Read You'll Say Yes Online

Authors: Tri Amutia,Jovy Lim

You'll Say Yes (37 page)

BOOK: You'll Say Yes
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"I'll get some drinks for us," Joshua told me before he got up from the chair.

I nodded and sat there enjoying the classic music. Two couples next to me continued to chat and ignored me completely, not that I mind.

"Abby! Abby!"

I startled slightly and turned my head to see Ryan walked to my direction. He seemed in a hurry. He looked gorgeous tonight, wearing brown shirt with dark coat and trousers. He smiled genuinely, he looked so different from the first time I met him.

I smiled. "Ryan! Hey! It's so good to see you here."

He chuckled and patted my shoulder. "Yeah, same here. Sorry, but Mr. Smith wants to talk to you, but he couldn't find you anywhere." He winced. "So, he sends me to search you."

I grinned sheepishly. "Sorry. I came here with Joshua. He's here somewhere."

Ryan nodded. "All right. Mr. Smith is near the podium if you wanted to see him. Hurry, Abby. It seems important."

"Okay. I look for Joshua first," I said to him.

He smiled and turned around while I stood from my sitting position. I looked around the hall for Joshua, but I didn't think I could find him in this crowded place. He said he wanted to get some drinks, so I walked to the drink stall. I spotted him standing in a corner near the stall and quickly walked to him, but an unexpected sight froze my feet.

I saw him there with a woman.

And not just a woman.

It was Natalia.

She looked beautiful with her green dress and she wrapped her arms to Joshua's neck. They looked lost in their own world while I nearly collapsed in my own feet.

I clutched my purse and I trembled. My heartbeat turned erratic and my head was spinning.

"Miss Bennett!"

The sound of a man calling my name not just brought me back to reality, but also startled both of them. Joshua's eyes widened when he met my gaze and he quickly released Natalia's arm from his neck. Natalia looked at me expressionless while I stared at her blankly. I turned my head slowly to see the tall man which I recognized as the man that wanted me since I got out from the car smiled at me.

"Miss Bennett? Correct?"

I tried to smile, hiding my heartbreak. "Yes. And you are...?"

He smiled and bowed his head slightly. "Forgive me, Miss. I'm Viktor, Helena's cousin. I hope I didn't disturb you, but Helena wants to see you, Miss," He said to me with his foreign accent.

I smiled grimly and looked over to Joshua briefly before I turned back to the man. "No, you didn't disturb me. I'll be happy to see her."

Viktor smiled and gestured me to follow him. I followed him to the front of the hall and he asked me to sit in a chair in front row.

"I thought you're here with someone. Do you want me to look for him?" He asked me again. His eyes gazed to my body and I clutched my purse tightly.

I took a deep breath. "No, thank you. He'll find me here."

Viktor smiled slightly and leaving me alone. I leaned back to the chair when I felt someone sitting next to me. I didn't have to be a psychic to know that it was Joshua.


"Don't say anything. I don't want to hear it," I hissed at him. I didn't look at him at all.

And then the light went dim and I instantly knew the event was going to start. After several speeches from the embassy's staff, Mr. Smith walked to the podium. The sound of hands clapping filled the room. I smiled slightly; I knew how much this event meant to him, to our office and I gladly put the happy mask on my face for this evening.

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. This evening is the most exciting moment not just for me, but also for our company. Helena McLane is the first author that worked for us and we are so happy to have the honor to publish her first book in America. Let me introduce you to...Helena McLane!"

I clapped my hands too along with all the people in the hall. I knew how hard for her to publish this story and we've been through so much in the process. I smiled proudly and gave her the standing applause along with several people when she walked to the podium. She was the star tonight.

"Thank you...thank you..." Helena said when the clapping sound subsided and everyone who stood back to their seat.

"Thank you to the publishing company for their support and of course to my family. I could never publish this story without their support and of course...we all know a good book needs an editor..."

I gasped. She didn't...

Helena met my gaze and smiled warmly. "My book will never be published without her help. She helped me so much in anything, even gladly accepted my manuscript when she got sick. She is amazing."

My heart fluttered. Oh, please...don't ask me to go there...please...

"Ladies and gentlemen, this night is not my night, but I want to give my appreciation to my editor." She extended her arm and gestured to me. "Miss Abigail Bennett."

I blinked several times. I couldn't move until I felt someone grabbed my arm lightly and whispered to me. "Go, Abby. Go on."

I turned my head slowly and see Ryan looked at me with encouraging eyes. I looked again to the seat next to me and found Joshua smiled warmly, but I quickly turned my head to the podium. The sound of clapping hands filled the room when I walked to approach Helena at the podium. She smiled widely and hugged me in front of hundreds of people. I laughed lightly and released her hug.

"Come on, Abigail. Say something," She encouraged me.

I chuckled nervously.

"Speech, Abby!" I heard Ryan's voice from the crowds.

I rolled my eyes and cleared my throat. "Well...this is...very much...unexpected." I laughed nervously and some people laughed with me too. "Thank you to Mrs. McLane for trusting me to edit her work. It's an excellent job and I really like her book. I wish her book will become a bestseller and I'm hoping to work with her again someday. So..." I looked over to Helena who stared at me with watery eyes. "Congratulations!"

Everyone clapped their hands again when she hugged me for the second time. She released her hug and gave me the first copy with her autograph. My eyes widened. I knew how it felt for an author about their first copy, but she smiled when she saw my expression.

"You deserve it," She stated simply.

I smiled with watery eyes and hugged her back. "Thank you." Thousand emotions and the turmoil that I felt after I caught Joshua with Natalia finally wore me out. "I'm sorry if I can't stay here until the event is over. I need to do something. Congratulations, Helena."

I released my hug and smiled to her once again. I quickly walked down from the podium, but I didn't return to my seat. I walked straight to the front door without looking back, wanted to leave everything behind me for a while.

My job.

My colleagues.
























Chapter 26
The Cafe and The Getaway

I walked to the front desk and asked for my jacket. I didn't know where I have to go this evening. I didn't want to go home. I wanted to spend my time alone. And then I remembered the café when I spent the last time Natalia was involved in my relationship with Joshua. I stopped a taxi in front of the hotel and told the driver the address of the cafe I spent I felt my phone vibrate and I pulled it out from my purse to see Joshua's name in the caller ID. I quickly turned my BlackBerry off.

I looked over the window and ran my hand through my hair. I still couldn't believe what I just saw.

Joshua and Natalia.

What is exactly going on between them? Joshua looked comfortable enough under her embrace while that woman looked to Joshua with so much love in her eyes...well, if you called that love. I sighed. I've always feared that Joshua will hurt me someday and when he did, I didn't have the power to cry.

The taxi stopped in front of the cafe and I paid for the fees. I got out from the yellow car and exhaled. I snuggled deeper to my jacket and slowly walked to the front door. I stopped in my feet when I looked at my reflection in the glass window. I still wore the beautiful crème dress, but my eyes were sad. I knew my clothes were not the perfect outfit for this place, but I didn't care. I sighed and opened the front door. I walked to my favorite spot, on the corner and removed my jacket. Some guests looked at me curiously, probably wondering why I wear a dress to a place like this, but I ignored them. A waitress with dark skin and dark hair approached me and smiled. I smiled back.

"Good evening, Ma'am. My name is Josia. I'm your waitress for tonight. Can I have your order, please?"

"Uhm...just the usual."

She seemed confused. "Pardon me?"

I looked at her and suddenly I realized I've never seen her before. She must be a new waitress. "I'm sorry...but, are you new here?"

She smiled sheepishly. "Yes, Ma'am. I'm truly sorry if I didn't see you often, so I didn't know you usual order."

I chuckled. "That's alright..." I looked over her name tag. "Josia. It's a lovely name. Where are you come from?"

"From South America, Ma'am. I just moved here with my family."

I smiled. "Please, call me Abby. It's nice to meet you, Josia. Well, my usual order is sandwich with French fries and a coke." I winked at her.

Josia laughed lightly. "Your order will be here soon." And then she turned around and left me again with my gloomy mood.

I sighed sadly and covered my face with my hands. What am I getting myself into? I loved him, I already said I loved him, but then I saw him in another woman's embrace. I knew I shouldn't trust him that easily. The cold band from my engagement ring touched my face and I quickly pulled out that ring from my finger. I looked to the elegant ring for a moment. This ring wasn't for me, I knew that. I closed my eyes briefly and put the ring into my purse. I also pulled out my promise ring and put it to my purse.

And now, I'm just Abby Bennett.

The same old Abby Bennett.

I looked over to the window, to the night activities outside. What am I supposed to do now? I definitely couldn't marry him, not with what I just saw. I almost groaned when I remembered I had to explain to my family about this. I needed to move from that place either, back to my old apartment and started my new life without him. A new life far away from him. Perhaps in England?

I froze.

Could I do it? Going away to England just to escape from him? It sounded childish to me, but it was one of a good reason too. I wanted to forget everything about him, about what we had here. I laughed to myself. I almost gave myself to him and I didn't know I had to laugh or cry when I realized I'm still a virgin. I couldn't imagine if I already gave myself to him and caught him in the act earlier. I will feel unworthy.

Suddenly, I felt disgusting to myself, for letting him touch me, kiss me and even spending the nights with me. I clenched my fist and anger boiled in my blood. I won't let any man fool me like that again. I prefer to be left alone.

"This is your order, Miss Abby."

Josia's voice brought me back to reality and I tried to smile. She put my meals and my drink while she smiled at me. "You look beautiful tonight, Miss. Did you just go home from a party?"

I blinked several times and looked over my dress. I blushed. "Oh...yes...kind of," I stuttered.

She smiled again. "But, your eyes are sad. Are you alright, Miss?"

I sighed. "Yeah."

"Hey, you! Josia! Don't talk to customer. You have a job right here!" A harsh voice was heard from the kitchen.

Josia and I turned our heads to see a big fat man behind the counter and from the corner of my eyes; I could see she rolled her eyes.

Josia turned to me again. "I'm sorry, Miss. That was my manager. I'm sorry about what I said earlier. I didn't mean that. It's just your eyes are so sad and I couldn't help myself to ask you. I'm sorry again, Miss."

She turned away and I blinked several times.

"Wait!" I called her.

Josia turned to me again. "Yes, Miss? Do you like to place another order?"

I bit my lip. I just met her several minutes ago, but somehow I felt I could trust her. Besides, I needed to speak with someone. "Can you ask your manager to give you permission to speak with me?"

She looked surprise, but then smiled. "I'll talk to him, Miss."

I nodded slowly while Josia disappeared to the kitchen. I looked over to my food and began to eat slowly.

A lovely night, indeed.


I finished my meal when Josia poured another coke in my glass and sat next to me. She was just graduated from college and tried to find a job. Apparently this place needed a waitress and she thought it was the best chance to start a job while waiting for the better one. And it was surprised me when I found out she was an English Lit graduate too. I told her about the previous event, the book launching and her dark eyes were lit with curiosity when she heard my story.

"Oh, so that's why you wearing the lovely dress," She told me.

I nodded.

Josia sighed. "I wish I could get a job like you, Miss Abby. It's my dream too to have a job like yours. I love books very much."

I smiled. "You will find it someday."

She nodded thoughtfully. "You should be happy, though. This is your night. Why are you sad?"

I slumped in my chair. The previous event flashed in my mind and I bit my lip. This time I couldn't keep my tears at bay, I sobbed lightly while I felt Josia gave me some tissues and rubbed my shoulder. She let me cried several moments until I could control my breathing and dried my tears. Good thing I didn't wear mascara tonight, I never liked it anyway.

"I'm sorry," I said to her after I wiped the last tears from my cheek and my eyes.

She smiled genuinely. "That's alright, Miss Abby. It's not good to hold something bad inside, it will consume your soul. You need to let it go."

I nodded slowly. "I bet I look awful now."

Josia raised her eyebrows and giggled.

I frowned. "Am I that hideous?"

"No, Miss. That's not what I mean. You don't look awful. You still look beautiful and your eyes are not sad anymore. Well...mostly." She grinned.

I chuckled.

"Do you want to talk about that, Miss?" She asked in low voice.

I took a deep breath and sipped my coke. The cold water calmed my anger state. "I caught my fiancé with another woman."

Josia gaped at me. "Oh, Miss...I'm so sorry. I'm so rude to ask. Forgive me-"

"It's alright, really," I interjected. "Like you said, I need to let it go. It hurts me when I think about that."

She blinked several times. "Alright. This you love him?"

I smiled grimly and played with my glass. "Yes. Very much."

"And what about him?"

I swallowed hard. "He said he couldn't live without me. He said he did everything that he could just for me, but then I caught him snuggled in the corner with another woman from his childhood."

"Oh, my..." She put her hands to her chest and smiled grimly. "Are you alright, Miss? I mean, when you saw him with her?"

I shrugged. "I felt cheated...of course. But, he was a player before, in our high school time. I guess it's not a big deal for him."

Josia furrowed her eyebrows. "I don't understand, Miss. You said he was a player, but you accepted his proposal. What do I miss here?"

I chuckled nervously and began to tell her about my childhood 'engagement', the time when we were separated, the high school time and when I met him again months ago. She listened to my story curiously with no intention to interrupt. I've never felt so much free to tell about my personal life with someone before, apart from...him.

Josia nodded thoughtfully when I finished my story. "I see...but, Miss, if he really loved you, he couldn't do something like that to you, could he?"

I scoffed. "Well, he just did."

She shook her head. "I don't think so, Miss, something is wrong here. There could be another reason."

My face was hard instantly and Josia smiled warmly when she saw my expression. "Miss, I'm not defending him, if that's what you think. From your story, I can tell that this Joshua is a very smart person. He knows better to cheat with you, Miss. If he did, he was wasting all of his effort to have you back. I'll call him dumber than a donkey."

I chuckled lightly.

That's correct.

Dumber than a donkey.

"Why don't you try to talk and listen to him, Miss?"

I blinked several times. I've heard that one before. Where did I hear those words? I racked my brain and suddenly I remembered my conversation with Stella days ago. I frowned. Could it be this is what she sees? But, she still insisted there will be a wedding. I should see her and spoke with her. Josia smiled when she saw a determination flashed in my eyes.

"So, who do you want to see now, Miss?"

I smiled knowingly. "A friend of mine."

She laughed. "Good luck, Miss. You are a good person. Your destiny will lead you to a good one too."

I raised my eyebrows. "Are you a psychic?"

Josia winked. "You can say that."

I chuckled and looked over to the clock in the room. It's almost midnight. I turned to Josia. "Thank you for talking with me. I feel so much better."

She smiled and held my hand. "May all the blessings always be with you, Miss Abby."

I smiled back. “Thank you, Josia. So, do you have a night shift?"

"My shift is over at 12.00, Miss. Thank you for saving me from my manager." She winked again.

I chuckled and pulled out a pen from my purse. I wrote my number in the bill. "This is my number. Call me if you need anything. Maybe I can find you a job at a publishing company."

Her eyes lit up and she wrote her number too. She tore the paper and gave it to me. "Thank you, Miss Abby. Thank you so much."

I winked and grabbed my purse. I stood up and wore my jacket. "Good night, Josia. Be careful on your way home."

She smiled. "Don't worry, Miss. My father will pick me up."

I nodded and turned around. I walked out from the cafe and stopped another taxi. I gave him the address of my apartment and prayed silently Joshua won't be there. I stared blankly outside the window during the journey and then I felt the taxi stopped. I looked over my apartment complex and exhaled in relief when I didn't see Joshua's Ford. He probably spent the night with Natalia.

I shuddered.

I shook my head and quickly paid the fees. I got out from the taxi and strolled to my room. I unlocked the door and half running to my bedroom, didn't bother to turn the lights on. I changed my clothes hastily, grabbed a bag and filled it with some clothes, underwear, my toiletries bag and my iPod. I grabbed my charger, my wallet and my BlackBerry from my purse. I stopped momentarily when I felt the two rings that Joshua gave me in the bottom of the purse. I carried my bag and pulled out both of the rings. I got out from my bedroom and walked to the living room. I stood there for a moment while my hand held the rings. I looked at those rings briefly before I put it on the living room table. I took a deep breath and walked out from my room after I locked the door. I will return my keys to the landlord soon.

I walked out from my apartment building and quickly got in into my sedan. I revved the engine, but it won't start. I tried again, but it still won't start. I tried again and again, but still to no avail. I sighed and leaned my head to the seat. I guessed this was not the end of my relationship with Joshua, but the end of my sedan too. I chuckled to myself and got out from the dead car. I walked slowly to the main road and stopped another taxi. I looked over to my sedan and my apartment for the last time before I had my getaway.



BOOK: You'll Say Yes
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