Wrapped in Silk (31 page)

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Authors: MJ Fields

BOOK: Wrapped in Silk
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“Boy did I screw that up,” she said as he wiped the tears off her face, “I’m sorry.”

“Sorry for what Emma?” Brody asked searching her eyes.

“This was all so beautiful and I wanted to win a stupid game,” Emma said and laughed.

“Emma, this is actually pretty perfect, I am shocked that I proposed when I was deep in you however
, I am still waiting for an answer Emma,” he kissed her.

“Sorry, I am just shocked and
embarrassed. I ruined this I am so sorry,” Emma said.

Brody shifted nervously and Emma moaned, he laughed and kissed her sof
tly, “Do you need more time Emma, if you do I understand. I knew you might think this was all too soon and I can give you as much time as you need, I know without a doubt that I will love you until the world stops spinning, so if it’s time you need I am not going…”

“Yes,” Emma said and hugged him.

“Yes what? Do you need more time?” Brody asked nervously.

“I will
marry you, of course I will marry you,” Emma said and kissed him, “But not because of cancer or...”

Brody stood abruptly and walked with her still on him to her
bedroom. He pulled his pants off.

“Your parent
s and London are waiting for us, so I am going to do this quickly, on all fours love.” Brody slowly entered her and wrapped his arm around and used his hands on her sweet spot, “This has nothing to do with cancer Emma, I ordered this ring the Monday after I left, I paid for it and picked it up the night before I left to return to you,” he started moving faster and she moaned. “This is because you are mine and I am yours forever Emma, because I love you,” he moaned and she tensed up, “Come Emma, it’s been awhile and I need to fill you, come now!” he instructed and her body did as he asked. He continued as he held her up and finally finished.

“Brody are you sure,” Emma asked softly.

He laid on the bed and pulled her over to him, “I am Emma, are you?”

“I need to show you something,” she said and
slowly, nervously pulled up her shirt, “Can you deal with this?”

He bent over and kissed her gently and then kissed her breast, “You
’re going to kill me Emma,” he said and sucked gently on her nipple, “Of course, honestly Emma it’s not even that noticeable and they taste exactly the same. And trust me they have the same kind of effect on me as they did before,” he smiled and looked down. “Thank you Emma, so much, I love you and will forever.”

Emma smiled, “
You have no idea how much you mean to me.”

“I do Emma because if it’s half as much as you mean to me we are good,
so good” Brody said as he pulled her up, “Thank you Emma, for saying yes and for trusting me with you and London, and allowing me to see what I already knew was perfect,” Brody said and gently touched her breast.

Emma stood looking at him,
how could he love me how could this beautiful man love me, she thought and stared at him.

“Emma we have to go love,” he smiled.

They walked in the kitchen and her parents and London where standing there.

“So let
’s see the ring!” Caroline yelled.

rody looked at Emma and laughed.

“Mommy you didn’t say yes?” London asked and started to cry.

“Yes I did London, I just um,” she started and looked at Brody for help.

He gave her a look egging her on and
laughed, “She wanted to see you first, honestly, I think she wanted to know that you had said yes as well.”

London held up her hand, “See Mom, of course I would say yes when he asked me if he could
marry you!”

“Well then Emma, can I put it on you now, please?” Brody asked and knelt, “Marry me Em?”

“Of course” she smiled as he put the ring on her finger. Her mouth dropped slightly when she finally looked at it and tears flooded her eyes. The five caret princess cut emerald ring with baguettes wrapped around the platinum band was so shiny and beautiful.

“Brody,” she whispered in shock.

“It matches your eyes Emma, the ones I get lost in every time I look at you,” Brody said and swallowed hard, “Look inside Emma.”

Emma looked at the inscription WE ARE EACH OTHERS FOREVER
10 X 10.

“Brody I can’t even put the words together,” she said and let him put it back on her finger, “I love you, oh God I love you so much.”

They hugged and they held each other, completely lost in the moment. Emma pulled back and looked at him, and laughed as she shook her head, “I love you, Brody. Have I said yes enough, I mean after the stunt I pulled, have I said it enough?”

“It will never be to
o much,” he laughed, “Will you marry me?”

“Yes,” she giggled.

“Okay now more serious this time, Emma Will you do the honor of becoming my wife?” Brody said with a pretend serious face.

“Yes,” she said and j
umped up and wrapped her arms and legs around him.

“Come now Emma you can do better than that,
marry me Emma?”

“Yes and any
other question you have for me yes,” she said and bit his neck lightly, “And Brody don’t say that again unless you mean it,” she laughed.

“Say what?” he asked laughing.

“Come now Emma,” she whispered in his ear and they both laughed.

“This is wonderful and all but dinner is going to get cold,” Henry said.

“Oh wow, sorry Dad, Mom, and London,” Emma said, “London are you sure?”

“Mom seriously, I love him, check out my bling” she laughed.

“London did you thank Brody?” Emma asked in a motherly tone.

“She said yes, that is thanks enough,” Brody smiled at London.

“Manners are very important,” Emma said and shot him a look.

I said thank you Mommy,” London laughed.

“Did she?” Emma asked Brody.

“Of course she did Emma you have done a wonderful job raising her,” Brody said and giggled.

Did you really have to buy such an expensive ring for a seven year old?” Emma asked and he laughed, “What’s so funny?”

“London will be my stepdaughter, Emma,” Brody smiled
, “If she wants something all she need do is ask.”

“And then you will ask me and we will discuss it, right Brody?” Emma said and locked eyes with him.

“Yes love,” Brody said and smirked.

“So when will the wedding be Mom?” London asked.

“We haven’t talked about it yet,” Emma laughed.

“Well I think it should be soon,” London said and looked at Brody.

“I think so as well, maybe this weekend?” Brody said and smiled.

“That’s perfect!” London smiled.

“London, you get to see your father Saturday, remember?” Emma said and let out a big breath.

“Well then next weekend, or
Halloween. A sleepy hollow wedding, in costume Brody!” London cheered.

“Wow, that sounds like fun,” Brody said and laughed

Where will we live?” London asked taking a bite of her soup.

“Well I have a few homes I would like to look at, I thought we could go tomorrow and check them out,” Brody told her.

“You know you can stay here right?” Henry said his eyes fixed on Brody.

“Thank you Henry, that is very kind,” Brody said and looked at Emma who looked angry.

She looked up at him and he winked. She looked back down and tried not to smile.

Brody and Emma got Lon
don to bed and sat on the couch.

“Can we talk about a few things?” Emma asked.

“Anything you want,” Brody smiled.

“Do we need a house right now, I mean is
it that important to you?” Emma asked.

“I thought it would be to you,” Brody said confused.

“Well...” she began.

“Okay Em we have talked about this before, please just say what
’s on your mind, don’t over think or try to take care of me, just tell me what you want to say,” Brody smiled gently as he took her hand.

, I don’t want to move London again, she just started school here,” Emma quietly said avoiding eye contact, “And my mom works at her school and I just feel like she is safe. It was a big move for her, and for me.”

“What else?” he asked and lightly kisse
d her hand.

“Well I need to tell
Troy, not ask his permission but tell him. God Brody he doesn’t even know about the cancer,” Emma said and sat back closing her eyes.

“And you feel he needs to know everything,” Brody stated.

“He is her father Brody, I can’t change that ever,” Emma spoke finally looking into his eyes.

“Alright I understand
. I don’t like it but I knew all that before I asked you to marry me,” he said and pulled her closer to him.

“I want to go tell him, with his therapist and not with London. I want him to have a couple d
ays to process it before he sees her. I just think it will be better for both of them,” Emma stopped and waited for him to respond and he didn’t, “Please don’t shut down, please talk to me.”

“I am just mulling it over in my head, I a
m not shutting down,” Brody thought out loud.

Troy is aware he won’t be reactive when London is there. She won’t see his anger or hurt or whatever it is he will feel at first. I just want him to have a heads up ya know,” Emma asked hoping he would see her side.

“Alright I understand. Why don’t you go Thursday after work?” Brody suggested.

Emma’s gut reaction was to tell him she didn’t need him to tell her how to do it. It was going to be difficult having someone around that was a true partner and not just part of the furniture. Emma loved the way Brody was with London and she wanted to be sure to not hinder or weaken that relationship.

“Would you ride with me?” Emma asked. “I mean if I set it up and you are available, would you like to go?”

“Yes and I will make sure that I am available,” Brody said, “Emma, are we finished, is there anything else pressing?”

“Ya, I kind of what to know what homes you had wanted to look at,” Emma asked quietly.

“To see if I had considered London in this decision?” Brody asked.

, yes and I want you to know how perfect it was that you asked her before asking me to marry you. It was so amazing, you are absolutely amazing,” Emma said trying to make up for doubting him.

“All the homes I want to see are a little bit closer to the city, by maybe ten miles, all still in the same school district. With one exception, I know that she co
uld still attend school there I would just pay tuition, I could take her to school every day,” Brody smiled pleased with himself.

“I love you. I am sorry I asked, I just have to think of her in every decision I make,”
Emma said looking at him.

“I know, just know I am doing the same thing Em, okay?” Brody asked.


Emma sat in the small office waiting for
Troy and his therapist. Her stomach was in knots. Regardless of what he had put them through over the last t eight years of their marriage she still didn’t want him to be hurt. Troy was here getting help for his alcoholism and trying and now she was about to set his recovery back.

Troy smiled and hugged her when he walked through the door.

Troy,” she smiled politely and returned his hug coldly, just like his hugs over the past several years.

Joe Login smiled at Emma. He was about five foot ten and had very short black hair and kind brown eyes.

“Troy have a seat, Emma it’s very nice to put a face to a name I have heard a lot over the past few weeks.”

“Thank you for taking the time to do this for me,” Emma said returning his smile.

“Nice ring Emma,” Troy said with forged smile.

“I guess we should just jump right into this,” Joe gently acknowledged.

“Brody has asked me to marry him Troy…and I accepted.” Emma blurted out as her face reddened.

Troy said trying to hide the anger or sadness in his voice.

“How do you really feel about that?” Joe asked.

“I guess I knew it was coming but not this soon. I worry about what he will be like as a constant influence in London’s life, and Emma’s. I know I have no right to ask her to wait,” Troy said looking at Joe.

Wow, my ex
-husband expressing feelings. Like he used to, like the man I married, this is not good, Emma thought.

“Emma do you have anything to say?” Joe asked.

“He is good to London and me, Troy has nothing to worry about,” Emma said giving him a reassuring look.

“Okay Emma why so soon?”
Troy calmly asked.

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