XSLT 2.0 and XPath 2.0 Programmer's Reference, 4th Edition (5 page)

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List of Examples

This list includes all the worked examples in the book: that is, the examples consisting of entire stylesheets, for which working code can be downloaded from
. It does not include the many examples that are provided as incomplete snippets.

The purpose of this list is to help you out when you know that you've seen an example somewhere that is relevant to your current problem, but you can't remember where you saw it.

Chapter 1

A Hello World Stylesheet
This stylesheet creates an HTML containing a greeting (such as “Hello, World!”) read from the source XML document.
Tabulating Word Frequencies
Given any XML document, this stylesheet produces a list of the words that appear in its text, giving the number of times each word appears, together with its frequency. This illustrates features in XSLT 2.0 for analyzing text using regular expressions, and for grouping based on common values.
Displaying a Poem
This stylesheet shows how to use template rules to render the text of a poem in HTML.

Chapter 2

An XML Tree
This example shows how an XML document is represented as a tree in the data model.
Push Processing
This stylesheet shows the use of template rules to display a list of books in HTML, using one template rule for each different kind of node.
Controlling the Sequence of Processing
This example shows a refinement of the previous stylesheet in which the
attribute of

is used to control the sequence of different parts of the output.
Selecting Nodes Explicitly
This shows a further refinement of the book list stylesheet in which some aspects of the output are generated using


Chapter 3

This example shows the use of

to split a stylesheet into three modules performing distinct tasks: one to format the current date, one to construct a copyright statement, and one to control the rest of the processing.
This stylesheet extends the previous example, showing how

allows some of the declarations in one module to be overridden in the importing module.
Embedded Stylesheets
This example shows the use of a stylesheet embedded within the source document that it is designed to display.
A Simplified Stylesheet
This is an example of a simplified stylesheet module, that is, a stylesheet whose outermost element is a literal result element rather than an

Using An Extension Instruction
This stylesheet uses Saxon's

element to illustrate how a stylesheet can call extension instructions provided by a vendor or third party.

Chapter 4

Validating the Source Document
In this example a stylesheet takes advantage of the fact that the source document can be validated against a schema before the transformation starts.
Validating the Result Document
This stylesheet invokes validation of the result document using the

option of the


Chapter 6

Using Modes
The example uses a mode to display a list of characters appearing in a play.
Checking for Cycles in a Graph
This example provides a generic procedure to look for cycles in a graph, and then applies this procedure to a data file to see if the ID/IDREF links are cyclic. It illustrates the use of

to simulate a higher-order function.
Generating an Attribute Conditionally
This example shows the use of

to generate an attribute only when certain conditions are true.
Deciding the Attribute Name at Runtime
This example shows the use of

to generate an attribute whose name is not known until execution time.
Using an Attribute Set for Numbering
This stylesheet shows an unusual way of using attribute sets, to illustrate that the attributes generated by an attribute set do not need to have fixed values.
Using Recursion to Process a Sequence of Nodes
This example illustrates how to use a recursive named template to process a sequence of nodes. It uses this technique to find the longest speech in a play.
Using Recursion to Process a Sequence of Strings
This example uses a recursive named template to process a sequence of strings, obtained by splitting a line of text into its constituent words. It uses this technique to find phrases of the form “A and B”, where A and B are both the names of characters in a play.
Using for Repeated Output
This stylesheet uses

to generate a standard table heading that appears repeatedly in the HTML output document (a listing of soccer matches).
Converting Attributes to Child Elements
This example illustrates how

can be used to create element nodes whose names and content are taken from the names and values of attributes in the source document.
Showing the Ancestors of a Node
This example stylesheet can be applied to any XML document. For each element it processes all its ancestor elements, in reverse document order (that is, starting with the parent node and ending with the document element), and outputs their names to a comment that shows the position of the current node.
Single-Level Grouping by Value
This stylesheet uses

to group a set of employees according to the department in which they work.
Multilevel Grouping by Value
This example groups employees by department, and groups the departments by location.
Grouping Consecutive Elements by Name
This example shows how the
attribute of

can be used to group adjacent elements having the same element name. It applies this technique to the adjacent


elements in a Shakespeare play.
Handling Repeating Groups of Adjacent Elements
This takes the previous example and makes the problem more difficult, by removing another layer of markup from the source document, so that it is necessary to infer multiple levels of hierarchic structure from the pattern of leaf elements in the tree.
Handling Flat XHTML Documents
This example shows how to use the
attribute of

to process the implicit structure of an XHTML source document, in which an

element is followed by a number of

elements that are logically subordinate to the

element, but actually appear as its siblings.

Calculating Annual Leave
This is a simple illustration of the use of stylesheet functions to structure a computation in a stylesheet. It uses two user-defined functions, a function to calculate the annual leave entitlement of an employee, which in turn calls a function to calculate the employee's length of service given a starting and ending date.
Looking for Cycles Among Attribute Sets
This example illustrates the use of recursive stylesheet functions to analyze a graph structure. Specifically, it analyzes an XSLT stylesheet as its source document, to determine whether there are any cyclic dependencies among the attribute set definitions in the stylesheet.
Formatting a List of Names
This example shows the use of

to produce punctuation between the items in a list, where the punctuation depends on the position of the item within the list.
Precedence of Variables
This example shows how an importing stylesheet module can declare global variables with the same names as variables within the imported module, and how the variables in the importing module take precedence.
Precedence of Template Rules
This example shows how an importing stylesheet module can declare template rules that override template rules within the imported module. It also shows the use of

in an overriding template rule, to invoke the functionality of the template rule that was overridden.
Using with Named Attribute Sets
This example illustrates the use of

to incorporate declarations (in this case, attribute set declarations) from one stylesheet module into another.
Multivalued non-Unique Keys
This example shows the use of an

definition in which several elements can have the same key value, and a single element can have multiple key values. Specifically, this situation arises when books are indexed by the names of their authors.
Generating a Stylesheet using
This example shows the way in which

can be used when writing a stylesheet whose task is to generate (or modify) another XSLT stylesheet.
Identifying Location of Text within a Document
This example is adapted from the stylesheet used to produce the errata for the XSLT and XPath specifications. It searches the published document for a given phrase, and then identifies all the places where the phrase occurs, using

to generate a description of the location of the text using a phrase such as “first numbered list, second item, third paragraph”.
Numbering the Lines of a Poem
This stylesheet uses

to selectively number the lines of a poem.
Using with a Default Value
This is an example of a named template that defines a default value for an optional template parameter. The stylesheet can be run against any source document, and displays the depth of nesting of the nodes in that document.
Tunnel Parameters
This example shows how tunnel parameters can be useful when customizing an existing stylesheet, for reducing the number of rules in the existing stylesheet that need to be modified. The specific example shows how to produce a modified rendition of a Shakespeare play in which the lines for each actor are highlighted.
Creating Multiple Output Files
This stylesheet uses the

instruction to split a source document into multiple result documents. In this case, each stanza of a poem ends up in a separate document.
Sorting on the Result of a Calculation
This example uses

to sort items on a value that does not appear explicitly in either the source or result documents, but is computed. (It produces a sales report for different flavors of jam).
Template Rules
This is an illustration of the classic use of template rules to control the rendition of narrative text, in this case, reviews of classical concerts.
Using Modes
This stylesheet modifies the previous example showing how modes can be used to process the same source data in more than one way, using different template rules. It illustrates this by including at the end of each concert review a summary of the works performed in the concert.
Using a Variable for Context-Sensitive Values
This stylesheet (used to publish a series of opera performances) shows how a variable can be used to hold on to information that depends on the context, for use when the context has changed.
A Multiphase Transformation
An example of a stylesheet that uses variables to capture the result of one phase of processing, so that further processing can be carried out before delivering the final result. In this case the first phase calculates the results of a soccer tournament, and the second phase displays these results as HTML.

Chapter 12

Using the key() Pattern to Format a Specific Node
This stylesheet shows how a match pattern for a template rule can use the
function to apply distinctive formatting to one selected node in the source document.

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