking building
to get our men out.” I stood up. The chair hit the wall. “I will not let those
fuckers have my man.”

“You love him.”

I opened my mouth then closed it.
“I don’t know but I’m not letting the government have him.” And that was all

Chapter Eight


I was going to ask Outlaw for
but that’d get my club in trouble and
possibly at the center of this case. The other guys in the Underground MC
eventually offered to help. But did I want someone who didn’t have the nerves
to do
No. So, it was just me. I
strapped on two guns at my waist and two
on each thigh. I stole one of their bikes and made my way to Harley’s. He was a
flirty Irishman that helped get us our guns. He was always under the radar but
ready to help. I used a tunnel to get to his parking lot that was an attached
building then I ran inside his store. It was quiet as I traversed the shelves
full of items and made my way to the long counter.

He looked up
his tablet and his green eyes went wide. “
are ye doing ‘ere?” He stood up, running a hand through his ginger hair.

“Looking for a
” I muttered.

I’m all out of
, mate.” He grabbed
my arm and pulled me through an arch opening. It was a back room, dimly lit.

“My...Justice was captured.”

“Leader of
Harley blew out a breath and leaned against the wall.

do ya need?
is Outlaw?”

“This is all me. I need an
explosive big enough to blow a hole in a wall.”

He lifted his eyebrow and parted
his lips.
“Yer serious?”

“Yes. I know Mayhem does the
bombs but I need something quick and we get our explosives from you. I also
need a
strip.” It was a metallic
strip that’s placed on a lock and activated. Fucker releases acid that burns
through most locks.

He moved from
the wall to the false floor. Harley kicked it open and climbed down a steep set
of stairs.

“Some Irish luck wouldn’t
” I whispered. I must be fucking in love
to attempt rescuing Justice from the peacekeeper building. It was either that
or I hit my head hard enough to scramble my brains.

Harley came up the steps with a
small material bag. “Don’t jostle
I’m not as good as yer Mayhem.”

I nodded.

He shoved two burn strips in my
jeans pocket.

“Don’t tell Outlaw. I don’t want
him messed up in this shit.”

Harley hesitated then nodded. “Don’t
get yer arse blown up.”

“Goal number one
of the day.”
I gave him a pat on the back, shoved the sack over my arm, and went back out
the way I came. This time I was armed and ready.

It wasn’t long before sunset. I
just waited in the parking garage for my time to rise up and save my lover.
Thinking about him made me twitch though. What were they doing to him? I would
not put torture
those bastards.
Then again, with the scars on his back he may have been a victim before. I
should have talked with him more. Don’t get me wrong, the sex had been
but I wanted to know more about the
man behind the big dick.

my bike slowly down the back streets, letting the shadows hide most of my
profile. I checked the blueprints. Apparently, the prisoners were held in the
basement but the main room for the peacekeepers was upstairs and to the right.
That’s where I was going to set the bomb. I wanted a way in and a distraction.
I had both. While I was rushing in the
this bike would explode. Most people run away from explosions. Those that
didn’t, I’d handle
my guns. There
was no way I was leaving that building without Justice.

I pulled the bike to the side of
the building. There were three guys at the front entrance and two at the back.
I made sure I went between them so they wouldn’t see me. The sun had set so
beautifully that only darkness and dim lighting remained. I cut out the hover
tech and lowered the bike to the ground. On its side, the black vehicle was
barely visible. Then I took a deep breath and reached into the bag. The bomb
had a flat black base and a ball in gray above it. They were connected with
wires. I touched my thumb over the large button and held it. The moment my
finger came off, I’d have six seconds to run as fast as I could or my ass
really would blow up. I kept my knees bent, my body low as I jogged toward the
building. The street was quiet so no lights shined on my position. I thought
maybe I’d pull this off without being shot at. Of course, then there was a
yell, a warning, someone had spotted me. I stood up, only six feet from the

“Don’t move!”

Damn it. I wasn’t close
but they were just going to shoot me
anyway on proof of homosexuality.
fuck it
. I cupped my crotch with one hand and threw the bomb at the wall.
Then I leaped toward the only tree around and curled into a ball. I think they had
a clue as to what was about to happen because they all started yelling. I heard
a few shots ring out and then the loud detonation made my ears ring. The sound
was so over the top that I couldn’t hear my own erratic breath for a few
seconds. Fire splashed behind me followed by black smoke. I tucked my head into
my arm to keep from breathing that shit in. The ground under me rumbled and
large pieces of
fell around me. The
moment the smoke cleared enough for me to see, I jumped to my feet. I staggered
to get to the hole. There
were four bodies in this room, too mangled to identify.
Had to get to him.
I took out
both guns and charged down the hall. There was smoke here that nearly blinded
me. It sure as hell took my breath away as it rushed out the new opening.

A laser shot passed my head.

I didn’t aim. I
just let the trigger catch a few times in that general direction. Thanks to the
blueprints, I knew there were two entrances to the basement. One should be
behind me, down this hall, and to the left. I walked
checking behind me to make sure no one would shoot me in the back. I turned the
corner, the door wide open with a peacekeeper standing there. We had a split
second to aim at each other. I threw myself to the left and shot, catching him
the arm. Then I jumped at him. I wasn’t
thinking of my safety, I was thinking of getting Justice out. My body slammed
into him and we were air born for a moment then sliding down the stairs. My
elbow hit the ledge. My head banged into the railing. The guy with me rolled
violently o
the floor and I tumbled
after. His larger frame helped my fall so that it just knocked the wind out of
me instead of anything permanent. Blood seeped from his head creating a pool
around us.

His voice strained but fucking perfect.

I lifted my head, slightly dizzy
and our gazes locked. I smiled. This weight lifted off my shoulders. “Miss me?”
I stumbled
the body and crawled to
his cell.

“Fuck yeah.”

I pulled the
strip out of my pocket and jammed it into
the lock. “Get back.” I dove to the ground and a low sizzle filled the room.
Sparks ricocheted off the wall and the ground around me. Then I heard a thud as
the cell door opened. “You okay?” His shirt was bloody.

“We are.” His three men came
forth. They all looked worse for the wear. I hadn’t planned for this many to be
injured. “Where’s my crew?”

I gave Justice my gun and one of
the bigger guys took the guards weapon. I ignored his question. Hopefully, he’d
forget it in the heat of the battle. Smoke was blowing down the stairs, nothing
thick but the peacekeepers wouldn’t stay away for long.


“We have limited time here.” I
jogged to the bottom of the stairs. “There are cars on the street. We have to
break into one to get everyone out.” I held the butt of the gun and started on
the first step.

“Fucking Christ.
You came alone
didn’t you?”
Shit. “It was too dangerous for your crew, what’s left of them, and I wasn’t
getting my guys involved. You got me. We can do this.” I started up the stairs
again. The smoke was thinning out even more. I could see the doorway clear of
anyone. I rushed up and heard heavy footsteps right behind me. With a quick
glimpse, I saw the hall was empty. I waved
me, keeping my gaze on the hallway. There was a room behind us filled with
boxes. The back door was locked and I heard banging
it. They must be trying to get in. “Front door or the new
hole in the side of the building?” I wasn’t a leader. I had no idea what to do

Justice moved in front of me. He
ran to the open door down the hall and used it as

The banging behind us got louder.
The three men on his crew were already
one had his
weapon pointed at that closed door. “Well?”

Justice peeked into the room with
the big hole. He jerked back quickly as laser shots went off. Two hit the wall
and left oval black marks. “Front door it is.”

I rushed past him, fired in the peacekeeper’s
general direction, and stopped at the turn. A glimpse showed me no one so I
waved the others on. We all passed
but more shots rang out. How the hell were we going to get to open the front
door, across the grass, and break into a car then ride away without being shot
to death? Two of our guys took the lead. It was fucked up that I didn’t even
know their names. They just ran out there watching for the enemy, risking their
lives for the whole of us.

Justice moved past me. We were in
the main area where the front door was. There were couches
over and dark splotches where the wall
burned some. The windows were shattered and the glass crunched under his feet.
Both doors were ajar but only a few inches. Justice
one open. Laser shots rang out, lighting up the room. “Shit.”
He fumbled to get out of the way.

It made my pulse speed up.

“What was your plan, Romeo?”

Well, that’s where things got
thin. “Blow up the wall and break you all out of the cells.”

He dropped his arms and glanced
at me. “That was your whole plan?”

“I saved you, didn’t I?”

“Yeah, yeah you did. But it may just
get you killed.”

“Life’s a bitch like
” I muttered too low for anyone to hear.

“Put down your weapons.” The voice
was amplified, deep,
. “The building is
surrounded. Come out with your hands up and you will not be executed on sight.”

I snorted. “I’ll be down as soon
as they realize who I am.”

Justice stared at me. “I won’t
let anyone shoot you.”

“You can deflect bullets now?” My
tone went somewhat bitter. Hey, it was that type of situation.

The voice returned. “This is your
last chance.”

I frowned and shuffled to stand
beside Justice. “I would have liked to have kissed you one last time.” Might
seem cheesy but that’s how I felt at the moment.

One of the guys with us glanced
over and lifted a dark eyebrow.

” Justice said
and smiled. “Backup’s here.”

Backup? I shifted to peek over
the door and sure enough, I heard the roar of hover bikes and saw them riding
toward us. Each man had a mask on. Was it my club or had Nico finally decided
to help?
it had to be
they were the only ones who had to
masks to keep their identity hidden.

The voice returned only this time
it was one we knew. Outlaw. “You’re an idiot.” The words echoed in his familiar

I laughed, actually laughed in
the middle of a firefight that we were losing. “We’re going to live!” I

Justice grabbed the door as shots
rang out. But it wasn’t for us. The peacekeepers were trying to deal with all
the bikers that just rode in. Most had cover, some were crazy fuckers crashing
into blockades and firing until they ran. Okay, one man did that.
He was a
when he was angry which
was most of the time
. Despite
the mask, I could see the cigar in his mouth as he fired his gun. This was
covering our escape. The men with us went first, running to the nearest bike,
hopping on and driving off. I was next, with Justice behind me. We hauled ass
as fast as we could. More shots rang out. We took cover behind a car that
already sported some black markings
bullets. I hunched and Justice covered me as a bike wound through trees and
stopped in front of us.

down from that seat and smiled. “Couldn’t let you have all
the fun.”

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