Authors: Monica Luke

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Once all had joined again, bodies sprawled along the edge of the forest; Belon rode alongside them and look
ed down.

Remove the heads of most,” he ordered, “Then sack them.”

Enek nodded; then noticed Belon
’s arm. “You are bleeding.”

Belon looked down at his arm.

“Ah, the one that jumped out of a tree.” He now remembered, as actually acknowledging it immediately made it throb, “Has left his mark deep.”

You should have it tended to,” he warned concerned for his commander, “Or it will swell and run with puss and cause you to burn with fever.”

I shall have it tended to…” Belon said, as he thought of Aderac knowing as soon as he got back, he would tend to him, “…and with great care.”

Dutifully, they cut off the heads of many; then each carrying about five heads a sack, hurried back to Ivodgald.

“Ride ahead,” Belon ordered one of the men, “And give word to the king that victory is his and his men are journeying back.”

As obeyed, he rode hard ahead, but even after Aderac received the message, still fretted.

“He did not speak of Belon.” Aderac noticed concerned, “Why did he speak that my men are journeying back and not of Belon?”

Worry not,” Gueden assured him, “If something befell him you would be told at once.”

Aderac exhaled.

“Such is true.” he sighed relieved, until another worried thought came to him, “Or dare they spare me agony until all are back.”

just as hard to get back as they did to get there, the men made it back by mid morning, and as Aderac sat on his horse between Ivodgald and the wall waiting to receive them, he watched proudly, but in his heart longed to lay eyes on only one.

One by one,
they paraded by emptying their sacks in front of him, and as many heads rolled to his horse’s feet, he nodded approvingly, but deep within his heart ached such that he felt it would stop beating because he still had not seen Belon’s face.

As the line of m
en dwindled, when Enek and Ven, the two high in command under Belon and last, rode towards Aderac, they separated to the left and right at the same time; then when suddenly Belon appeared, Aderac’s breath left him.

After he took a deep sigh of relief, he
jumped from is horse and walked to Belon, who jumped down as well.

I want to kiss you passionately,” Aderac whispered to him, as he looked at his soot-covered face.

Then do so.” 

As Aderac put his hand on Belon
’s arm to hold and kiss him, Belon winced and because he did, Aderac’s eyes fell to his arm.

You are hurt Belon, you are hurt,” he worriedly said and tore into Belon’s tunic, “Let me see it.”  

It is nothing.” Belon’s strong front in front of his men, yet he knew Aderac would fret over him and deep within he relished when he doted over him. “Give no care to it.”

You know well, I would never do such,” Aderac whispered to him, then walked away and jumped on his horse.

In front of the men, he remained stern and after he looked at the mounds of hea
ds in front of him, he then looked to Enek.

I vowed I would show how thankful I was for their gifts to me,” Aderac said, as he thought of Ulborid and his second in command, “Have servants pike and line every head along the roads, and by the king’s decree none will remove even one or the punishment is death.”

After he spoke, he looked to one of his guards.

“Have a healer make a poultice for the Grand Commander’s arm and something to help him sleep, and bring it to my chamber.”

Belon proudly looked at Ade
rac as he gave his commands so boldly.

And what command do you have for me, my king?” he asked, as his body burned for him because of it.

I command you to get to bed,” Aderac answered, “And as I tend to you, enjoy it from who loves you.”

Belon looked a
t Aderac, smiled and followed him; then when they got into their chamber, they kissed while Aderac removed his clothes and moved him to lie down.

I am covered in ashes and smell of smoke,” he warned.

Aderac filled a large basin with water.

“You will not after I wash and tend to you,” he dotingly said.

Knowing he would, Belon lay on his back and relaxed, letting out an exhausted groan.

Aderac brought the basin over to the bed; then washed Belon’s body. “Never have I seen such a body as yours,” he marveled, using long sensual strokes to wash him while his eyes admired him, “You have no fat on you anywhere and solid are all your muscles. There is not a moment that I do not crave you in some way.”

My body, as well as my heart,” Belon said, making eye contact “You own to do with as you will.”

Umm.” Aderac hummed pleased, now using those same sensual strokes below his navel to wash him, which soon turned into arousing caresses, and leading to more until someone knocked on the door.

Speak,” Aderac said annoyed, until he learned it was a servant bringing the poultice and something to help Belon sleep.

Euuuh, it smells foul Aderac.” Belon frowned when he smelled it from across the room, “Do not put that on me.”

Do not care how it smells,” Aderac chided him when he came back, “Just that it helps you heal.”

Gently, Aderac took Belon
’s arm, and as he looked at him lovingly, he took his finger and smeared the poultice into his cut.

Sssss.” Belon winced feeling the burning sensation instantly.

I know, my love,” Aderac’s tender words, then gave him what the healer mixed to help him sleep, “Drink and soon you shall sleep.”

What of my pleasure?” He roguishly smiled.

Even wounded,” he teased him, “Your want is great.”

For you,” Belon’s reply, “My want is great for only for you, my king.”

After he bandaged his wound and tied it tight, Aderac began to wash Belon again and once done with his body, he washed his hair.

His wonderful perfect body lying on the bed freshly washed after he finished, Aderac decided to massage it and used the oil they kept by their bed to do it starting at his feet.

Umm.” Aderac inhaled Belon’s scent, as he slowly made his way up his legs to his tight muscled thighs, as he dug his fingers into his flesh, “Ah, Belon dare I be so close to what gives me such pleasure and not taste you.”

Slowly, as Belon
’s shaft rested on his thigh, Aderac took his hand and held it; then before he tenderly kissed it, he rubbed it around his mouth.

I can feel your heart beat in what throbs and grows in my hand.”

Belon said nothing, as he tilted his head down at looked at him, and as Aderac looked back at him, he opened his mouth and enjoyed the pleasure of Belon
’s now solid organ pulsing in his mouth.

Their eyes not once leaving the others, both looked at e
ach other with want, and as Aderac pulled Belon’s organ deeper into his mouth, Belon began to respond to it by moaning and moving his hips along to Aderac pulls.

As Aderac did, Belon moaned. “
Do you want what is within?”

Hold but a blink,” Aderac said. His eyes still fixed into Belon’s as he undressed, once done, he straddled him; then eased his body down onto him.

Uhhhh,” Belon groaned fighting to keep from erupting before he pleased Aderac as well.

Now I do,” Aderac said, as he moved his hips back and forth in rhythm with Belon’s upward thrusts into him.

Overcome with pleasure, as their pace increased, Belon tried to reach for him to hold him, but when he did, he forgot about his injured arm and groaned loudly.

“I shall press to you,” Aderac said as he lay on Belon, who used his other arm to hold him.

Unsure how they got there and neither caring at that moment, both now found themselves on the opposite end of the bed.

“Are you ready?” Belon asked between breaths, “It is rising.”

Release all of it,” Aderac cried out, as his warmth jetted onto Belon’s stomach, “Just as I have done.”

both breathed hard they looked at each other, then where both were on the bed.

How did we get down here?” Aderac asked humorously.

We both know,” Belon’s humorous reply, “Where we are when our passion begins is never where we are when it ends.” 

Aderac let out a giggle; then afterwards touched his face concerned that from their passion his arm may be hurting again.
“Do you hurt, my love?” he asked concerned.

n opened and closed his fist several times. “Not as much as before.”

Shall we move back where we were to sleep?” Aderac asked, and began to move off him.

Get your body back onto mine,” he answered, and put one of his arms around him again and pulled him close not caring about the sticky mess on his stomach between them. “We shall sleep where we are.”




Although, Belon’s arm began to heal it was still swollen and difficult to move, and concerned for his safety, Aderac pleaded with him not to train or ride out with his men until it healed completely, and Belon agreed.

One day, tired of lying about, Belon decided to listen to Aderac in court, which he normally avoided doing because it distracted Aderac, but since his arm was sore and bound, he had nothi
ng else to do.

Quietly, he entered to listen to him to pass the time, even going as far as to lower his head and sneak inside through the side door behind others, but as Aderac sat, Belon
’s height and red hair always giving his presence away, he saw him from this throne, and smiled.

When Aderac smiled as he looked over to where Belon was hiding, he knew he had seen him, then stood and smiled back.

After attentively listening to him for most of the day while leaning against the wall; now feeling playful, Belon decided to make faces at Aderac every time he looked over at him.

When he noticed what Belon was purposely doing, Aderac tried not to look over at him hoping that would deter him, but unable to resist for very long did look, only to again see another
silly taunting face.  

Finally, now unable to concentrate on any matter, annoyed with Belon, Aderac ended court for a time; then when he walked from his throne into his private council room, Belon followed him.

Impatiently, Aderac paced back and forth beside the table waiting for Belon to walk in, then turned and looked at him sternly, when he did.

Belon,” Aderac chastised him, “When I am on the throne matters of the court are first. Do not be playful and keep me from them.”

I gathered you would enjoy such,” Belon replied surprised by Aderac’s admonishment; his wounded feelings now equal to his wounded arm.

And I do enjoy such,” Aderac quickly said, “But not as I sit on my throne. You know well, I can do nothing but look at you when you are in a room with me, and to have you make faces at me openly so that others can see causes them to take lightly my warnings.”

Belon pouted before he began to walk towards the door. “
Then I shall stay away from you.”

Belon,” Aderac called to him, but his feelings wounded, he wouldn’t turn around and kept walking.

I beg you. Do not walk away,” he soothingly said this time.

’s words soft and loving. Now madly in love with him, Belon couldn’t make his feet take another step, even though his feelings were hurt, and stopped.

When he did, Aderac walked close to him.

“Dare I do such a thing to you in front of your men as you give them commands?” he asked softly, “Would you enjoy such?”

I would not,” Belon had to agree, and looked away from Aderac.

Then, my heart,” he added, as he touched his face and made him look at him, “I beg the same of you.”

After Aderac touched his face, Belon slouched and leaned against the wall before looking down at his feet embarrassed with himself.

“I was wrong,” he quietly admitted, “I will go back to our chamber. When you are done crawl into bed beside me so we can go to sleep together as always.”

I will not be late to bed,” he assured him, and tenderly turned Belon to face him again so he could kiss his lips.

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