You'll Say Yes (39 page)

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Authors: Tri Amutia,Jovy Lim

BOOK: You'll Say Yes
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We took a break when I felt my feet were getting sore. Shopping bags already full in both of my hands. "Um...Stella, I think it's enough for now. We need to rest. It's already 4 in the afternoon," I said to her, feeling tired. I didn't think I could walk to another block of stores for shopping.

Stella looked at my tired expression. "All right. Come on. Let's go home."

I nodded slowly and we walked back to the subway. We rode our route back to the station nearest Stella's apartment. We continued to walk to her apartment and I flopped myself on the couch when we arrived at her room. She also sat next to me and we both leaned our heads to the couch.

"That was a lovely day, Stella. Thank you so much," I said to her.

She giggled. "You're welcome, Abby." And then her phone vibrated and she furrowed her eyebrows. Stella pulled out her phone and rolled her eyes.

She flipped her phone open. "Yes, Betty?"

I raised my eyebrows. Betty?

Stella rolled her eyes again. "I told you I'm taking my day off today and tomorrow. You can finish your work by yourself, can't you?"

I shook my head and looked over at the ceiling.

She scoffed. "Fine. I'll be there. Just give me one hour." And then she flipped the phone closed.

I looked at Stella who already closed her eyes and leaned to the couch. "Duty call?"

Stella sighed and looked at me. "Sorry, Abby, but I guess I'll leave you alone tonight. I promise to go home as soon as possible."

I chuckled and hit her shoulder playfully. "Hey, don't worry about me. I'll be fine. By the way, how's Evan? I didn't see him since I got here."

Stella smiled grimly. "He had a convention in DC. He'll be home on Wednesday." Evan was working as history instructor in a university.

"Oh, I see."

Stella looked at me. "What will you do, Abby, after you coming back to Seattle?"

I smiled grimly. "I was thinking to accept my boss' offer in England."

"England?" Stella asked me in shock.

I looked at her. "My office is going to open new offices in New York and England. He wanted me to fill the position in England. I declined because I thought about...him...before." I even couldn't say his name. It hurts too much.


"My boss didn't like it, of course. He said he wanted to talk with me after the book launching was finished. I think I will talk to him again when I go to work on Wednesday. I'll accept the offer."

Stella sighed. "It doesn't have to be that way, Abby."

I clenched my fist. "I want to start a new life. I want to forget everything about him, Stella. He already did too much. I don't want him to ruin my life."

She pursued her lips. "At least talk to him first, Abby. He has the right to know."

I didn't answer her.

Stella sighed again and got up from the couch. "I want to take my shower first. I promise I'll go home as soon as possible."

I rolled my eyes. "I told you before I'll be fine. Now, go!"

Stella gave me a salute. "Yes, Ma'am."

I chuckled and shook my head. She went to her office 45 minutes later while I was sulking on the couch and trying to find a movie, but to no avail. My stomach growled and I rolled my eyes. I got up from the couch and decided to take a quick shower. I changed my clothes and opened the fridge to find something that edible to cook. I pursed my lips when I found Stella's fridge was nearly empty. I sighed and grabbed my wallet. I got out from the apartment and looking back and forth to find a cafe or diner. I tried to remember the direction and then I spotted a small diner one block from her place. I ate my dinner there and thanked to heaven there were no men who tried to bug me.

I got out from the diner and walked back to Stella's place. But, when I walked to a dark street, I sensed I've been followed. I turned back slightly and saw two men already following me. My eyes widened and I quickly ran away. But, being clumsy I was, I tripped. The men laughed at me and grabbed me to stand.

"Look at you, honey. You're pretty. Do you mind if we give you a company?" One of them said to me. I could smell alcohol from his breath. They were drunk.

"Please, just let me go," I said to them, trying to be brave.

The other man chuckled. "Did you hear that, Jimmy? She wants us to let her go." And then he leaned closer to my face while I turned away from him. He grabbed my face roughly while I fought not to cry. I preferred if they kill me now rather than did something to me. "Look at me when I talk to you!" His hands started to roam over my body and I squirmed.

Oh, God, no!

"Hey, let the girl go!"

The man stopped and both of them looked at a big guy stood feet away from us. I couldn't see his face because it was dark.

They chuckled. "He wants us to stop?"

One of them, I guessed it was Jimmy, walked over to the man while the other one still held me tightly. "This is not your business, dude. I suggest you to go away."

The big guy laughed. "You want to hurt that lady. I will not let that happen."

Jimmy chuckled and the suddenly attacked the guy. The fight didn't last long because after some punches, Jimmy collapsed on the ground. The man who held me pushed me to the ground and I tried to control my body from shaking. I couldn't see what happened next. I just heard a big loud thud and someone touched my shoulder lightly.

I yelped.

"Hey, hey, it's all right. I already take care of them. Are you okay?"

I furrowed my eyebrows. I've heard that voice before, but I couldn't put my finger on it. I nodded slowly. "I'm...fine. Thank you."

"Come on. I'll help you," He said again.

The guy helped me to stand and held me when I wobbled at my feet. He grimaced. "I think I better take you home. Do you live around here?"

I took deep breaths. "Uh..yeah...thanks."

He helped me to walk and when we reached a crowded street, I could see who my savior was. I blinked several times. "Kevin?"

He seemed startled and then grinned. "You're Abby, right?"

I chuckled and shook my head. "I can't believe I'll see you here. Thank you for helping me."

He shrugged. "Nah, it's no problem. You should have been more careful, though. New York is not a friendly place at night for a young woman."

I grimaced. "I'll keep that in mind."

"So, you're alone? Where's that Walsh guy?"

My heart turned erratic and I swallowed hard. "Uh...I came to New York alone."

His eyebrows shot up. "Really? Wow!"

I chuckled. "Yeah. Wow."

Kevin laughed. "Where are you staying now?"

I grimaced again. "Stella's."

"Ah," He smiled knowingly.

And then I could see Stella's apartment and smiled to him. "Thanks again, Kevin. I owe you one."

He waved his hand. "Never mind about that. Are you sure you can walk on your own?"

I looked over my feet. "Er...yeah."

He raised his eyebrows. "All right."

I smiled and turned around, but after several steps, I wobbled again. I could hear him chuckled. I frowned. "Come on, Abby. I'll take you to Stella's room."

I grinned sheepishly and Kevin helped me walked to Stella's room. Kevin opened the door and suddenly Stella appeared in front of us. "Abby, where were..." And then she raised her eyebrows. "Kevin?"

We both grimaced. Stella crossed her arms over her chest. "What happened?"

Kevin told Stella what happened after we all sat on the couch. Stella's eyes widened when Kevin told her how those guys tried to...hurt me. I really owed him, though.

"Abby, are you sure you want to sleep in the couch? What about your leg?" She asked me after Kevin excused himself to go home.

I rolled my eyes. "I'll be fine, Stella. I just need some rest and everything is going to be fine."

Stella still looked unsure.

I sighed. "Please, Stella."

Stella exhaled. "All right. Good night, Abby."

She helped me settled on the couch before she walked to her own room. Sleep caught me fast that night with me dreaming of Joshua for the first time since I left Seattle.


I woke up by the knocking sound from the door. It won't stop and I almost groaned. Who could possibly knock the door frantically in...I looked over the clock...7.00 am? I got up from the couch and walked slowly to the door. My leg still felt hurt while the knocking sound was still heard. I opened the door and froze.

I couldn't move.

I didn't expect to see...him.

There...behind the door...I saw Joshua!











































Chapter 28
The Confrontation and The Conversation

He looked awful, no...he looked...miserable. His expression showed me how tired he was and the dark circles under his eyes showed me he probably didn't sleep in long time. His hair was a mess. Perhaps he ran his hands several times through those reddish locks. His clothes were just a T-shirt, a jacket and jeans, but it looked like he didn't change for days. His eyes, although it was still the piercing hazel, was dull. He seemed didn't have any will to live or even breathe.

He stared at me and I stared back. The pain in my chest slowly appeared and some parts of my heart was feeling relieved when I saw him. He still had my heart, of course, but what he did with Natalia was enough for me to make a decision to stay away from him. He took a step closer while I took one step backward.

"'re here..." He said and his hazel eyes were lit briefly with happiness.

I clenched my fists, trying to control the anger in my body. "How did you know I was here?" I asked him flatly.

No one knew I was here, except...Stella. My heart beat fluttered. Did she tell him I was here? I thought she didn't say anything to him. Did she lie to me?

I narrowed my eyes. "What are you doing here?" I spat to him.

"Abby, who's..." Suddenly Stella appeared next to me, still in her pajamas, and her eyes widened. "Joshua?"

Her words snapped something inside me. I looked at Stella with anger. "Did you tell him that I'm here?"

Stella looked at me, confused. "No."

I chuckled darkly. "Don't lie to me, Stella. No one knows I'm here, except you!"

Stella clenched her jaw. "I will never betray you like he did, Abby." From the corner of my eyes, I saw him flinched slightly when Stella said the word 'betray'.

I rolled my eyes. "He could beg you to tell him where I am."

"She didn't tell me anything!"

Joshua's voice stopped our argument and we both looked to his direction. He still stood at the door and his eyes stared at me. "She didn't tell me, Abby. I came here by myself."


And then I heard Stella sigh and she turned around to walk away from us. I still stood on my spot and so did he. Stella appeared again, not on her pajamas anymore and she wore a jacket.

"I will leave you two here. Be nice and solve this problem. Understand?"

Neither of us answered.


Stella continued to walk and got out from her own place. Again, I felt bad to make her do that. I sighed and rubbed my temples. I wished I could disappear right now.

"Can we talk?" He asked me in low voice.

I sighed again. I didn't have much choice, though. Even if I ran, I couldn't outrun him with my leg. I didn't answer him, just gestured with my hand so he could come inside. I walked slowly to the living room and I could tell he knew there was something wrong with my leg.

"Are you all right, Abby?"

I glared at him. "I'm fine," I said curtly.

His eyes flashed with sadness and he nodded. I sat on the couch and so did he, but I put some distance between us. Some parts from my body urged me to come closer to him, but I fought it. I didn't want to give up to that temptation right now.

"How are you? I've been looking for you these two days," He said to me.

I scoffed. "I think you know better than anyone how I felt, Joshua!" Some parts from my heart clenched when I said his name. "I have a fiancé who said he loved me, who said he wanted to marry me since he was six years old, he gave me a promise ring, he gave me an engagement ring and then I saw him snuggled in another woman's embrace. So, tell me how do I feel now, Joshua?"

He didn't say anything, but looked at me with sad eyes. "Abby-"

"Look, I don't need your explanation," I interjected. I didn't want to hear all of his lies again. "Now, you know I'm here and I'm fine. I'll come back to Seattle this afternoon and then I'll move back to my old apartment. We are done, Joshua, and our engagement is off!"

He clenched his jaw and his eyes flashed with anger. "You want to call off our engagement without listening to my explanation first? Do you have any idea how worried I am these two days? I can't eat, I can't sleep and hell, even I can't breathe. I don't know where you are and you never answered my calls either."

I narrowed my eyes. "What is it to you? You have another woman to warm your bed now."

His eyes turned darker and he clenched his fists. "She is NOTHING!" He growled. "I don't care about her. What you saw that night was she tried to seduce me. I learned that Helena is her cousin, which was why she was there. She didn't expect to see me there, of course, but she mostly didn't expect you are the one who edited Helena's book."

He paused while I stared at him. Now I know why Helena asked Joshua if she ever met him before. Helena must have seen Joshua's picture somewhere from Natalia's possessions.

I shuddered.

"When you walked out from the hall, I tried to look for you. I searched to all the places I could find, but I still couldn't find you. I came home to our apartment, hoping you were already home. I felt relieved when I saw your truck, but then I found the rings I gave to you on the living room table and I instantly knew you were not there anymore. I called your parents, but they didn't know where you are. I made a decision, then. I will search for you, even if I had to go around the world."

He paused again and closed his eyes briefly, trying to control his breathing. I still sat there and didn't move. Did he mean what he just said?

He opened his eyes again and scooted closer to me, even though there still enough spaces between us.

I didn't move.

I was just looking at him.

Trying to find the honesty.

"I rode to Long Beach that night," He said slowly.

I blinked several times. "You what?" I asked in disbelief.

"I rode to Long Beach that night. I need to see it for myself if you were really not there. Of course, you weren't there and then your father suggested to ask your mother. I rode to the airport, going to Phoenix and I didn't find you there either. Your mother suggested me to call Stella or Melinda. They probably knew where you are."

I took several deep breaths.

Joshua scooted closer again, but I still didn't move. "Melinda said she didn't know where you are. The last time you called her when you told her about our engagement and then...I called Stella."

I tensed.

"Truthfully, Stella is my last hope. If she didn't know where you are...I know I've lost you."

I closed my eyes and hung my head in my hands. I could feel Joshua moved closer again and I could feel he already sat next to me, but he still didn't touch me. "She said she didn't know where you are and I gave up. I thought I've lost you, but you mother told me to go to New York and made sure for myself. I flew here from Phoenix and I rent a car. And now...I'm here," His voice was faltered in the end.

Yes, he is here...and what will happened next?"

"Abby," He said slowly. "If only you were there earlier, you will see how I tried to escape from her. I was stood still because I thought if she could get what she wanted, then she could leave me alone."

I turned to him sharply. "What is that suppose to mean?"

He smiled weakly. "She wants to kiss me."


My eyes widened and my anger controlled my body. I stood immediately from the couch and took several steps backward. "She wanted to kiss you and you let her?" I felt sick with myself. "That's enough, Joshua. I. Don't Want. To. Hear. It. Anymore. Get out. Out!"

"No, I won't. I'm not finish!"

"Yes, you are. Now, OUT!"

"This is not your place!"

I narrowed my eyes. "All right. Then, I will leave now." I walked hastily because of my sore leg, ignoring the pain and walked to Stella's room to grab my bag.

Of course, he could follow me easily. He grabbed my arm and looked at me deeply. "I won't let you walk away from me again, Abby. Wherever you go, I will be right there."

I chuckled darkly. "Save those words for someone who deserved it, Walsh!" I wriggled from his grasp, but he didn't let me go.

"I'm not finish!"

I froze and looked at him. He clenched his jaw and then took several deep breaths to calm himself. "Do you think I will let her do that to me, Abby? Of course not. She told me she loved me, but I told her what she felt wasn't love. She didn't know how I felt, she didn't feel what I felt and that is not love. I told her once again that I will never love her and she better stop trying or I will tell her father about what she did to both of us."

I took a deep breath and my shoulder slumped. I felt tired immediately.

"Please, leave me alone, Joshua. I need time to think."

He nodded slowly and released my arm. "I understand that. But, please, can I stay here for while? I miss you. I will give you a ride to Seattle and then I won't push you to stay in...our place."

I nodded back. "Deal." And then I winced when I felt the pain on my leg. I wobbled on my feet and almost collapsed if only Joshua didn't catch me.

He furrowed his eyebrows and looked over at my leg. There was a faint bruise and he rubbed the bruise lightly. His face softened and he looked at me. "What happened, Abby?"

I gulped when I remembered last night.

"I fell," I lied menacingly

He narrowed his eyes. "I'm a doctor, Abby. I could tell which one is from falling or being hit. I ask you once again. What happened, Abby?"

I sighed. "I...uh...almost attacked last night."

His eyes turned darker again. "Are you hurt?" He asked me sternly.

I shook my head slowly. "No. Kevin helped me." I was so lucky that night. I didn't know what happened if Kevin wasn't there.

His eyebrows shot up. "Kevin? Kevin Morgan?"

I nodded. "Yes."

Joshua took several deep breaths and turned to look at my bruise. "I must thank him for helping you." And then he rubbed my bruise again and pulled out his phone from his pocket. He flipped the phone open and seemed to search for a number. He pressed dial button and put the phone to his ear while his eyes still staring at my bruise.

"Stella, I need your help."

I raised my eyebrows.


"If you were near a drug store, please look for a medicine for me..." And then he mentioned a name that I didn't recognized and I wasn't sure if Stella could understand what he was saying.

"All right. Thank you, Stella." He flipped his phone closed and he looked at me. "I already asked Stella to buy something for your bruise. Take your medicine three times a day after you had your meal, all right?"

I blinked several times. The way he acted like a doctor made my heart fluttered. I smiled unconsciously and couldn't help myself to tease him. "Yes, Dr. Walsh."

He smirked and sobered immediately. He leaned to me slowly and kissed my forehead softly. "I'm sorry, Abby. I'm sorry for everything. You're the only one that I love. Please, believe me."

I didn't say anything.

He sighed and helped me to stand on my feet. He walked me back to the couch and we sat together. He looked at me deeply. "Can I hug you?" He asked me in low voice.


I gaped at him. But, looking to his tired eyes broke down all my defenses. I nodded slowly and he snuggled to me. He wrapped his arms to my waist and leaned his head in the crook of my neck.

He sighed contently. "I miss you, Abby. I miss you so much. Those two days were hell for me," He mumbled.

I instantly knew he will fall asleep soon.

"Abby?" He asked again, his voice faltered.


"Do you still want to marry me?"

I smiled grimly. "Get some sleep, Joshua. You're tired."

I felt he nodded and seconds later I could hear his steady breathing. He must be so tired these two days trying to look for me. I stroked his hair gently, feeling the softness between my fingertips. And then I heard the front door opened and Stella got in with a medicine bag in her hand. She smiled and sat next to me. She titled her head and looked over to Joshua who fell asleep in my embrace.

"How is he?" Stella asked in low voice.

I smiled and leaned my head to Joshua's head. "He feels very tired."

"You both are."

I chuckled lightly.

Stella smiled grimly. "Did he tell you what happened that night?"

I nodded. "Yeah, I guess so, but I still need time to accept everything."

My best friend nodded. "I know that, Abby. I think you already pass the test."

The test...I almost forgot.

Stella said we could find the truth about our partner and now I realized what she meant. It's not that I find him cheating on me; instead I find him looking for me these two days. Learned how much he worried about me and his determination to find me. I learned how much he loved me.

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