Wyatt (4 page)

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Authors: Michelle Horst

BOOK: Wyatt
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She’s diabetic.

I get that from the board at the foot of the bed. The nurse was kind enough to let me into her room so I could wait for her while they finished up with her.

She likes dragons. There are little statues of them everywhere in her living room.

She loves music. Stacks and stacks of CD’s. Just about everything from rap to classical music.

She collects baseball caps too. I think. They could be someone else’s.

I picked these three things up before I left her place.

I hear laughter, familiar laughter come down the hall. “So it’s a date then,” I hear a male voice say and my head snaps up. She’s not even here an hour and she’s making dates?

“I don’t have a choice do I?” she laughs.

Mr. Date pushes Scarlett into the room and I look from the one to the other, thinking this is why I don’t do things like this.

“Holden, my hero,” she exclaims, smiling brilliantly. “Joseph, meet Officer Wyatt Holden, the man just has no end when it comes to rescuing me. I should reward him.” She winks at me and even with Joseph standing there, I grin like a dumbass.

“Yeah-yeah,” I wave her off. “So you still in the land of the livin’?” I ask.

“Afraid you’re still stuck with me, neighbor.” She starts to get up and I move on reflex to her side.

“You okay to walk?” I ask and the concern in my voice bothers me. I quickly pull back.

“Of course,” she laughs. “Just a little low, nothing to get all worried about.”

“Don’t forget our date,” Joseph reminds her, then he looks at me, “make sure she comes.”

I frown and look at her. “Date?”

“Stupid check-up. Come on, Holden. I’ve wasted enough of your time,” she sighs as she takes hold of my arm. “You didn’t have to come, but thanks anyway.”

“Sure,” I say as she leans more of her weight into me. She’s tired, there’s no sign of the energetic girl of last night, but still she smiles.

“So,” I say as I lead her to the car, “The girl likes dragons. One.” Her smile grows and she shakes her head lightly, letting some of her hair fall over her shoulder. I open the door for her. “The girl is a music fanatic. Two.” She starts to laugh and gets in.

“So, you have two down, no big deal,” she tries to make it off as nothing.

I’m not an ass, I’m not going to mention her having diabetes as one of the facts about her. 

“Five to go,” I smirk when I get in the car.


Chapter Four



It’s frustrating when you have the want, the will, the how, the where – but not the body.

Skip dinner and you faint. Drink too much alcohol and faint. Do too much exercise and faint.

Eat too much and I look like the Marshmallow Man. Do too little exercise and I blow up. It’s a never ending battle.

I hate being a diabetic. I hate feeling tired. I hate the splitting headaches. I hate the injections.

“Thank you again,” I say. The man saved my butt twice in a matter of twenty-four hours. It’s a pity he’s a player. He sure is a good kisser though.

“Sure,” he says, keeping his eyes on the road. “So do you pass out a lot?” he asks. He glances at me and I can only stare back. I forgot how direct he is. “I’d like to know if you  faintin’ is gonna to be a daily thing, so I can set my alarm then. I don’t normally get up this early.”

I raise my eyebrow. “Smartass,” I say. “I’m gonna count that as one, seeing as I’m in desperate need of one. That puts me at eleven. And no, I don’t pass out daily so you won’t miss out on any of your precious beauty sleep, Holden.”

He smirks and looks at the road a bit before he says, “The girl doesn’t sleep. That’s three.” He looks at me. “You love baseball caps, you know when what sport is showing so that tells me you’re used to watchin’ it with someone or you’re a fan yourself. That’s four.”

My stomach dips all funny and it’s not because I haven’t had breakfast yet. I didn’t think he’d move so fast. Then again he’s one up, he got into my place and that gave him an unfair advantage.

He parks in front of his cottage and I move to open the door when he leans over me and takes hold of my hand. His fingers brush over my emergency bracelet. He flips the tag over, just staring at it.

My heart starts doing that crazy beating thing with him so close to me. He’s doing this on purpose.

“My mama taught me to open doors for women, so why don’t you stay put,” he drawls. I smile a bit too widely, but that just made me melt.

He lets go of the tag and gets out of the car. I watch him walk around the front, my eyes following every move he makes. He opens the door but he doesn’t step back. He’s not giving me a lot of space to work with as I get out.

I’m figuring him out faster than he knows. I know he’s just as human as the rest of us and if the right buttons are pushed I’d like to see who the real man is. I get glimpses of the man he’s trying to hide, like when he helps me. This version where he’s a player is just a façade.


I get out of the car and practically sail up against him. I’m not wearing any shoes and that makes him even taller than the night before. With his smile gone and an intense look that makes his eyes darker, he looks downright hazardous for my health.

I’m tired. I have a headache, but I’m first going to give him some of his own medicine. Just pull the rug from under his feet.

“Just to satisfy my curiosity,” I repeat his words of the night before and I bring my hands up to his waist.

Oh hell. Mother Nature was indeed generous when she made this man. I fan my fingers over his abdominal muscles and move my hands up, feeling his hard chest beneath the shirt. When I look up again his lashes are lowered over his eyes. Spellbinding seduction pours from him in waves. Any other girl would be floored.

I weave my arms behind his neck and lift myself to an inch from his mouth.

OMG.OMG.OMG! I can’t believe I’m doing this! I can’t believe he’s just standing there and letting me do this!

I need to stay in control. I need to stay cool, calm and in control. I can’t go losing it like last night.

“Wyatt,” I breathe his name and his hands settle on my hips, gripping firmly. I drop my eyes to his mouth and he moves.

So much for control.

His hands take hold of my face and he leans down, pressing his lips to mine. The second they touch mine, I’m a goner just like the night before.

I’ve been kissed before. Little ol’ kisses. Those kisses where you brush your teeth to try and forget it. The okay ones and even some hot ones.

Then there was last night. The breathless kiss, and it’s happening again.

No guy has ever taken hold of my face before. The second his tongue slips into my mouth all my boldness disappears, and it’s just…wow.

And then I realize I still haven’t moved...again. Like an idiot he’s the only one kissing. He must think I’ve never been kissed! I press back against him and I kiss him … no … I just about devour him right there next to the car.

I forget I wanted to feel what his hair feels like. I wanted to seduce the crap out of him. That so backfired on me!

He makes me forget everything again, everything but his mouth devouring mine.

Until he pulls away, leaving me breathless and stunned.

Suddenly I can’t laugh him off. This is way too serious for me. I feel for the car behind me and start to move away from him.

“Scarlett?” he asks and I can hear the confusion in his voice.

“Thank you,” I say stupidly.

For what? The wow kiss? Who the fuck says thank you for a kiss?!

I rush towards my cottage but when I get to the door I realize I don’t have my keys and it’s right about then that I want to slam my head against the door, but it will only make the headache worse.

“Hey, you okay?” he asks and then he holds my keys out to me.

“Yeah, sure … just a headache and tired.”  I take the keys and unlock the door.

I go in and close the door behind me, not once making eye contact with him. I feel like a total ass for my behavior, but I need a moment to build up my defenses against him again.


You’d think with how tired I am I’d fall asleep. But Nooo! I lay on the couch staring at the fan going round and round for hours. At least the headache starts to ease up on me. Nothing like some OJ to bring the sugar level back up.

My mind wanders to Wyatt. I can’t get all hung up on a guy. Not now. I’m finally starting my career in Human Resources.

Point is I can’t get involved. Not even for a stupid quick fling. Those kisses were anything but fling material.

Those kisses were drool worthy.

Later that afternoon some much needed energy finally returns and I decide to go swim Wyatt out of my system. I get up and change into a pale blue two piece. I grab my towel and set out with my new found energy so I can rid myself of Wyatt Holden’s kisses.

I don’t make it far.

I actually only make it to my deck, because he’s sitting on it.

“Can I help you?” I ask a little surprised.

He looks me over, from my little toe to my hair and instantly I feel naked.

“Just enjoyin’ the view,” he says all relaxed.

“On my deck?” I ask, “Did you get lost?”

“Actually I did … for a minute,” he says and he gets up. My stomach coils nervously when the starts toward me. “You definitely did too.” I swallow hard.

“Swim,” I blurt it out. “I’m gonna swim to get you out of my system.”

OMG! I did not! Please tell me I did not say that to him!

I need to save what sliver of self-control and pride I still have left.

“I know of other ways,” he whispers, his voice thick with seduction and it sends shivers racing over my skin. There’s no smile, no smirk. He’s serious. “I’ll do the work, less strain on you.”

He stops right in front of me and I fight to keep my eyes on his. I lose the fight and I look down at his shirt, it’s a nice shade of dark blue. He seems to like dark colors.

“You know what, Wyatt. I’m not gonna be that one. I’m not like those girls out there. There are plenty of them, so instead of wastin’ your time here you should go on and find one that will be more open to a one night stand with you. I’m not gonna do a one night stand, a two week stand or any kind of stand with you,” I say it and I try to put as much determination into my voice as possible.

If I can’t stand my ground now how will I help prosecute people in court?

His fingers skim over my jaw and rests under my chin, sending my hormones into a frenzy. He nudges softly, urging me to look up.

“Now say that to me and not my chest,” he says. “Tell me you didn’t feel it when I kissed you.”

I steel myself and look up. I get thirsty … a lot. But the dry spell sweeping through my mouth and down my throat, forcing me to swallow, is all new. The birds and bees are having a full on spring festival in my stomach.

“Ahh…” Words, I need words.

He moves in closer and his other hand touches my waist – my bare waist! Tingles rush to fry what little sense I’m fighting to gather to my defense.

“Scarlett,” he whispers, “you’re really gonna stand here and tell me you don’t want me?”

Want. Yes, very much.

Need. Yes, very much.

In all my twenty three years I’ve never wanted someone so bad. But I can’t. I can’t just have meaningless sex and go and forget the person ever existed. I grow attached to people. Attachment hurts.

“Wyatt.” I clear my throat when my voice goes all raspy. “What I want and what I’m gonna do are two totally different things.” I go on the defense and that means I go in for the kill. “I’m not like you. You have sex. People come and go in your world. Not in mine. I don’t operate like that. It’s best you go find someone more suited to your taste.”

I’m actually holding my breath as I wait for his response.


The man has thick skin. Nothing I say can insult him.

He smiles. “You’re right, you’re not like them,” he says. “But you made me a deal and I don’t go back on ‘em. A deal is a deal.”

He takes one step back and I take a deep breath but I still get a lung full of him.

“I need three more to crack your code,” he says. The way he says it makes my breathing speed up. He’s adamant. There’s determination written all over his face.

“It was stupid of me to say. I was overwhelmed with the attack and you being all Rambo like. Forget about it.” He just shakes his head lightly, he’s not backing off.

I can’t let him get a foothold in the door. I’ll be so screwed. Insulting him doesn’t work so then there’s only one thing left to do. Scare him off.

“Holden,” I snap and I let my anger bubble up. The anger I always feel but keep on strict lockdown. “Go get some healthy, triple D, pin up chick to fuck. You don’t want the girl who’s tired all the time. You don’t want the girl with the fake smiles.” Dammit, I’m gonna cry. When I get angry I cry. “You don’t want the girl who passes out just because she skips a meal.” I push by him and head back in. “I’m tired,” I whisper.

I don’t make it to the kitchen. He takes hold of my arm and pulls me back, right up against his chest and then his arms wrap around me. He just holds me. And this time I cry.

I like ugly cry.

Because I do like him and I don’t want to. Because I’m tired and I want to feel alive. Because I’m alone and I want to belong to someone.

I cry because I’m scared, I’m just scared of life and living it alone. Morgan is settled in a great job. I wonder if she’s really happy alone or if she feels the same as me since Momma and Daddy died. Morgan is everything I’m not. She’s strong and vibrant. She’s healthy. If she sees something she wants she gets it. I’m not jealous of my sister, but I wish I was more like her.


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