You Are a Medium: Discover Your Natural Abilities to Communicate With the Other Side (25 page)

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Authors: Sherrie Dillard

Tags: #General, #Body; Mind & Spirit, #Parapsychology

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Alzheimer's, Dementia, Coma's—Repeating Life Lessons ~ 167

The Spirit in Disabilities

Giving readings to people whose loved ones have disorders or dis-

abilities which limit their mental functioning is similar in some

ways to connecting to people on the other side. In both cases I

communicate with their spirit. Just as those on the other side have a broader and often enlightened view of their life, so do those who are living in the physical world with mental disabilities. They are however unable to put this awareness into words and action.

For many years I worked with people of all ages who were expe-

riencing various disabilities.

In the following story I share an unusual experience that I had

while working at a treatment center for children. The depth of my

interaction with the young man in this story was motivated by his

father in spirit. However this story is more about working with the spiritual energy and consciousness of someone who is in the physical realm.

Clay Communication

My first few years as an art therapist, I worked with children with severe and multiple disabilities part time during the day. At this

same time I gave psychic and medium readings in the evening

and on the weekends. Although I did not initially think that there

would be a connection between my intuitive interests and art ther-

apy, they intersected, complimented and beneficially enhanced one

another. One of the classes that I went to once a week was in a residential treatment center for children with severe autism and more

than one disability. The students stayed for up to six months at the center learning new skills and therapies.

Kyle, a thirteen year old boy who was diagnosed with severe au-

tism and a range of other disabilities, came to the center at about the same time I started working there. He rarely spoke and he did

not make eye contact or interact. He was physically present but in

most ways he was in another world entirely. If I put a crayon or

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paper in his hand he would simply drop it and continue to stare at

something above or beyond me.

Kyle exhibited an unusual behavior that was initially unsettling.

While sitting in his chair he would literally shoot straight up into the air a foot so above his seat. He made an unusual whooshing

sound while doing this. There was never any indication of when

this would happen. He could be sitting staring at his desk and without notice launch into the air. I was young and eager to help and

was intrigued by this odd phenomenon.

Through talking to his teachers I discovered that Kyle was sent

to the treatment center after the death of his father. He had three siblings at home and his mother now needed to work full time. The

center was helping to find the mother support and help so that Kyle could return home.

After several months of working with Kyle, I felt as if I had

made no progress with him. He still did not make eye contact with

me and seemed to have no awareness of the art supplies that I en-

couraged him to hold, mold and create with.

One night I had a dream about Kyle. Although it was fuzzy and

the message unclear, I knew that his father who had passed over was trying to get my attention. I did not know why and in a few days I

no longer thought much about it. A few weeks after this dream, as

I was getting ready to begin a medium session with a client, I again felt the presence of who I believed to be Kyle’s father. I sent a message to him that I would connect with him after my sessions.

When I was done for the day, I closed my eyes, said a prayer

and invited Kyle’s father’s spirit to come close. I immediately felt the presence of the same spirit who had come to me a few hours

earlier. Although I had never met him in the physical realm, when

he introduced himself I knew it was his father. Through a combina-

tion of telepathy and clairvoyance he communicated a surprising

message to me.

“I want you to help Kyle.” He said.

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“I am trying.” I tried to assure him. “I do not know what else to

do.” I was not sure what he wanted from me. I then listened for any more communication from him. What I received surprised me.

An intense image suddenly emerged. In it I saw Kyle with what

looked like dark red cylinder shaped beings spinning and sur-

rounding him. They were all around him, erratically moving in the

same way that I had seen him do many times. I understood bet-

ter the source of Kyle’s strange spinning. It appeared to be coming from these, odd bug like beings.

His father again addressed me. “Kyle has negative and dark en-

ergy attachments. They need to be released. Will you help him?” He

asked me.

“Can you help from your side?” I sent his father the message. I

assumed that the other side might be more capable in dealing with

this than I was in the physical realm.

“I am doing what I can from my side, others are helping too.

Can you help us?”

I was not sure what I could do but I sent Kyle’s father the mes-

sage that I would try. In my work as a psychic and medium from

time to time, I have come across people who have negative and

dark attachments. Almost always these people are suffering in a va-

riety of ways. They may be confused and disorganized, depressed,

anxious or physically ill.

I scanned Kyle’s body and began to go through a process of

spirit de-possession. In my mind’s eye I saw an image of Kyle. I

invoked the presence of Archangel Michael and his healing angels

and asked them to purge Kyle’s energy field of these dark entities.

While unusual images of darkness and light flashed in my inner

sight, I felt surges of healing energy and activity taking place. I continued to meditate and spiritually work with him for the next sev-

eral days. The day before I was to go back to the school, I still felt resistance and a struggle taking place within him. I prayed for him, sent him love and for the first time I felt his spirit reach out to me.

170 ~ Alzheimer's, Dementia, Coma's—Repeating Life Lessons
He was very sweet and aware of what was taking place. I could not

clearly communicate with him but I felt a connection to him that I

had not felt before. I felt genuine love and gratitude coming from


The next day I went into the school almost expecting Kyle to

greet me. Of course, he did not. Instead he sat in his usual seat star-ring out the window. When it was time for me to work with him I

sat down and handed him a lump of clay. He stuck his fingers in it

and eventually scooped it up into both hands and made it into a

ball. This was more than he had done in the past and I was happy

that we had gotten this far. I left him with the clay and made my

rounds to check on the other children. I returned several minutes

later. Lying on his desk was a clay figure. It looked surprising similar to the cylinder shaped attachments that I clairvoyantly saw in

Kyle’s energy field. I had been working for a week to detach these

bug, like beings and I was startled to see a clay replica of one sitting on his desk.

I looked at Kyle hoping that he would make eye contact with

me. Instead he looked above me, below me and to the side, but not

directly in my eyes. But he did speak. Over and over he said the

word “demon”.

I could hardly believe what I was hearing. Despite his severe dis-

abilities and physical handicap his spirit was awake and present.

He did know what was happening and I felt that he wanted me to

know this. When our class time was over I carefully put his clay

demon in my bag. I later placed it on an altar in my home where it

stayed for many years.

Kyle’s behavior did not radically change after this. He never

made eye contact with me and he still rocked back and forth and

seemed distant. But, I never saw him abruptly shoot up in the air

suspended above his seat again and he was visibly more relaxed. His hands no longer curled into a tight fist and his neck and back no

longer seemed to be muscularly strained and tight.

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I do not know why Kyle’s soul chose a life of disabilities and

limitations. But, during the time that I worked with him I learned

and grew in many ways. I understood better the special energy na-

ture of those who similarly struggle and the love and that we can

mutually exchange.

Invoking Archangel Michael

Archangel Michael is a protective spiritual presence who is fear-

less and assertive. He is the angel to call upon if you feel a negative or dark presence or spirit present. All you need to do is send him a message and he will immediately draw close. Ask for his help

in detaching and removing any influence that is attached to you,

your home, animals or possessions. Allow his angels to surround

you with their healing light. Michael incases negative beings and

transport them into the light of the heavens where they can heal

and transform. You feel a sense of ease and calmness when this has

happened. As the divine patrol of the spiritual realms he can also

help loved ones who get lost on the way to the heavens after their

passing. I talk more about this in the last chapter.

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Lost and Wandering,

Finding the Way

My mother passed over to the other side on Aug. 27th 2001.

She had been diagnosed with colon cancer a year earlier. I

woke up the morning that she died knowing that she would leave

the physical world that day. I could feel it. Even though I have been working with the spirit realm for many years, never before had

spiritual energy moved me in this way. I sat down to mediate to

better understand and better tune into the strange sensations that

I was experiencing. As soon as I closed my eyes I felt what I can

best describe as an unrelenting powerful energy vacuum. I knew

that my mother had no choice but to leave the physical body. She

was being pulled into the spirit realm. I realized that it would be impossible to resist this intense force. When it is our time, we must go over. There is no negotiating. I was humbled by the magnitude

of this power. My mother died several hours later. In another unex-

pected gift, I felt it when she was in the “light’.

In new age and metaphysical circles, the term “the light”, is used

to describe our spirit realm home. Also referred to as heaven, the

divine realm, paradise, the source of all life or bliss and by many other names, the light is the source of all love and wisdom and our eternal residence. When my mother passed over, I became more


aware of why it is called the light. In an unexpected synergetic energy connection with her, I felt the love that she was surrounded by.

I knew that she was not alone and that her suffering and pain were

over. I clairvoyantly saw radiating and pulsating light. Her spirit was lifted into another dimension and she was floating in a sea of

translucent energy. Love and deep peace surrounded her. It was a

wonderful gift to feel and know what she experienced during her


The force of energy that I felt when my mother passed over was

transformative. Just as we depend on air, food and water to main-

tain our physical body, the light is a vibrant source of energy be-

yond anything that we can fully comprehend. When it is our time

to make our transition the physical body drops away and only the

energy body remains. The spirit realm has a natural cycle of change similar to nature. We cannot stop the sun from shinning or the

leaves from dropping away in the fall and we cannot forestall our

entrance into the spirit realm.

When we shed the body we still have consciousness, free will

and we are very much ourselves. We can still make choices and de-


Wandering Spirits

Unfortunately not everyone that passes over goes directly into the

light. Instead some souls after physical death confusingly wander

in the lower vibrations of the astral realm. The astral realm is a vibration of energy that lies in between the physical realm and the

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