You Are a Medium: Discover Your Natural Abilities to Communicate With the Other Side (22 page)

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Authors: Sherrie Dillard

Tags: #General, #Body; Mind & Spirit, #Parapsychology

BOOK: You Are a Medium: Discover Your Natural Abilities to Communicate With the Other Side
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April was silent. She looked at me with a perplexed look on her

face, and then started to smile.

“I hate to admit it.” She said. “But I am glad to hear that. He did have a sense of humor”

“Do you want me to hear what else your father wants to say or

are you too uncomfortable with him here?”

“I guess imagining him as part of a chain gang intrigues me. I

would like to hear what he has to say.” April now seems to be more


“Your father tells me that the angels have him right where he

needs to be.” I go on. “He says
hard time
in spirit is not what you would think. He volunteered for it and wants to heal. He does not

want to hurt others and be mean ever again. He sends me the mes-

sage that until he understands how his criticism and negativity af-

fects others, he will be chained to the angels. It’s not bad though
The Chain Gang, Cure for Negativity ~ 147

he tells me. He is always connected to love. This is the difference between being in shackles in the physical world and in the spiritual realms. In spirit the chains are free you.”

Now that April was feeling more at ease with her father’s pres-

ence. More images and emotions started to flood me.

I tell April. “Your father is showing me an image of a large office building. I get the impression from him that this was important to

him, where he worked. Oh, not just where he worked. It feels like he was important here, in charge. I see people in the building afraid of him. He seemed to know this and he was fine with being intimidating. Being successful was important to him. He didn’t feel much.

Getting ahead and making money was most important.”

“That is so true.” April says. “I am surprised that he is aware of

this. He was so sure of himself in life. Being a successful business man, he had a lot of respect and admiration. He always thought he

was right. His way was the only way.”

“Your father tells me that he thought that he would be greeted

by God and congratulated for his worldly successes when he passed

over. It doesn’t feel as if this is what happened.” I tell April.

I am intrigued as to what did happen. Clearly April’s father un-

derwent a dramatic change. I ask him if he can share with us what

he experienced. In response to my request, he sends me more im-

ages and thoughts.

I share with April. “Your father shows me that he was not afraid

to die. I feel like he had an advanced stage of cancer, but he may

have actually died from a heart attack.”

“He did have cancer. I don’t know if he had a heart attack. He

may have.” She replies.

I continue. “Your father shows me an image of overwhelming

light. This is what he saw and felt when he passed. There was so

much love. I get the impression that he was uncomfortable with it.

But, he let go and surrendered to it … Eventually, he was led to an older man. This is a guide. The guide is telling him that it is time to
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feel. Your father is confused. Then he starts to feel. He is surprised.

Not all of the feelings are pleasant. He understands that these feelings are what others felt as a result of his negativity and criticisms.

Your father sends me the message that he also had to feel what you

experienced as a result of his action. He did not realize the pain

that she caused. This made quite an impression on him.”

“It made quite an impression on me too.” April shares with me.

“I was always afraid of him. He could be very intimidating. I never did anything right in his eyes. I was never smart enough, pretty

enough, thin enough. No matter what I did I felt that I was lacking in some way.”

“Your father is showing me an image of scales, like bathroom

scales to weigh yourself on. I get a feeling of humiliation from him.

He is apologizing to you.”

“My father would make me weigh myself in front of him, every

week when I was a teenager. He thought that I was gaining too

much weight. He told me that no one would be interested in a fat

girl. I always thought that I was fat and unlovable.” April shares. “Of course, I know better now. It has taken me awhile. But I am learning to love myself just the way I am.”

I look at April and to me she is an attractive average weight

woman who does not need to lose weight. Her father continues.

“Your father tells me that you are beautiful and smart and tal-

ented. Maybe most of all, people really like you. He knows that you did not get this from him.” I tell her.

“You know, I am glad to hear this. But, I don’t need it so much

now. I have done a lot of healing work and I realize that he was a

sad man who was never really close to anyone. Of course, he didn’t

seem to notice.” April sighs.

“Your father was really out of touch with his feelings. Shutting

down his ability to feel at a young age, he denied his sensitive nature and vowed to not let others hurt him. It feels to me that this is part of his being in the angelic chain gang. He has to feel. He can-The Chain Gang, Cure for Negativity ~ 149

not get away from it. The love that he is connected to is opening his heart and healing him.”

“I am glad to hear that he is changing and getting some help.”

April’s face softens when she tells me this.

I am about to finish the session but April’s father has another


“Your father shows me an office building again. Do you work in

an office too? He shows me you sitting at a desk. It looks like water of some kind on your desk? I am not sure what he is trying to show


I hear April begin to laugh.

“I have a water fountain on my desk and yes, I work in an of-

fice.” She explains.

“Now your father is showing me people coming into your of-

fice. It feels calm. I feel like your father visits you there. Being in your office with you helps him. He shows me other people leaving

your office feeling better too.”

April’s face brightens up as she tells me. “I have always tried to

make my office a sanctuary for others. I am a supervisor of a help

call center for a medical software product. It is very stressful for the people I work with. I try to offer them a place to go to collect their thoughts and relax.

“It seems to work. Even for your father. He didn’t know that was

important. Helping others to feel good at work is a new concept

for him. You’re teaching him new things. He wants you to know

how much your positivity is helping him. A glow of gold and white

energy surrounds you in your office. He says that you give people a little bit of heaven.”

I hear April begin to sniffle. I feel her heart opening to this

much needed healing with her father. Even though she has worked

hard to heal and forgive him, knowing that he is close and proud of her will help her go forward in her emotional life.

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Feeling Our Choices

As loving and healing as the spiritual realm is, it is no pity party.

We have to be responsible for our attitudes and actions. As part

of our soul growth on the other side, we reflect upon the negative

choices that we made while in the physical and the less than kind

criticisms and judgments that we inflicted on others. We experience what others felt as a result of our attitudes and actions. To fully embody the love and bliss that the spirit realm offers, we must feel and discharge the pain and negativity that we produced while here

on earth. Spirit guides and angels also help us to fully understand what was possible had we accepted and generated more positivity.

Loved ones on earth are essential for our growth and healing in

the spiritual realm. Quite often those in spirit must visit the people in the physical realm who were affected by their actions when

they were on earth. They must feel and experience the impact that

their attitudes and actions had on others. Those on earth who were

negatively influenced by another’s actions also play an important

role in this earth school lesson. There are no victims in life. Our soul has chosen its earth school lessons. If you find that you tend to habitually be in relationship with or surrounded by negative people it is important for you to examine your choices. There is likely an important lesson that your soul is asking you to learn. When we are children we do not have the option of leaving our families and attracting a new one. If you were born into a negative family system, you may tend to unconsciously recreate this pattern in your adult

life. Remember that you now have a choice.

One way to heal the cycle of negative attraction is to heal the

past. The continued healing between loved ones here and in the

hereafter advances everyone. Those in spirit learn how to love and

support their physical loved ones and we in the physical also ben-

efit. Healing a relationship with someone who has passed over is

easier than you might think. Because the way of the spirit realm is love and forgiveness, your efforts are supported and strengthened.

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The Artist and the Doctor

One very essential earth life lesson that we have all come here to

learn is how to generate and live in positive energy. The following session is one of the many I have had with people who lived among

negative and critical people but were able to stay in a positive frame of mind. This does not always happen easily. It can take a focused

will and clear intent to generate positivity while in the midst of a negative individual. Yet, it is an invaluable soul achievement.


Eve came to see me after the death of her husband. She was

given my name by a member of a support group. Never having

been to a medium, she did not know what to expect. In her early

fifties, Eve quietly sat down and we began the session. During the

short prayer that I open each session with, I felt the energy of grief surrounding her.

“There are two men in spirit coming in from the spirit realm.” I

told her. “One feels like your father and do you have a husband or

partner in spirit?”

“Yes, they are both dead.” Eve confirmed.

Eve’s father came forward first even though I felt that it was her

husband that she most wanted to communicate with. I spent sev-

eral minutes connecting with her father. I then turned my attention to her husband.

“Your husband is holding his chest. It appears that he may have

had a heart problem or died as a result of a heart issue. Is this true?”

I ask Eve.

“Eric died in the bathroom while getting ready for work. He had

a massive heart attack.” She explains.

Eve stares out the window and I continue. “He is apologizing for

leaving so much undone. I see piles of paperwork and other things,

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boxes of personal items. Your husband says to do with it whatever

you want.”

“I have had to go through all of our financial affairs. He paid all the bills and managed our money. I hope that I am doing this up to

his standards.” Eve looks concerned as she explains this to me.

“I get the impression you are doing fine, maybe better than fine.

Your husband is quiet. I feel a sense of regret and maybe even em-

barrassment with him. It has something to do with your finances. I

feel as if you discovered something unexpected.”

“So far the biggest surprise I have had is how much money we

have, or maybe I have now. Eric led me to believe that we were not

doing well financially.” Eve informs me.

“I see a busy office, actually several offices. I get the feeling from your husband that he was in the medical field. I feel that he was

very successful.”

“He was a surgeon in private practice, very busy.” Eve explains.

When loved ones in spirit need to communicate sensitive issues

they often send me more emotional energy. I can feel their desire

for forgiveness. This is what happened with Eric. I began to feel

feelings of regrets and sadness. I continued to share my impressions of him with Eve.

“Your husband is showing me images of beautiful places. I feel

like you may have planned to visit them, but I get the feeling from him that you did not get the chance. He shows me what looks like

Alaska. Did you by any chance take a cruise there or someplace

similar? I see a large ship. The feelings associated with these images are sad, though.”

“We had planned on going on an Alaskan Cruise for our an-

niversary several years ago. I even reserved the tickets. But Eric said he did not want to spend the money and take the time off from

work. He felt the economy was not in good shape, we had to be

frugal and cut back.”

The Chain Gang, Cure for Negativity ~ 153

As Eve explains this to me, I feel Eric in spirit sending her apol-

ogies for denying her this trip.

“I get the impression from Eric, that you were a patient and lov-

ing person. He is so sorry that you did not go on the trip.” I tell her.

The images that I am getting from Eric quickly change.

“Wow, all of a sudden your husband is showing me a lot of

color, beautiful images. It looks and feels like paintings. I see canvases of color, like abstracts.”

“I am surprised Eric is showing you these. I love painting.

But he never thought I was very good. He used to tell me that my

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