Wyatt (5 page)

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Authors: Michelle Horst

BOOK: Wyatt
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Chapter Five



I wonder if this is what Aiden felt like. She’s right, there are plenty of girls out there but what I felt when I kissed her was amazing. I want to feel it again.

I’m not happy that she’s rattling my cage. Not one bit. But the harder she tries to push me away the more I want to know why.

I can see she’s tired but then why doesn’t she sleep? And the fake smile thing struck a cord. She sounds just like me. For those few minutes she stood there trying to convince me why I shouldn’t be interested in her, she described me to a T.

So instead of leaving like I should when she heads into the house, I go after her. I grab hold of her arm to turn her back to me and then I see her red-rimmed eyes. She’s trying so hard to keep the wall up. I pull her against my chest and she caves. She cries.

Is this how it felt for Zac?

I’ve had victims cry on me before but this is different. This girl I want to hold and for some reason beyond my understanding I want to make it all better for her.

I move my hand up into her hair and press her head under my chin, while I hold her closer.

“I’m sorry for being such an ass,” I apologize because for the first time I feel the need to. “But, can you blame a guy,” I revert to joking to try and cheer her up, “you can’t go walkin’ around in just two pieces of fabric and expect a guy to not try.”

“Fine, from now on I’ll wear ugly old slacks and sweaters,” she tries to tease back her voice hoarse from crying.

“You’re already deprivin’ me of sex, don’t go deprivin’ me of the sight of you. By all means walk around naked. Don’t let me stop you,” I tease her and it’s working, because the tears are stopping.

She pushes away from me and glances up. Head over fucking heels. I’ve heard that expression before and now I know what it means.

Looking down at Scarlett’s face streaked with tears I know I haven’t seen anything more beautiful in my life. And then her mouth curves into that daring smile.

“If you want naked you’re more than welcome to strip down. This is as naked as you’ll ever get me.”

She’s trying but I can see she’s tired.

“Come on, no stripin’ today,” I say. I walk her to the couch. “I’ll settle for second best and be happy with you just sleepin’ with me.”

I watch her eyes go wide as I reach for the hem of my shirt. I drag it over my head and fold it neatly before placing it on her coffee table. Her eyes drop to my chest and then lower to the tattoo over my ribs.

Aiden and I got our tattoos together, right after Laurie died. He went all tribal and got an eagle done over half his chest and arm. He wanted his tattoo to represent the fight Laurie always had, so it could remind him to never give up, to keep the fight alive for her. I just had the raven done for Laurie. She loved them and the tattoo makes me feel closer to her, like I got to keep a piece of her.

“Don’t go all tense now,” I whisper to break the silence. I sit down on the couch and I take hold of her hand. I tug her closer until her legs touch mine. “I mean real sleep as in close your eyes and sleep, Scarlett.”

“Oh,” the word explodes over her lips and she flushes.

She sits down next to me and I smile reassuringly. “You’ve never done this before? Just sleep with someone?” I ask.

“No,” she says, looking pretty nervous. I can only imagine what she’s going to look like when we have sex.

I freeze for a second. Since when did we become a ‘we’?

I reach for her and pull her down with me so she’s wedged between the couch and my body. I bring her hands up and place it between us, over my heart, just like I did when we were dancing. She lies frozen for about five seconds before she starts to relax against me.

“Now sleep. You’ll wake up in one piece,” I assure her.

“That’s not what I’m afraid of,” she says and then she laughs once before pressing her cheek against my chest.

“Sometimes it’s easier to talk to a stranger,” I say even though I know I won’t stay one for long.

“You still consider yourself a stranger, Wyatt?” she asks.

“No,” I answer truthfully.

“Just be here when I wake up,” she says and I hear the fragile tone in her voice.

“I will,” I reassure her and I watch her drift off within minutes.

I should catch up on the sleep I lost this morning but instead I go over the past two days. We’ve seen each other every other family vacation but we don’t really know each other. Her older sister, Morgan, sometimes played with Aiden and Laurie. But I never got to know them. I barely know this girl, but still … she’s rattled my cage.


I wake up to her fresh sweet smell. The side of my face is pressed against her head and I’m breathing hair. I tried this once before. I got so damn irritated with the hair in my face that I promised to never do it again.

I turn my face into her hair and I breathe her in.

“You stayed,” she whispers and her hand moves from my chest to my side. She squeezes me tightly and I feel her hot skin against mine.

“I did,” I say a little too breathlessly. I clear my throat and try again. “What shampoo do you use? I figure if I get the bottle I can leave you alone and just sniff at it once in a while.”

She pulls back so she can look up at me. “It’s a herbal berry blend. Do you always hide behind jokes?” She asks me straight out.

“Mostly … just like you,” I throw it back at her.

She places both her hands on my chest and rests her chin on top of them. It makes the muscles in my abdomen tighten.

“So … if we put all the jokes aside I think it’s safe to say you’re not an ass, Wyatt Holden. You’d like to come across as one to keep people at a distance and I’m fine with that, your secret is safe with me,” she says all smiles again.

“The girl better keep my secret. I don’t want women thinkin’ I’m nice. You’ll have to protect me from the masses that will decent on my place. Hell no.” I drop my hand to her back and when she doesn’t move I start to draw slow patterns over her silky skin.

“Well I kinda owe you for having my back … twice,” she says. She sighs and closes her eyes. “So it’s only fair that I keep you safe in turn.” She pushes herself up but then pauses and looks down at me. “Time to eat, you gonna stay for dinner?” she asks.

“You’re going to cook for me?” I ask, a dumbass smile forming on my face. “Will this be a date?”

She slaps me against the chest and pushes her body away from mine. “You’re a friend. Friends can have dinner together.”

I don’t like the sound of that.

I pull her down and cage her with my arms. Dropping my eyes to her mouth I ask, “Friends with benefits?” Her eyes jump to my mouth. I see the anxiety creep back in her eyes and I wonder what that is about.

“I promise to not have sex with you if kiss me seven times.” Huh? What kinda dumbass promise is that? I want to have sex with her!

She looks at me all shocked for a moment, about as shocked as I’m feeling, before she moves.

She straddles me. The Lord have mercy on my soul, but I almost forget my promise seconds after making it.

I grab hold of her hips and move her away from the danger zone, and so I can have some blood circulating through the rest of my body. She leans over me and her hands trail up the side of my face. The second her mouth comes in breathing distance of mine, she stops.

“All at once or can I space them out over a few days?” she asks me.

“Just kiss me, Scarlett,” I growl and I move my hand into her hair and pull her down the last few inches, crashing her mouth against mine.

Patience, I need to have patience with her. But damn, she’s all kinds of hot sitting on top of me in her bikini. She stiffens, like other places in my body and the way she’s done the previous two times. Her breathing stops and then she parts her lips, giving me access. I love that I overwhelm her.

She’s a sweet torture, a mixture of heaven and hell. The forbidden fruit. I want her but I can’t have her.

She recovers from her stunned moment of me taking over the kiss and nips at my lip. It sends a frenzy of hot blood down south and I grab hold of her tighter.  Her tongue is tentative in exploring my mouth, not forceful like some other women I’ve encountered, those who want to show you they have all the experience and more.

She’s still exploring, learning … innocent, and it’s enough to drive me wild with want.

I slide my other hand down the length of her back, down to her hip and she shivers from my touch. She wants me, the signs are all there, I just don’t get why she’s holding back. Who wants to be a virgin at her age?

I bring my hand around her waist and up her side to the edge of her breast – and I brush my fingers lightly over the side of her breast.

She breaks away, breathless and looks at me with confusion. “You promised,” she breathes. “Do you think it’s easy sayin’ no to you? To not let you in?”

“We’re not havin’ sex, Scarlett”, I say. She’s really upset and it puzzles me. No one has ever been upset because I’ve touched them. “I’m kissin’ you. Sex is me throwin’ your ass down, strippin’ you naked and havin’ actual intercourse with you.”

She yanks away from me with more strength than I knew she had in her little body. I grab for my shirt and drag it over my head before I set after her. When I get to her room the door’s closed so I lean against the wall.

“Scarlett,” I call. I hear something fly and I frown. Why the hell am I still standing here? I should split while I can. I don’t do this shit.

She opens the door and stops in front of me. She’s put on some shorts and a tee.

“You know, Holden, you have this way of really debasing what’s supposed to be a real special moment between two people. It’s really sad. I honestly feel sad for you. I don’t know what happened to make you so detached from people, to have you use them. But don’t come and want to use me. Life has dealt me enough to deal with, I don’t need you to try and fight off too.”

She darts by me and leaves me stunned. For about three seconds.


Chapter Six



Geez. I can’t even kiss the guy without him pulling a move. Does it show that I’m easy on my face? Do I carry a banner that says I’m open for a quickie? Why do guys keep trying if I’m not interested?

I don’t want just another person coming into my life so I can wake up the next day and they’ll be gone.

That’s the worst kinda pain. Every time you go to sleep the world takes a loved one.

I love my parents. I’m using present tense, because I’ll love them forever. I had great folks. I had the kind that loved me forever and a day. Then I fell asleep.

And my mom was taken.

I fell asleep again and my dad was taken.

I stop running up the beach and take deep breaths when the shaking starts up. Although it’s hot out chills sweep over my body and the little energy I had vanishes like mist before the sun.

Crap, I didn’t eat or take my shot, and I forgot my bottle of OJ. The man totally fried my senses!

My body starts to feel like someone is weighing it down with lead and I turn around. I can make it back. I just have to. Wyatt stops a few feet from me and then he moves.

“Scarlett? Dammit!” he snaps.

“I’m okay. Just forgot to eat with you givin’ me a hard time and all. Just need to-” The world takes on that awful spinning thing it does and I stand still. “Wyatt,” I whisper when it starts to tip in on me. My vision blurs in on the sides and I reach for him. I don’t want to eat sand again.

Wyatt’s arms slip under me and the next thing I know sweet Mother Earth is gone and I’m up in the air, pressed against his chest, the one I’m growing way too fond of, way too fast.

“I can walk,” I try to argue but it comes out a murmur, only making my defense a weak one.

“Yeah,” he says and his breath rushes over my clammy forehead. I bring my arms up around his neck and I want to hold on, but they’re numb. Every part of me is filled with that awful feeling of lead just weighing down on me. “Scarlett…” his voice sounds far.

“Hmm.” I just want to sleep, just close my eyes and sleep again. It was so nice waking up and he was there.

“Baby, don’t pass out on me again. Tell me what to do first,” he says. He sounds worried. Why would he worry?

“Just need some coke. In the fridge,” I mumble against his chest. The air grows cooler and he places me on the couch. I groan when a wave of sadness wells up in me, I don’t want him to leave.

“Got it,” he says a minute a later and I peel my eyes open. I take the can from him and gulp a few sips down before I try to get up again. “Hey now, easy does it,” he says.

“I need to check my sugar level,” I say and I place the can on the coffee table.

“So tell me what to get and I’ll bring it,” he says and he pushes lightly against my shoulders for me to lean back against the couch.

“A black pouch on the table next to my bed.” I tell him only because I’m feeling dog tired and dizzy. The old familiar anger bubbles back up and I feel the tears prick at my eyes. I hate feeling like this. I’ll never get used to it.

“Here you go,” he says and he hands me the bag.

“I don’t want you to see,” I say too harshly. I’m taking my anger out on him. He’s only being helpful.

“No way in hell I’m leavin’ you to pass out as soon as I leave,” he says adamantly.

I zip the bag open and take out the meter. I insert the strip into it and prick my finger. Another drop of blood, one at a time. The meter beeps and I sigh.

I reach for the coke and start drinking. I better get to fixing something to eat too.

“And the beep means what?” he asks impatiently.

“It’s just real low. The coke will bring it back up,” I explain. He should go before I get all emotional. But knowing how stubborn he is, he’s most probably not going anywhere. “Dinner it is then.”


He won’t let me cook. He’s making me nervous.

“Wyatt, no food means I eat dirt! Let me up or you’re takin’ me to the emergency room,” I snap at him. It’s hard to control my anger, or any emotion after I have a low.

“I didn’t say you’re not gonna eat,” he presses his hand to my forehead for like the tenth time, “you’re just not cookin’. We’ll order in. What can you eat?” He actually looks worried for the first time since we’ve met.

“I can eat anythin’,” I deadpan. Now he’s going to treat me as if I’m dying. I hate this.

“Aren’t you suppose to watch what you eat?” he asks and my temper spikes again.

“Stop it,” I say, slapping his hand away from me as he reaches for my forehead again. “I’m not sick. I’m not dyin’! I’m just a fuckin’ diabetic. Stop motherin’ me. I’m fine. I can eat and drink anythin’. I can do anythin’ you can do.” I take a deep breath but it’s not hitting the spot. “I’m fine,” I say again and this time it’s more so I’ll believe it myself.

“Okay,” he says and gives me that look of his, the one where he’s peeling back the layers. “You’re fine.” He takes out his phone and I watch him dial a number.

When he starts to talk on the phone I get up and slip to the bathroom to rinse my face. I’m pale. Yeah, I don’t look fine. I sure don’t feel it.

When I come out Wyatt is gone. I don’t know if I should be relieved or not. Not wanting to think about it I grab the bottle of OJ, my kit and head for my room. I check my sugar level before heading for the shower. I’m going to get into my nighties before fixing dinner and then get in bed and watch a movie. Take it easy.

Not think.

At all.

Especially about Wyatt!

I shower fast, washing all the sand off of me. It’s the only thing I hate about the beach. The sand gets in everywhere. I wrap a towel around me and head for my room. In the passage I have a semi-heart attack.

I didn’t expect to see anyone in my place.

“My heart!” I shriek at Wyatt. “I need the damn thing to beat in order to live!”

“You really have no sense of survival, do you?” he asks and he looks upset. “I step out for ten minutes to go get the food and you decide to take a shower with the door wide open.”

He stalks at me and I step back into the wall. He stops inches from me, his eyes are dark pools of anger.

“They let the perp go today because you wouldn’t press charges. That means he could come knockin’ any minute. You lock the damn door when you go shower, Scarlett!”

“Okay,” I whisper. “I’m sorry. I get forgetful. I’ll remember next time.”

His facial features relax some and then his eyes drop to the towel I’m clinging to.

“Please get dressed real fast. You don’t want to be standin’ wet in front of me, it’s worse than wearin’ two pieces of flimsy fabric, this is only one,” he says and his voice drops low.

How does he do that? The one second he’s all mad and the next he’s turning my insides to jello. I need to move and get dressed, like he says, but I stand frozen under his hot gaze.

Time freezes along with me when he moves in closer. “You’re still standin’ in front of me,” he says or warns, I’m not really sure which one.

“I know,” I say way too huskily. He’s affecting every part of my body. I clear my throat. I need to clear my head as well. “I should move. I should get dressed. Eat, we should eat.” I’m starting to ramble.

“We should,” he whispers and his mouth drops to my jaw, right by my ear, “The girl made me make her a promise,” he groans and he leans me into the wall with his body. I want to let go of the towel and reach for him.

“She sure did,” I agree. I need to remind myself of that too. No sex. No matter how bad I want it. I will only regret it.

His fingertips touch the side of my legs, ever so lightly, and he starts to move them slowly up.

“I keep my promises,” he whispers and then he pulls back an inch. I can feel his breath on my jaw and if I turn my face into his we’ll be kissing.

My eyes shoot up to his which are hungrily on me. He’s definitely not hiding what he’s thinking and that just makes him so much more intense. His hands stop at the edge of the towel. The air is so tense between us with hormones, we could charge a whole ‘nother body.

Am I going to go there with him? Second base is harmless, isn’t it? There’s no danger in going there? It’s not like I’m actually doing the deed! I mean, come on, I’m already depriving myself of him. What’s a little fun?

Oh, this is such a bad idea.

“I didn’t finish the kiss from earlier,” I say and the words bring that enticing smile to his lips, the one that pulls at the one corner of his mouth.

“You didn’t,” he agrees.

He doesn’t move this time. He’s waiting for me to kiss him first. The ball is in my court.

I unclamp my one hand and reach for his face.

This is it.

I stop an inch from his face. “Promise?” I ask again and for some reason I need him to reassure me.

His smile stretches some and his eyes surprise me by going all gentle on me.

“I promise I won’t do anything you don’t want me to do,” he says and the words settle deep in my heart – the one I swore I had locked deeply away, the one that shouldn’t be racing all wildly for this man.

I lift myself the inch it takes to get to him and press my mouth to his, and this time I don’t freeze. I kiss him with all the pent up hunger I feel and he takes it all. Emotions blast through me, ones I always chose to ignore.

Longing, desire, need, wanting someone and them wanting me back. Wanting to belong.

A person can get drunk on emotions. It’s more dangerous than lust. It gives you hope for something that can’t be.

I let go of the towel totally and wrap my arms around him. I need him closer. He’s on the same wavelength as me because his body presses hard against mine. His hands start moving up, under the towel and I don’t stop him.

Second base it is. 


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