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Authors: Michelle Horst

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Michelle Horst


The Tainted Ink Series

Copyright © 2015 Michelle Horst


All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, including electronic or mechanical, without written permission from the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This book may not be re-sold or given away to other people.


As an author I love what I write and I wrote it for you. If you want to use any part of the book and you are not sure just email me @
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I’m one of the friendly ones. Quote it if you want, please tell your friends about it, create super-hot trailers and teasers. And please leave those awesome reviews!


Michelle Horst (2015-08-01).

WYATT a Tainted Ink Novel

Kindle & Paperback Edition.

Also by Michelle Horst



Contemporary Romance/

Suspense Romance


Wake Me up – A Tainted Ink Novel

http://www. amazon. com/Wake-Me-Tainted-Ink-Book-ebook/dp/B00GDOP3NQ/ref=asap_bc? ie=UTF8


CHLOE – A Tainted Ink Novella



ZAC – A Tainted Ink Novel



WYATT – A Tainted Ink Novel






Dark Romance/ Erotica





He stole me.
He broke me.
I'm being auctioned for Fifty thousand dollars.
Now, I don't belong to anyone but strangely enough I wanted to belong to him.
It's his eyes . . . I lost myself in them



Goodreads -
https://www. goodreads. com/book/show/24490654-dark-boundaries


He’s my cousin and I love to hate him. 
He bullies me.

He tries to break me every chance he gets

I remind him constantly that he’s adopted. It’s the only weapon I have against him.



Goodreads -


He’s my cousin and I love to hate him. 
He bullies me.

He tries to break me every chance he gets

I remind him constantly that he’s adopted. It’s the only weapon I have against him.

Footprints In The Sand

Romance/ Coming of Age/ Suspense

(A Stand Alone Novel)



He is all I think and dream about.
My teenage heart beats only for him.
Until he becomes part of my worst nightmare...
Now, I avoid him.
I ban every thought of him.








Ruth (an Insensate Novella)




Coming early 2016



Coming early 2016




To a dear friend. You’ll always be in my heart.

Authors Note:


This book contains graphic scenes of sex, violence and strong language. I can’t stress that enough.


If you are agreeable with these terms then I hope you enjoy the book. Some scenes may be disturbing to some readers, they are intended to be disturbing so that you will understand the main character’s hurt, her suffering and anguish, but also how she chose to overcome her difficulties.


This book is intended for mature, adult readers who are 18 and older.


Happy Reading ;)



I want to thank God for being there every step of the way and blessing me with such an amazing life.

Thank you to Ronald and Sheldon, my lovely family, for being so patient with me.


Kristine, my #crazytwinsie and super-amazing PA, I’d be lost without.


My Beta readers #PervertedTwistedSisters Kelly, Gemma, Amo, Madiha and Morgan - I live you all.


To my Muses – love you all madly. Thank you for your endless support.


And most important – the readers, reviewers and bloggers – thank you for each of you. You make writing worthwhile.

Thank you to each blog that took the time to take part in the cover reveal and release day blitz.


Love ya all tons ;)







At the age of twenty-three you think you know everything. You think because you’re an adult the world is your oyster.

It’s not. The world is not some oyster filled with treasure. The world is hard and unforgiving. It tries to shape you into the person you should be, and if you’re not strong enough it will break you.

Most people just pass through your life to help shape you in some way. But then there are a handful of people who will test you. They are sent to either make you or break you.

I’m not sure where Jeffrey fits in. Personally, I think he was sent straight from hell to torture me.

I made a mistake leaving the apartment, and it will be one I’ll regret forever. I was so stupid when I thought I could take on the world. I made a mistake and it will be one that will cost me my soul.

Because of Jeffrey I’m nothing, not even a ghost of the person I used to be.





Chapter One


Hell no!

Just because Aiden and Laurie went and got it in their heads to get married and have a family it sure as hell doesn’t mean I’m falling for that same trap. Don’t go getting me wrong. I love Emma and I love Aiden and I especially love my niece, Laurie, but it doesn’t mean I have to go get all homely with some needy girl. I’ll be dammed if I’m gonna let some girl tie me down with that ball and chain of hers.

Hell no.

Never happening!

This bird is meant to soar the skies, spread ‘em wings wide. And there’s no better place to spread ‘em than Oceans Isle Beach.

Summer means only one thing. Girls! Hot girls in bikinis.

The cottage is all mine. The beach is my hunting ground. 

“Wyatt’s comin’ a huntin’ ladies.” I grin like a dumbass as I drive into town, and I see the stretch of beach scattered with the prey.

It’s like Christmas all over again, only I don’t have to unwrap anything, those two pieces of material sure ain’t leaving much to the imagination.

I pull up the drive and take a deep breath, filling my lungs with the fresh ocean air. The road is long if you drive it alone, but I need this time for myself. Everyone is getting their lives back on track. Even Zac has some weird thing going on with Chloe. Everyone is finding their place in life – but me.

I quickly ban the negative thoughts. Just eight days of me and the sun. This is going to be awesome!

I’ve joined the force, but it’s hard walking in Aiden’s shadow. It’s always been hard living in his shadow. I think that’s why I get on so well with Emma, I understand her better than Aiden does sometimes. He just doesn’t know it.

It sucks being the baby in the family, especially if the older ones are twins. There just ain’t breaking into that kinda bond. Yeah, we had our times and I’m not saying I grew up in a bad home, not at all. My folks are loving and kind. Aiden did the big brother thing – it’s just hard living up to his perfect image.

I’m not a damn Saint. Fuck, I’m anything but.

Aiden’s just good at everything. It’s a damn miracle stuff don’t go and turn to gold when he touches the crap. And then there is Emma and Laurie. He even got the girl and gorgeous kid. Damn well went to the U.K. for Emma. Only Aiden can pull off something like that.

Saint Aiden. And then there is me.

Well let’s not disappoint the female population. I have to get over this dry spell and they are going to help me.


Relaxing with a beer in my hand, I scout the stretch of beach in front of the cottage. There are a few hot bodies out, soaking up the sun. The universities are out and a lot of students make their way here, families too.

Girls come looking for that thing they like to call the good ol’ summer romance and who am I to deny ‘em that.

I’ve heard to lookout for the ones who travel in packs. Groups encourage each other to take the dive, to go for the guy. Having cheerleaders on your side is always an added bonus.

I shouldn’t look at a loner, like the one jogging up the beach. She’s dressed in shorts and tee, nothing skimpy. Nothing like the others that are here for the sun and fun. Her hair is caught in a low ponytail, pulled through a baseball cap. I can’t see if it’s straight or curly, but it’s brown, a bit lighter than mine.

She shouldn’t be out in the sun, not with her white skin. She’s got skin like Emma. Emma fell asleep in the sun once. She went lobster red, gave Aiden a damn near heart attack. Didn’t get a tan though, went back to that creamy skin of hers. Yeah, just like this one … who’s coming straight at me.

My body has a mind of its own. I get up and walk over to the railing so I can see her better. So much for scouting. Oblivious to the world around her, she slows and starts up the pier toward me, taking a sip from a bottle … and stretching. She’s not the only thing stretching.

“Well, I’ll be dammed,” I whisper as she gets real close.

I haven’t seen anyone in the cottage next to ours for what ... since I finished school, if I remember right.

I think back and remember the elderly couple who used to come here the odd summer, only the girls were little. Think I last saw them when I was sixteen.

Well, she sure ain’t little anymore.

I tilt my head and take a sip of the beer to ease the sudden dryness in my throat. I start laughing softly when she goes and bends over, touching her toes.

Yeah … and then some.


I’ve learned to not tell people I’m an officer of the law. Sales, hell, anything but that I carry a badge. The women get all clingy, thinking you’re their next knight in shining armor, and the men get this testosterone overload thing going. I might like my job, but I’m sure as hell not married to it. When I take a break, I take a break and leave it all at home.

The sun has long gone down and I’m still standing on the damn deck staring at the silver line the moon is throwing across the ocean. Aiden and Emma ruined me.

All this talk of hunting and soaring and scouting – crap … it’s all just crap.

Damn them!

Why do some people have all the luck in the world?

Look at poor ole’ Zac. The minute he thought he found love, Laurie went and died on him, then he thought he found it again with Chloe and she just left him hanging high and dry. I’ll be dammed if I’m gonna let that happen to me.

No way in hell. Losing my sister was hard enough.

I listen to a group of people further down the beach, living it up at Blue Sands Grill. The night makes sound travel. People laugh and they sound closer than they really are.

I hear a scream, and it sounds like it’s coming from right behind me. My instinct kicks into overdrive. I run inside, grab my gun and then I get my ass over to my neighbor’s.

In my line of job I’ve learned that seconds are precious.

I’ve never gotten used to the feeling just before I enter a crime scene. I don’t know how many people there are. I don’t know the scenario. The unknown sucks. I hate the feeling of unease that coils in my gut.

Adrenaline kicks in making everything so much clearer. Lights are on, so I can see where I’m going but whoever is in here will also see me come at them. I move cautiously. I’m in no hurry to get myself killed.

I hear subdued screams and that’s when I move faster. I race by the kitchen and living room, and down the passage. Everything tenses when the sounds of struggle gets louder, skin hitting skin. It’s a familiar sound. I hear it often when I get called out to the Johnson’s.

My family sees me as the joker. Yeah, I like to make people laugh. Life is way too serious, but God help you the day you cross me. When I get angry, I get angry good.

Now is one of those moments as I round the corner into the room the sounds of struggle are coming from. I quickly assess the situation.

I have few golden rules in life.

Number one; you don’t hit a woman.

Number two; it’s just common decency to respect the people you’re stuck on this piece of dirt with.

Both my first two rules are being broken as the guy takes hold of the girl I watched jogging earlier. His hand tightens in a strangle hold around her neck, and then he throws her across the room.

Aiden taught me how to fight. Like I said, my brother is good at everything. I’d like to kick the guy’s ass but that would only get me another warning issued.

I have the element of surprise as I move in on him, just as he’s about to move in her direction.

“I wouldn’t,” I start my normal warning but the dipshit spins on me. He brings his arm up and at the same time I bring the gun up to his chest. “Just … don’t. How about you rather settle your ass over there where I can see it.” I point with the gun over to the other wall. It’s my favorite part of the job, when you see the shock on their faces. That totally dumbass look of WTF. He’s a freezer. He’s the type that when he sees a gun he pisses his pants.

“Don’t let me tell you again. Move your ass away from her and over to the wall.” I point again. I have a bit of problem. I don’t have cuffs with me.

Asswipe finally gets over the shock that’s me pointing a gun at his face, and he moves to the wall. Then the girl moves which is not good right about now. I don’t want two people moving around me. I hold my other hand out in her direction to try and calm her, just in case she’s about to go all hysterical on my ass. Sure as hell don’t need that right about now.

“Ma’am please don’t move,” I say as nice as I can. I glance at her quickly as she sails up the wall, almost becoming one with it. She nods that she understands me and it brings me some form of relief.

“You have a phone nearby?” I ask her. Didn’t exactly think to grab mine, or shoes for that matter. Not the best dressed cop she’s ever seen in my tattered jeans and shirt.

“Living room,” her voice is clear, no sign of panic. She might be a late bloomer and lose her shit later.

I walk towards the perp to give her space to move by me. “Can you go and get it for me?” She moves fast, no jerky reactions of someone that should be in shock.

“Get up and place your hands on the wall,” I order the perpetrator to move. He spreads eagle against the wall and I move in on him. A quick pat down brings up only a phone and keys, no I.D. No gun. I wonder if he’s her boyfriend, or maybe an upset ex.

“The phone,” the girl says from the door.

I keep the gun trained on the perp and hold my hand out to her. “Can you bring it over for me, please,” I ask, keeping my voice nice and calm. Nice and easy will get things done.

She places it in my hand and moves in slightly behind me. That’s not good. I want people where I can see them.

“Ma’am, you wanna step over to the door for me?” They can award me the damn badge for Mr. Nice guy of the year.

She takes a step and then stops.

“Can you just phone the police already? I’d like him out of my house.” She still looks calm, she sounds it too, but sometimes they just explode on your ass when you least expect it.

“That’s what I am ma’am, now if you’ll step over where I can see you, it would be much appreciated.” Nice and calm does it, I keep reminding myself.

“I didn’t mean to hurt her,” the perp spurts out against the wall and then he looks at the girl. “I didn’t mean to hurt you, Scarlett. I just wanted to talk. Just wanted to see how you’ve been keeping up.” My eyebrow shoots up. I hate getting involved in domestic disputes they suck big time, but she should decide what to do with her boyfriend.

“You still want me to phone this in or are you fine dealin’ with him?” I ask. I’ve dealt with the kind that just don’t want any help. It would be sad if she’s that kind though.

“Of course call the cops!” she shrieks. He turns around and the moment makes her back up to the door, fear etched over her face.

I place my hand on his chest and ‘gently’ push him back against the wall. “No movin’, Sir.” I glance over to the girl who’s plastered herself against the wall. “Who is he?”

“How the hell should I know?” She screeches at me.

“Scarlett,” He starts and I give him a light shove into the wall.

“Sir, it’s your constitutional right to remain silent, if you move I will be forced to restrain you by any means. Don’t make me do that,” I warn and then I phone for backup.

The minutes are long, ticking over real damn slow if you’re the one waiting for a car to pitch up.

“Sir, we’re gonna take this nice and slow. Go down on your knees,” I order. He’s still holding his hands up and then he goes down. “Real slow does it now.” I don’t want him pulling any stunts on me.

I hear the whoop outside from the patrol car and glance at Scarlett. “You mind lettin’ ‘em in?”

She darts into action. I start stepping back from the perp. I have no badge to identify myself with. I shove the gun behind my back, and cover it with my shirt before the other cops come in. I wouldn’t be happy finding an armed man on a scene so I’ll spare them that as well.




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