Wrapped in Silk (33 page)

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Authors: MJ Fields

BOOK: Wrapped in Silk
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“Please,” she panted.

“I think you should wait as long as I have,” Brody said and slowly rhythmically pleasured her until she was on the edge and then he would slow down and pull out. “Is this
nice Emma?”

“No, I want you, I want all of you,” she yelled.

“Then have me you will, all of me, forever Emma?” he asked as he unbuttoned his black jeans and his erection sprang free.

“Yes, yes forever,” Emma breathed out deeply as she bit her lip hungry for him. He knelt between her legs, “No I want you please Brody.”

“You first love, this has got to be fast, we are almost at your parents,” he said and winked as he went down and licked her until she was on edge again and then he plunged his tongue deep in her and she climaxed. He laid her down and slowly entered her.

“Aww,” she mo
aned as his thrust became deeper and harder hitting exactly the right spot.

“Emma come now,” he said with urgency and her body did as it was told and he
fiercely rammed into her until he came hard. Emma felt every time he jerked inside of her coming hard as he groaned her name.

He laid on
top of her both of them panting and trying to catch their breath.

“Em we are almost there, we need to fix you up
,” he said as he watched her laying sprawled out.

“I can
’t move,” she giggled softly.

She felt him start to
wipe between her legs.

“Brody,” she snapped.

“Shhh, I will take care of you, I love to take care of you,” Brody said as he cleaned her.

“I don’t.
..” she started.

“Emma when are you going to stop this insolence?” Brody asked and sounded hurt.

Emma sat up and looked at him, as he looked down.

No, no, no, she cried inside, you are hurting him, for what? She wondered.

“Now?” Emma asked.

He smiled looking down and threw out the tissues and fixed his pants and sat back.

’re not looking at me because I hurt you,” Emma said and looked out the window.

“You have had a rough couple weeks,” Brody said
, his voice was quiet.

“That doesn’t give me an excuse to lash out at you, I.
..I love you,” Emma said and began to cry, “I just...I am scared and you are so damn controlling.”

Emma said as he sat closer to her and wrapped his arms around her.

“I love you, I won’t lose you. I won’t see you hurt. I need to know you trust me Emma. There is so much more that we need to know about each other and if I know you trust me, in everything, we are going to be so damn perfect, so wonderful for each other and forever. I know I have wanted forever with you from day one, and I fought it. I acted like an arrogant ass at our first meeting at Lila’s, I didn’t want to need you. You’re the one fighting now, and I can promise you I will fight as dirty as I need to in order to keep you,” Brody said through clenched teeth.

He held her so tightly it almost hurt. She knew he was scared to let go, and she was scared
that he would if she continued to push him away.

“Brody, can we look at the houses tonight? The ones you like?” Emma asked giving up control.

“Are you sure?” he asked trying to mask his excitement.

“Yes,” she said and turned and kissed him, “I don’t want to hurt you, I love you. I want forever with you. You ma
de me a bit nervous when you said there was a lot we don’t know about each other, should I be?” Emma asked stroking his face.

smiled down at her, “We are here, can we save that for another time?” Brody asked and pointed to London running towards the car.

“Of course,” she said opening the door and London dove across them.

“How was Daddy?” London asked smiling.

“He was great and getting better for you. He also knows that I am going to marry your mom and he is alright with it,” Brody smiled at her.

“Good, less I have to deal with,” London said dramatically and they all laughed.

“So which one
did you like best?” Brody asked Emma and London as the pulled back into her parents’ house.

“The last one,” they both said smiling.

“It’s furthest away,” Brody reminded them.

“Fifteen minutes from here, that’s not bad right Mom?” London asked with wide hopeful eyes.

“No it’s perfect,” Emma said and smiled, “A little big but perfect.”

“Why is it to
o big Emma?” Brody asked as they walked in the house.

“I want you to make the final choice,” she smiled up at him, “I trust you.”

He returned her smile and looked at her and raised his dark thick brow in that way that turned her on. She shook her head and felt her face turn red.

“Feels good doesn’t it?” he whispered in her ear.

“Yes, and knowing if we hate it you made the final decision takes the pressure off. Thanks for that,” she smiled sarcastically.

“Hmm,” he said and stared at her until she
visibly squirmed.

“I am going to lay with London,” Emma said and quickly walked away.


“When will it be ava
ilable…okay I see… I put the offer in Monday what is the hold up…well could I pay more…I realize it’s only two weeks but I want it now…fine if that is absolutely the best you can do…if I don’t hear from you by nine in the morning I will be using a different realtor,” Brody hung up and growled and ran his hands through his hair.

Monday hu before I even said yes, Oh Brody you are going to make this so much fun, Emma thought.

Emma waited inside London’s room until she heard Brody moving about. He stood at the kitchen sink deep in thought, Emma silently walked up behind him and wrapped her arms around his lean and very defined waist.

“Hey London and I were talking and I think we changed our mind,” Emma said holding him tightly as she lightly covered his back with kisses.

His body stiffened, “About what love?” trying to sound carefree.

“The house, I think we liked the first one better. But it’s totally up to you,” Emma said putting her hands lower, gently rubbing the soft hair that lead to her happy place.

“Emma,” he moaned and cleared his throat, “Let us talk about the house some more, come” he said grabbing her hand.

“Nope, my hands are very happy right here,” she said and lowered them.

“Emma,” he growled as she took him firml
y in her hand, “Awe damn it Em,” he said and slowly turned around.

“What’s wrong? Something on your mind?” Emma asked Brody with pouty lips.

He laughed, “Emma could you let go for just a few minutes love?” Brody said and took her hand slowly off of him and closed his eyes as he gently kissed her hands. “The house Emma, what made you change your mind?”

“I don’t know it just seems to
o vast,” Emma said staring at him.

“Okay,” he said and took a deep breath and sat in the chair across from her. He was looking down

And he heard Emma start to laugh, “What
’s so funny Emma?”

“You are,” she smiled.

“Really, this is funny,” he gestured over himself.

“Yes you Brody, are you stuck on that house?” Emma asked smirking.

“Well I thought we all were?” he said softly.

“Did you think that Monday when you put the offer in and befor
e you even asked me if I would marry you, and before we even…” Emma shrieked as he grabbed her up and hugged her tightly.

“I knew you would love it,” Brody said elated, “And I knew you would say yes.”

“Very confident hu? Arrogant maybe?” Emma teased.

“After the weekend we spent I knew you still felt the way I did, and the house well I knew London would love it, and I knew because of that you would love it as well, are you mad?” he asked kissing her neck feverishly.

“I don’t think you would care either way if I were mad, you would just drive me crazy with desire and make me feel like I am a fifteen year old irate girl,” Emma said and he looked surprised and then hurt at what she had said.

“Is that how I make you feel Emma?” Brody said with concern in his eyes.

“I guess sometimes, well a lot lately. Not before you…left,” Emma said again realizing that she missed how he had been.

I am sorry, so sorry. I don’t want you to feel that way,” he said and kissed her lightly, “I want you to feel cherished and beautiful, the way I see you, the way I feel about you.”

“Okay, I’m sorry,” Emma said looking at her feet, “I am tired, it has been a long week.”

“May I lay with you until you do your little shake?” Brody said bending his knees so he could look into her eyes, “There you are, stop hiding on me.”

Emma smiled and hugged him tightly, “I don’t shake.”

“You do, just like London,” Brody said smiling and holding her tighter, “Let’s get you some water, and that dreadful, I mean wonderful green shake your mother made for you, and get you to bed. Then I want to tell you another story.”

There you are, right here with me. I adore this Brody, the sweet, kind, and funny Brody.
But the controlling arrogant Brody can be so hot too, I wonder if he has mental health issues, Emma thought.

“Where did we leave off? Oh yes, since we last left the Princess her Prince had been chiseling away at her armor. So our beautiful
, intelligent, strong, and sometimes stubborn Princess finally saw the Prince for who he truly was…” Brody began.

“And which one was
this, the sweet, funny, charming, gentle, kind and loving Prince or the arrogant, controlling, sex fiend?” Emma asked smiling up at him.

“Well which do you prefer?” Brody stared down at her.

“Which one is real Brody?” Emma asked in a serious manner.

“Well both of course, whichever one the Princess needs him to be at the exact time she needs him, I hope anyway,” Brody said deep in thought, “Which do you prefer Emma?”

“That is a hard question to answer,” she said. “Which do you prefer?”

“I have never thought of myself that way,” he laughed uncertainly.

“If I am honest with myself, I really enjoy both. It is just harder with the later. Kind of takes me out of my comfort zone. Either way both are incredible sexy,” Emma said and stroked his face, “But this is so nice.”

“But this one bores you in bed, your yawning,” he
chuckled as he looked down at her.

“Hmm no, not bored. Just tired, and very comfortable right here in your arms,” Emma said and began to drift.

“To be continued,” Brody whispered and rubbed her back until she fell asleep.

ter 11

’re sure you like it?” Brody’s voice was shaky and he was trying so hard to impress her.

“Of course I do, and love it and I love you.” Emma hugged him. Brody let o
ut a huge sigh and Emma giggled.

Brody raised his eyebrow and walked towards her, “Are you laughing at me Emma?”

“No,” she said shaking her head and smiling, “I certainly am not, I just like no Love seeing you happy.”

“You know what would make me happy?” he said grabbing her ass and lifting her up to him and biting her neck lightly.

“Getting London’s room done,” she laughed as he tossed her on the bed.

“We have eight hours love, eight hours may not be two days but its eight hours Em,” he laughed and kissed her again.

Emma smiled and took a deep breath, “I know,” she said and tried to smile.

“Okay then,” he sat back on his heels and pulled her up, “London is fine
, your parents are supervising Troy’s visit. He is in counseling and they are building a great relationship. She loves you and if I remember correctly she was the one who decided she wanted just to be with him today.”

“That hurt,” Emma whispered.

“Like hell,” Brody said and held her tightly.

“I’m sorry,” Emma said and held him close.

“Emma, she needs him right?” Brody asked.

“Yes,” Emma said rubbing her hands through his hair.

“Yes,” Brody said and pushed his forehead against hers.

“Boy are we a sorry bunch,” Emma laughed.

“No, we are a family,” Brody said and his eyes went somewhere else.

“Hey, come back to me,” she smiled and kissed him

He looked down and closed his eyes tightly, “Fuck.”

“Brody it bothers us both,” Emma said and hugged him.

He pulled away, “Just need a minute Love alright?”

“No, it’s not. Talk to me please?” Emma said, “Don’t pull away.”

“Just a moment, please,” Brody said and stepped off the bed.

“No!” Emma snapped and he quickly turned around and gave her a
not now
look and walked out the door. “Please!” Emma yelled after him and began to cry.

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