Authors: Monica Luke

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“Step forward,” he said after he did.

After taking a few more steps, the child clinging to his leg frighteningly moving along behind him, Rulgesic bo

Welcome,” Aderac greeted cheerfully, “I saw you when walked inside and knew your face. What has brought you this far north?”

Rulgesic raised his head; then tried to pry the child away from his leg, but Rulgesic
’s pant tight in his grip; he quickly clung more tightly to him.

Is he touched?”

Only frightened King Aderac,” Rulgesic said, as he looked up.

His body and face covered by a small wool hooded cloak, although unable to see him completely, Aderac smiled pleasantly at him.

“And who is this frightened young child you have with you?” he asked curiously, knowing Rulgesic traveled a long time and probably with him.

I beg you, king,” Rulgesic knew to be discreet, “That you grant me words with you alone of matters with this child.”

’s brows furrowed with curiosity from his request.


Yes, great king.”

Inhaling, Aderac looked at him, noticing the serious expression now resting on his face.

“Very well,” he said and stood, then walked towards his private chamber.

if given leave to follow, Rulgesic and the boy remained in place.

Come along,” Aderac said, as he looked back, but kept walking.

Once in the chamber with his guards beside him, as Aderac sat and leaned back, humbly Rulgesic again spoke.

“I beg you, king,” he pushed his request to another limit by adding, “That my words to you be only for your ears.”

Why do you ask such?” Aderac’s curiosity peaked even more.

For the sake of Belon -”

Aderac straightened his back, anything to do with Belon his sole in
terest and concern.

Belon,” he repeated, as his head perked before his mouth opened slightly and he now leaned forward, “What of Belon?”

I beg you king,” Rulgesic only said.

After looking at his guards, Aderac waved his hands.

“Leave us,” he quickly commanded.

Once all had left, Aderac again leaned back.

“What of Belon?” he asked, as he rested his chin on his hand and looked at him intently.

I am honoring a dying plea made to my brother,” Rulgesic answered, “I bring him what is his.”

Aderac gave him
an odd look.

Do not speak to me in riddles,” his terse remark in no mood for them.

This child,” Rulgesic now revealed, as he looked down him, “Is Belon’s son.”

As a look of shock swept across him, Aderac was speechless; then once he regained his tongu
e, he stood and walked around his table and to the boy.

Remove his cloak.”

Slowly, Rulgesic untied his cloak and pulled back the hood, and instantly Aderac gasped. The boy
’s nose and lips mirroring Belon’s, he had long red hair resting proudly on his head and red eyebrows, and Aderac knew at once that he spoke the truth.

the mother?”

She has died.”

What is his name?”


Unsure what to say, Aderac said nothing for a while and stared at the boy, who was silent.

“Young one,” he finally said, while looking at him, “Can you speak?”

Yes,” he timidly answered.

How old are you?” he asked, as he now studied him from head to foot to figure it out himself.

As he only shook his head unsure of how old he was, thoughts rushed into Aderac
’s head of what to do and how to handle the young boy, who was obviously afraid.

Are you hungry?”
he asked, careful to keep his tone soft and soothing not to frighten him more.

The boy nodded.

Aderac gave him a sincere smile and walked to the door to call for the guard.

Have a servant bring the young boy a hearty portion of roasted geese with figs and boiled apples, and two large cups of cold honeyed milk to wash it down,” he ordered, “And send another for Belon.”

hile facing the door, Aderac took slow deep breaths not to seem frazzled, then turned to Rulgesic.

You have journeyed far,” he said hospitable, “Rest as long as you like, and the guards will show you where the rooms are for guest. Enjoy your stay and you can have anything you ask for within reason by word of the king.”

The fate of the boy -”

You have done as asked,” Aderac’s remark, “He is out of your hands and now in the hands of Belon and me.”

Right away obedient to the king, Rulgesic nodded; then left his private chamber.

After he left, Aderac opened the door and spoke to Ciron. “Have council take over court. I am done for the day.”

Once the boy had eaten his fill, Aderac had servants round up toys for him to play with, and as he played with them at a table, he observantly watched him.

Again trying to see if anything about him was well different from Belon, he found nothing.

His eyes blue with the green flecks, his hair and brows red, and although just a young boy, already tall, he saw what Belon must have looked like as a child.

Not long after he sent for Belon, he casually walked inside.

You send for me in the middle of the day,” he lovingly teased, “Am I missed or even better - wanted for naughty midday pleasure?” 

Aderac bounced out of the chair meeting Belon halfway.
“Rulgesic is here at Ivodgald.”

Belon happily grinned pleased to see his old friend again.

“Where?” he asked, but as he looked at Aderac, when he saw a questioning look on his face, knew something was wrong.

There is more,” he said, not noticing the boy at the table, “Speak it.”

Belon,” Aderac said quickly to get it out of the way, “He brought a gift for you when he came.”


Your son.”

Belon gulped so loudly any passing could have heard it from hallway and his head bobbled surprised. The last words he ever reasoned someone would say to him, he questioned if he may have heard him right.

“What were just your words?” his disbelieving question, certain he had.

Look,” Aderac said and pointed to the young boy, “He brought him all the way from WorrlgenHall.”

Belon looked over to the boy, then back to Aderac, then back to the boy again.

“I swear to you,” his vehement declaration, “I have been true to you and with no other in any way or have wanted to be.”

Aderac lovingly reached out and touched Belon
’s face. He had no doubt of Belon’s faithfulness.

I know that your love for me is great,” he said, as he did, “As I look at him, he looks to be about seven springs and we have been in love for six, and I know how much you love me.”

Slowly, Belon walked closer to the young boy with Aderac right behind him.

“…the mother?” He turned to Aderac.

She is died.”

Thinking back on the only he had touched since Ogorec and he ended what was between them, suddenly it came to him. “

Who is that?”

She was the only.”

Then, my love,” Aderac said, as he took Belon’s hand, “She has sent you a great task.”

A look of shock swept across Belon
’s face.

I know nothing of being of father,” his reluctant words, as he stepped away to keep the child from hearing him.

You know well such,” Aderac chided him still holding his hand; “You love and see after Beladera.”

You know that is not the same Aderac.”

Belon inhaled; then looked over at the boy, before he walked right in front of him and stood.

“Stand,” he said when he did, but it sounded like a command as he towered over him and frightened him.

Belon,” again Aderac chided, “He is not one of your men. He is just a little boy. Do not bark at him.”

Realizing Aderac was right, Belon got down on his knee in front of him, but so tall, he seem to still tower over him.

“Stand,” his tone more friendly, “And let me see you.”

Slowly, the boy stood; then Belon took his hand and lifted his chin.

“Look at his red hair and his red brows, my love,” Aderac anxiously said, as he did, “And his ears and nose. Oh, oh and his top lip, it curves just as yours does.”

I see such,” Belon said, as he turned his chin to the left and right and deeply inhaled, “And I must confess, I see me as well.”

Oooh, Belon,” Aderac said excitedly pleased, “I knew this was how you looked as a young boy.”

At once, Aderac called for a servant, promptly taking charge of the boy
’s well being.

Take him to one of the royal chambers on my floor,” he commanded, “I gather after such a full meal he is sleepy, but first bathe him and put him in the finest sleeping gown.”

Before the servant escorted Ihon away, Aderac turned to him and touched his cheek.

“Worry of nothing,” his warm words, “You are safe here with us.”

Smiling at him to comfort him as Aderac spoke, Belo
n rubbed his head before the servant lead him away; then once the child left the room, he sat hard in a chair unsure what to do or how to react to sudden fatherhood.

What is within you?” Aderac asked, while soothingly rubbing the middle of his back knowing he was troubled.

Worry,” Belon’s spoke truthfully.

Tenderly, Aderac moved his hand to Belon
’s hair before he dug his fingers deep into his scalp, which always soothe him when he was troubled, then sat beside him.

You know well what to do to soothe me,” Belon admitted pleased when he did.

Let us go to our chamber,” Aderac suggested, as he stood, then grabbed Belon’s hand urging him to rise, “And as always we shall speak while we hold each other in bed of how to deal with a matter.”

Belon inhaled; the
n lead by Aderac’s hand, stood.

Let us,” he agreed and followed him.

Once in their chamber, when they began to undress to climb into bed, as Belon put his sword away and took off his clothes, the faraway look in his eyes obvious, Aderac again tried to s
oothe his worry.

Belon,” he said, while climbing in bed first, “I can see that you still worry, you know I am behind you.”

Now undressed, Belon climbed in bed; then got on his back for Aderac to rest his head on his chest as always before he put his arm
around his shoulders.

Yes, yet I fear,” he confessed, “It has been just us for so long, then Beladera, and now we have another who shall be part of our lives. This will change what is between us.”

Aderac raised his head to look at him.

“Belon,” his words soft, “He will only change it by adding to the greatness of our love?”

His hand caressing Aderac
’s shoulder, then stroking his back, Belon looked at him.

What if he does not want to be here and would rather be at WorrlgenHall?” Belon aired his concerns, “What if he despises me? What if …”

Aderac raised his finger and put it to Belon
’s lips to silence him.

What if he sees how strong, fierce, and brave his father is? He countered his concerns, “… and yet is so loving.”

Belon smiled; then chuckled.
“What if he sees how loving who he loves is?”

He will see such,” he assured him, “From being loved by me as well.”

Words shall be as wildfire of this,” another of Belon’s concerns, “That the king cares for a bastard child not his own.”

Do you reason I would worry over such?” Aderac questioned, “When to this day others still whisper about the king and his red headed commander. He is part of you, and I shall love him and see that he has all just as I do for his father.”

If only I could put a child within you.” Belon laughed now being silly, “My want for you is such that you are always full from me. So many children you would bear.”

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