Withstanding Me (13 page)

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Authors: Crystal Spears

Tags: #Breakneck#2

BOOK: Withstanding Me
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“Baby… the friend of mine I just got off the phone with, he needs me. He’s like one of the brothers… only he’s straight laced. Sometimes friends call on me to do what they can’t. You feel me, Angel.”

I start to sit down next to her when she jumps up, her laptop falling to the floor with her quick movement. Shit, she’s pissed.

“Braxxon, do I need to remind you we just got married last month? That I have a hit on my ass and that my mother is due here in just a few weeks? Does my life being in danger mean that little to you?”

I growl like a fuckin lion about to rip apart its prey as I grab her by the shoulders. “Your life is the only one that counts. My brothers, my family, our family won’t let anything fuckin happen to you! Do you fuckin think for one second I would leave you here if I didn’t trust them with your life?”

She sighs, realizing my words are nothing but the truth. She wraps her arms around me and slams her body to mine, digging her head into my chest as her fingers clutch at my cut.

“He’s that good of a friend?” She mumbles, her voice muffled against my body.

I pull her away, forcing her sexy gold eyes to mine.

“Angel, he is. He’s like us, trying to build happiness in his own little fucked up world. And right now his happiness it being threatened. I can fix this for my brother, do you understand?”

“How long?” Her voice trembles with her question. She’s so fuckin strong but what it all boils down to is that I’m her weakness and she is mine.

“A week tops. You know me baby, your man gets shit done fast,” I chuckle, trying to lighten the mood. She nods and I can see everything that’s rippin through her mind fly across her eyes as they continue to search mine. “I’ve gotta call chapel and get shit in order. Do you think you can handle packin your husband’s shit?”

“Yeah, where do you keep your saddle bag?” She asks, pulling away from me.

“In my old room in the closet, bottom right corner.”

She smiles slowly and takes off to grab it before turning around in thought.

“What sorta things should I pack? Clothes wise?”

I narrow my eyes. “Dark shit I can burn before comin home. Angel?”


“I love you.”

“I love you, too. Go handle the brothers while I act all domestic and shit.”

I shake my head laughing. She’s back. She’s done wallowing. Fuckin love the shit outta my wife. My laughing stops as I watch her walk away. I swear to fuckin all hell in back my brothers better not let even a fly so much as land on her while I’m gone.



I fucked up. It’s been weeks since Storm, and I fucked. Shit’s just now getting better. I’m still fucking angry at myself for slipping up. I almost lost her and our friendship, over what? A fantastic fuck? No matter how good it was, it’s not worth losing her over. My brain is on over drive now that I know I’m gonna be constantly around her because Braxxon just took off to help a buddy out. Yep, right in the middle of a fucking lockdown his ass just took off. So now, all of us brothers are on women watch duty. I don’t know what’s going on with me. Ain’t nothin I do sittin right. I snort a little coke, nope that don’t help. Drink a little whiskey, nope that definitely don’t help. What’s left for me to do to get back to who I was? Maybe fuckin? I’ve never went weeks without sex. Maybe that’s it? Maybe I need to try and rectify this shit…

Chapter 17


I’m putting away a case of tequila when Winter comes barreling into the storeroom of Club Sated.

“I’m goin nuts Storm, like fuckin nuts. It’s been three fuckin days. I just want him home already.”

I stand up straight and lean against one of racks. “He’s Braxx. Badass mofo. He’ll be back in a few days. No need to worry about him.”

I giggle, turning around to finish stocking the alcohol.

“It’s not just that. I’m ovulating, and he’s not here to get me knocked up.”

At the words knocked up, the bottle in my hands slips, shattering all over the floor.



I walk over to get the dustpan and broom. We keep spares in here because a broken bottle or two happens about once a week.

“What was that about?” Winter asks slowly.

I start sweeping the wet broken glass into the dustpan and answer her question lightly. “I’m pregnant.”


I sigh, looking up from the mess I made. “I’m pregnant. We didn’t use a condom. I took a shit load of tests. All positive. I have a bun in the oven.”

“How… how do you feel about that?”

My entire body slumps using the broom as a crutch.

“Fuckin scared shitless. How fuckin cliché’, we don’t use a condom our one and only time, and here I am gonna be spitting out a baby in like eight months.”

“Does he know?”

I laugh. Of course, I fuckin laugh. Does he know? Fuck no he doesn’t know, and I don’t wanna tell him either. We just started talkin again. I’m tired of losing him. So I answer truthfully and shake my head ‘no’ as I stand and finish cleaning up my mess.

“You need to tell him.”

“Why, so he can hide from me again?” I say sarcastically as I walk the dustpan over to the storage room trash.

“No. Because he’s the damn father. That’s why. You can’t hide that shit from the man; it’s wrong on so many fuckin levels Storm. So, so fuckin wrong. Give the man the benefit of the doubt. He might surprise you.”

“You think?”

I’m surprised those are the words that come out of my mouth.

“Yep.” She smiles.

“Who's on Storm duty?” I ask, putting the broom and dustpan up.

Storm duty, Winter duty and so on, is the brothers that cover our small outings. We aren’t allowed to leave without a few brothers with us or following us.

“Tonight, going home you have Rap, Shadow, and Smokey.”

I grimace. “Smokey’s too fuckin quiet. I mean that man needs to learn to talk.”

“He does talk.” Winter laughs. “A whole lot actually, we’re just not around when he does.”

“Go tell him babe. He deserves to know.”

He does deserve to know. But does that make it easier on me? No. I’m literally already sweating thinking about how I might approach the subject. I mean, how do you go up to a one night stand and say… hey I’m pregnant with your baby, without sounding stupid?

But she’s right, like always. He’s a great father to Tatiana. He deserves to know.

“Fine. Alright. I’ll go tell him. You got the club for the rest of the night; you do know that now right?”

“Yep. Go pregos, before I change my mind.”

And so it begins.


I adjust the mirror in my car and playfully flip off Rap and Shadow riding behind me on their bikes. I got stuck with Smokey inside my car. His silence is maddening, and I decide to voice it too.

“Why the fuck are you so quiet?”

Calm and coolly he lifts his shades up a little so he can see my eyes. Seriously? It’s dark outside, and yet these fuckers wear their shades almost at all times.

“I’m the smart one, darlin. The smart ones sit back and analyze, quietly.” He grins, dropping his shades back in place, and he reaches out and turns on my car radio.

Wait. Is that all the conversation I get? Nope, no way!

“Why are you always assigned to me?” I ask, drawing his attention back to me. It’s a good question actually. Sniper is always with Winter, and I always have Smokey. The rest of the brothers get to mix it up, but those two are always stuck with us.

“A long term brother is assigned as you call it to everyone that has a hit.”

“So Berry…,” I trail off.

“James has her.”



“ZZ, obviously.” And I can tell he’s probably rollin his eyes at me under those shades.

Now that I think about it that was a dumbass question.


“Pyro, and believe me, he wasn’t fuckin thrilled. Piper is a little chatty fuckin thing.”

I laugh and so does Smokey. Pyro isn’t one for chitchat, which breaks my heart. I stop laughing and so does Smokey when we both realize he’s not the same. He was so damn alive when Lana was still here.

“It’s shit,” I whisper.

“I agree darlin.”

All of a sudden, the guys behind us start honking their bike horns loudly and revving their engines. Smokey throws his sunglasses onto my dashboard and peers back to see what all their commotion is about.

“Storm, put your foot to the gas harder!”

I comply, and he’s still not satisfied. “More speed, now Storm!”

“What’s happening?” I cry.

Uncontrollable tears start flowing down my cheeks as Shadow rides up on one side of my car and Rap the other, and bright white lights flash in my rear mirror.

“Storm you have to stay fuckin calm! Do you hear me?” Smokey yells. “Fuck! I shoulda fuckin drove! Stay fuckin calm Storm; I gotta call Pyro. He’s acting Prez right now. Just breathe deep breaths baby, deep breaths.”

Baby! I’m pregnant! This shit can’t be happening!


Something in my tone causes him to look over at me.

“I’m pregnant.”

“FUCK!” He roars dialing Pyro.

A loud bang and my back windshield shatters. Oh no! They’re fucking shooting at me. Oh my god!

“Seriously! What the hell is with me and glass,” I cry, stepping on the gas harder. “First the fucking restaurant, the tequila bottle, and now this! Give me the fuckin phone. You shoot back; I’ll drive and talk!”

He doesn’t hesitate; he’s already got his gun out and handing me the phone.

“Storm, duck your head a little!” He yells, turning around and taking aim, firing off shots as I hold the phone up to my ear, and try to drive straight. The sounds of the vehicle behind us swerving around make my arm hairs stand straight up.

“Smokey what the fuck man? Hello!”

With all the commotion, I wasn’t paying attention to Pyro answering the phone.

“Oh my god, Pyro, we’re being shot at!”


“Hanger Road…” I say as one of my tires take a bullet, causing me to swerve. Smokey starts yelling and firing off more bullets as Rap and Shadow do the same. Another tire goes out. All I have left are my two front tires, and my car is all over the road. “On the way to the compound. We only have two tires left, Pyro!”



The sound of a crash echoes and I can no longer see Rap.

“Nooooooooooooooooooo!” I scream.

“Storm! Hello! What’s fuckin happening?”

I can’t talk. I can’t hear Pyro screaming in my ear because all I can hear is the sound of Smokey’s voice screaming ‘hold on’ as my car flips alongside the road and glass shatters. The phone slips from my hand as I brace against the ceiling of my car. My head hits the stirring wheel multiple times, as my car continues to flip, over and over again. The metal from my car causes sparks alongside the road. My seatbelt digs into my chest. My air bag smashes into me so hard it feels like an anvil was thrown at my face. The sounds all around us are loud as my car skids to a stop. Everything is on replay as things begin to go dark.



I didn’t even let Pyro finish the call. My ass was already flying towards Hanger Road. I can’t believe I was about to go try and find a bitch to fuck. What in the hell is wrong with me? When I see her car smashed all to hell and upside down, and Rap lying on the ground near his bike, and Shadow doing something at the driver side, I don’t even worry about my fuckin kickstand. I just toss my bike down and take off running. I push Shadow away and he draws on me. Sighing in relief, he puts his gun down and takes off to the other side of the car.

“Rap’s fine. I think both of his legs are broken though,” Shadow yells.

And I love my brother and all, but fuck him right now. I’m worried about Storm. She’s hanging upside down; her seatbelt’s the only thing keeping her in place. My fingers reach shakily for a pulse, and when my skin meets hers, her eyes flutter open.

“Mason,” she croaks. Her face is swollen, covered in white dust, blood, and already forming bruises.

I start scrambling quickly, her voice snapping me into a frenzied mess. “I’m here, but I gotta get you outta here babe.”

“ZZ, brother.” I hear a voice croaked from the other side of the car. I peer around Storm and see Smokey banged all to hell, one of his eyes swollen shut. “She’s pregnant.”

“What?” I stutter.

“She’s pregnant,” he croaks again.

My heart beats faster as I look back to Storm. She’s trying to form words, but her eyes keep fluttering shut.

“Shit, no baby, keep your eyes open for me.” I say frantically as I dig out my knife. My hands are shaking so fuckin bad. “Storm. Keep those beautiful blue eyes open, yeah?”

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