Authors: Monica Luke

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Later, losing track of ti
me as he talked to his council of men about what to do with the women and children who ran out the forest that Belon half destroyed, Aderac stood to stretch and strolled to the window.

Casually, looking out at the sky, when he did and noticed the moon had
set high in the darkened sky, his eyes widened. and he gasped.

We are done! We are done!” he suddenly blurted; then headed towards the door.

His guards trying to keep up with him, faster than he had ever run in his life, Aderac sprinted down the hallways
to his chamber.

The day will begin late into the morning,” he blurted when he got to the door and began to open it, “Do not come until then. Do not.”

Worriedly, he burst inside.

“Belon, Belon,” he called out upset with himself, as he now quickly took of his clothes and raced towards the bedchamber “Forgive me, I ...”

Noticing the bed empty, right away, he hurried into the secret room, and when he found it empty as well, fretted.

“Belon,” he called out again, as he looked left and right, but got no answer.

Right away, he walked to the other end of chamber, then when he looked down saw Belon lying on the thick furs in front of the fireplace naked, sighed relieved

Happy their vow to never fall asleep without one beside the other kept, he hurried beside him.

So beautiful does it look as it burns,” Aderac soothing said, and got behind him, then wrapped his arm around him and looked at the fire along with him.

Sulking, Belon said nothing as he stared ahead.

“How does your arm feel?” he then asked, but still Belon remained silent.

Noticing he offered no comment both times he spoke, Aderac commented on it.

“Dare you be in a mood?” he chided him, “I am the only that can be in a mood, and now Belon, now I am in a mood.”

Although, he didn
’t want to because he was upset he was late to bed, and sulking from being chastised early, Belon almost chuckled. He remembered how he was the one who teased about moods, but he managed to hold it in before he sighed and kept his stare on the fireplace.

You are late to bed and never have been,” he spoke, as he stared, “And have never scolded me for being silly with you even in front of others. Are you bored with me or do you no longer love me? If it is yes, I will not be a burden anymore. I will leave Ivodgald.”

No sooner th
an Belon closed his mouth from speaking, Aderac looked aghast, and inhaled so deeply he began to choke.

How can you let such words come out of your mouth to me? Aderac asked completely dismayed, as he coughed while trying to regain his breath, and so upset, he spoke the same words even more repeatedly, “How can you? How can you Belon. How can you?”

From the way you were with me this day,” Belon answered, but was surprised how quickly Aderac became distraught.

Aderac moved in front of Belon and stood blo
cking his view of the fireplace.

How can you? How can you?” he emotionally asked, as his voice began to crack before he lowered his head and began hyperventilating.

Quickly, Belon rose to his knees.

“Forgive me for asking such,” his just as emotional reply, moved by how upset Aderac had become, “I was wounded and only asked it to wound you as well.”

So distressed he questioned his love and offered to leave him, Aderac fell to his knees to meet Belon on his.

“I love and need you Belon. I do love you. I do love you Belon,” Aderac professed emphatically and began weeping loudly, his chest heaving and his breathing uncontrolled as he did, “I love you Belon and shall never bore of you nor want to be without you.”

Overcome by his free flowing tears, Belon gra
bbed him with his uninjured arm.

Lovingly, he pulled him close to his body to calm, as well as comfort, and reassure him.

“And I love you Aderac, my king, my life, and my all. Lonely I would be without you. I need more than you shall ever need me,” he professed loudly and still just as emphatically, “You must not weep my sweet. It saddens me such that I am hopeless.”

Pulling from him after he spoke, Belon looked into his face and kissed him.

“How can you be so willingly to leave me Belon?” Aderac asked between his mewls after Belon kissed him, “And just rip my heart out of my chest.”

I am not worthy of you, and only spoke as that of a fool. I did not mean any of my words,” Belon answered, as his lips traveled all over his now salty teary face trying to soothe him, “How do you love me as greatly as you do?”

You are my Belon,” he sniffed again between his answer. His cheeks stained from his tears, “My handsome warrior, and the only to bring pleasure to my body and love to my heart. You are my Belon, my very life. I cannot help but be what I am and shall always be, which is deeply in love with you.”

After their devout reaffirmation of love, Aderac looked into Belon
’s enticing blue eyes.

I will not be late to bed,” his promise, as his head went from side to side to express himself even more “Never, never again without word of it to you Belon.”

And I will not tease you while you sit on your throne,” Belon promised, “And forgive me for my words to only wound you.”

As both still kneeled in front of the other,
Aderac moved closer to Belon lovingly and rested his head on his shoulder, but Belon put his hand on the back of his neck, and moved it to face him before he kissed him.

Refusing to release his captive lips until he left him breathless, breathless Aderac
was, and certain he would faint at any moment.

That one was passionate,” his deep whisper, as he moved Aderac onto the furs to kiss him more, “The others shall all be tender.”

The blazing fireplace keeping both men nice and toasty, although both had inte
nded on getting into the bed to go to sleep, after they kissed and cuddled, fell fast asleep on the floor.

From that night on, Aderac was not late again to bed, nor was Belon, and although Belon promised never to make playful faces at him while sitting on
the throne, one day while walking through court, he glanced over at Aderac, who made one at him.

After playfully making one back, both made their expression serious again and went about their duties, and that night both teased each other about the silly f
ace each made and how something so simple had caused a horrible quarrel between them.

Our hearts beat as one Belon,” Aderac said assuredly, after done with teasing, as he put his body close to him to sleep.

Long have they Aderac,” Belon agreed, as he held him. “Long have they.”


Chapter 36


gorec and Ovfren ate in the men’s hall before bed. As they casually talked while they did when a tall dark haired man walked through the door and loudly dropped his pouch on the floor Ogorec suddenly became silent; then when his food fell out of his mouth back onto his plate, Ovfren looked at him concerned.

What is it?” he asked, as he looked at Ogorec noticing the expression on his face seemed as if he had seen a ghost.

Slowly, the tall man
’s eyes scanned the room before they targeted Ogorec; then with a determined walk went right to him and stood in front of him, but said nothing as he stared down at him.

Surprised by his bold actions, Ovfren eased his hand onto his sword
’s hilt while he looked back and forth at them both.

You look well,” he suddenly blurted, “Long has it been.”

At once, Ogorec stood
and then wrapped his arms around him, and when the man returned his welcome, Ovfren moved his hand and sat quietly while they hugged each other.

After they hugged, the man pulled back from Ogorec and put a sloppy playful kiss on his cheek with a hearty lau
gh, then felt compelled to hug him again.   

Unsure what exactly was going on, Ovfren remained silent, then after at least two more hugs, Ogorec looked down at Ovfren, which prompted him to stand and give a, although hesitant, greeting.

“Glad to meet you friend,” the man pleasantly said.

Brother, this is Ovfren,” Ogorec answered, and when Ovfren heard him say the word brother, now relaxed.

Ovfren.” He nodded; then looked around the room again, “And where is Belon hiding? I do not see his red hair anywhere?”

Ogorec let out a labored inhale.
“Brother, Belon commands at Ivodgald.”

Surprised, he frowned puzzled.

“Dare you let him command so far away?” he asked, “When I left, you could not be parted from him.”

When he mentioned Belon, Ovfren sat back down a
nd began eating again, but when he did, Ogorec put his hand under his arm to get him to stand.

Ovfren is ... he is ...” Ogorec began to speak, but stumbled over his words.

Ovfren is what?” his brother asked, as he looked at him.

I am a high guild under Ogorec,” Ovfren answered; and after giving Ogorec a disappointed look, stepped away from the table and began walking towards the door.

As he walked, Ogorec walked behind him; then grabbed him by his arm gently.

“Wait, Ovfren,” he tenderly said.

I understand well,” Ovfren said, knowing it troubled Ogorec seeing his brother after so long and knew why.

No,” Ogorec said, as he took his arm.

Looking over at his brother, Ogorec signaled to him with his head to join them by the door; then when he came,
Ogorec tenderly touched Ovfren’s face.

The handsome face I touch,” he said, as he looked at Ovfren then back to his brother, “Is the face I am in love with and have been for some time.”

Surprised, he looked at Ovfren up and down.

“A handsome strong looking warrior you look to be,” he said playfully, “If I was one to live in such a way, you would indeed be one hard to turn from.”

At first fretting his brother
’s judgment of him again, Ogorec’s brows shot up bewildered.

You left angered when you learned of Belon and me.”

Such is true,” he agreed, “But long have I been away and without my brother, and I am back to know my brother again.”

And I welcome my brother back,” Ogorec said, and exhaled relieved, as well as pleased.

As all stood by the door, unsure what to say next, Ogorec
’s brother finally spoke.

It is late,” he said, and grabbed his pouch, “I must find a place to sleep. I gather I will go to the guard houses.”

You will not,” Ogorec said at once, and took his pouch from him, “I have a chamber that you shall make you own while you are here.”

And where will you sleep?”

We have a cottage that we share together,” he answered, “Just beyond the walls into WorrlgenHall.”

Ah,” he said and nodded; then looked at Ovfren.

Again, all stood silent, only for his brother to break it again,

“I am ashamed of you brother,” he said and looked at him sternly.

Unsure what he was about to say he was ashamed of, Ogorec and Ovfren looked at each other, then him.

“You have not told your Ovfren my name,” he said, as he shook his head.

Ovfren smiled, and as he did, Ogorec broke into an even wider smile of his own.

“My brother’s name is Rulgesic.”

Rulgesic nodded proudly and put his hand on Ogorec
’s shoulder.

His older brother I shall add.”

After a loud and long yawn, Rulgesic shook his body hard to get rid of his sluggishness, only to yawn suddenly again, and even louder.

“I am more tired than I reasoned from my journey back to WorrlgenHall. After I have rested, we shall talk freely. Take me to your chamber.”

After Ogorec showed his brother to his chamber, he and Ovfren went to their cottage and undressed for bed; then as they lay, Ovfren looked at Ogorec wanting to ask him about his brother, but decided it best to let Ogorec bring it
up first.

Instead, as he put his leg over his, he rested his head on his hand and stared at Ogorec, and when he turned his head to look back at him, Ovfren roguishly smiled.

“Umm.” Ogorec hummed deeply, as he pulled the furs off them both knowing what Ovfren was thinking.

Leaning over to him, Ovfren kissed his neck; then ran his hand down the center of his stomach and caressed him, and when he did, Ogorec used his other arm to stroke Ovfren
’s back before urging him to get on top of him.

Once on top of him, both kissed passionately breathing heavy into the other
’s mouth; then Ovfren moved onto his knees and grabbed Ogorec’s thighs, but just as he was about the thrust into him, the door opened.

I tapped on the door at length,” said Rulgesic, as he walked inside with his pouch in his hand and his furs from off his horse, “Yet, I gather with all the heavy breathing no one heard me so I came inside.”

Ovfren scrambled off Ogorec.

“What are you doing here?” Ogorec asked annoyed he had interrupted them, “I gave you my chamber to sleep as long as you were here.”

And I thank you,” he said, and put his pouch down, “But long have I been away from you brother, and as I lay, I asked myself is it good for me to sleep in WorrlgenHall and you elsewhere? Well, you have my answer.”

Ogorec exhaled hard to make his annoyance obvious, but Rulgesic ignored it.

“Do not mind me,” he said, as he tossed his furs down on the floor by the hearth and plopped down on them, “I sleep like a rock and will not wake. You can go back to, uuuh, whatever you were about to do.”

Ovfren looked at Ogorec shocked, and all Ogorec could do was shake his head and shrug his shoulders. He knew his brother well, and knew he wasn
’t going anywhere.

Let us sleep,” he whispered to Ovfren and pulled the furs over them.

Both getting into the position they normally slept, Ovfren whispered to Ogorec, “
Sleep well,” and turned for him to hold him.

I shall with you beside me,” Ogorec whispered back.

Sleep well both of you,” Rulgesic interrupted, as he turned onto side, and when Ogorec and Ovfren raised their heads to look over to him, they heard him already snoring, but instead of trying to embrace again both went to sleep as well.

That morning when Rulg
esic woke, Ovfren already long gone, he noticed Ogorec watching him while waiting for him to wake.

Late you sleep brother,” Ogorec teased.

Rulgesic groaned, then stood and stretched, and when he looked around the cottage and noticed Ovfren not there, str
etched once more and sat at the table.

Forgive me brother,” his first words.

Why do you ask for such?”

I knew of Belon’s ways with men and woman and did not judge him, yet when I learned you and he had come together, I judged you and left WorrlgenHall in anger after our harsh words,” Rulgesic said regretfully, “I had no right to be so harsh and only did from selfishness.”

There is nothing to forgive,” Ogorec said, at once.

Rulgesic nodded pleased.

This Ovfren,” he said, as he nodded approvingly, “I could see even as I walked to you, that he was well in love.”

Ogorec inhaled.
“And it just as that for me with him as well.”

Rulgesic slightly laughed.

“Of all within this kingdom,” he admitted, “I never would have reasoned you brother, would love a man and one well younger.”

I would not as well,” Ogorec’s truth, “Until he besieged me like an invading force, and I must admit I have been conquered by him.”

Rulgesic again nodded.

“I will speak of it no more,” he said and threw open his arms to hug his brother, “All is as it is, and I am glad to have my brother again.”

As I,” Ogorec said, and hugged him back.




With winter approaching, Laad and Loth rode the pastures looking at the horses to make sure they appeared healthy, and as Laad rode on one side of the pasture and Loth on the other side, both stopped when they saw a messenger riding hard towards their direction.

Curious why he was riding hard, instead of waiting for him to get closer to find out, Laad rode to him and looked at him intently wa
iting to hear the message.

Your wife sends for you,” he said quickly, “And asks that you come at once.”

Worriedly, Laad spurred his horse away, and when Loth saw the messenger, then Laad hurry away, followed suit.

Once back at WorrlgenHall, his mind filled with fearful thoughts of what could have befallen his family, Laad jumped off horse and ran down hallways in full sprints, and up the stairs in leaps.

I am behind you!” Loth yelled, his actions mirroring Laad’s completely.

Quickly, Laad burst through
the door, breathing hard as his eyes searched the room.

Nona!” he yelled out, “What is wrong?”

Panting as he yelled, when he looked over to the fireplace, he saw Nona standing by it completely naked, making his eyes widen.

“I do want you breathing hard and panting,” Nona said, as she put her hands on her hips, “But not in such a way as that.”

Loth right behind him
about to burst through the door, Laad quickly put his arm out to stop him.

Nona is well,” he said.

Are the children well?” Loth questioned again trying to come inside.

They are well,” Laad answered and grinned, stopping him again.

Making a face to frown, Loth didn
’t understand why such a smile after being summoned with an urgent message, but when Laad held his arm out again to keep him from walking through the door, figured it out.

I gather the children are with mine?” he questioned, as he stood and shook his head to Laad playfully.

Laad gave an ever-widening grin. “

Loth took in a deep breath to relax from running, and turned.

“Worry not for them until morning,” he said and chuckled, “… and enjoy.”  

Laad closed the door; then latched it tightly, but when he began to walk towards Nona, she stopped him.

“With each step,” she whispered, “Remove your clothes until you are bare just as I am.”

Obeying, Laad removed his clothes as he walked; then once in front of her, his breath quickened from how the young girl he married had become an alluring woman that he loved and desired madly.

“Such a woman you have become,” he said, as he stared at her body from head to toe, “Such a beautiful woman, and one well desired by her husband.”

Then show me how well,” Nona said, as he pressed her body to him and began to touch him.

Laad put his hand under her flowing blond hair and touched her neck befor
e he kissed her passionately; then like a feather in his arms, he whisked her to the edge of their bed.

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