Authors: Monica Luke

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Both happy to forgive and be forgiven, they let their
love flow into the other all day; then neither leaving the chamber, stayed in bed with Aderac’s body sprawled half over Belon’s as they lay, talked , and slept, then when morning came all left for Ivodgald.


Chapter 39


s seasons passed from the one to the other, Beladera grew into a lovely happy little girl, and adored by her father, Aderac had a small throne made for her to sit beside him when he conducted court during day on one side with Belo on an extravagant cushion on the other.

Adored by Belon
as well, some days as she sat by Aderac on her little throne, Belon would come and whisk her away to take her with him while he watched the men train, and after having a wooden sword made for her, began to teach her how to use it.

Always, when Belon came t
o court, after greeting his love, before he’d whisk Beladera away, he’d loving say to Aderac.

Behold the only we love more than each other,” his words, before he’d grab her and put her on his shoulders and carry her off.

My king,” Gueden would often warn, “She should be learning and not out with him swinging a sword. She will be a queen and wife someday, and should not learn more of those things.”

Ssshhh.” Aderac would only shush him, “Such joy it brings me to see her smile, as she sits high on his strong shoulders when he carries her away. He takes joy in teaching her and he shall.”

Late one afternoon, when he brought Beladera back, before the servants took her away to her mother, Aderac questioned her.

“How was your day with Grand Commander Belon?” he asked, as he smiled at both his loves.

Die by my sword, die, die,” Beladera chanted, as she jabbed excitedly forward with her small wooden sword eagerly showing what she learned that day.  

Belon.” Aderac looked shocked, before he raised a disapproving eyebrow to him, “She is a girl and should not learn such words as that.”

First tasks first,” Belon’s reply, “I know of wicked boys and men, and she will know how to defend herself well from both, and her skill will back her threat.”

Wicked boys and men-” Aderac teasingly scoffed, “I reason none could have been as wicked as you when you were a boy. I am well sure.”

After Aderac kissed Beladera goodbye and the servants took her to her mother, Belon walked around the table to sit on it in front of him.

“Do you have much to do until you are done?” he asked, and smiled, “My day is done.”

Done so soon?” Aderac questioned surprised because it was only mid sun.”

Eh.” He shrugged his shoulders. “The day is hot such and I am sweating madly, and the water in the lake is to hot for swimming.”

Aderac moved his hand onto Belon
’s thigh.

Well, I must speak to the council about matters with one of the mines,” he casually answered, rubbing Belon’s thigh as he did, “And will be done.”

I am going to our chamber to get out of what I am wearing,” Belon told him, and aroused by his touch he moved Aderac’s hand onto his shaft, “Hurry your words along with them, and I will show you how wicked I was as a boy.”

Aderac hissed through his teeth pleased as his hand now fe
lt his shaft becoming rigid.

Belon, it is still only mid sun and early.” He blushingly smiled before he fondled it.

When I pull out of you.” he confidently assured him, as he stood, then began walking towards the door, “It will be well late, and such that you go to sleep.

Knowing Belon true to his words in all things including his passion, Aderac
’s breath quickened at the very thought of his deep seemingly endless thrusts.

Wait, my love.” He stood and walked over to him; then kissed him and again fondled him, “My words to them can hold. I am done as well so you can be wicked with me.”

Off and on well into the day, Belon was wicked with Aderac, and as he said it was such that he wanted to sleep, but hungry as well, he had the servants bring them food and
both sat at the table by the window to eat it.

As they ate, Aderac across from him gazing at him lovingly moved to sit beside him, but changed his mind and sat across his lap.

“Aderac.” He chuckled, “How can I eat with you on my lap and in the way?”

erac only smiled knowing he loved it when he sat across his lap even if merely to gaze into his eyes.

So long have we been one Belon,” Aderac’s aver even more in love with him than before.

Yes, long indeed,” Belon agreed, “Yet, I feel as if only a day has passed with us, more than happy I have been and am.”

While sitting in his lap, Aderac l
ovingly looked at Belon’s face, then took his hand and softly touched his brows, nose, and mouth just as taken with his handsome features now, as he was the first time he actually touched his face.

I want to do all for you and be all to you as long as I live,” he whispered as he did, “All.”

And you are, and do,” Belon replied, enjoying the feel of his hand gently touching his face, “And you shall.”

After m
oving the plate aside, Aderac straddled his lap and faced him, and as he again looked at him; he gently put his hands on both sides of his head and looked right into his eyes.

As I touch your face Belon, what comes to me and always shall is,” Aderac’s earnest words, as he began to want him again, “That never has there been another so handsome.”

All the time we have been as one?” Belon questioned pleased by his words, “Do you still see me as that?”

Oh, my beloved,” he professed, as he raised his rear; then eased it down onto Belon’s shaft, which had hardened as he straddled him, “I see you as that and much more.”

’s strength great, with Aderac on his lap, he pushed the table away from them and lifted him, and when he did Aderac enthusiastically wrapped his arms and legs around him, and encouragingly cheered him on.

So strong you are, so strong,” Aderac’s rave, “Such a handsome strong man you are Belon and…”

And what?” Belon basked in his words, and like a sponge absorbed deeply within every word Aderac ever spoke, “And what?”

And I am weakened by you in every way and I love you. I love you.”

Knowing that was what he would say, Belon didn
’t carry him to the bed. Instead, he carried him to the secret room, which they hadn’t used since they swore to never sleep apart.

Let us go back in time.” He kissed and carried him, “And be upon the first bed we ever lay.”

We shall set it on fire,” Aderac said enthused; his arms and legs still wrapped well around him, “With the heat of our bodies, as yours rubs to mine.”

Then trust well Aderac,” Belon warned, as he fell on top of him after he placed him on the bed, “I will not move off you, until it burns.”

Sssss set it on fire!” Aderac said loudly and passionately, as every inch of Belon suddenly rammed inside him, “Ah ssssss set it on fire!”



What do you reason she wants?” Ovfren asked Ogorec as they walked down the hallway towards the servants, who worked in the men’s and different halls, chambers.

I do not know,” his truthful answer, “We have never shared words so I gather it is dire.”

Now both standing outside her door, Ovfren looked at Ogorec.

“If you wish I will wait in the hallway.”

There is no need,” he said quickly, “I have nothing to hide.”

Softly, Ogorec knocked on the hollow wood and then walk
ed inside, but stayed close to the door.

Moura,” Ogorec said warily, “You asked me to come to you.”

Enter more please,” Moura spoke in raspy panting breaths.

Warily, Ogorec walked farther from the door, letting his eyes search the room with each step b
efore he saw a weak frail body lying on her bed.

You asked me to come,” he said concerned, “I am here.”

Ogorec.” Moura wheezed, “I know we have not spoken, but I must reveal a truth and from it release my burden as well.”

Why to me?”

I am dying,” she confessed, “And when I am gone there is no one willing to care for him.”

For who?”

Our son -”

The room echoed with Ovfren
’s gulp and his eyes spoke his question for him.

I have never as much as touched her,” Ogorec instantly denied, as his head turned to Ovfren.

My son,” Moura added, “With Belon.”

Does he know?” Ogorec asked curiously since Belon never mentioned a son.

Moura breathed in and out in broken pants; then looked at Ogorec and Ovfren.

“I was angry when he refused me for him,” Moura admitted, knowing both new she meant King Aderac, “And was going to tell him when I went to him, but in my anger I did not to be spiteful.”

And now?”

I do not have much longer,” she confessed from her deathbed. The beads on her forehead an obvious sign she was burning fever, “Soon he will have no one.”

Ogorec looked at Ovfren, then to Moura.

“Belon is at Ivodgald,” Ogorec commented, “Do you wish us to care for your son until he comes again?”

I beg you, Ogorec,” Moura said, as she tried to raise her fragile frame to face him while she made her plea, “Get him to Belon. Let him know he has a son. I know you have the means to do it and the honor to see he safely gets to him.”

Moura…” Ogorec shook his head with hesitation, “Such a burden you are placing upon me.”

I am dying,” her plea, “When I die, I beg that you get him to his father.”

Ogorec sighed deeper than he had ever before; then looked at Ovfren.

“My love,” Ogorec said to him, “What shall we do?”

Agree and honor her dying words,” Ovfren answered, not even having to give it a second thought, “That no bad omen be upon us for not.”

With that said, Ogorec turned to Moura.

“It shall be done,” he promised.

Later in their chamber, as
they discussed the matter Rulgesic came inside, and after listening to them for awhile stood.

Brother,” he volunteered, “I long to see this Ivodgald where Belon now commands and lives. I will take the boy to him and be able to visit my old friend.”

She tasked me with it,” Ogorec mentioned concerned.

Your words were she asked you to get him to his father,” Rulgesic’s retort, “And I shall do just that, as well as keep him safe.”

Ovfren,” Ogorec said as he looked at him, “Do you agree with such?”

nodded; then looked at Rulgesic.

Take him to Belon.” He nodded, “Who knows when he will journey back. He has been away a long time.”

Then it is set,” all agreed, “When she passes, I shall take the boy to his father.”

Moura lived only days longer, and ou
t of kindness, since she had no family or close friends, Ogorec had her buried in a grave of her own so the little boy could visit her should he be at WorrlgenHall ever again.

After the gravedigger lowered her body deep into the earth, they patiently let t
he boy stand by her grave to mourn her; then just as planned, he slept on a pallet within their cottage that night by the fire and the next morning, Rulgesic put him on a horse and pulled it behind his to take him to Belon.




His travel diligent and steady, Rulgesic got the young boy safely to Ivodgald quickly, and when he arrived in court, he stood with him in the far back patiently watching and listening to King Aderac.

While the king conducted his affairs with those who came before him, he pondere
d how he should approach his throne with the boy and Ogorec’s message.

As he stood and thought to himself, so deep were his thoughts it startled him when a guard suddenly stood in front of him and called him by name.

“Am I standing where I should not?” Rulgesic asked slightly alarmed unfamiliar with where visitors of court stood.

Step forward and go in front of the king,” his brusque words, as he stood aside so he could get behind him as he walked.

Hesitantly, Rulgesic walked in front of the throne, and when he did, right away King Aderac silenced all.

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