Wrapped in Silk (15 page)

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Authors: MJ Fields

BOOK: Wrapped in Silk
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,” Brody grinned and raised his eyebrow.

“Really?” Matt respond
ed and laughed.

ely,” Brody smirked, “melts in your mouth.”

“Well ever
yone we got something out of Brody Hines, thanks for stopping by,” Matt shook his hand.

“Thanks so much everyone!” Brody yelled to hi
s fans and flashed his stunning smile.

Brody got in the car and Lila smiled at him, “M&M’s Brody?”

“Yes, they are insanely addictive and delicious,” Brody smiled sheepishly.


Emma and London went for a walk after school, when they came home Emma made dinner and London did her homework. She looked at her phone willing it to ring and it didn’t. No call, no text, nothing. London showered and read Emma a story about a Princess and Emma couldn’t help but think of him. He was in her head and nothing seemed to be able to get him out. Emma went downstairs and grabbed the remote and skipped through the Today show until she saw him. He looked amazing, she laughed when she noticed the pants and wondered how he could have thrown together something that made them look good and laughed to herself when she realized nothing he wore could look bad, he even looked hot in those glasses. When the song finished she saw the anchor Matt walk on stage and she worried he would be shy like he was onstage the night she and Lila went to see him sing. He was smiling and happy and she snickered when he talked about his favorite city in England and was almost certain he was talking about London. She watched cautiously when he was asked about the carriage ride. He did very well, she could tell he was angry but pulled it off well. She could not believe the M&M comment but was not sure if she was assuming correctly. She rewound and played it over and over, like she did her favorite songs when she was younger.

Her phone r
ang and she smiled.

“Hello this is Emma.”

“Hello Emma, this is Brody,” he said with a smile in his voice.

“Oh I wasn’t sure which man with a British accent would be calling at this hour,” she joked.

“I am sorry Emma am I calling too late?” Brody asked.

“I was joking,” Emma said trying not to act overly excited that he had called.

“Did you catch the Today show?” Brody smiled.

“I recorded it, does that sound bad? Like creep you out?” Emma asked softly.

“No, are you busy? Can you watch it now while I am on the line with you?” Brody asked.

“Why?” Emma spoke as she covered her eyes,
good lord he can’t even see me she thought.

“Just want to see what you think,” he said with a smile in his voice.

“Ok,” she laughed and paused for a minute. “I have already watched,” she laughed, “Three times.”

ay Emma that makes you sound a little creepy,” Brody said and laughed.

“I just had to make sure you did well, ya know in case you needed feedback,” Emma said trying to defend herself.

”I love that you watched it Emma, now tell me what stuck out the most to you,” he asked in amusement.

“Really?” Emma asked embarrassed.

“Yes really,” Brody said in a very self assured voice.

“The pants were nice,” Emma
chuckled. “You made them look good.”

“Did I?” Brody said laughing, “Emma is that all?”

“You defended London, I loved that,” Emma said enjoyably.

“Did you hear him ask me about my favorite candy?” Brody asked trying to sound serious.

“Yep,” Emma said.

“Did you know that I liked M&M’s?” Brody asked.

“No,” Emma said smiling to herself.

“Can I tell you a secret?
Neither did I,” Brody laughed, “But now it’s my favorite candy.”

“Well I will have to remember that,” Emma said trying not to giggle like a teenage girl.

“Do I need to spell it out for you Em?” Brody asked.

“Well I guess not,” Emma said.

“So you know I was talking about you?” Brody asked.

“I do
now,” she said and smiled.

“Good, did London see it?” Brody asked.

“No!” Emma said sharply.

Brody laughed, “I am sure she would not get it.”

“Well I certainly hope not,” she said and laughed so hard tears were falling.

Brody laughed, “I miss you.”

“I miss you Brody,” Emma said still laughing.

“I love you Em,” Brody said smiling.

“Oh I love you Bro...” she stopped.

“Emma did
you just call me Bro?” he snickered. She sat with her hand over her mouth, “Emma?”

She cleared her throat, “I am here, sorry.”

“Hmm, I will see you tomorrow? I want to come see you after court. I also want you to know that my lawyer is going to meet yours tomorrow and be at court with you,” He began without missing a beat, “Have you decided on which offer you will be accepting?”

“Brody, can we please talk about something else,” Emma said calmly.

“Sure, M&M’s?” he asked.

“Or how about that you are leaving in a few days for a month,” she said in a very dry tone.

“Do you have a problem with my Lawyer meeting yours?” Brody asked.

“I d
on’t know why that is necessary,” Emma answered.

“He is the best
, and you and London deserve that, I don’t want to argue with you,” He said in an authoritive tone. She said nothing and he took a deep breath and said sweetly, “Emma I am in love with you, I want you and your daughter to be happy, please accept that.”

,” she whispered. She had tears building and her voice cracked. “Brody I can’t be your project, I can’t feel like all of these feelings you’re expressing are because you feel sorry for me or my situation, because I will be okay. You don’t have to do this. And you have to promise me,” she said finally stopping to take a breath, “that when you realize this is just because you and I have both been through hell lately, you’ll just tell me and not string me along. I can’t do that. So please promise me.”

“Are you done Em?” Brody asked
in a clipped tone.

“I guess,”
Emma said feeling like a child.

“Chipping away,” he whispered
as he leaned back breathing deeply trying to regain control. “Good, so have you looked over your offers?”

“No,” she pouted.

“So what are you waiting for?” Brody asked.

“Tomorrow Brody
, to see what I am allowed to plan, to know that I can fucking breathe again, to know my daughter is going to be safe,” she said and the damn finally broke, “is that what you wanted to know Brody?” Emma said harshly. “I lived many years with someone who enjoyed lording over me and making me feel like nothing, someone who loved me broken so he felt better about himself.”

“Emma I am sorry, I am so sorry.” Brody said sounding devastated.
“Can I talk to you tomorrow?”

. Goodnight Brody,” she said and hung up.


Emma dropped London off at school and went home to get ready, she didn’t tell her that they had court today. She did not want it to affect her.

Emma walked into court and saw her lawyer tal
king to a very sharply dressed man. Emma’s lawyer Joan waved her over. “Emma this is Eli, he is your friend’s lawyer. Is it alright that he discuss this with us?”

“Sure,” Emma said feeling insecure.

They sat in a conference room and Joan started the conversation. “Emma and I have discussed what she would like to happen today. She will be going for sole physical custody, supervised visits and the divorce to be finalized. We are pushing for Mr. Fields to agree to rehab. Emma is not asking for alimony and would prefer that child support be suspended while he is in rehab, if he is not going to be paid from his employer. The other thing is that Emma is considering moving back to her hometown in order to pursue a career that will enable her to provide for her child. We will wait until we get a feel of how this is going before we spring that on them. Do you have anything to offer Emma?” Emma shook her head no, “Eli?”

“I am just here to offer advice if things start turning in a direc
tion undesirable by your client,” Eli said looking at Emma, “Not to change your mind about anything.”

“Thank you
,” Emma said.


Emma walked down the courthouse stairs and past her car. She walked until she reached the park next to the lake. She walked to the end of the dock and hugged herself and crouched down and closed her eyes hugging her knees. She cried quietly until she couldn’t cry anymore.

,” she heard softly behind her and she stood up and turned around.

She wiped her eyes and smiled softly.

“Hi,” she said.

Brody walked slowly up to her and bent down and wiped her face and smiled.

She closed her eyes and whispered, “I am so sorry.”

Emma wrapped her arms around hi
m and he wrapped his around her, holding her tightly against him kissing her gently on the head while he gently swayed back and forth soothing her.

“You need a few more moment
s or are you ready to get out of here?” Brody asked taking her hands.

“I don’t know,” Emma said and smiled and shook her head.

“Well my little white rabbit, I don’t know what time London gets out of school but it’s one thirty,” he smiled.

“Oh,” she said shocked. “Oh wow, I need to go.” Emma said and looked at him.

“Can I go with you?” Brody asked.

Emma looked at him confused, “Do you want to?”

“Yes, or I wouldn’t have asked. What is with you?” he laughed and she scowled. “Emma men are not that complicated, we don’t ask if we don’t want. I want to take two beautiful females to dinner.”

“What if people see you Brody?” Emma asked.

“Your divorced Emma, so am I,” Brody smiled.

“I am divorced,” Emma smiled, “I have sole custody of my most precious gift, and the man I thought I loved for fifteen years is going to rehab,” Emma started crying again and Brody looked at her
with deep concern, “These tears are not because I am sad, it’s a release,” Emma said and smiled. “I want to scream!”

“Then do it!” Brody laughed. And she raised her hands in the air and screamed. Brody picked her up and spun her around and kissed her.

“I love you Princess.”

Emma wrapped her arms around his neck, “You to
o Brody.”


Brody pulled on a hat and sung
lasses as he pulled in the pickup driveway. “Right here?” he asked. Emma shook her head yes, “How is she to know where to meet you, there are a lot of little people running around out here. Don’t they have a system?”

Emma laughed, “She knows our car. You are very paranoid.”

“Oh ya?” he laughed. “I am going to get out and wait for her, how do you feel about that Emma?”

“You wouldn’t dare,” Emma laughed

Brody opened the door and Emma laughed.

He looked at her as if to say I am going to do it, and she laughed, “Chicken.”

“Wrong thing to say Em
,” he laughed and took his hat off and stood outside the door and leaned against the car with his arms crossed in front of him.

Emma watched for the aid
e that walked London’s class out to the pickup lane. She saw London and her whole body seemed to smile. She started towards the car and the aide made her wait.

Brody bent down
and looked in the window, “Is that normal Em?”

“Yes, they don’t know you’re here to pick her up, you don’t have permission,” Emma opened the door and walked around the car and waved.

The aide walked over with London, “Sorry I didn’t see you, wow,” she said as she looked at Brody, “You’re,” she stopped and couldn’t finish her sentence.

“I am London
’s ride today,” he said and smiled at London.

ran up and jumped in his arms and hugged him.

He opened the door for London, “Off you go, buckle up. Thank you for seeing to it that she is safe. Ready Em?”

They sat and waited in line to pull out and everyone was looking at them.

“London I would like to take you to dinner, where would you like to go?” Brody asked.

“The cafeteria, so they can all see that I didn’t Photoshop that picture online.” London said annoyed.

“Is there a bathroom in the school that I could use?” Brody said in the same tone London used.

“Yes,” London smiled.

“Could you show me w
ere it is?” Brody asked, “Em could you park across the street and we will meet you there?”

“Do you think that’s a good idea Brody?” Emma asked
cautioning him.

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