Authors: Monica Luke

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“Should I trust my eyes,” Belon said pleasantly, “And see you within these walls, yet, be without even a simple greeting from you, old friend.”

Curious who seemed so easily acquainted with him, Rulgesic turned; then when he saw Belon, let out a hearty laugh and hurried over to him.

“You are unchanged other than your hair and beard,” he said cheerfully, now sizing him up from head to foot from not seeing him after so long, “And well clothed I see.”

Belon shook his head in amazement, believing he
’d never see him again.

What has brought you back within these walls?”

I want to know my brother again,” he answered regretting the strife that eventually caused him to leave WorrlgenHall.

As Belon thought back, he sighed his regret as well, but happy to see his old friend again.

“Then just as I know Ogorec is, I am glad you are back as well,” he expressed genuinely.

As both turned and walked, Rulgesic looked at Belon curiously.

“I must know,” he said frankly, “Such were you and Ogorec’s avows you could not part no matter how each tried, yet I return to find you both are no more.”

Unsure what to say, Belon kept walking while his mind ran with thoughts on where to begin, but as he was about to speak, suddenly Rulgesic bowed his head when he saw Aderac behind them coming down the hallway.

As he walked, when Aderac saw Belon standing close talking to someone after hugging him, jealous at once, he sent his guard away and, although he at first planned to ask about him later, decided to ask while in the hallway.

King,” Rulgesic said humbly, from a bowed position.

Aderac nodded, an
d looked at Belon; then back at Rulgesic.

I am hungry,” he brusquely spoke to Belon; then looked at him disapprovingly that he was hugging another man, “Walk me to the gathering hall.”

Belon nodded; then looked at Rulgesic.

“We shall speak more at a later time, and I will tell you how all of this came about,” he said and began walking.

After they got father down the hall, Aderac stopped and frowned at Belon, but said nothing, which made Belon look at him curiously.

“Why do you have such a look on your face?”

Him,” his jealous answer, “Who is he that you hugged so passionately and shared words with hidden meanings with?”

My sweet is jealous,” Belon amusingly teased.

Far from amused Aderac
’s forehead crinkled deeper, as he frowned harder.

He looks like him,” he expressed speaking of Ogorec, “They have the same dark eyes, thick black hair, jaw, and ears.”

Belon only laughed.

“So aware of others you are,” he then said, impressed with Aderac’s observation, “He is his brother, and has been away for WorrlgenHall for a long time.”

Loudly, Aderac exhaled relieved, and leaned hard against the wall.

“I am hopeless Belon, so hopeless. What shall I do with myself?” He pouted, as he looked at him. “I am so madly in love that even if you speak to an old friend it makes me burn with jealousy.”

Be jealous all you want my noble king and great love,” Belon devotedly responded, “But always trust that my lips shall only be upon yours and what is between my thighs, as well as all that flows out of it fill only you. None shall have what I have vowed to only be yours.”

Ooh, my want,” Aderac said, wanting to kiss him right then, “I want to kiss on you and savor what comes out of what is between your thighs so badly.”

Belon looked left a
nd right to make sure no one else was in the hallway, then ran his thumb along the rim of Aderac’s lips and gave him a small kiss.

Give honor to King Rone and eat, and when done I shall show you a grand sight in Worrlgen and let you kiss on me well away from others.”

Yes, Belon,” Aderac said pleased; then both walked down the hallway to the gathering hall.

Just as he said, Belon showed Aderac the Rocks of Worrlgen, a place where wind and rains had eroded away the rocks such that they looked like humans
and animals cast into stone; and every time he passed them, it awed him.

While Aderac looked at them and marveled, Belon remembered Aderac
’s words from earlier.

I want to be kissed on,” he said, through a wide grin, “And kiss on you.”

Umm.” Aderac hummed, when he looked over at Belon, “Always lustful is what is within your head.”

Such is so,” he agreed, “It is lust for only one.”

I too lust,” Aderac said ready to follow him, “For only one.”

Quickly, both rode to be away from others into the Grey Fores
t of Worrlgen, but as Aderac’s horse trotted along, a snake appeared in front of it causing it suddenly to rear frightened, and as it did, Aderac went sailing off it.

When Aderac
’s horse neighed loudly, Belon looked back to see why and saw Aderac landing hard on the ground.  

“Aderac!” he yelled, and quickly turned his horse to go to him. 

Wildly jumping from his horse, Belon rushed to Aderac; then fell to his knees beside him as he lay completely still with his eyes closed.

“Adeeeeraaac!” he yelled; then pulled his body tightly to him, “Aderaaaaccc! Adeeeeraaac!”

With Aderac in his arms, Belon rocked him like a newborn baby as he called out his name, then when he moved his hand to hold him better, and noticed his fingers were covered with blood, although
, the sight of blood nothing to him, when he looked at it on one he loved dearly, became overwhelmed.

Noooooo!” he cried out fearing the worse, “Cursed I am. Cursed I am that when I love they are stolen from me!”

As Belon held him even closer, he looked
for where the bleeding came from; then when he saw it was from the side of his head, tore his tunic and put it around Aderac’s gash, before he put his ear to his mouth to check for breathing.

Cursed is my life!” he cried out, as he effortlessly picked him up to put him on his horse when he didn’t feel or hear anything.

As he fretfully carried him, Belon looked at Aderac
’s face as he walked and; even though, blood covered it, he looked as if he was peacefully sleeping, which made Belon think of that same peaceful look sleeping beside him, and his eyes glisten.

I deeply love you,” he now said, anguished, “What is between us is like no other that lives or shall.”

Now close to his horse, Belon
’s glistening eyes turned to tears as he thought more of the cherished one in his arms dying and openly wept.

Oooww!” Suddenly, Aderac loudly groaned and reached for his head; then noticed Belon weeping and talking to himself while carrying him.

Why do you weep, my love?” he asked, as he looked at him, “And speak to yourself while carrying me?” 

Belon stopped; then put him down before frantically holding him.

“I love you!” he cried out relieved so loud it echoed, “And dare you have me filled with woeful fear!” 

And I love you,” Aderac replied, “Why do you weep and carry me?”

Do you not feel all the blood on your face?” Belon asked, his tone almost a screech, “You hit your head and did not wake!”

Aderac again reached for his head and noticed some of Belon
’s tunic wrapped around it.

My horse.” He now remembered, “It suddenly reared, and I fell to the ground.”

And hit your head,” Belon added.

His head throbbing, Aderac groaned a
gain, but smiled at Belon lovingly.

Such a strong will you have and so fierce you are,” Aderac said so moved he wanted to cry as well, “Yet, as you carried me, I heard you weeping.”

After another deep sigh, Belon looked at him; then inhaled relieved and f
ell onto his back to the ground before he began to laugh, but as he did, his laugh again turned to weeping.

Belon,” Aderac said, as he moved to his side, and again moved by Belon’s open emotion, his eyes began to glisten, “Why do you weep?”

For joy and joy,” Belon answered, as he turned and saw Aderac eyes shining beside him, “Joy that I now can love such that I am weakened to tears and joy who I love is well.”

Aderac wiped Belon
’s eyes; then wiped his own.

Our lustful kisses will have to hold until we are within the chamber,” he said, as he now stood, but staggered when he did.

At once, Belon jumped up to hold him.

“Come,”  he said, and guided him to his own horse; then helped him onto it before he jumped on it himself, “Let us get back and get you to bed, and those lustful kisses shall wait until you are better.”

Will you be beside me?” Aderac asked, as he put his arms around him to hold on; then pressed his cheek to his back.

I will be no place other than beside you,” Belon said, and spurred his horse forward.

Feeling safe and secure with his arms around him, Aderac remembered
Belon bandaged his head with the tunic he wore.

I shall have many made for you,” his words, as he rubbed his cheek on his back.

I have many from you as it is,” he said, with a smile from thinking of how Aderac tended to him in all aspects of his life.

And you shall have many more.” 

Belon said nothing else about the subject, and knew Aderac would pamper him with more tunics out of love, and again as he thought of his
sudden fear of losing him, he stopped his horse and reached for Aderac’s hands that were around his waist.

There is no worth to scale my love for you. It is deep Aderac, so deep,” he professed sincerely, and repeated his words just as Aderac did when upset or excited. “You must know and trust that. You must Aderac, you must. “

Aderac kissed his back tenderly.

“Belon, I knew such long before you.”

And I will sleep beside you here, as well as anywhere we are and not slip away to keep others from knowing of us,” he asserted, “We are in love and dare I fear losing you such that I weep; then behave as if you are not my life. I will not.”

Your will be done,” Aderac said, as he rested his cheek again.

Is that not your will as well?”

That is foolish of you to ask,” Aderac’s response to his question, as he lifted his cheek for a second; then put it back in place.”

His head neatly bandaged by the servants, as Aderac lay in his bed to rest, he crossed his arms and expectantly stared at the door waiting for a
wondrous sight to appear.

Knowing his love well, he smiled when Belon suddenly came through the door smiling, and as he undressed in front of him and came to bed, Aderac eagerly inhaled waiting to feel his heated body against his; then exhaled once it wa

I knew you would come lay beside me and not wait until time for bed,” he said pleased, as he now turned so Belon could hold him from behind, and after he did Belon again put his body very close to Aderac’s and his strong arm around him.

You will not be in this bed alone mending,” he whispered into his ear, “And not have me with you.”

Aderac sighed content letting his mind wander.

“Remember when I first rode here?” he reminisced.

I remember well,” he answered, as he made himself comfortable.

When I looked at you,” he kept going, as his breath quickened just thinking of it, “My breath left me. So handsome you looked as you sat proudly on your horse, but you looked away from me, so I spoke to make you look at me.”

Belon laughed, as he thought of it.
“What comes more to mind for me is that you offended me; then offended me again later.” 

Only to make you speak of it to others, and from it I would be in your head.”

I put my boot hard into your thigh with the weight of my body,” he added, as he thought back on his angered deed, “For taunting me about my red hair.”

Yes, you did Belon, and you are heavy,” Aderac commented, rising slightly annoyed with his brows furrowed remembering the deed, “And to this day a scar is on my thigh.”

It is?” he questioned puzzled why he never noticed certain he had explored every part of his body.


Then, from this day on,” his loving response, “I shall kiss it when my lips are between yours thighs.”

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