Authors: Monica Luke

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“Aaah.” He sighed pleased knowing he would soon again be safely in his arms. “Aaah, my Belon.”

Eagerly, Aderac waited always making sure the guards knew the moment they saw him or his men to tell him, and stopping only when they had to, diligently Belon and the men arrived not long after
he sent the letter.

He is coming, my king,” a guard, as always, told Aderac the second someone saw him.

Right away, Aderac ordered his horse brought to him and waited at the wall, and as soon as he saw the cloud of dust rising high from their horses hooves, hurried out to greet him.

“My love is again with me,” he greeted, as he lovingly smiled and moved his horse closer, then touched Belon’s leg.

Belon smiled, and about to put his hand on Aderac
’s, his horse slightly jolted so he patted it on its neck to calm it; then promptly put his hand on top of Aderac’s hand.

Yes, he is,” he replied in a low lingering voice, “Let us not tarry. I want to be alone with you.”

’s smile broadened and he spurred his horse hard away, then when they got back within Ivodgald; he jumped from his horse first and ran with Belon in tow.

both got within the chamber, when the door slammed closed, Aderac flung his back against it waiting for Belon to put his pouch down, then immediately flew into his arms.

While they kissed, A
derac again found his back against the door as Belon grinded against him, and although it didn’t seem possible, their kissing became even more filled with desperate want as they grabbed at each other like two drowning men.

Wanting his body pressed down on
Aderac’s, but his lips never leaving his Belon pulled him off the door, and as both made their way to the bed while kissing madly, they broke or knocked over everything along their path to the bed.

Umm, I love the taste of your lips,” Belon commented, as they kissed and moved.

Somehow, as they kissed and moved, Belon managed to keep the pouch moving along with them.

“Why such toil with that pouch,” Aderac asked, and tried to take it from him to toss it aside.

You shall know soon enough…”

Both fell hard onto their bed, and after Belon moved on top of him he looked down at him lovingly.

“You are the only I desire.” Belon moaned, and began to kiss on his neck. “And great is and shall always be this desire.”

We are still clothed,” Aderac said. His body so heated with want he felt his clothes would catch fire.

Not for long,” he said, as he rose slightly, took his knife out of his belt, which was beside the bed, and cut Aderac’s clothes off him; the cold steel of his knife never once touching his skin.

Mesmerized by how gracefully he did it, Aderac wanted to devour him.

“My body is burning for you.” He panted from his want, “Take charge of me now Belon. Take charge of me.”

Belon stood, but kept his eyes in Aderac
’s as neither lost their gaze while he hurriedly removed his clothes, then his shaft so swollen and tight he ached, in a low heavy voice, he commanded him. “Open your thighs.”

Obeying, at once Aderac did, and after Belon looked down and beheld his only lust and passion, he pulled him by his legs to the end.

Ah, I long for you.” Aderac moaned as he did.

Never, more than I do for you.” He moaned back. His lips traveling down his stomach to his nave, then after making sure to kiss the scar on his thigh, he moved to what was just as swollen and tight for him, “And dreamed many nights of my mouth on you.”

Oooohh,” Aderac, with his eyes closed tightly, moaned and began massaging Belon’s scalp while his mouth pleasured him, “Ah, Belon give me more than just your mouth. Fill me Belon. Fill me.”

Belon moved his
mouth back up his body.

Sssss, I shall.” His hiss as he granted Aderac’s request.

Both panting and sweating as they lost themselves on each other
’s embrace. Finally, Belon collapsed on top of Aderac, and after they held each other tenderly and regained their breath. He rolled off him and reached into his pouch.

For you, my sweet Aderac,” he affectionately said, then waited for the surprised look he knew would sweep across his face.

Not expecting anything from him when he returned this time, Aderac
’s mouth opened taken aback.

Oooooss…” he could only mutter and gulped hard.

This cannot be. A time that you have no words to speak,” Belon teased and began to laugh, “Now I know I have truly pleased you.”

Aderac sniffed, and Belon knew he was beside himself when his lips curled and he became glassy eyed.

“Aderac,” Belon, who quickly stopped laughing, said tenderly, “I only tease out of the greatest love.”

I know that.” Aderac sniffed again, and looked at the two books written in Latin and wrapped with fine linen and corded with leather to protect it, “And my beloved, I thank you.”

Truly moved by his strong giant
’s loving thoughtfulness, Aderac clutched the books in his hand as if priceless artifacts and put them to his chest and for the first time in his life was at a loss for words.

Now.” He smiled and touched his face before he moved onto his back; then pulled Aderac into his arms. “Read to me from those green eyes I love so,” and Aderac did.

Both leisured about for awhile after Aderac read to him; then Belon moved to the edge of the bed to rise and go see Iho

Belon,” he eased into his words while he gently stroked his back, “While away, four boys taunted Ihon and they bruised his face.”

Alarmed, Belon looked back at Aderac, the scowl on his face showing his anger.
“Who and where?” 

Belon no,” Aderac tried to calm him, “I have dealt with them and they will not harm him again.”

Belon looked at him sternly, then stood and began to dress.
“Who and where?”

Knowing his temper, Aderac jumped out of bed and got in front of him.

“Calm my love.” He touched his cheek with the palm of his hand trying to soothe him. “I am his father as well, and I have dealt with them.”

Belon inhaled hard; then when he exhaled through his nostrils loudly, Aderac raised his eyebrow, and as he thought about their argument long ago when
he took vengeance into his own hands instead of trusting Aderac, he calmed.

You are his father,” Belon said, as he touched his face back, “And love him as much as I. I trust you would not let anyone harm him and should they; you would indeed deal with them.”

Seeing that he had calmed, Aderac gave him a quick small kiss upon his lips.
“Now you may go to him.”

Quickly, he dressed and went to Ihon, who as soon as he saw him, excitedly ran and jumped
high with all his might so Belon could catch him in mid air.

After swinging him around, Belon gave him the toy he brought back with him; then sat next to him to watch him play with it.

Lovingly, he watched Ihon play for a while, then casually put his hand on his chin and looked at the bruise still on it.

That is an ugly wound.” He feigned ignorance of how he got it. “Did you fall?”

Ihon looked down ashamed and stopped playing. “
Four boys held me down and hit on me.”

And did you fight them back?”

Yes, father I did,” he said, while raising his head proudly, but looked back down and added, “But I did not win.”

Belon pulled on his small nose with the knuckles of his two fingers; then rubbed his head. “
Is is not always about winning or losing a fight, but of the will to fight.”

Again proudly, Ihon looked back up at his father.
“They teased me and stole my ball and knife. It was my will to fight them back and I did.”

And what did they tease you of?” he asked, fearing it was because of his and Aderac’s relationship.

my red hair.”

Relieved it was not what he feared and only about his hair, again he
put his hand on his head.

Such was my hair at your age,” Belon admitted hoping to comfort him, “Well red just as was my father, mother, and even my sister, but as I aged it darkened.”

Did children tease you?”

They did.” Belon remembered. “Until I grew older and it no longer bothered me.”

I wish I was older,” Ihon confessed, slightly pacified by the shared trait that connected him to his father.

Worry not of it,” Belon assured him, “Soon enough you will not care and your only worry will be of pretty girls and how to win their hearts.”

Ihon smiled, even more comforted by his father.

“You have played long enough,” he lovingly said, and kissed the top of his head. “Put it away and it is time for bed.”

Will father come see me off to bed?”

Belon looke
d away caught off guard he called Aderac his father; then back to him pleased that he had. “You know that he will.”

Just after he spoke, Aderac strutted though the door.

“I am here to see you off to bed,” he pleasantly said, oblivious of Ihon’s earlier question.

Look father,” Ihon excitedly said before running over to show him, “Look at my new toy.”

Ah.” Aderac casually nodded. Deep emotion overcoming him that Ihon called him father, but he held it within while admiring it, “…wonderful.”

Once tucked aw
ay in bed, after Belon closed the door, when he turned and saw the wide radiant grin on Aderac’s face, knew why.

Did you hear?” His eyes beamed of happiness so bright they could have lit the hallways as he walked, “Did you. Did you hear it, my love?”

Yes,” Belon answered, pleased how happy he was.

Ah, Belon,” Aderac said, as he stood in front of him, “Such joy Belon. Such joy that in his eyes I am his father, just as in my eyes he is my son.”

Yes, such joy,” he said proudly, and put his arm around his waist.

Tenderly, in the hallway they kissed.
“Come; let us go back to bed.”

My joy is such that I cannot fall asleep,” Aderac said elated.

Belon let out a soft devilish laugh.

“I have just returned from a long scout journey away from you,” his words while fondling Aderac, “And as I rode hard back my mind wandered endlessly of what I would do with you when I returned and none was of us sleeping.”

Umm.” Aderac hummed long knowing he’d be awake all night. “In the morning we shall sleep,” and both hurried to their chamber.

Chapter 43


vie and the prize is gold,” Aderac read aloud from the sealed letter he received while he sat with his legs propped up on the table and watched Belon dress, “Set for spring in honor of King Baric’s son Oen coming of age.” 

I have seen enough of them from my time as a high guild and Lord Bayl’s guard,” Belon commented, as he now looked for his cloak, “I am done with such things. Your treasury is full and even overflowing; you have no need of it.”

’s eyes followed him.

If you vied, you would defeat them all,” he proudly praised him, “You are my brave and fearless warrior, and all would tremble before you,” he added.

That is a bit much,” Belon teasingly said, with a raised brow before he smiled, and began searching for his cloak again.

But my words made you stop and smile.”

So do any words you speak,” he looked up briefly and said, now moving things to look under this and that for it.

Why are you moving from end of the chamber to the other?” he finally asked, “Turning over things?”

I cannot find my cloak,” a frustrated Belon answered, “It was just here days ago.”

Oh.” Aderac remembered, thinking nothing of it, “I had it burned.”

You did what?”

It was worn with the fur barely on the skins and had holes in the bottom. It made you look foolish wearing it.”

Aderac En Velgarid, only son of Derac En Velgarid,” Belon called out his full given name while frowning disapprovingly at him. “Dare you do such without speaking to me first? I must be out in the wind this day and the morning air is cold and I am without a cloak.”

How can naked wolves and worn holed wool keep you warm?” he teasingly asked. 

Frustrated, Belon huffed and let out a grouse.
“Dare you try my mood Aderac, and turn it dark. You cannot just burn what is mine without speaking to me first about it. I should make you be out with me to punish you.”

Aderac simply smiled amused by Belon
’s chastising words. “Look to your left under my cloak.”

Belon moved Aderac
’s cloak, then looked down and when he did, he spoke absent the huff. “Again, I am tended to.”

Yes, you are,” Aderac replied lovingly, “And shall always be.”

As Belon held up his new black heavy wool cloak with the shoulders and collar adorned with freshly skinned and dried wolves
’ furs, he admired it; then put it on. “How did you know how to have it fitted to me?”

I know all of your body from head to foot,” Aderac answered confidently. “To have it made to fit you as it should.”

Belon sighed loudly, and looked over at him.

“You let me speak harshly to you.” He regretted, upset that he had.

Yes, you did. And you even called out my full given name.” Aderac playfully added.

I am ashamed, my sweet,” his apologetic words, “I should know you would not let me be out in the cold with no cloak.”

I gave it no heed,” Aderac said, thinking nothing of it, “I knew soon enough you would be smiling again.”

Always when surprised by his gifts, he rushed over to him.

“Come to me,” he said lovingly, then grabbed him by his arm and pulled him effortlessly out of the chair and against his body, “That I may kiss all over your face as I thank you and again beg forgiveness.”

Thirty kisses all over my face shall do.”

Then I will give you thirty-one.”

Umm, you are forgiven,” he said in Belon’s arms, “And from your heated kisses, I will have no need of my own cloak this day.”

Aderac watched Belon adjust the cloak more around his shoulders; then sat back in his chair.

“I will send a message to WorrlgenHall that you will come to watch in the spring,” he said and reached for a blank parchment, “You have been away a long time. I know my handsome honey will enjoy watching the vying and seeing old friends.”

I will go.” Belon knew how to make him happy after angrily huffing at him, “Only if you write that we are coming.”

’s questioning tone expressed surprise and happiness he could go with Belon. “We?”

I cannot and will not be away from you for so long again.” His devoted truth, “My heart would crumble.”

As mine would from missing you,” his response, as he grabbed his quill, then began writing, “I will send the letter, and in spring we shall journey.”

Belon admired his new cloak a while longer, then walked over to Aderac for a parting kiss.

“Do not tarry with your men in the cold all morning. A new cloak you have, but it is still cold,” Aderac said dotingly, as he wrote, “By midday come and warm beside me by the fire in my council chamber.”

Be alone within.” Belon’s grin wide as he now stood by the table for his kiss. “And heat me by the fire as you heat me by the fire.” 

erac stopped writing, laughed and stood to kiss him. “So silly you are.”

I am only teasing,” he said, and cupped his chin, “I will see you about midday.”

His face still close, Belon whispered lovingly in his
ear, “You are my love.”

Yes, I am,” Aderac replied, before he sat again to finish the letter. 




“I am with child.”

How can that be?” Bregon’s disbelief, “I made sure not to leave my seed within you each time.”

Whether you did or did not,” she answered sarcastically, “Something came out of you and seeded inside me.”

Both now troubled they thought to themselves about ideas of; with most would be pleasant news, what to do about their impending doom.

“Ply the king with drink when Belon goes out on a scout,” Bregon suggested with a smug expression pleased with his quick solution, “And once drunk seduce him to lay with you. He will believe it is his.”

His idea brought an instant frown.

“Have you gone mad?” she questioned, and looked at him certain he had, “His eyes fall to no one other than him, and he will not so much as touch me. He would know that was a lie.”

The first idea quickly dismissed
. Bregon uneasily sighed. “Our lives will soon be doomed when the king hears of this.”

Then make it not so by striking first,” her urging words.

Bregon turned and stared at her.

“Such task free words to speak,” he ridiculed, “From one not doing the deed.”

Both our words came freely of want and risk,” she ridiculed back, “As you lay upon me many nights.”

Both well a
ware of the risks they took and the consequences, Bregon had no feisty comeback.

I must reason for a time,” he said unhappily; then began walking towards the door.

His steps heard walking towards the door to leave, a servant scurried behind the heavy tap
estry in the hallway to hide, then once Bregon passed by, she quickly ran the other way and went to Gueden.

It is as you reasoned,” she whispered.

Troubled, Gueden groaned.

“Speak of this to no one,” he warned, “No one!”

After the servant nodded and hu
rried away, Gueden waited for Belon; then when he saw him walking towards Aderac’s council chamber, caught up with him.

Belon a word,” he requested.

Still not very fond of him, but tolerant for the sake of Aderac, Belon slowed his pace.
“Make your words few Gueden.”

I shall,” he said, getting right to the point, “The queen’s guard has made her with child.”

Belon abruptly stopped as if he had run head first into a wall suddenly appearing in front of him, but didn
’t turn. “You have my ear.”

Just earlier a servant overheard their words,” Gueden cautiously revealed, “In truth. I have been wary, but held my tongue until I knew more.”

Seething, slowly Belon now turned and faced Gueden.

“Such a fate was bound,” he spoke his thoughts aloud, suspecting it would happen eventually, “She is a woman, as well as a queen. In a way, I am bewildered it took so long for word to come she bedded another, but am displeased of words of a child.”

Shall it be from your tongue or mine who speaks this to the king?”

by mine,” Belon decided, “And it shall be the king and I who handle this matter, but you and I both know they will try to somehow end him soon.”

Gueden nodde
d, then turned and walked away, and as Belon kept walking to go to Aderac, once at the door, he stopped and took several deep breaths.

Anger towards the queen and worry for Aderac filling every cell in his body, to not alarm him, he changed the expression
on his face before going inside.

Hurry, Belon,” Aderac urged, once Belon finally walked through the door, and began to walk around his table to stand with him by the fireplace, “I knew you would be cold and ordered more wood put on the fire to warm you right away.”

Stalling briefly for time, rubbing his hands together pretending they were cold and he needed to warm them quickly, Belon tossed his cloak in a chair and went straight to the fireplace.

Across the room and in front of the fireplace in quick stride, Aderac walked behind him and lovingly wrapped his arms around him.

You did not kiss me,” he mentioned, as he held him from behind, “And when you walked in, I could see in your eyes you have words to speak that are unpleasant.”

’s observant words true, Belon spun quickly to face him and put his arms back around him.

My treasure,” he said about to speak what Gueden told him.

Ooh no,” Aderac said, fretting instantly and slightly stepped back, “Troubling words are to follow. You began speaking with a tender name knowing it weakens me.” 

Belon pulled him back close and indeed spoke troubling words. “
Your queen is with child.”

’s expression went blank for a few seconds as if he had spoken to him in another language and he was trying to interpret it, then it hit him. “What? When?”

Gueden has been wary, but held his tongue until he knew more,” Belon answered, “He has had ears at her door and eyes upon her secretly.”

’s face grimaced. Far in the back of his mind, he feared this would happen since he never touched her after she became with child with Beladera, but he had hoped the title of queen and all its glory would have been enough for her.

What shall we do Belon?”

I reason soon enough they will set a course to end your life,” Belon bluntly answered, but avowed “And you know that will not happen as long as I breathe without them taking mine as well.”

Reactive to Belon
’s vow, the vein in Aderac’s head bulged as the blood rushed from his face making him look as pallor as a three-day-old corpse.

The thought of anyone harming Belon bringing back vivid memories of the council of men he ordered executed. She or any of her conspirators would be no exception.

“Whether she is with child or not,” Aderac’s resolved certainty, “Any, the queen as well, who believe they shall put as much as a scratch on you, let alone take your life will be boiled in their own blood while still alive.”

Belon now grimaced. “
I have heard of many promises of pain and torture, and never that.”

’s face still colorless from this latest revelation keeping the curved bulging vein still clearly visible in his forehead was like a testament that he meant every word. “Those words are truth Belon.”

I know they are, my sweet,” Belon said soothingly, and held him close, “And we shall deal with this in such a way that they do not know we know.”

I warned her that should treachery enter her head what I would do,” Aderac recalled his words to her, “I shall make those words a truth as well.”

No,” Belon’s circumspect warning, “Do not take the life of a woman with child.”

Then what shall we do Belon?” Aderac asked only concerned for him, “I beg it is such that you not put yourself in the way of any harm.”

I will not,” Belon assured, as he now gave him the kiss Aderac wanted when he first came inside, “I shall deal with this guard and when done get word to you so you can deal with the queen.”

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