Authors: Monica Luke

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So be it,” Aderac agreed, “Since she is with child I will deal with the queen in a fitting way and leave the other in your hands.”

Belon turned and looked into the fire again, while Aderac put his arms around him from behind.

“It comes to me more now than before of my longing to be just a man and not king. If such could be, would you give up your grand command and go away with me with the children?”

Belon shook his head and again turned to Aderac.

“What a foolish question,” he said, and looked into his loving eyes, “Without life, I am grand commander of nothing, and you, my Aderac and our children are life.”

Aw, Belon.” He sighed moved by his words of devotion.

While Belon looked into Aderac
’s eyes, he inhaled deep and gave him a loving kiss that Aderac returned just as loving; then they held each other close.

When we see them,” Aderac asked curiously, “How shall we be to them until?”

As we have always,” Belon suggested, “And when the time is fitting they shall know that we know.”

After they held each other a little longer, when Belon prepared to leave to go back to his men, he turned to Aderac.

“From this day until...” he commanded sternly and Aderac knew by how he spoke to heed his words, “When you are not with me, you shall always, and I mean always Aderac, have guards with you.”

’s head submissively nodded to the command that came from Belon’s eyes long before any words came out of his mouth. “Yes, my love.”




Just as both said they would, they behaved around them as if they knew nothing of their secret, but Belon made certain that Aderac had one of his special chosen to counter every guard with him and as a precaution, had one of his Red Men watch over Ihon as well.

Fearful for Aderac, Belon confided in Enek and only him
. Who loyal to Belon completely wanted to cut down Bregon himself.

Could he be such a fool?” a livid Enek spewed when Belon confided in him as they stood in an open field to keep anyone else from hearing them speak, “To even reason such a thing against the king and you? He has no stomach for battle and it is why he is a guard. He is a slothful coward and I am sure beds the queen to ease his guard post.”

Whatever his reason,” Belon said not caring, “I have held within my wrath, but each time I see his face. I want to choke him to death.”

Let me,” Enek said eagerly, “I will gladly kill him for you.”

No,” Belon said, “He wants to take away my fate. He should die by my hand.”

I can no longer look at him the same way,” Enek confessed now that he knew, “My eyes will betray me.”

Then keep from him,” Belon warned.

Enek nodded and both got on their horses and rode back within the wall of Ivodg

Command the men,” Belon ordered when they reached the gate, “I shall be with only him and the children for a time. He is not worried for himself, but only about me, and is now so worried his sleep is restless. I know this will please and calm him.”

Again, Enek nodded.

“Get a message to me at once!” Belon added sternly, before they parted, “If any trouble, treachery, or words reach you about what we spoke.”

Yes,” Enek said, as he scowled still struggling with the anger growing inside him against Bregon.

Once back inside, Belon went into court and as Aderac
’s eyes followed him from his throne, when Belon made eye contact with him; then walked pass him towards his private council Aderac knew he wanted to speak with him.

Hear those already here,” he hastily ordered his council, who sat on either side of him as he sat up, “I shall return shortly.”

After he hurried to Belon, once inside his private chamber he looked at him anxiously.

“End your day and have the council take over for a time and give no one the reason why,” Belon, instead said lovingly, “We shall spend it with only each other and the children until this treachery is behind us.”

In an instant, Aderac twirled around opening the door.

“Give word to the council,” he quickly ordered Ciron, “There shall be no more court until my command.”

After he spoke, he again twirled to face Belon.

“Your will is my command, my love,” he said pleased, as he now put his arms around him, “What shall we do now?”

I shall read to you.” Belon smiled; then gave him a tender kiss. “Choose a fitting book.”

And then.” Aderac smiled back.

We shall enjoy being around only each other as we watch our children safely play within the chamber and on the roof.”

Let us go.” Aderac sighed. His worry eased because all those he loved would be with him.”

Both hurried to their chamber; then after they took off their formal clothes and got more comfortable, Aderac brought Belon the book he picked for him to read.

When Belon took it, he pulled the chair closer to the fireplace; then looked over to Aderac, who had sat in the chair next to him, and when he cleared his throat and looked at him disapproving, Aderac smiled teasingly, rushed to him and sat across his lap.

Once comfortably across his lap, Belon read to Aderac, who tu
rned the pages for him. Each time he did, Belon kissed him and thanked him.

After he read for awhile, Aderac placed his head on Belon
’s shoulders and began tenderly kissing on his neck, and each kiss so sensual, he stopped reading and closed his eyes enjoying it until he pulled his lips away; then would open them to read again only to realize he lost his place.

So warm and soft are your lips.” Belon moaned pleased, “And so tender and loving they feel on me.”

For the reason I love you Belon,” Aderac whispered into his ear and pulled on his lower lobe with his mouth, “I deeply love you.”

’s words as if a soothing elixir that always mellowed him; he basked in every word that came off his tongue.

Unable to finish reading, Belon put the book down, and
tenderly put one finger on his cheek to turn his head to face him, but when Aderac did, Belon found himself lost in his round green eyes.

He had planned to express how he felt. Something profound along the lines that should anything happen to him, he hope
d it was only after he left this life first; but the emotional words lumped in his throat.

While trying to make them flow off his tongue, Aderac held Belon
’s gaze, noticing his lips moving, but no words coming out, and sensed what his love wanted to tell him.

Yes, my love, I know,” he whispered with one small kiss upon his lips, before again nestling the side of his head into Belon’s neck, “I know it well.”



Nights later, while Enek drank in the eastern hall, the more he drank the more he fumed; then w
hen Bregon casually walked inside and sat, he sneered at him longing to kill him; but remembered Belon’s words and turned his head.

Disgusted with his company, he tossed back his drink and began to walk towards the door, but as he passed him, he slowed to
look at him hatefully.

Later, what most of the men did when they had free time and weren
’t required to rise early was gamble in the guard garrison, and when Enek walked into it and saw Bregon inside as well; the temptation became to great.

Fate is fate,” he commented, as he slowed in front of Bregon making certain he knew his words were to him, “That twice in one night I find you in my sight.”

Bregon turned slightly from his drink.

“We have no dealings with the other,” he said, as his neck straightened, “Or do we?”

We do,” Enek’s taunt, “I do not like how you look and I keep seeing your face. From now on wear a cloth to cover your face when you are within my sight or I will slice it off.”


My words reached those shrunken ears.”

From his insul
ts, his lips tightened showing his teeth partially, and this time Bregon’s whole body turned as he stiffened indignantly and put his hand on his sword’s hilt.

Truly glad he did so he could kill him; Enek
’s eyes became cold, staring right into Bregon’s as he returned the gesture by putting his hand on his sword’s hilt too, but he doubled the stakes by putting his other hand on his knife.

Noticing his hands resting comfortably on both deadly weapons, Bregon remembered how skilled Enek was above any under Bel
on’s command, and wisely opened his palm.

You speak from drink,” he said trying to excuse him, and quickly moved his hand away, “And I shall not challenge a man from drunken words that will not come to mind when he is not.”

I speak from the sight of you sickening me,” Enek spewed and spat towards him.

Incensed by his words, Bregon
’s hand again went to his sword and he took a step forward about to rush towards Enek, but when he did, another inner guard caught him by his arm quickly offering wise words.

He is first under Grand Commander Belon and his friend,” he reminded him, “If you somehow overtake him you will be dead in short order by Belon’s own hand.”

Breathing hard through his nose making his nostrils flare as his jaws locked, if looks could slay
a man he would surely been the victor. The other guard’s words heeded, he backed away and turned; then pushing as he walked everyone near him out of his way, left.

What brought that about?” One of the men under Enek questioned.

Just as I spoke,” Enek only offered, “I do not like how his face looks.”

Waiting until late, Bregon sneaked to see Irenea through a secret door that lead to her chamber.

“Our fate is before us,” he worriedly whispered, “They know.”

How do you reason such?” She questioned, “I have heard or seen no cross words or looks.”

I have this very night.” Bregon believed. “From Enek, Belon’s first in command.”

What did he reveal?”

He revealed nothing,” his words, as he paced, “But from his eyes, I knew he knew. He longed to kill him. I know he did.”

Irenea put her hands on her
stomach and paced as she thought.

I had hoped for more time, but our time is now at hand. It has, as well been made known to me that they now hold up in his chamber, along with Beladera, and do not leave it. Now I know why.”

Then what shall we do?”

Eyes are upon you,” she shrewdly replied, “And from such will be in my favor.”

Bregon shook his head.

“I cannot. I cannot. We should flee.” He cowered, wary of what she possibly wanted him to do.

You can and you shall, and we will not flee,” she spoke. Building his false courage by kissing him hard, “I am queen and shall remain so, and as queen I shall move you high in place above all when they are gone, just as we have dreamed and planned all this time.”

her words, his chest swelled as he thought being in high command or even king.

Hurry your deeds,” he urged, “Or we shall both be dead.”

Gamble again when night comes and when you come across Enek challenge him.”

’s face turned colorless with fright. “And have him cut me down at once. He knows how to fight well with both hands just as Belon does!”

No,” she quickly said, “But when Belon learns his first in command is fighting it will get him out of the chamber. Let me handle the other.”

As planne
d, the next night Bregon rounded up a few of his strong friends who were guards to help him with his courage; then when he saw Enek gambling in the guard garrison, after he downed the drink he had with him, he wiped his chin, inhaled deep, then boldly confronted him.

Again I am here, and you are here,” he loudly spoke and threw his empty cup towards him, “And I am without a cloth to cover my face. You spoke bold words the night before. Speak them now.”

Enek inhaled several times to keep himself calm and
although wanting to kill him where he stood, heeded Belon’s words.

Foolish I was,” his even toned reply void of hostility, “My words were from to much drink. I am not drunk this night and have no words to speak.”

Then it is sad that only drink brings you courage and when not you are a coward just as we all know is that man lover you command under,” he insulted, making his friends, who had gathered around laugh amused.

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