Wrapped in Silk (38 page)

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Authors: MJ Fields

BOOK: Wrapped in Silk
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Emma smiled at him an
d he walked over and hugged her.

“Sorry we are interrupting the honeymoon,” Matt joked.

“I can tune you out,” Brody rebounded.

“Well let
’s get out there, the stage is ready,” Matt said and walked to the door.

“Come out with me Mrs. Hines,” Brody asked as he held her tightly against him.

“If you want me too,” she smiled.

“Emma don’t smile like that, fuck we need to get out of here,” Brody
growled as he kicked the door shut behind him and lifted her up by her ass and kissed her. Emma gasped and his tongue swiftly entered her mouth.

“Brody,” Emma said and pulled back.

“Are you telling me no?” Brody gasped.

“I am telling you there is no way right now you need to be on stage in, I don’t know, now?” Emma said as he pulled her panties to the side and slowly pushed into her and she gasped and grabbed his hair.

“Em, this is going to be really quick, I will make it up to you, but I need you now alright,” Brody said with wild eyes and his jaw clenched.

“Of course,” she said and finally breathed out.

He pinned her against the wall and fucked her expeditious and hard.

“Oh Brody,” she moaned loudly and he covered her mouth with his as she held tightly to his hair
, her body began to pulse and he knew she was ready and quickly she began to relax and he came.

“God I love you, thank you,” Brody said
grabbing Kleenex and cleaned himself and she did the same.

“I love you, an
d just so you know that wasn’t just…” Emma started.

“I am well aware of that, damn you
’re responsive, so fucking hot,” he said and kissed her again, “Let’s go Mrs. Hines.”

They walked out hand in hand
and he ushered her towards Lila.

“Sorry,” he said as he brushed past Matt and hopped on stage.

“What the hell were you doing?” Lila snapped. Emma bit her cheek and raised her eyebrow, “Seriously?”

“It’s my honeymoon,” Emma laughed.

Brody stared at her as he sang and she tried don’t to convulse. He smiled when she crossed her legs and closed her eyes. He was a lot of fun to watch, his ass was perfect, his body long and lean and the fact that she had just had him made her want him more and now.

The crowd cheered and he signed a bunch of autographs as
Rebecca talked about London’s Child and the plan of bringing it the US.

made his way towards Emma.

“You ready?” he asked breathlessly.

“Anytime,” she giggled.

“Are you hungry?” Brody asked as he kissed her hand.

“Always,” Emma smiled.

Brody let a low
moan, “Love, we should go eat with Rebecca and Lila, is that alright.”

“Sure,” Emma said and smiled at him.

“Do you realize how agreeable you are to everything I say this morning?” Brody asked.

“I do,” she said looking down.

“I like you this way,” Brody hugged her.

xhausted and perfectly fu...” Emma began and he kissed her.

The crowd cheered loudly and Brody pulled away slowly, “Not cool.”

“Sorry I...” Emma started again.

“Don’t be sorry Emma, just please stay in front of me,” he laughed, “Let’s get out of here.”

They waited in the car for Rebecca and Lila.

“I think you two need to go hide out in your bedroom until you can control yourselves,” Lila
snapped, “Do you know there are cameras in the green room?”

“Are you fucking kidding me?” Brody yelled.

“No I am not,” Lila shouted back, “But I took care of it, you owe me big, if I get arrested you better figure it out,” she snapped as she threw the disc at him.

“Is that the only one?” Brody growled.

“All except the one I am keeping to blackmail your ass with when I lose my damn job and am broke and living in the fucking streets!” Lila growled.

Emma started laughing and looked down,
Rebecca laughed as well.

“Are you two out of your minds!” Brody snapped.

“Yes,” Emma laughed.

f you weren’t so fucking agreeable that wouldn’t have happened,” Brody said and threw himself back.

“Sorry?” Emma said and looked out the window.

“We are going to eat breakfast, do you think you can...” Brody started.

“What say no to you? Probably not,” Emma started laughing hysterically.

“What the hell has gotten into you Emma,” Lila shouted.

Emma laughed harder and tears started coming out of her eyes.

“Holy shit, you have lost it,” Brody said and held her tightly against him and laughed, “I love you.”

“I love you,” Emma smiled up at him.

“Enough,” he hissed.

“Sorry,” she said and
put her face into her sweater.

“Nice hair by the way Brody,” Lila snapped again.

“Why what’s wrong with it?” he asked and grabbed the mirror, “Emma,” he scolded.

She kept her eyes closed as she looked towards him, “I had nothing else to hold on to
,” she said and tried not to laugh.

“What is wrong with you, you have just gotten married, if you choose to make love in the middle of the day you should. But don’
t be ugly at each other,” Rebecca laughed.

“This is not ugly this is,” Brody stopped, and Emma chuckled.

They ate breakfast in uncomfortable silence. Lila was dropped off at her apartment. They drove Rebecca to the airport and she and Brody discussed ideas about London’s Child. They had already raised over a million dollars from the song which was still number five on the Pop charts.  As they neared the airport. Brody looked down and Emma was asleep on his chest.

“Will you be going on a holiday?”
Rebecca asked.

“I don’t think right away, London is in school,” Brody said and sat back.

“Will you come visit for Christmas?” Rebecca asked politely.

“I don’t think that will go over well with
London’s father, I sure wouldn’t want to be without her on Christmas,” Brody admitted.

“Will you have children?”
Rebecca asked.

Brody explained Emma’s situation and
Rebecca smiled sadly, “I am sorry, you would make a wonderful father, the way you look at London, well it’s quite amazing.”

“She is an amazing girl,” Brody stated.

“Well if she had ovaries she could still produce eggs and you could do in-vetro right?” Rebecca asked.

“I don’t know about any of that. I literally just found out what a hysterectomy was,
” Brody said dismissively.

“I would be a
surrogate for you, just think about it, don’t dismiss it. You will be amazing,” Rebecca smiled.

“We could adopt, Emma mentioned that before, she tried to push me away with that as well,
believing I would need to be a father,” he laughed.

“You sell yourself short, I love you brother,”
Rebecca said and smiled.

“You as well, I think you should come here for the holidays,” Brody suggested.

Emma opened her eyes, “Oh excuse me I didn’t mean to fall asleep, how rude, I apologize Rebecca,” Emma said sleepily.


Emma lay across Brody’s lap sound asleep when they pulled into the driveway, “Wake up love,” Brody whispered in her ear.

“Mmm,” Emma smiled slightly as she stretched her back over her lap. He lightly skimmed his fingers teasingly across her chest and she smiled. He did it again a little lighter and she moaned
. He smiled down at her as she began to squirm, and he giggled. She opened her eyes.

“Good dream love?”

“Yes,” she said and sat up.

“Well let
’s get you in the house while you are still so agreeable,” Brody smiled.

“Please,” Emma laughed.

Chapter 13

“He agreed?” Brody smiled.

“He did and I want you to tell her. She is going to be so excited!” Emma smiled and hugged him.

“When will she be here?” Brody said hugging her.

“An hour, why what did you have in mind?” Emma said looking down at him.

“Em, I would like to have a chat, come sit,” he said biting his cheek hiding his smile. Emma sat and smiled at him, “Do you want more children?”

“Wow, do you?” Emma asked.

“I think so, I know you wanted more and well do you want another?” he asked
staring at her.

“If you do yes, but if you
’re doing it because you think I need that to be happy please don’t. I have London and I have you,” Emma said looking into his eyes.

Rebecca said something about if you had ovaries egg production was still possible, she even offered to be a surrogate,” Brody told her smiling.

“Okay will she move her
e while she is pregnant?” Emma asked nervously.

Probably not, why?” Brody asked.

Emma took a deep breath, “I just don’t know.”

“About having another child, one that is part you and part me?” Brody asked confused.

“Okay you have had some time to think about this, could you please
give me the same?” Emma stood up to leave.

“Emma please just tell me what your reservations are,” Brody said grabbing her

Emma took a deep breath, “
I can’t have my child or yours grow inside someone else’s body and not be part of that Brody, there is so much I would miss and I can’t.”

“Alright, calm down, I’m sorry,” he held her, “So this is a no?”

“No it’s just it would have to be someone who would let me go to appointments and be there every step of the way, Rebecca lives so far away,” Emma explained.

“So we find someone here?” Brody asked.

“Ok, if that’s what you want,” Emma said finally breathing out.

“Shall we ask London how she feels?” Brody smiled.

“No I am sure we already know her reaction, she has mentioned it enough. I also think we may…” Emma started.

“Want to
wait until we know it works?” he smiled and hugged her.

“Yes, Brody there is also one more thing, we need to talk to Mark,” Emma said softly.

“Oh,” he paused, “Emma if we can’t we can’t alright, I am sorry I didn’t even consider it. Very thoughtless of me, I am sorry,” Brody hugged her and kissed her.

“Please don’t be, I just don’t want to disappoint you,” she whispered.

“Damn it don’t think like that. Why the hell did I…” Brody said in a dark angry tone.

Emma looked up at him, “I shouldn’t have said anything, this should be exciting for you, for us.”

“I am calling him now, I want to know,” Brody said grabbing her phone.

“Slow down
, I also need to speak to a fertility specialist and we need to find a trustworthy surrogate,” Emma said gently taking his hand, “I am so sorry it has to be like this for you, Brody.”

“Stop! We can both feel like shit about this and carry around a lot of guilt but the truth
is regardless we knew what we were getting ourselves into and it would not have changed a damn thing, agreed?” Brody asked sternly.

“Yes,” Emma said.

“Like you mean it Em,” Brody begged.

“I do,
” Emma said looking down and taking a deep breath.

“Okay, then. I am calling Mark first, no arguments. You are my life Em, now go make me and London dinner,” he snapped
and smacked her on the ass.

Emma smiled and walked into the kitchen to start
dinner, she turned on the iPod and cranked up the music and she cooked pasta and sauce. She made a salad and garlic bread and kept herself busy so that she could try to avoid the damn thoughts floating around in her head. The miscarriages, the hurt and pain of four years and the cancer and disappointing this beautiful man who wanted everything she ever wanted and loved her better than anyone had or could ever.

“Em,” Brody said looking at her as he stood in the doorway and tears burst out of her eyes.

, I am sorry, I am so sorry, but I do have good news,” he lifted her face and kissed away her tears, “We can move forward with this Em.”

“I don’t know if you understand
what hell this is going to play on your emotions Brody, it is horrible and awful. When you try and lose and try again and have a little hope because the pregnancy is a few weeks longer and then you lose and it sucks so bad,” she sobbed, “You question everything, you wonder what the hell you did to deserve all this. I would not wish this on anyone ever and certainly not you, I can not bear to disappoint you.”

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