Wrapped in Silk (14 page)

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Authors: MJ Fields

BOOK: Wrapped in Silk
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“Almost, FUCK Emma,” he moaned.

couldn’t take it she wanted all of him. Her body pulsing and throbbing with desire. She sat up on him and winced in pain and felt so full she wanted to scream, she bit down on his shoulder and he pushed harder into her. He kissed her cheek and made his way slowly down her neck and she gasped. Brody looked at her his eyes full of heat and her face flush. He moved faster and harder until he felt her quake. He continued as he watched her face relax and she gasped. He thrust into her as his mouth opened and he growled out her name when he released.

He lay on
top of her and tried to calm his breathing. Emma closed her eyes, and the only thing she could think was the end.

“Emma, are you alright?” Brody asked as he lay next to her.
She shook her head yes and he pulled her head to his chest. “The sun has yet to peak over the horizon,” he said with a smile in his voice.

Emma smiled, “
What…” she began.

in the morning,” Brody smiled as he rubbed her back and kissed her head. “Not going to let me have you again?” Emma laughed softly as she fell asleep.

Brody held her as she slept. He let Emma sleep for an hour before he began kissing her neck, “Brody,” she smiled.

“Its three thirty and I will just need you to lay still for thirty minutes or so,” Brody said as he rolled her to her back. He winked and crawled under the covers. She melted within minutes. He came up and reached for his pants and grabbed a condom, “You alright?”

“Uh hu” Emma said trying to breath

“Good,” Brody lifted her up so she
straddled him and thrust deeply into her, she bit down hard on his shoulder. He flinched.

“Sorry,” Emma breathed out
and pushed him back and moved up and down him slowly watching his eyes close slightly.

She closed her eyes and moved faster as he watched her. He grabbed her hips and guided her, her face flushed and he
laid her back and moved swiftly. Emma pulled back to stop.

“Emma don’t pull away,” Brody dem
anded in a husky voice.

I am going to scream or bite you,” Emma said angrily.

He kissed her and grabbed the pillow, “I think if you bite me I may scream
, use this,” he smiled as he lay her down and continued slowly moving. “This okay?”

,” she gasped as he continued his slow powerful thrusts into her.

“You are,” Brody moaned and moved faster and hard
er. Emma dug into his muscular ass and felt her toes curl as she arched her back, Brody smiled seductively and handed her the pillow. He knew she was ready and he hastened his powerful thrusts until she yelled his name into the pillow, he released moments later.

“I don’t want y
ou to leave Emma,” he said breathlessly as he held her tightly against his naked sweaty body.

“I kind of
have to, London will be up soon,” Emma sluggishly sat up still trying to catch her breath.

“That’s not
what I mean Emma,” Brody said softly as he sat up and gently rubbed her back.

Emma turned and looked at him as she pulled her bottoms on.

“I leave today,” she thought out loud.

Brody hugged her and at that mome
nt she felt like she was supposed to be there and it scared her.

“Brody I am..

“So am I,” he said rubbing
her back. “I need you to know how I feel Emma,” Brody started.

“Please not yet, please,” she begged softly.

“Alright, I don’t think I have to even say the words Emma, you already know. And you feel the same, I know you do. Your body knows too Emma,” Brody said and kissed her head.

“I can’t,” Emma said and pulled away and stood up composing herself. “Thank you Brody, you are amazing,” she said as she walked out the door.

Brody felt frozen. He sat for a long time trying to figure out what that meant.
Well that was a first, he thought to himself.
Brody was not used to women leaving him, especially not after sex, he was the one who left.
Chip it away, he thought
as he threw himself back on the bed and groaned in frustration. He set his alarm and finally fell asleep trying to think of what he could do to keep her.



Emma woke and saw the sun and
stretched as she sat up alone. She heard music when she opened the door and walked down the hall. She turned the corner and London and Brody were laughing as they made breakfast.

“Good morning
,” Emma said as she walked in.

“Almost afternoon Mom,” London laughed and hugged her.

“What…” Emma started.

“It’s nine thirty Emma,
good morning,” he said and turned around and flashed her a smile. “Sit, London taught me how to make breakfast,” he said and brought her a plate, “London be a dear and grab the juice?” he kissed Emma’s head when London’s back was turned, “Sex hair,” he whispered, “I like it, especially knowing I put it there,” he winked at her as Emma blushed and looked down.


Emma was almost finished packing and London looked at her, “If I take a shower now can I skip it when we get home?”

“That’s a great idea, then we can get in our PJ’s and snuggle and watch a movie,” Emma said
and answered her phone. “This is Emma,” she said and smiled as she watched London walk out the door. “I would love to, yes see you at 7:30,” she hung up, “Hey London guess who will be your art teacher tomorrow?”

,” London smiled knowing it would be her mother as she shut the bathroom door.

Emma brought the suit cases to the foyer, she heard Brody on the phone.

“No just change the flight for Thursday please…no I will wait to make that change… open ended,” Brody said grabbing Emma’s hand as she walked by stopping her.

Yes thank you,” he said ending his call. “I am leaving Thursday after I know how court went,” Emma started to interrupt and he put his finger over her lips, “Stop please, and I am staying in a hotel half an hour from your town in case you need me. I have a meeting tomorrow and should arrive Tuesday morning, if you want to see me I will be there.”

Emma looked at him and down deep she fought the desire to smile, “Okay,” she said and took a deep breath.

“I am fighting the need to ask you if that makes you happy or upsets you. I don’t want you to feel like you need to plan or over think it, but what you want is important to me. You want a happy life, that’s what you told me. I am going to do my best to make sure that’s what you get, Emma I…” he started and she knew what was coming and kissed him sucking his lower lips so that his mouth opened and he held her tightly as their tongues danced.

He pull
ed away and smiled at her, “You are impossible.”

“We have to leave soon, I am worki
ng Monday. London has dance from four until six. You should stay here, you have a lot going on,” Emma said knowing it was the right thing but desperately wanting what he had proposed.

“Plans are already in place,
” he winked and kissed her head and walked away. “Good morning Lila.”

“Good morning,” Lila said giggling as she looked at Emma’s red face. “Brody you
’re scheduled for the Today show tomorrow before you meet with your record label.”

“Why?” Brody bruited

You have a number one song, you are going to sing in the Plaza before you run away from your adoring fans,” Lila said insistently, “We will tell them the carriage ride was a friend if asked, is that alright?”

London doesn’t need to be discussed on national television,” Brody said protectively.

“I could always skip school and go with you,” London laughed
as she ran out and stood next to him.

flashed her a smile, “And what would we tell them?”

“The truth, you love my Mom and I don’t know maybe someday you’ll be my,” she paused and looked at Emma who
’s jaw dropped, “Piano teacher.”

Brody laughed, “Your mother may have a heart attack if I ever dare say something like that.”

“London please say your goodbyes,” Emma said firmly as her neck started to heat up.

London hugged and thanked Lila and walked over to Brody and threw her arms around him and kiss
ed him, “I like you Brody Hines.”

“I adore you London, and I will
miss you very much,” Brody whispered and hugged her tightly closing his eyes.

“Lila thanks so much,” Emma said and hugged her.

She looked at Brody and smiled, “Nice to see you again.”

“London come here and help me get an elevator,” Lila said rolling her eyes at Emma.

“I will see you soon Emma,” Brody said and hugged her and kissed her lightly on the lips. Emma smiled and he
r eyes felt heated, he noticed immediately how she was feeling, exactly the same as he was, “I will see you Tuesday night.”

“You don’t have to, Brody this is stupid,” she said widening her eyes and blinking hoping to stop the
impending tears.

He smiled and hugg
ed and kissed her again, “Poor timing, but not stupid. I will be figuring things out on my end. Oh and I am falling in love with you. There I said it and you couldn’t stop me,” he gazed at her with a sexy half smile.

“Brody, my feelings are no different. I just don’t know how to trust, or believe, that all that will matter after a few years. L
ondon is waiting,” Emma reached up and softly stroked his soft stubble and kissed him.

“Well sometimes you just have to have faith,”
Brody said and took her hand and kissed it as he led her to the door.


Emma and London walked into their home, and both looked at each other and smiled.

“Mom is it weird that I miss the city?” London asked.

“Do you miss the city London?” Emma smiled.

“Ya, and I miss Brody, h
e was fun. Do you?” London smiled.

“I missed our couch, let’s watch a movie, pi
ck one out, I will make popcorn,” Emma smiled back.

Emma’s phone chimed

-I miss you Em…Yours, MM

-Who is this?...

-Music Man…I miss you.

-We just got home, feelings mutual…Em

-See you Tuesday…MM

-We shall see, sweet dreams…Em


Emma woke and was excited for
her first day subbing. She missed Brody, especially after the highly erotic dream she had just woke up from. She grabbed her phone,

-Good Luck today Music Man…Em

-Good morning. I am very glad you are thinking about me. I miss you Em. Have fun at school today, I never understood the desire to teach, wasn’t thirteen years enough?...MM

I did seventeen years. Do great MM, BTW, me2…Em


Emma hit the DVR to record the Today show
. She smiled and shook her head.


Brody was on stage with his band and they played Blue Love. Matt the host, came on stage as the crowd of women screamed and cheered.

“That is a great song, were did the inspiration come from?” Matt asked.

Brody smiled, “Well you know,” and he laughed nervously.

“Alright Brody, I get it. So
how have you been since the divorce?” Matt asked.

“I have been
fine, life goes on,” Brody gave a dazzling smile.

“Any truth behind the rumors?” Matt asked.

“Probably not, there usually isn’t,” he answered.

So you’re going home to finish your album?” Matt asked.

“I am,” Brody
replied, “I only have a couple to record and one that I just started working on about my favorite city in England,” Brody beamed.

“One more song?” Matt asked.

“Absolutely,” Brody smiled and winked at the camera.

They sang
Over It
which was a new song released that day.

Matt walked back on stage, “We have to ask Brody,” Matt said and Brody raised his eyebrow. “Who was the little girl in the carriage?”

Brody took a deep breath and looked towards Lila.

“She is a
friend of my publicist,” he countered in a guarded tone.

“Does she have a name?” Matt asked.

“She is a minor, someone’s child. Let me ask you something Matt, you have kids right? What are their names and would you want them on national TV or magazine’s or online without your consent,” Brody stated rather than asked.

“Actually I would not,” Matt laughed, “I need something for the fans Brody, something personal from someone they
admire,” Matt looked at Brody and Brody shook his head and looked down. “Alright how about something like what is your favorite candy?”

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