Wyatt (16 page)

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Authors: Michelle Horst

BOOK: Wyatt
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Chapter Twenty Two



I don’t know where the strength comes from. Every day I get up and I manage to try harder than the day before. It’s as if I know, one step backwards will mean the end of me.

My heart hurts for the pain Wyatt is in. That gives me strength too. I know I have to be here for him. He was there for me. I’m the one person he’s counting on.

Zac’s been in a coma for three weeks now. Things are looking grim, but I can see the family hasn’t lost their hope and faith. They still believe he will pull through.

We’ve all fallen into some sort of routine that revolves around Zac. We take turns being with him. I go in my lunch hour so Chloe can go eat something. I haven’t spoken much to her. She’s too torn up. But, I’m sure she’s a wonderful person if Zac loves her.

I walk to Zac’s room and knock softly on the door. I open it and smile at Chloe. Every day she looks worse. It’s as if this is draining the life from her.

She gives me a weak smile. “Hi, Scarlett. Thank you for coming.” She says those same words to me every day. I think she’s switched over to autopilot. I know I would if it was Wyatt laying there. “I’ll be back in a jiffy.”

She leaves and I take her seat next to Zac.

I know it’s stupid but I’ve been talking to him.

“Hey, Zac. You look good today. I bet you’re tired of just lyin’ there. I know it would drive me nuts.” I take his hand and press a kiss to the back of his hand. “Thank you so much for killin’ him. Thank you for being there for me. If you ever need anythin’ I’m here. I owe you so much.”

Tears fall and I can’t stop them. My heart hurts that the man who killed Jeffrey the fucker is now fighting for his own life.

I just sit and watch Zac’s face for any movement, a sign that he hears me. It’s maddening, this hope and doubt that keeps taking turns inside my chest.

Chloe comes back in and I get up. I lean over Zac and press a kiss to his cheek. “I’ll see you tomorrow. Take care.”

On my way out I stop next to Chloe and give her shoulder a squeeze. That’s all I can manage today.

On the way back to the office I stop and grab a sandwich. I’ll eat at my desk.

My phone rings and I see that it’s Wyatt. “Hi,” I greet as chirpy as I can.

“Hi, Babe. Emma just called. She wants me to stop by after work so I’ll be a little late.”

“That’s fine. I’ll pop over to see Morgan for a bit, so I’ll see you when I see you.”

I smile as I end the call. I know he’s trying so hard to be strong for me. I love him with every part of my being. He’s become more than just my every breath. He’s become my heart beat, the reason I get up. Every day I pray that he’ll be kept safe.

I was scared of letting someone in after watching how Daddy mourned for Momma. I didn’t want that pain.

Now, I love Wyatt. I love him so fiercely that I know I’ll end up like Daddy if Wyatt went first.

I’m selfish. I now pray that I die first. I won’t be able to stand next to his grave like Daddy stood next to Momma.

Wyatt is my beginning and he’ll be my ending.

I try not to think of it. I try to focus on what we have now.


Chapter Twenty Three



When I get to Aiden’s place I notice Mama and Dad’s car parked in the driveway.

The last time we all got called over here was when Aiden and Emma told us they were expecting Laurie. Hey, maybe we’re getting some good news today. Emma’s been tired and maybe it’s just because she’s pregnant. I could sure use some good news.

When I get to the front door it’s open and I walk in. Emma is usually waiting for me. I frown as I walk past the living room to the den. “Hey y’all.”

Mama and Dad look upset. My eyes dart to Aiden and he looks like a ghost of himself. His eyes are red, it’s clear he’s been crying. He doesn’t even look at me. His elbows are on his knees and his hands in front of his mouth. I can see he’s struggling to keep it together.

My first thought goes to Zac. “Is Zac okay?”

Emma looks at me from over her shoulder. Her face is puffy and red. “Come sit by me, Wyatt.”

“Is Zac okay?” I ask again. It feels like I’ve swallowed bricks.

“He’s fine. Nothing has changed.” Tears roll down Emma’s face as she pats next to her. “Come sit by me.”

I don’t feel like sitting. Energy is buzzing through me, making me jumpy. I last felt like this when that bust went wrong and Troy got killed. I can feel the bad in the pit of my stomach.

But I force myself to move and to take a seat next to Emma.

She reaches for my hand and I notice she’s shaking terribly. She can hardly hold my hand, so I cover her hand in both of mine.

“What’s going on?” I can’t stand it anymore. I need to know so I can prepare myself.

“I’m sick,” Emma whispers, her voice is thick with agony.

“Have you been to the doctor?” It’s all I can think to ask.

She nods and then her eyes find mine. She looks devastated. Icy fear crawls up my spine, sending prickles up my neck and over my head and face. My tongue numbs and I feel the fight leave me.

“I have what they call ALS, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis.”

I don’t give her time to finish. “Did you get meds?”

Her tears fall harder and I reach for her, wiping her cheeks with my hands. “Emma?” I whisper.

“There is medication but it won’t help that much. I’m going to die, Wyatt. The medication will only prolong my life by a few months. There’s no cure.”

Aiden jumps up and storms out. I watch him through the glass doors as he falls to his knees and cries. I’ve never seen him so broken. My eyes go to Momma who is crying silently and even Dad can’t keep the tears back.

And then my eyes find Emma’s. I see the truth in them.

“How long do you have?” I don’t know where the questions are coming from.

“Fifty percent of people with ALS die after two to three years. Twenty percent make it to ten years and ten percent makes it to fifteen years. It differs from case to case. No one is affected the same way.”

“So we still have time?” I ask like an idiot.

“I don’t know, Wyatt. I don’t know how much time I have left.” She falls to my chest and my arms hug her close. “I don’t know if I’ll see Laurie grow up.”

That breaks me. Her last sentence rips me to shreds.

I hold her tighter and the tears start to flow. I can’t make a sound. There’s too much pain.

Emma is dying.

I’m losing another sister.

Laurie is losing her Momma, and Aiden will lose his wife.

It feels like we’re losing the heart of our family.






Chapter Twenty Four



My phone rings and I see it’s Chloe. I find it weird that she’s phoning me. “Hi, Chloe?” I half ask, not sure why she’s calling me.

“Scarlett, is Wyatt there?” she asks.

“He’s at Aiden’s. Have you tried there?” I ask, and then I look at my watch. It’s already past nine. I didn’t even notice the time.

“Zac woke up!” Chloe says and then she starts to cry. “None of the family is answering their phones. Can you drive to Aiden’s and go tell them?”

Happiness floods me like a tidal wave. Zac’s awake! “Sure! I’m going now!”

I’m so excited that I run around the apartment like a blue ass fly, looking for my keys.

I don’t care about the speed limits as I race to Aiden’s place. I park my bike behind Wyatt’s car and run inside.

“Zac’s awake!” I yell as I run through the house.

I run into the den. “Zac woke up!”

The smile dies on my lips when I see Mr. and Mrs. Holden’s somber faces. Aiden is holding Emma and they’re both crying, like ugly crying. My eyes find Wyatt where he’s standing with his back to me, just staring out into the darkness.

“Did somethin’ happen?” I ask carefully. I don’t know what to do now.

I walk slowly to where Wyatt is standing and place my hand on his arm. When he looks down at me, his eyes are clouded with pain.

I frame his face in my hands. “Babe?” I ask, hoping he’ll tell me what’s wrong so I can try to help.

“Emma,” he whispers brokenly.

My eyes dart to Emma. She’s still wrapped up in Aiden’s arms. I don’t see Laurie and panic flares hot through me.

“Did somethin’ happen to Laurie?”

Emma rips herself free from Aiden’s hold. She stares at the floor and her breaths are racing over her lips. “Laurie is fine. We should all go to Zac. He needs us now that he’s woken up.”

“Okay,” I say, feeling very confused.

Mr. Holden gets up and pulls Mrs. Holden up. “We’ll see you at the hospital.” I frown as they leave and look back to Wyatt.

“Will you tell me why everyone is cryin’?” I whisper.

He shakes his head and then the words comes out in a pain filled rasp, “Emma is sick. They say there’s not much they can do. There’s no cure.” He grabs me to him as his words shudder through me.

Wyatt cries brokenly in my arms and all I can do is hold him.





Chapter Twenty Five



It’s funny how everyone chooses to ignore the elephant in the room.

Since the night we all found out that Emma is sick, no one has mentioned it again.

Aiden pretends that everything is just fine, and I know it’s how he’s trying to cope.

Emma smiles every day. She’s not angry. She’s not broken.

Zac has been released and apparently Chloe is nursing him at home.

Scarlett watches me. I feel her eyes on me. Because, I’m the one that’s not coping. I can’t hide the devastation I feel.

I can’t pretend everything is back to normal.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m so happy that Zac pulled through and that he’s getting better.

But, I can’t pretend to not feel gutted. Emma is dying. Every day is a day less that she’ll be with us.

Every day is a day more that the anger in me builds.

I feel the hurt squeezing at my heart.

I’m angry. I’m fucking angry! She’s so young!


I think I’ve forgotten how to smile. Time is going by too quickly. Instead of days, weeks are just disappearing. It’s like time is racing to kill Emma. Time has now become an enemy.

I lie awake at night, fighting nothing but time.

Scarlett turns over and places her head on my chest. “I know you’re hurtin’,” she whispers against my skin. “I know you feel helpless and what I’m going to say might sound cruel, but you can’t just give up, Wyatt. Emma is dyin’-”

“You don’t think I know that!” I snap. I get up and walk to the living room. I don’t need a fucking reminder that my sister is dying.

“Wyatt,” Scarlett whispers behind me. “You’re not hearin’ me. Emma is the one dyin’, but for now she’s still here. She’s still alive. You’re all treating her like she’s dead already.”

Scarlett’s words hit hard. She’s right.

“When Momma got sick, I was devastated. Daddy was broken, but we never treated Momma like she was dyin’. She was still with us. We spent as much time as we could with her, and after she died we mourned. Only after she died did we accept the fact that she was no longer with us.” I can hear the tears in Scarlett’s voice. “I did the same thing with Daddy. Only after he died did I mourn. I was still angry and hurtin’ when you came along. I blamed everythin’ and everybody for my parents dyin’.”

Scarlett places her arms around me and rests her head against my back. “I understand what you’re feelin’. But you have to be strong for Emma. Don’t let her last months be filled with sorrow. Celebrate her while she’s still here and when we’re alone you can break down and I’ll be there to pick you up. But for Emma, you need to be strong.”

I turn around and grab Scarlett to me. “I’m not as strong as you,” I whisper into her hair.

She pulls me back and her hands fame my jaw. There is so much love in her eyes as she looks up at me. “You are one of the strongest men I know, Wyatt. You’ll find the strength for Emma. You can break when you’re with me. You can shatter into a million pieces and I will keep them all safe.”

“What did I do right to deserve someone as wonderful as you?” I whisper.

“You loved me when I was at my lowest. You gave me a safe place to break. You gave me time to find myself, and you’re givin’ me a place to heal. Let me be the same for you.”

I crush my mouth to hers, needing to breathe her. I need to get lost in her. Just for a moment I need to forget everything and be with the woman I love.

I yank her shirt off and then go for her slacks. I can’t calm down. I can’t move slowly. The need to be with her is overwhelming everything.

“I need you, Scar,” I say as I yank my shorts off.

Her hands slip into my hair and her mouth is hot on mine. It’s as if she understands what I need. She pulls at my hair and bites at my bottom lip and I get lost in her.

I grab her ass and yank her up against me. Her legs go around me and I walk us to the room. I drop her on the bed and crawl over her. Her legs open wide and I don’t even think to check if she’s ready for me. I press my body to hers and with one thrust, I fill her.

She throws her head back, arching her breasts against me, and she cries out, “Wyatt.” She always manages to make my name sound like a prayer.

I pull out and immediately thrust back into her. I need so much more of her. I pull out and turn her around. I grab her hips and pull her ass up and then I slam back into her. Her whole body arches. I grab a fistful of her hair and pull her head back, and then I wrap my other arm around her waist to keep her in place, and then I just slam into her, seeking release.

“Harder,” she cries. “Fuck me harder, Wyatt.”

I let go of her hair and grab her shoulder to hold onto. I use all my strength to thrust into her. Sweat beads on my chest. It feels heavenly to take her like this.

Her body tenses and I move faster, and then she screams with pleasure. It’s erotic to know I made her scream in ecstasy. I keep thrusting hard and her hips move back to meet me with every hard thrust. My whole body comes alive for the first time in days as I come, filling the woman I love.


I wake up with Scarlett sprawled on top of me. I’m instantly hard as I remember the sex from the night before.

I pull her body further on top of mine and bring her legs to my sides. She lifts her head, a sleepy smile on her face. I pull her down and it feels amazing to enter her heat.

“Hmm…” she purrs as I start to move inside of her. “I can get used to wakin’ up like this.”

I keep my eyes on hers and whisper, “Marry me. I want you to be mine.”

She stops moving against me and a soft smile plays around her lips. “Don’t marry me because you’re scared of the time we’ll have together.”

I thrust into her. “I love you, Scarlett. I want to spend my life with you, whether it’s a month or sixty years. I want you as my wife. I want all of you.”

She leans down on top of me, placing kisses along my jaw. When she reaches my mouth, she whispers, “Yes, Wyatt. It’s only ever been you and it will only ever be you.”

I spend the morning getting lost in Scarlett before I force myself to face the world.




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