Wyatt (15 page)

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Authors: Michelle Horst

BOOK: Wyatt
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Chapter Twenty



I’m lying sprawled over Wyatt just listening to his heart beating. It’s a beautiful sound.

Making love to him was perfect. I felt him everywhere and that’s what I needed. I needed to be loved by him, to know that he still wants me and sees me as a woman.

I fall asleep listening to his heartbeat and again I sleep through the night.

When I wake up, my cheek sticking to his skin, I feel a surge of hope and joy. I feel like there is hope for a future with Wyatt and I’m so happy.

It’s becoming a morning routine to get dressed together and then he follows me to work. We drive separately because sometimes he’s held up at work, and then I can still leave and I don’t have to wait for him. I can go home and fix something to eat for us.

On this particular morning I get my shot ready when Wyatt comes and takes it from me. “Will you show me how to read your blood and to give you this?”

I stare at him. “Why?”

“So I know how to do this,” he says, still inspecting the shot. “I want to know everythin’ there is to know about you, that includes the diabetes.”

I smile and then I start the whole procedure over, showing him exactly what to do. His eyes take in everything. I’ve never seen him so focused before. I can’t keep the silly smile from my face as he gently takes hold of my skin and gives me the shot. It’s in this moment that I know he really loves me.

I stand on my toes and kiss his cheek. “Thank you for takin’ care of me.”

His hand comes to my face and he presses his forehead against mine. “I’ll always take care of you. You’re mine.”


I’ve been working for three weeks since the incident and today is Old Bertha’s last day. She stayed on longer to help me get settled. She’s really the sweetest and I’ll miss her. There’s an office party so everyone can say goodbye.

As I come down the stairs, Wyatt is walking by. He stops and just looks up at me with so much love in his eyes.

“Officer Holden,” I greet him the same way I would greet any other officer in the office.

Alec walks by and stops next to Wyatt and then he sees me. A huge smile spreads across his face. He’s apologized to me for chasing me that night. It was all a huge misunderstanding.

“Officer Sawyer,” I greet Alec and I see Wyatt frown.

“Somethin’ wrong, Babe?” I take the stairs down to him.

“His name is Alec, call him Alec from now on. You only get to call me officer,” he says all serious.

Alec bursts out laughing. “Oh you’re so pussy whipped, Holden.”

Wyatt goes for Alec and then I’m left standing as I watch them run all over the office like a bunch of horny teenagers. “Men are boys with more expensive toys,” I murmur to myself.

The party starts and Wyatt finds me again. He sits on the table and pulls me to stand between his legs. Everyone is having a good time. Even Zac is smiling, and I’ve noticed that it’s a rare thing to see him smile.

Emma came through with Laurie and people are taking turns to hold the baby.

Emma hands Laurie over to Aiden and comes to stand by us. She takes a sip of her drink and then smiles at me. “So you’re both settled in?” she asks.

I nod happily. “Yes, I’ve taken over his place.”

“That’s good,” she laughs. “Let me know when you want to redecorate it.”

“Hell no,” Wyatt chuckles. “No way in hell I’m lettin’ the both of you loose in my place. I’ll come home to flowers and hearts.”

The drink Emma is holding slips from her hands and lands at our feet. “Oh bollocks!” She goes down to pick up the cup and I quickly kneel down with her to help her. I place napkins over the wet spot. “I’m sorry,” she says. “I almost got it all over your feet.”

She reaches for the cup with her left hand but stops and I see how badly she’s trembling. It looks like her fingers are having spasms. She brings up her right hand and holds it out next to her left, but her right hand is steady. It’s only in her left hand. My eyes dart up to hers and I see the confused look on her face.

“Are you feelin’ okay?” I ask.

She quickly smiles and grabs the cup with her right hand. “Sure, I’m fine, love.” She gets up and just walks away as if nothing just happened. I hope she’s okay. Wyatt loves her a lot.







Chapter Twenty One



We’ve settled on the couch and Scarlett is half lying on top of me. It’s become one of her favorite positions. We’re watching a movie when my phone rings.

I see Emma’s name and answer with a smile, “Hey, Emma, what’s up?”

“Wyatt you need to come!” she cries out.

“What’s wrong?” I push up and Scarlett quickly gets off me.

“Aiden and Zac have been shot. I don’t know how bad it is. They won’t let me see either of them.” My blood runs cold. I can’t lose another family member!

“I’m on my way,” I whisper with a hoarse voice as I get up. I grab my keys and Scarlett quickly runs for the door, unlocking it already.

“Hurry! I don’t know what to do,” Emma sounds as hysterical as my heart is beating.

“I’m comin’ Emma.”

We run out to the car. I break every speed limit in my hurry to get to the hospital. Scarlett is right behind me as we run into the hospital. I find Emma and Laurie in the waiting room. Her face is streaked wet with tears.

“Have you heard anythin?” She shakes her head no and goes to get up but sits down again as she almost drops Laurie.

Scarlett darts forward and takes Laurie from Emma. “Go with Wyatt, Emma. I’ll watch over Laurie.”

I notice Emma’s shaking like a leaf and I throw my arm around her, pulling her close to me. She’s not built for this. It must be killing her. She leans heavily into me as we walk to the nurses’ station.

Vikki is on duty and I can’t even manage a smile for her. “Any news on my brothers?” I ask.

“There should be news any second now. I’m sorry,” she says with a sympathetic smile.

I don’t need sympathy. I need to know how they are!

“Vikki, go find out what’s going on for us, or I will go look for myself.”

She looks frustrated as she gets up and disappears down the hallway.

When she comes back she doesn’t smile. “They’re just busy stitching up Aiden. He’s fine. He should be out now. It was only a flesh wound.”

I feel Emma sag with relief. “And Zac?”

She shakes her head. “They’re operating. There’s no telling at this point.”

Emma covers her mouth and starts to cry. All I can do is hold her.

“Have you phoned Mama and Dad?” I ask Emma.

She shakes her head no. “I could … only think … to ring you.” Her voice sounds thick with tears.

“I’ll phone them.” I steer Emma back to the waiting room and help her sit. I’ve never seen her in such a state before.

I quickly phone my folks and when I tuck the phone in my pocket I see the worried look on Scarlett’s face. “Will they be okay?”

“I hope so,” I breathe out.

Emma’s eyes are on Laurie but she doesn’t take her back from Scarlett.

Aiden comes walking into the waiting room, looking like he’s been through hell. There is blood all over his clothes. Emma cries as she gets up, she moves too fast and falls. I’m too far away to catch her and she goes down hard. Aiden reaches her before I can even move, and he helps her up.

She throws her arms around his neck and cries into his chest. “I was so worried!”

It’s killing me to see Emma so upset, but I know how she feels. I feel the same way with Scarlett.

“I’m okay, Sweetheart,” Aiden whispers to Emma. “Shh, I’m okay.”

Aiden’s eyes find mine and they look wrecked, just like when Laurie died. “Zac?” I ask quickly, although I don’t want to hear the news if it’s bad.

Aiden shakes his head. Tears spill down his cheeks. I hate seeing him go through all of this again. I hate that we’re all standing here again, waiting to hear the outcome.

“The bullet went in under his arm. I think it hit a lung. He didn’t look good when I brought him in. I don’t know what’s happenin’, or if he’s okay.” Aiden sighs heavily, “They won’t tell me anythin’.”

I cover my face with my hands. The pain I feel is suffocating. I don’t know how much more I can handle. Aiden’s one arm comes around me and the three of us stand together crying for our brother.


Emma phoned Chloe. That was the last any of us said a word.

Mama and Dad got here not too long ago. We’re all just sitting, waiting for any news.

The hours tick by torturously. Scarlett gets up after a while. She’s been tense next to me. Hell, we’ve all been tense.

“I’m going to go hunt for coffee. Any of you want some?”

I hear a few murmurs but can’t bring myself to even react. She kneels in front of me and gently caresses my cheek. “Are you holdin’ up alright?”

I can only shake my head. She stands up and kisses my forehead and then whispers, “You’ll get through this. I’m here and I’m not going anywhere.”

I watch her walk away to go get the coffee.

She comes back quite a while later, at first I didn’t even notice she was gone for so long. My mind is running circles around my ass.

She offers me some of her coffee and I take a sip. More hours pass before a doctor comes into the waiting room. He looks tense, not smiling at all.

I don’t want to hear it.

The look on his face tells me it’s bad, just like with Laurie.

“Detective Hutches is currently in recovery. As soon as he’s settled in a room, the family can see him one person at a time. We removed the bullet and repaired the damage to his lung. That’s all I have right now. He needs to fight now. We’ve done all we can.”

He’s alive. Zac is alive. I know he will pull through. He’s one of the strongest men I know. If anyone can make it, it’s Zac.


Hours become days and Zac doesn’t wake up. We take turns to be with him so he’s not alone when he wakes up.

Because, he will wake up! I believe that with all my heart.

Emma and Chloe are pretending to be sisters so Chloe can be with Zac. I didn’t even know things got serious between them. Fucking hell, I’ve been living in a bubble.

We’re all having dinner at my folks’ place, just to get together as a family so we can pray for Zac.

Scarlett has been so patient with me these past few days. The woman deserves a medal. She’s always there to comfort me. It hasn’t even been a full month since she was attacked but she’s being the strong one. What did I ever do right to deserve her?

As we pull up to my folks’ house, I reach over to Scarlett. I take her hand and bring it to my lips. I press a kiss against the back of her hand and close my eyes for a moment, and then I whisper, “Thank you for being patient with me.”

She smiles a crooked smile and pulls our joined hands to her mouth, and then places a kiss on the back of my hand. “We’re a couple. You’re there for me and I’m there for you, just the way it should be.”

I hate that she had to meet my folks in the hospital. I haven’t even thought about how uncomfortable that must’ve been for her, especially seeing Aiden again, and knowing he saw what happened to her. I’ve been an insensitive ass.

I get out of the car and walk to her side. I open the door and help her out and then I hold her. I take deep breaths so I can full my lungs with her.

“I’m sorry you had to meet my folks at the hospital. Are you okay with seein’ Aiden? I’ll understand if you’re not. I’ve been so stuck up my-” She places her fingers over my mouth stopping me from rambling.

“It’s hard, every day is hard, but I know I have to do this. If I don’t keep movin’ forward then I’ll slide back into that hell. Let’s just keep movin’ forward. One step at a time.”

I press a quick kiss to her lips and hold her again just soaking up her strength. I love this woman so much.

Everyone’s already here. We’re the last to arrive. Mama hugs Scarlett as if they’ve know each other for ages. That’s my Mama, the most loving person I know.

The atmosphere is stiff in the house. Everyone is worried for Zac. I don’t see Chloe here. She must be at the hospital. She hardly leaves the place.

Emma gets up when she sees me. We hug and then she sits again. She looks tired. We’re all tired.

“Are you feelin’ better?” Aiden asks Emma and I frown.

“Are you sick?” I ask.

She just smiles it away. “I’m just feeling knackered. I’m sure it’s nothing.” She gets up again. “I’m going to go check on Laurie,” she excuses herself.

Emma always sits between Aiden and myself but today it’s different. I take the seat across from Emma with Scarlett next to me. Everyone starts to fill their plates when Emma suddenly drops hers. She slumps back in the chair looking more than just tired. Aiden is right by her side looking worried. “Are you feelin’ worse?” he asks.

“I don’t know what it is. It must be the late nights sitting up with Laurie. My legs and arms just feel numb. I bet after a good night’s rest I’ll be just fine.”

I notice her hands shaking and I start to worry. “Maybe you need to eat. You’re shakin’.”

She tucks her hands under the table and smiles bravely up at me, “I’ll eat in a sec.”

Dad clears his throat, ready to pray, “Father we come to you as a family in need of your mercy. Please keep your hand over Zac and bring him safely home to us. We thank you for the food. Amen.”

Short and sweet, that’s Dad.

We eat mostly in silence. Emma takes a few bites and then drops her knife. I see the worry on her face.

“That’s it,” Aiden snaps. “You’re seeing a doctor tomorrow. You’ve been dropping stuff every day. You’ve been falling. You’re not clumsy and I really don’t think it’s just because you’re tired.”

I tense up. I really hope she’s just tired. It would suck if she got sick now. I know how much she wants to be there for Chloe.


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