Wray (24 page)

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Authors: M.K. Eidem

Tags: #love, #family, #commitment, #sci fi, #strength, #tradition, #romance scifi, #loyal

BOOK: Wray
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“Is it that way on your Earth?”

“Yes, at least from what I’ve seen. We still
have some Kings, Lords and even an Emperor, but they only rule a
country not a world or universe. Their spouse,” Wray’s look told
her he didn’t understand the word. “The female they’ve Joined
with,” she said and waited for his nod. “She normally travels with
her male, is with him when they are greeted by their hosts. Some
are even involved in their meetings.”

“It has nothing to do with her being
interested in the other male?”

“No!” Kim immediately denied. “Why would she
be interested in the other male? She is there to help and support
her male… unless of course she is the one in charge.”

“What?!!” Wray wasn’t the only male who
looked at her in shock. “The

“In several countries
yes. If she is from the ruling House and not the
male, she rules. You’ve never had that in the Tornian Empire?”

“Only in ancient time.” Wray quietly

“You have that many females on your planet?”
A stunned voice behind her had Kim turning in her seat to find
twelve sets of eyes asking the same question the green-skinned
warrior had.

“It’s Jaqua
it?” She asked and saw his shock that she remembered.

Jaqua couldn’t believe she’d remembered his name.

“The answer to your question is yes.” Kim
said, answering his question. “On Earth there are many

Wray turned around and growled at Jaqua for
daring to speak directly to Kim. Jaqua quickly lowered his

“Why are you growling at Jaqua, Wray?” Kim
gave him a confused look.

Wray was saved from responding when the
shuttle suddenly made a sharp turn, causing Kim to gasp and

“It is fine
Wray took her hand reassuringly. “We are just turning to land.”

“We’re not crashing?” The eyes that moments
ago were clear and sparkling
clouded with fear.

“No! Truth
This is normal.”

Kim closed her eyes for a moment and forced
her racing heart to calm. Wray said this was normal. He wasn’t
concerned. The warriors with them didn't seem concerned. Squeezing
his hand, she opened her eyes and let him see she’d calm.

“Okay.” She said quietly, and gave him a
small smile.


When the hatch opened, the smell gave Kim
pause. It was the sweet smell of fresh cut grass that had always
hung in the air after her dad had cut their grass. It was so
familiar that she felt her eyes fill.

“Kim?” Wray looked at her concerned when she
froze in the hatch of the shuttle. His warriors had exited first
forming a protective front around the shuttle
s hatch. Wray had followed, then turned to assist her
down only to be shocked as tears filled her eyes.

“It smells like home.” She whispered.

“You lived
things grew?”

“Just grass.” She whispered. “And not like
this.” Her eyes traveled over the vast expanse of a green so dark
it was nearly purple that lay in front of her
ust over the rise, she
see what appeared to be a large
castle and behind that, mountains. “But it smells the same.”

“Do you wish to return to the Searcher?” Wray
asked. It wasn’t what he wanted, but if this was too much for

“No.” Kim immediately denied, her eyes found
his and she took a calming breath. “No. I want to stay with you. It
just surprised me. I just didn’t realize it might smell the same.”
She reached her hand out to him, knowing Wray would take it.

“Emperor Wray!” A shout had them both

Kim’s eyes moved to the group of males
approaching the shuttle, a tall red male in front of the others. He
had black hair like Wray but that was where the similarities ended.
This male was smaller than Wray, his muscles not nearly as defined
and of course, he wasn’t the beautiful bronze Wray was.

“Lord Reeve.” Wray responded and his warriors
parted slightly, allowing Reeve to see the Emperor.

“Sire, to what do I owe this unexpected
honor?” Reeve asked.

“You were not informed I would be arriving?”
Wray’s eyes watched Reeve closely knowing Veron had contacted him
more than once.

“Yes. Of course I was contacted
but I was not
informed as to why.” Reeve’s eyes shot to Veron, his displeasure
easily heard. “I wasn’t aware you had left Tornian.”

“And who would keep you ‘aware’ of such
things, Lord Reeve?”

“No one
Reeve swallowed hard realizing what he had implied. “It’s

“Just what

“It’s just that if I had known of your plans
I would have made sure Tora was available to greet you.”

“As I plan on being here for several days you
will be able to arrange that.”

“I… yes

“The clothier?” Wray demanded.

“Is awaiting your summons, sire.” Reeve told

“Good. Now I wish to get the Empress settled
in our chambers. After that we will discuss what has brought me

“Empress…” Reeve’s voice trailed off as the
Emperor’s warriors parted further, revealing the small female at
the Emperor’s side. Reeve frowned deeply, his confusion easily
seen, as his eyes traveled over the strange female before him.

She was small, tiny, with flame colored hair
and pale skin. She was obviously not Tornian making it impossible
to be the Empress that meant she was usable. As
small as she was, would she be able to take a Tornian male? He
found he wanted to find out.

“Yes, this is your Empress. Empress Kim.”
Wray’s words pulled Reeve’s thoughts back to the present.


“But what
Reeve.” Wray asked, his voice deadly quiet.

“I…” Reeve hadn’t been
Lord for so many years without learning when to keep
his silence. “Nothing sire.”

“Then show your respect to your Empress.”
Wray ordered.

sire.” With a
hand across his chest, Reeve bowed slightly to the ‘Empress’, the
males behind him following suit.

will lead us to the chambers
you had prepared.” Wray ordered.

” Reeve’s voice squeaked slightly
at the Emperor’s demand. He wanted
… a
… to
act like a male from an insignificant bloodline and escort him to
his chamber.

Lord Reeve.
.” Wray knew he had just insulted Reeve and didn’t care.
He'd seen how Reeve’s gaze had traveled over Kim. Fala and Gyula
had looked at her the same way. Wray wouldn’t tolerate it. He may
not be able to punish them under the law, but he could take his
displeasure out on Lord Reeve.

Kim stiffened, her fingers digging into
Wray’s arm as she silently watched Lord Reeve’s skin darken to
almost purple. She knew he didn’t want to bow to her, to ‘respect’
her as Wray had put it. His eyes had hidden nothing from her, not
their disbelief at Wray’s words or the lust as they’d passed over
her. It was the same look Fala and Gyula had given her. She now
knew where they had learned it.

Wray felt the bite of Kim’s fingers as they
dug into his arm. He knew Reeve’s
had upset her and he was done letting that happen.

” Wray roared, his left hand
moving to his sword.

“Of course
sire! At
once.” Spinning on his heel Reeve shoved the warriors behind him
aside, quickly leading the way.

Kim watched Lord Reeve’s long legs quickly
eat up the ground between the shuttle and House Reeve and knew she
would be running to keep up with him.

Kim.” Wray said
quietly and looking up, she saw he knew what she was thinking. “We
are in no hurry. It is a warm day. Let us enjoy it.”

“It is nice out.” Kim said, smiling at him,
grateful he understood. “I never thought I’d see the sun again.
Never get to feel its warmth.” Tilting her face up, she soaked it
up. “It feels wonderful.”

“Then we shall take as long as you want.”

“But Lord Reeve is waiting for you.” She said
and looked to the rise where Reeve had come to an impatient

“He is but a Lord.
are the
Empress. Your desires come before his.” Covering her hand with his,
he slowly led her towards Reeve.


Reeve stood at the entrance of his House and
silently raged as he watched the Emperor and female slowly walk
towards him. They seemed to be
! What could he
possibly have to
say to
her? Why would he
act as if
interested in anything she had to say? Females like her were good
for only one thing and that was relieving a male. Tornian females
weren’t much better, but at least they could provide offspring.
This one…

When Captain Veron had contacted
yesterday to let him know that the Emperor would
be arriving, he’d been shocked. While
didn’t have someone
in Torino to keep him informed of the Emperor’s movements, Lord
Bertos did and
kept Reeve informed.

He had contacted him again less than an hour
ago and informed him that the Emperor planned to stay on Vesta for
an extended period. Captain Veron had ordered him to have rooms
prepared and for the clothier to be available upon the Emperor’s
request. He said nothing about a female.

Wray had claimed she was his Empress.


Only a Tornian female could be Empress. One
that was able to present fit offspring… Reeve stiffen
as a thought occurred to him.


It wasn’t possible…

His eyes narrowed, as he looked at the female
in a different light. If the Emperor had finally discovered a
species they could successfully breed with, it would ruin all Reeve
and Bertos had been working towards.

He had to find out…

He had to inform Bertos.

Chapter Seventeen

Lord Reeve found himself standing before the
Emperor and forced himself not to shift his weight from foot to
foot under the intensity of the Emperor's gaze. Not since his manno
ruled had he felt so powerless in his own House. Reeve had been
pacing the chamber from which he ruled Vesta.

As soon as he left the Emperor, Reeve had
tried to contact Bertos on Tornian, but had been told he was
unavailable. Enraged, he left a message for Bertos to contact him
immediately, then started to pace.

If this female were truly breedable, they
would have no chance of removing Wray. Replacing him with the one
that was the true Emperor. The one that descended directly from
Lucan. Bertos. And Reeve would be at his side.

Now the Emperor was here… could it be he
discovered their plot to remove him? Had he already disposed of
Bertos? Was that why he was ‘unavailable’?

Reeve was still pondering the possibility,
when the Emperor suddenly threw open the chamber doors and entered
as if it were his own. Without a glance in Reeve’s direction, Wray
crossed the chamber and sat in the spot reserved for those who
ruled Vesta.

“I am ready to hear your
Lord Reeve.”

“My explanation…” Reeve asked slowly, trying
to remain calm. “For what,sire?”

“For why I am here.”

“I… but sire… I have no idea why you are

“You don’t…” Wray raised a questioning
eyebrow at him.


“How are the harvests
Lord Reeve?” Wray asked.

“The harvests?” Reeve frowned, totally
confused. “They are fine
sire. No

“You’re sure
Reeve?” Wray pointedly asked.

“Of course, I’m sure!” Reeve immediately
responded and felt his temper rising at being questioned. He knew
how to run his planet. “If there was a problem I would have
reported it to the Assembly of Lords as the Law demands.”

“Then explain to me
Lord Reeve,” Wray said in a deceptively calm voice. “Why I had to
go into the Kaliszian Empire and meet with
Emperor Liron to discover that one of
Lords was failing
in his obligation. An obligation
personally vowed would
never be broken.” Wray’s voice rose as he did, his rage filling the
room. “YOU… Lord Reeve… are failing to maintain the steady food
supply to the Kaliszian people and have
to report

“I…” Reeve now knew he was in serious
trouble. Several months ago, his female had left to Join with
another male taking with her a great deal of Reeve’s resources.
Leaving behind only a male offspring that he doubted would survive.
He needed to attract another female quickly and the only way he
could do that was to restore his House resources.

To do this, he had been diverting food
supplies that should have been going to the Kaliszians and selling
them to those desperate enough to pay his exorbitant price. He
never expected Liron to notice. Let alone, for him to personally
contact Wray.

“I know of no problems with the deliveries to
the Kaliszians, majesty.” Reeve said, lying through his teeth.

“Really? Are you saying you do not know what
is happening on your own planet?”

“No! Of course, I know what is going on here!
What I’m saying is that I have not been made aware that there has
been a problem with any of the shipments… until now.”

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