You'll Say Yes (19 page)

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Authors: Tri Amutia,Jovy Lim

BOOK: You'll Say Yes
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"Excuse me, do you need any help?"

I turned my head to see a man with brown hair and brown eyes staring at me. He had strong cheekbones and jaw with an intense gaze. He smiled kindly. I blushed.

", I was just trying to work with the Wi-Fi, but apparently it's not working."

He grinned and gestured his hand to my laptop. "May I?"

I looked between my laptop and him. "Err...sure."

He sat across from me and turned my laptop to face him. I leaned myself to the side of my laptop so I could see what he was doing. He was opening some applications and five minutes later, I could see the pop-up box told us the Wi-Fi has been connected. I sighed happily. He smiled again to me and turned my laptop back to my direction.

I smiled gratefully to him. "Thank you. That was very nice of you."

"No problem, Miss." He extended his hand. "I'm Ryan, Ryan Adams."

I gingerly took his hand and shook it. "Abby. Abby Bennett."

"Nice meeting you, Ms. Bennett. Just had a hard day at work, are we?" He asked me in mocking tone.

I laughed lightly. "Am I that obvious?"

Ryan chuckled. "No, you seem so tired, that's all. So, are you working around here?"

I nodded and pointed to my office's building. "That's my office."

Ryan pursued his lips. "Well, that's interesting. One of my friends works in the same building. How come I've never see you?"

I looked at him and smiled. Ryan was attractive and looked like he was smart too. But, something felt off from him. "I work indoors," I replied non-chillingly.

He laughed and I grinned.

"So, are you just paying a visit to this small cafe or just not in the mood to go home?" He asked again.

I stared at him in amusement. "What are you? A psychic?"

He grinned and shrugged. "No, I was just guessing."

I smiled grimly and begun to type a website address on my laptop. "I missed this cafe. That's all."

Ryan nodded and studied my face. I felt uncomfortable and trying to get my attention to my laptop. "Are you free tomorrow, Ms. Bennett?"

I turned my head sharply to him. "Excuse me?" He was asking me out?

"I was asking if you are free tomorrow."

Yeah, I think he was, I blinked several times. ", I have an appointment." Suddenly, I remembered my plan to go to the book launching with Joshua. A twinge feeling stabbed at my heart. I didn't know why, but suddenly I missed him. I frowned internally.

He noticed my ring and smiled weakly. "I see, I knew it. A lovely lady like you could have been taken."

I scoffed playfully, but feeling relieved internally. If only he knew...

Ryan looked over his watch and then smiled remorsely. "I'm sorry, but I think I have to go now. It was nice to meet you, Ms. Bennett."

I nodded gratefully. "It was nice to meet you too, Mr. Adams. Thank you for fixing the Wi-Fi."

He nodded back and rose from his chair. I watched him walked out from the cafe and half running across the street. What just happened? I was engaged, literally, and a guy was trying to ask me out? I shook my head. This day was really interesting.

I went home at 7:30 pm after browsing for a couple new books and checking my Facebook account, taking my time because I knew I'd be going home to an empty apartment. I drove my sedan to my apartment, didn't bother to look to the apartment garage to see if Joshua was home or not. I carried my bag and my laptop to my apartment door. I unlocked the door and was surprised to see Joshua, standing in the living room with his cell phone in one hand and the other hand running through his hair. He looked frustrated.

I furrowed my eyebrows. Did something happen that I didn't know? I put my bag and my laptop on the desk next to the door. I walked cautiously to him. "Joshua?"

As soon as he heard my voice, he turned around and he exhaled. Suddenly he rushed to me and hugged me so tight. I was surprised and didn't know what to do.

"Thank God, Abby, you're all right," He murmured in my hair.

I blinked several times and patted his back. "Of course I'm all right, is there something wrong?" I asked concerned.

He leaned away from our embrace and cupped my face. Worry and relieve etched in his beautiful face. "I was worried you were not here when I got home. I called your office, but they said you went home early. I was trying to call your cell, but only for it to go to your voicemail. I was so scared something happened to you."

I stood there in daze and it took me several moments to understand what he was talking about. I could collect the puzzle now. Apparently he came home early while I was still in the cafe. He was trying to call me when my BlackBerry's battery died. I took a deep breath.

Joshua sighed too and leaned his forehead to mine. "You worried me so much; I almost spend the whole night looking for you."

I smiled weakly and stroked his hair. "I'm sorry, I thought you're going to stay late at the hospital, so I was thinking to spend my time at the coffee shop. I forgot to charge my BlackBerry. Sorry." I bit my lip.

He chuckled. "It's all right. Now that I know you’re fine, I feel better."

I nodded.

He caressed my cheek. "What do you want to have for dinner? I can cook for you."

I shook my head. "No, thank you. I just want to have a nice shower and go to bed. I need to be at the book launching tomorrow at 9:00 am."

Joshua smiled and kissed my forehead. "All right, just take your time."

I nodded one more time and prepared for my shower. Joshua was watching a movie when I walked out from the bathroom. I dried my hair with my towel and sat next to him on the couch. He smiled when he saw me and scooted closer to me. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and I cuddled beside him. He kissed the top of my head and turned his attention back to the movie.

We watched the movie in silence. Enjoying the silence, I turned to look at him. "I'm sorry for making you so worried," I murmured.

He smiled and kissed my hair. "It's all right, Abby. Really."

I nodded and turned back to the television. I fell asleep in the middle of a commercial break in Joshua's arms. For the first time in my life, I felt happy and secure.


The next morning I woke up with an angel's voice calling my name. "Abby? Come on, you need to wake up or you're going to be late.", I was in heaven now. I clutched my blanket tighter and snuggled deeper in my pillow.

"No, I want to sleep. Please, let me sleep."

I heard the angel chuckled. "No, sweetheart. You need to get up or you're going to miss the book launching."

Huh? What? How did the angel know about my book launching? I opened both my eyes to find Joshua's face inches from mine. My eyes widened and I sat straight up in my bed. My heart beat increased its tempo and I rubbed my eyes.

Joshua chuckled. "I have no idea what I'll do every morning after we're married if you still act that way. I'll never give you a proper good morning kiss."

I took a deep breath after I could control my heart beat. I looked at him sheepishly. "Sorry. I'm not used to waking up with someone in my bed."

He grinned.

My brain started to function again and I realized something. Last night we were watching an old movie together on the couch. This come I woke up in my bed? And how come he was waking up next to me? We didn't do...anything...last night, did we? I looked at my clothes immediately and exhaled in relieve when I realized I was fully clothed still.

Joshua frowned. "Do you think I'll do something to you, Abby? I'd never do that."

I smiled weakly. "Sorry. Natural reaction."

He shook his head and kissed my forehead. "You fell asleep on the couch and I carried you to your bed. And you got restless, so I thought I just hold you for comfort. Well, you did sleep peacefully then."

I gulped. That was not what frightened me. "Did...I say my sleep?"

Joshua looked thoughtful. "A few." He looked at the ceiling and sighed. "You said about the working environment is hectic and stressful."

He paused and I waited for him to continue. When he didn't say anything, I was starting to panic. "Anything else?"

He pursued his lips and looked at me. "No. Nothing else," He smiled.

I looked at him in disbelief.

Joshua got up from my bed and ruffled my hair. "Come on. We have to get ready. I'll make some breakfast." And then he disappeared out of the room.

I blinked several times; I sensed Joshua was hiding something. I ran my hands threw my messy hair. I just hoped I didn't say anything stupid last night.

One hour later we were ready to go. The book launching was a casual event, so I wore jeans, T-shirt and my jeans jacket. Joshua also wore jeans, T-shirt and a jean jacket. I giggled when I saw our outfits. We really looked like a couple.

The bookstore was already filled with people. Some of my co-workers, including Camila and my boss, Mrs. Bennington, surprisingly attended the launching. Mrs. Bennington smiled when she saw me.

"Morning, Abigail."

I winced when she called my full name. Joshua squeezed my hand gently. He knew I didn't like it when people called me by my first name. "Good morning, Mrs. Bennington."

She looked to Joshua and then to me. "Who's this young man?"

I smiled sheepishly and looked to Joshua. "Joshua, this is my boss, Sarah Bennington." And then I looked back to Mrs. Bennington. "Mrs. Bennington, this is Joshua Walsh. My..." What? Boyfriend? Acquaintance?

"Fiancé," Joshua finished my sentence.

I flinched internally. I glanced quickly to his direction. His face was smug and his voice was sincere. I braced myself for Mrs. Bennington's reaction.

Her eyes widened and she gave me a sly smile. "A fiancé? I didn't know you had a boyfriend before, Abigail. You seem too...absorbed with your work." She was eyeing Joshua and I shuddered. Even my boss was drooling over my...fiancé. "And now, you bring a very beautiful man that is your fiancé."

Joshua cleared his throat. "I've known Abby since our childhood. I've been in love with her for a long time. I asked her to marry me and she said yes."

I gripped Joshua's hand tightly. This was going to be breaking news in my office for the next week, but I knew it would've happen sooner or later. Joshua tightened his hold in my hand. Sometimes we didn't need to say anything to each other; we understand completely what we felt at the moment.

Mrs. Bennington chuckled. "Unbelievable." She looked at me. I could sense a jealousy from her eyes. For God's sake, she was married. "You are a very lucky woman, Abigail. If I wasn't married, I’ve stalked your fiancé."

All right! That was it! "Well, I'm sorry, Mrs. Bennington, but I need to see the author."

She seemed to wake up from her trance. "Of course...oh, how rude of me. Please, enjoy yourself." She smiled and she gave Joshua a wink before disappearing from our sight.

We stood there in silence. And then, I could feel Joshua relaxed his posture. "I can't believe you're working for her, Abby."

I nodded dumbly. "Yeah, me neither."


I turned around and saw Kelly Stevens, my previous author, waving at me from the front of the room. A long table with chairs was set up for the launching. I smiled and motioned to Joshua to follow me. Kelly was a woman in her early 30s, single, with dark hair and hazel eyes. She was not tall, but not short either. She had an oval face and a childish smile. She hugged me when I approached her.

"Oh, Abby, thank you for coming," She said happily and looked over Joshua. She smiled and looked back at me. "So, who's the lucky man here?"

I smiled. "This is Joshua Walsh. He's my...fiancé." I blushed.

Joshua smiled and nodded. "Nice meeting you, Miss."

Kelly waved her hand. "No need to formal with me." She extended her hand and Joshua took it. "I'm Kelly Stevens. I worked with Abby a couple of months ago and she was a good editor. You're a lucky man, Mr. Walsh."

Joshua smiled proudly. "I know that, Ms. Stevens."

"Please, call me Kelly. And thank you for coming here."

Joshua and I settled in our chairs because the launching was about to begin. It was a common thing. The introduction, the questions from readers or the media and the last thing was the book signing. Kelly gave me and Joshua a copy of her book with her autograph and her dedication words. Joshua seemed happy and then I knew he had never attended a book launching before, let alone receiving a book with the author's autograph. I felt happy that I could make this event fell unforgettable for him.

Apparently, the happy feeling didn't last long. Someone who I didn't expect to meet greeted me when Joshua and I were browsing in one of the book aisles.

"Miss Bennett?"

Joshua and I turned around and looked at a man with brown hair, brown eyes and the strong cheekbone. I gasped while Joshua suddenly encircled my waist and held me closer to him. He narrowed his eyes.

"Ryan? What are you doing here?" Joshua said stiffly.

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