Wolfe's Mate (2 page)

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Authors: Caryn Moya Block

BOOK: Wolfe's Mate
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It’s okay. Norris is okay. I’m getting you out.” The man lifted her as if she weighed less than a feather. Dark blond hair fell to his collar. As he stood up, she realized he was tall like many of the lycans. He carried her to a bench on the sidewalk.

“Who are you?”
Esme asked.

Esme, you can trust
him. Let him help you.
Jared’s voice filled her head.

She heard his mental sigh of relief. Strength and something warmer filled her. Feeling her body relax, she slowly sat up.

“Jared sent me. My name is
Granger. I’ve been keeping an eye on you. Now, let me see what damage was done. You’re bleeding from a bad cut on your right leg. We need to get you someplace where you can shift.”

“What about Norris and Pierre? Are they al
l right?”

“I saw some men helping your brother from the car. Your driver is sitting on the curb down the street.”

“You’ve got to find Norris.” The feeling that danger surrounded her brother made the hair on her neck stand up. Something was very wrong.

Sirens filled the air. “Sounds like the police are arriving. Let me get you in my car so you can shift. Then
, I’ll fetch your brother and the driver.”

’s cheeks heated as Granger swung her into his arms and carried her to a car down the street. He carefully placed her on the back seat. “You need to shift. The bleeding isn’t stopping. You’ll have to duck down. I’ll go see about your brother.”

“Thank you, Granger.”

He smiled and closed the door. She didn’t waste any time stripping off her clothes and calling the shift to her. White lights gathered and swirled around her, bones moved, changed. Fur sprang from under her skin and ran down her body. Her nails thickened as her fingers shrunk. It was over in an instant. She was wolf.

, she looked out the window. A crowd gathered around the wreck. She could see how her side of the car was crumpled. It was lucky she’d sustained only a cut on her leg and some bumps and bruises. Now that she’d shifted, everything was healed and she felt wonderful. Where was Norris?




“Here are your tickets, Jared. Your flight departs in three hours. We need to leave now if you’re going to get through customs.” Aramis, the lycan who had been Beta to Jared’s father and was now Jared’s Beta, handed him the printed pages.

Before grabbing his Canadian passport,
Jared slipped two pairs of jeans and three shirts into a duffle bag. He wouldn’t be staying long in London, only long enough to convince Esme to return to Quebec with him. “I should never have waited this long to claim her. I almost lost her once already, and now this accident.”

A pack is always affected when there is a change in Alphas,” Aramis said. “Our pack certainly felt the loss of your parents. It’s not your fault that your mother was killed by hunters and your father followed her to the other side. The transition takes time, even when it is smooth. Does Esme blame you for not coming to claim her?”

“Of course not. She never
asks why I haven’t come for her. We hardly talk in our dreams. As soon as we touch, we get wrapped up in each other, everything else slips away.”

“Yes, the mating bond is like that. It makes you forget everything
except your mate.”

Aramis, you and Felicity have done all you could to make the transition smooth for the pack. Esme is my mate. I shouldn’t have left her alone.”

Except she isn’t alone. Granger is watching over her, and the Paris Alpha sent a man, as well. She also has Asena’s handmaiden to look after her. She is hardly alone.”

“Thank goodness
, Granger was there to pull her from the wreckage. What would have happened if her brother’s kidnappers had returned to take her, as well?” Granger was Jared’s best friend. He would become the pack Beta, when his father retired. Jared owed him a lot for taking on the job of watching over Esme in London.

“Come, say goodbye to Felicity
and we can get going,” Aramis said. “You may have had to wait six months, but now is the time.”

Jared grabbed his leather jacket and slipped it on.
Aramis picked up Jared’s duffle bag and headed out of the Alpha’s lodge. After he left the room, Jared went to his dresser and opened the top drawer. Inside were his mother’s rings. His heart ached. He missed his parents, his mother’s smile and his father’s lectures. He picked up his mother’s diamond engagement ring and slipped it into his pocket.

His parent
s had done everything they could to prepare him to be Alpha. He never expected it to be so soon. His mother would be horrified to know that Jared hadn’t gone to Esme immediately. Although his father would understand that his duty as the new Alpha was to his pack.

Esme was supp
osed to be kept safe. When he arrived in London, Jared would express his displeasure that she hadn’t been protected adequately. Granger’s orders were not to let her out of his sight until Jared arrived. No one was going to take Esme away from him or harm her again.

He went down the stairs.
Aramis’ mate, Felicity, stood by the door wearing a flowered apron over her clothes. As Beta female, she would be second to Esme when Jared and Esme returned. In Jared’s absence, the older couple—Aramis and Felicity—would manage the pack, which included twenty families. Felicity kissed Jared on the cheek and squeezed him tight. “Be safe, Jared. I look forward to meeting your mate when you return. I’m sure she is something special since she was chosen for you. I packed a few snacks for the car trip to the airport.” She handed him a paper bag. The aroma of freshly baked cookies wafted up as he held the package.

Snickerdoodles, my favorite. Thank you, Felicity.”

pulled the car up front.

“Go on, now
,” Felicity said. “Tell Granger his mother expects a nice gift when he returns.”

“I’ll make
sure he picks out something special, Felicity.” Jared kissed her on the cheek and headed out the door. It was time to claim his mate. He couldn’t wait to get to London.

A flicker out of the corner of his eye was all the warning he got before a
blond she-wolf wrapped herself around him. “
, where are you going?”

Jared unwrapped the arms around his neck and looked longingly at the bag of cookies crushed on the ground
at his feet. “Darn it, Margot. I was looking forward to those cookies.”

“Are the cookies more important than me?” The petite woman in front of him pouted. She might be small, but she was a handful. Margot thought she could seduce her way into his bed with her curvy figure and blond tresses. When
that didn’t work, she left him alone until his parents died. Now, she was up to her old tricks. The fact that the mating bond snapped into place for him six months ago had only made her attempts more desperate.

“Margot, as one of my pack, you are important to me.
However, I have a heartmate, and I’m going to claim her. I suggest you get used to the idea.” Jared leaned down and picked up the bag of cookies. Maybe a few were in one piece.

“What does she have that I don’t

Jared looked the harridan up and down. “She has me.” Turning
, he walked to the door on the passenger side of the jeep and climbed in. “Get me out of here, Aramis, before I do something I might regret. Someone needs to take Margot in hand and tame her.”

chuckled and put the jeep in gear, leaving the woman in a cloud of dust.




Talking to the police exhausted Esme. When the police first started looking for her, she had to shift and redress in Granger’s car. Afterward, Granger drove her back to her house. Now, he stood frowning by the entrance.

She walked
in the door and rushed to the phone. She needed to call Laurel and Anton. Laurel was the living vessel of the lycan goddess, Asena, and Anton was Laurel’s protector and mate. He was also the younger brother of the Siberian Alpha.

had kidnapped Norris.
The feeling that Norris was in danger made Esme’s skin prickle. She needed to save him.

Esme feared
that the criminals connected to the Doctors for a Better Humanity, who attacked her and Norris outside Paris, had kidnapped him. She needed to find out where they might have taken him and get him back. The police took down all the information she could give them, but expressed doubt that the accident was a kidnapping. Could she be wrong?

“Why don’t you sit down and rest, Esme. I’ll fix you a cup of tea,” Granger said.

Esme nodded and led the way into the kitchen. She didn’t think she could sit still, but it would take a while for Laurel and Anton to arrive.

A short time later,
the front door opened, and Laurel, the red-haired woman known as Asena’s handmaiden, hurried in, followed by her tall, dark-haired husband. She ran over to Esme and hugged her. “Esme, thank goodness you’re unharmed. What happened, exactly?”

ir car was run into by a truck.” Granger stepped forward, offering his hand. “Some men helped Norris out of the wreckage. I didn’t realize the men weren’t friendly. I was worried about getting to Esme and helping her. I’m Granger Thibault. Jared Wolfe sent me to keep an eye on his mate.”

Whoever helped Norris from the wreckage kidnapped him? Are you sure?” Anton asked, shaking Granger’s hand. “I’m Anton Volkov and Laurel is my mate.”

“No, I’m not sure
. Esme seems to think so. All I know is Norris disappeared. It could be that a Good Samaritan drove Norris to the hospital. Esme was bleeding from a bad cut on her leg. Perhaps, Norris was also injured.”

“Laurel, I’m scared. I think Norris was kidnapped.”
Esme trembled when she thought of Norris in the hands of the fanatical organization that experimented on humans.

Let’s not jump to conclusions. Why do you think that? Did the men say something?” Laurel asked.

they didn’t say anything. It’s just a feeling I have—that Norris is in danger.” A little while ago, she was lamenting his controlling her life. Now, he was missing.

e all need to calm down and look at this logically. We need to know more before we automatically assume the worst.” Laurel patted Esme.

“Let me call Grigori
Solovyov,” Anton suggested. “He’s the English Alpha and a previous member of the Siberian pack. He owns a security company here in England. Perhaps, he can get us some information.” Anton went to the phone and started dialing. Soon, he was deep in conversation.

Laurel took Esme by the hand. “Let’s sit down a minute. Granger, how long have you been in London? I wish you
had told us you were here.”

“I arrived soon after you came here from Paris. I didn’t contact you because I wasn’t supposed to be here this long.” Granger smiled sheepishly. “Jared never planned on taking six months to come
here and claim Esme. His mother was killed while running as a wolf on pack lands. Jared’s father followed her to the other side, leaving Jared as the new Alpha. Needless to say, things got kind of crazy for a while. I expect him to arrive this evening. He’s very worried that Esme isn’t safe.”

“I understand his concern, but I assure
you we will keep Esme safe,” Laurel said.

“I would never
contradict Asena’s handmaiden,” Granger said. “However, I fear more is going on here than we know. Jared will want to discover the truth behind this latest attack on his mate. He almost lost her when she was shot six months ago, and now she was in a car accident and almost kidnapped. He won’t rest until he has seen for himself that she is well.”

“I guess I can understand his c
oncern.” Laurel chuckled. “Alpha males can’t help themselves. They think they’re the only ones capable of keeping their mates safe. Ah well, Asena made them that way, I guess I won’t hold it against Jared. I hope you’re ready for him, Esme. He won’t be happy until he has claimed you.”

blushed. She knew claiming included physical intimacy. Laurel had told her what to expect. Still, it was daunting to think a man she’d never met was coming to make love to her. Claiming was like a marriage ceremony. Afterward she’d be his mate for life. Lycans bonded on a spiritual level with their mates. One could not survive without the other.

“I’m afraid she’s right.
” Granger winked at Esme. “The last six months have been torture for Jared, suffering from the mating heat and unable to come for Esme. He won’t be able to stop himself from claiming what he feels is his.”


Chapter Two


By the time the taxi pulled up to Esme’s home, Jared was exhausted. His long flight surrounded by humans, who reeked of perfume and deodorant, had given him a headache. The child screaming two rows back didn’t help his sensitive ears. Jetlag was hitting him hard. He wanted to see Esme, then he wanted a bed.

He reached for her with his mind and found her walking alone down a dark street.
What the hell?
Peering closely at the mating bond, he saw the cord of yellow light leading away from the house.

. Where is Esme?

In her room
, watching television. Why?

she is nowhere near her room.

Following the golden mating bond,
Jared hurried down the street. What was Esme doing out here alone late at night? Why hadn’t Granger escorted her? He broke into a run. Thank goodness for the late hour and the empty sidewalks. His heart pounded with alarm. His wolf wanted to howl. Once more, his mate was in danger.

He turned the corner and saw her. She
walked down the street, her hands in her coat pockets, her head lowered. She looked dejected. Immediately, he wanted to sweep her up in his arms. Instead, he moved toward her, stopping in front of her so she must either pause or run into him. He waited, trying not to reach for her, afraid if he did he would shake her.

She bumped into him
, and he grabbed her shoulders to steady her. Her head snapped up. “Oh, I’m sorry …” Then, she stared at him, confused.

“Esme, what are you doing out here alone?” Jared reached
out and brushed her hair from her face.

His breath caught in his throat. She was more beautiful than he
’d imagined in his dreams. Her fine features gave her a fragile appearance. Her long dark hair contrasted with her pale skin. She had beautiful blue eyes, and her eyelids were red and puffy. She had been crying.

“Jared … is that you?” She trembled under his touch. Jared frowned.

“I won’t hurt you,
ma petite louve
. You shouldn’t be out alone. What brought you to this place?”

With Norris missing, I couldn’t sleep. I remembered the Cromwell Hospital and thought I would walk there and see if he might have been admitted. No one there knew anything about his whereabouts.”

“Let me get you home. I
’m unhappy to find you alone. Where is the rest of the pack who is supposed to be guarding you? How did you slip away from Granger?”

“Don’t be angry. I didn’t tell anyone I was going out. Granger was asleep on the couch. He didn’t wake when I
ran out the back door.”

“This must stop. I can
’t allow you to put yourself in danger this way. Those men who took your brother might decide to come back for you. Did you think of that?”

No. I’m the only one who thinks Norris was kidnapped. I thought maybe everyone else was right. The hospital is only a couple of blocks away, and my wolf was antsy. I walked over. Please release me. I can stand on my own.”

“How can you be so reckless?
” The tone of Jared’s voice rose. “Don’t you understand that if something happened to you, I couldn’t survive? That I wouldn’t want to live without you?”

“I think you have
right to walk up to me and start lecturing me. I think you should go back to wherever you came from and leave me alone.”

Leave her alone?
Jared stared at her. What was he doing? Yelling at his mate? This isn’t how he wanted their first meeting to be. He wanted to hold her, kiss her, seduce her. He pressed her to him. “Forgive me,
mon coeur
. You scared me. I’m sorry for yelling at you.”

Her shoulders shook as sobs burst from her chest. Her hands fisted
on his shirt. “Please don’t leave me, Jared. Don’t leave me alone. I’m scared too.”

Her fear and grief flooded his mind as
she lost control of her sorrow. His body shook in answer to her pain. He groaned and held her tighter. His mate held on by a thread. “It’s okay, Esme. I’ve got you, sweetheart.” Her tears dampened his shirt. He ran his hand down her hair, then lifted her face, leaned down, and kissed her tears away. The salty liquid on his lips made his heart ache for her. “It’s going to be all right,
mon coeur.
We’ll find your brother.” She’d been sheltered, so alone for so long, just Esme and her brother. No wonder she was out looking for him.

Finally, her sobs lessened. He held her close, wrapping her in warmth
and sending reassurance and love through the mating bond. This was his mate, the one woman who belonged to him. He turned her and, holding her close, walked them back toward the house.

When they
rounded the corner, Granger waited for them, leaning nonchalantly against the building. He glanced at Esme with a look of concern, then frowned at Jared.
I thought you were going to ruin everything for a minute there, Jared. What possessed you to yell at her?
Granger fell in behind them, guarding their backs.

Fear is what possessed me. I
’m angry with you. She should never have been out here alone. What if something happened to her?

Forgive me, Alpha. You
’re right. She shouldn’t have been alone. With the television blaring, I didn’t hear her leave, though I must point out that you can’t cage her. If you do, you will lose her.

Don’t tell me how to handle my mate.

I’ve been watching her for six months. I see her as a person, not a mate. You might remember that.
Granger’s anger leaked into their telepathic link. Jared sighed. He’d made a mess of everything.

Jared led Esme up the stairs to the
entrance to the house. Granger stepped forward with a key to the door and opened it for them. “She gave me an extra key.” He waved them through the door, then followed them inside, locking the door behind them.

Jared helped Esme with her coat, handing it to Granger. For a moment
, Jared stood and stared.
She is beautiful.

She quirked an eyebrow and pushed the
leather jacket from Jared’s shoulders. He let it slip off and handed it to Granger. “I got your shirt all wet. I’m sorry.” Esme’s fingers brushed against Jared’s chest.

Nothing to be sorry about. It’ll dry.” He held her hand pressed against his chest. He needed to touch her, to feel her skin against his. He had waited so long, dreamed so many times. Now that she was finally in front of him, he was unsure how to proceed. How would he go about seducing his mate when her brother was missing?

“Why are you frowning?”

“Forgive me,
ma petit louve.
I’m tired from my trip.” He kissed her on the nose, a little peck. When she smiled, it seemed to him that the sun burst from behind the clouds. His heart warmed.

“Let’s go into the kitchen. I’
ll get us a snack.” Esme started to pull away, but he stopped her with a gentle tug.

“What I want to snack on is you.”

Esme lowered her eyes
, and color spread over her cheeks.

“Something to drink will suffice
,” Jared said.
She wasn’t ready.

turned down the hall, leading him to what he assumed was the kitchen. Granger followed behind them. They walked into a small galley kitchen. An alcove with a table and chairs sat near the front window. Slipping from Jared’s grasp, Esme rushed to the stove. At once, he felt bereft. She filled a kettle with water and put it on the stove. Next, she took three mugs from the cupboard.

“I hope tea is al
l right. We don’t have a lot of food in the house. Most days we eat at the lab.”

phone started ringing. Granger hurried to answer. Esme bit her lower lip as she listened to the conversation. She and Jared could hear what was said with their heightened lycan senses.

l right, I’ll pass the information along. Thank you.” Granger frowned at his phone, then looked up at them. “Did you catch all of that? The traffic cams show that the van that took Norris headed out of the city and proceeded north into Scotland.”

“Scotland? Why would
the kidnappers take Norris there?” Esme wrung her hands.

“They must have a destination in mind. Does the pack here in England have the resources to find out where in Sc
otland they might be heading?” Jared knew that Esme would never leave with him until her brother was found.

nodded. “The English pack members are going to follow up on possible locations tonight. They wanted to give Esme an update. They should know more by morning.”

The kettle started whistl
ing, and Esme set about making tea. Granger shifted from foot to foot. “I think I’ll forego the tea. I’ll see you both in the morning.”

“Goodnight,” Esme called softly.

“Sleep well, my friend,” Jared added.
Thank you for giving me some time alone with Esme.

Be g
entle with her. Things have been difficult.
Granger nodded his head and left the room.

don’t we sit down?” Esme kept her eyes firmly fixed on her teacup and walked past Jared.

He followed behind her, taking the chair next to hers at the table. “I can’t tell you how happy I am to finally be here. I’ve missed you,
mon coeur.”

“Why didn’t you come sooner? I waited.” Esme blew gently over her cup before taking a sip.

“Right after you were injured, my mother was shot running as a wolf on pack lands. My father tried to stay with us, except his heart died with her, and he passed on the next day. I couldn’t leave before I took my place as Alpha and the pack recovered from its loss.”

“I’m sorry. You should have told me. I felt your sorrow
, but you never spoke of what was bothering you.”

“When I met you in our dreams, I didn’t want to think about my problems. I only wanted to think about you.”
He needed his dreamtime to be peaceful. Making love to Esme in his dreams helped him work through his grief.

She blushed and lowered her eyes before taking another sip of tea.
How many times had he wished for a moment like this with his mate? The two of them sharing a quiet time of communication and understanding while sipping on a drink.

As Jared watched her his wolf rose to the surface. When
the mating bond snapped into place, his wolf grew restless. Now, it wanted to take and claim what belonged to him. He needed to move carefully. Esme was an innocent.




He was finally here, right in front of her, and she didn’t know what to say. Jared, with his dark hair and piercing blue eyes, was handsome. He looked at her, and she warmed all over. She wanted him to grab her and kiss her. She wanted to forget that Norris was missing and her whole life was a mess. She wanted to be loved.

, they sat and drank tea, exchanging small talk. Why didn’t he make his move? She could feel his wolf reaching for her.

Her wolf
desired him. Wildness grew within her. She could feel her body wanting to shift. What would he do if she transformed into a wolf? Instead, she picked up the now-empty cups and carried them to the sink.

“It’s very late, Esme
, and the effects of the trip are catching up on me. Is there a room I can use to get some sleep?”

She turned to look at him. She wanted to say, her room, but if he was asking, then he must not want to sleep with her. She nodded. “You can use my brother’s room
. Granger insisted on using the couch. I’ll show you.” She headed for the stairs at the back of the house. Jared followed after her.




Esme’s disappointment flowed through the mating bond, followed by relief. She wanted Jared but was still leery of him. He didn’t want her to be afraid. “Where does your driver sleep? Isn’t he from the Paris pack?” Jared asked.

“Yes. Pierre
has an apartment in the basement. My brother refused to let him stay in the house with us. Norris wanted privacy. Of course there are only two bedrooms.”

“I see. Did your brother keep any of his research here?”
Would Norris be that foolish?

“No, Laurel and Anton wouldn’t allow it. Everything is kept locked up at the laboratory. They put a suggestion into Norris’ mind that the research wouldn
’t be safe anywhere else.” Esme turned down the hall and walked toward the back of the house.

“Well, that
’s a relief. If your brother was kidnapped, at least his research is secured at the lab and not here in the house. Still, we should be careful about any strangers in the neighborhood.”

stopped in front of two doors about halfway down the corridor. The hall ended in a window facing the back of the house. “If Norris is in Scotland, shouldn’t we leave to find him?”

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