You Are a Medium: Discover Your Natural Abilities to Communicate With the Other Side (20 page)

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Authors: Sherrie Dillard

Tags: #General, #Body; Mind & Spirit, #Parapsychology

BOOK: You Are a Medium: Discover Your Natural Abilities to Communicate With the Other Side
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“Your father wants you to know that you are more advanced

than you realize.” I tell Elsie. “You can affect matter and energy at will. He says that he is learning this with you. He is sending me the message that he is learning how to merge his energy field with others. He says that it is important to know how to work in unison as

one. In the earth life everything is separate. To advance to higher states of energy, you have to be able to know how to become one

with others and with divine love. He says that it is an incredible

feeling. Once you do it, you want it more and more. There is noth-

ing in the physical that can quite compare. Well, maybe loving and

feeling close to another comes close.”

I look over at Elise and she sighs when I say this. “What hap-

pened to the father that I knew?” She laughs. “He always had a

desire to know the truth. But because he viewed spirituality and

metaphysics as unscientific and too “wo-wo”, as he called it. He

shut the door to it. “

“It appears as if he has opened that door, wide open.” I tell her.

“Is my father working with me in any other way? Is he close?”

Elsie asks me with a sincere and interested look on her face.

As if this session was not already fascinating enough Elsie and I

both suddenly and simultaneously see a flash of light similar to an orb, enter the room from an outside window. It happens quickly. In

my second story office I have five windows on one wall which looks

out on trees. My client and I face these windows. Behind where we

are seated there is a small desk and some office equipment. As Elsie and I watch the orb of light float across the room, we jump at the

sound of my printer which has suddenly turned on and has begun

to print. Elsie and I are both quite startled. The sound of colliding cymbals would not have been more surprising. When the printer

stops, we both get up to see what had been printed. Although the

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paper was full of lines, some in color and some black, both Elsie

and I knew that this was her father’s doing.

When we settle down to continue the session, Elsie’s father’s

energy presence is no longer as easy to connect with. Elsie and I

both would like some kind of clarification as to what had just hap-

pened. So, I turn to my spirit guide helpers and asked them for an

explanation. I am told that Elise and her father are both learning

how to affect and influence matter through will and intent. Elise

has a well-developed awareness of metaphysics and a strong spirit

because of this, her father has been able to easily connect with her.

They are both practicing and learning how to influence and af-

fect physical matter through nonphysical means and their efforts

positively affect one another. Although Elise is not aware of it, they often develop their abilities together. It is like two people joining forces to carry a heavy box or push a cart up a hill, my guides tell me. When we work in unison with others we are able to accomplish

more than we can do on our own.

“Plus,” they tell me. “Elise’s father was showing off a bit. Sending an orb of light into the room and turning on the computer was his

way of making the session memorable.”

“It worked.” Elsie tells me as I relay to her what my guides are

explaining. “I don’t think I will forget this session for a long time.”

“Is it safe for Elsie to be energetically connecting with her father is this way?” I ask my guides. “Nothing could be safer. This is the direction of evolution, working in harmony with others and experiencing oneness.” I am told.

Our Initial Experiences on the Other Side

The idea that there is life beyond death and that we can communi-

cate and connect with spirits on the other side, may be too much

for some to accept. Yet, as physical death draws close our spiritual senses wake us to a broader reality. Most people have a tangible experience of the spirit realm in the days and weeks leading up to

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their passing. They often begin to see their loved ones standing

close to them or sitting on their bed. Some dream of a loved one

who from the other side, encourages and assures them of their

presence and help.

Those who may have dismissed the idea of life after death as

nonsense and new age hooey soon discover when they pass over

that death is not the same as dead.

When we pass over we enter into the most sublime and loving

warmth imaginable. Those in spirit describe it to their loved ones

as a magnificent period of healing, forgiveness and astonishing be-

nevolence. We then experience our expectations of what we believe

death to be. Some are met at the pearly gates of heaven by Jesus,

angels, Mohammed or another spiritual being who they hope to be

with on the other side. Others rest in a long sleep, waking slowly to an environment that they did not think existed. A few experience a

cosmic oneness with all of life. They become energy merging and

integrating with the pulse of the cosmos. Most are greeted by their family and friends, who joyously await their presence with a birthday party like celebration. Unfortunately, there are some who be-

lieve that they are not “good” enough to go to a loving and peaceful environment. They expect to be met with some form of hell at their

death and often create this from their expectations. Whatever our

initial experience, once the veil of physicality is lifted the energy of the divine cannot be denied for long. Eventually we come to the

awareness that love, peace, joy and all the attributes of the divine surrounds us.

It is always interesting to connect with loved ones in spirit who

in the physical life had rigid and dogmatic views in regards to the supernatural, intuition and psychic phenomena. Once in the spirit

realm the outer appearances that separated us from others in the

physical world dissolve. We harmoniously co-exist and commu-

nicate with one another through our intuition. We naturally tune

into what others are thinking, feeling and experiencing, especially
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those who we love. Intuitive development may be a hobby and curiosity here in the physical realm, but in the spirit world it is a necessity.

Communicating with someone on the other side who has been

studying and learning how to improve their intuitive ability is al-

ways a pleasure. Although it is natural and automatic to intuitively communicate with one another on the other side, spirits need further training to intuitively interact with the physical realm. One

motivation for improving intuitive skills and learning more about

the intricacies of energy on the other side is that it affords spirits the ability to better communicate with their loved ones still in the physical world.

Your loved ones in spirit long to reach out to you and share

the love and peace that they have discovered. The way of the spirit realm is to be of love and service. It may be difficult to fully comprehend this from an earthly perspective. Here on earth we tend

to be taught the opposite. We value you getting ahead and having

more. Not so, on the other side. The harmonious current of the

spirit realm moves us in the direction of oneness and connection

with all. Intuition and psychic and medium abilities offer us a way to further connect and receive the love and blessings of our loved

ones on the other side.

Eternal Talent

Being a member of a family that adheres to strict religious codes of behaviors can be difficult for the more spiritual and freedom loving individual. Those who are curious to explore metaphysical con-

cepts and delve in the supernatural have a particularly hard time.

From a young age they may have been warned of the devil, a dark

and scary being which is just waiting to claim their soul. Without

the support of their family, many young and talented intuitive children all too often repress their natural abilities and their desire for further spiritual exploration. If they do pursue their interests they
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may hide their beliefs and activities for fear of being ostracized if exposed.

From the Stars

The following session is an example of how strong the soul’s desire may be to share and help others.

When Millie came in for a session it was evident that she was

not new to intuitive and psychic phenomena. A professional as-

trologer for many years, she was warm, friendly and open to what-

ever I had to say. The session was fairly typical. Her grandmother

from spirit came in and shared a few insights and warm memories.

A friend from her childhood paid her a visit and her beloved cat

who had died a couple of years prior also made an appearance. We

moved on into other areas and with a just a little time remaining I asked her if she had any questions. Millie told me that she always

wondered about her Great Aunt Adeline. She had passed long be-

fore Millie’s birth, but from the first time that she had heard her name she felt a connection to her. She was often told by family

members that she was a lot like her Aunt. Yet, no one elaborated on what Aunt Adeline was like. When she pushed for more information she was told that she was “different” and “walked to the beat of her own drummer.”

“I feel like I know her.” Millie told me. “When I am working on

someone’s birth chart I sometimes feel as if there is someone with

me. I don’t know why but I feel like it might be her. Can you con-

nect with her and find out if I am right?

I too was curious and wanted to connect with Aunt Adeline. I

asked Millie to speak her Aunts name. When a loved one does not

spontaneously make their presence known, the vibration of speak-

ing their name brings them close.

I immediately felt her presence and I could tell that Aunt Ade-

line was quite a character. The first image that I received from her
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was of her wrapped in a multicolored shawl with bright red lipstick on her smiling face.

“I believe your Aunt is with us.” I tell Millie. “This is interesting and a bit unusual. I feel like she is saying that she has been participating is some cosmic experiments of some kind and didn’t mean

to keep us waiting. I like her. There is the energy of liveliness and joy surrounding her. She says that she is so happy that you asked

about her.”

Aunt Adeline continues to send me various images. Some are

easier to understand then others. “Your Aunt wants to talk about

her life here on earth. She shows me a big stack of papers with symbols and planets and notes strewn all over them. I see her behind

a desk making more notes on what looks like an astrology chart. I

think that your Aunt also had an interest in astrology “

Millie chimes in. “Really, that is a surprise. No one ever told me

this. Are you sure she isn’t talking about me?”

I focus on Aunt Adeline and ask her for clarification. “I know

it may be surprising. But, I am seeing a clear image of her working in an upstairs attic on what appear to be astrology charts. I get the impression that this was a secret. She hides the papers in a trunk.”

Millie chimes in. “It would have had to of been a secret. My

grandparents on that side of the family are strict Baptists, from the old south. They lived in the countryside of Georgia, outside of At-lanta. If she had an interest in astrology they would not have been very happy about it.”

“Your aunt is telling me that she gave you something, a gift of

some kind. It seems like this is important. I feel love and care coming from her to you.”

“Hmm,” Millie stares out the window. “I don’t have anything of

hers. I am not sure what she is talking about.”

“I get the impression that this is a different kind of gift. She

keeps showing me the charts. All the work that she did, the stack of papers she worked on. I see an image of her handing them to you. I

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get the impression that she sent you a gift of the energy knowledge and wisdom that she acquired over the years.”

“Shivers are running up my arms.” Millie’s says her voice louder

and more excited. “I think I know what she is talking about. Years

ago after I graduated high school I was getting ready to go to nursing school. This had been my plan for a long time. That summer I

started to have doubts. I wasn’t sure that I wanted to pursue nurs-

ing. But I didn’t want to let my family down. They were so excited

by my becoming a nurse. I just wasn’t sure that I wanted to pursue

this, but I didn’t know what to do instead. Everyone in my fam-

ily was expected to go to college and work in a traditional career.

There was no room or tolerance for anything out of the ordinary.

I was confused and frustrated and didn’t know what to do. A few

weeks before school started I had a dream that changed everything.

In the dream I was sailing through the skies. It was wonderful. I‘ll never forget that feeling. I had complete control. I flew by the sun and moon and many other planets. I could feel them. They were

talking to me and I felt so happy. I woke up the next morning and

knew that something had to change. I sat down at the kitchen table

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