Your Heart to Keep: Holly and Jax (22 page)

BOOK: Your Heart to Keep: Holly and Jax
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“Of course! Come on. They’re all waiting to wish you a happy birthday.”

I couldn’t believe she had organized this. And with the students? I was so touched. While I hadn’t wanted a big party, there were no other people I would rather share my night with than my close friends and family and my amazing students.

I let Leah take me around the room to greet everyone.

“Happy Birthday Miss Jenkins,” said Nicholas, a sixteen year old boy who had been with the school for two years and had about twenty percent vision.

“Nicholas! I’m so happy you are here! This is the best birthday I’ve ever had!”

“This is the first party I’ve ever been invited to.”

“Haha. Well, this is only the second one I’ve ever been to.”

I hugged him and continued on my rounds, wondering if Jax was here. Maybe he was holding back until I’d greeted everyone else. There were fifteen students out of twenty who had taken the time to come celebrate with me. This is where I belonged. Here with all these wonderful people. My heart was full.

Music was playing in the background but it wasn’t loud. People were still able to talk. I got hugs and kisses from all my students before I was practically bowled over by Micah.

“Phew! I’m glad you got that out of the way. I’ve been busting, waiting on my turn. Happy 21st, Holly girl!” He picked me up and swung me around a couple of times which was now his signature greeting, before placing me back on my feet which were covered in blue flats the same color as the dress. I really couldn’t wear heels without my vision. It was an accident waiting to happen.

“Micah! I’m so glad you’re here! And I’m guessing you helped put all this together while I was slogging it out at the gym last night?”

“Hell yeah! I was in right from the start when Leah first mentioned it. So how does it feel to be legal?”

“No different really. It’s not like I’m much of a drinker anyway.”

“No but you can get into clubs and stuff now.”

“Can you really picture me doing a club crawl, Micah?”

“Hey, don’t knock it until you’ve tried it. I’d be happy to take you.”
“Ah, I don’t think so.”

“Well, if you ever change your mind, give me a call.” He kissed my cheek and then I felt

Jax. It was a strange pull that tugged at my heart. A knowing that he was close. There were so many people crowded around that I wasn’t sure which shadow was his. It turned out none of them were because he came at me from behind, wrapping a hand around my waist, bringing me around and in to him.

The hypnotic inflection of his voice and the stroke of his lips on my ear had me nearly lose my balance. “You look spectacular, angel. Happy Birthday.”

“Oh, Jax! Hi. Thank you! I’m so glad you are here,” I tried for casual even though my pulse was thumping.

“Wouldn’t have missed it.” He led me over to a table. “Would the birthday girl like a soda or some punch with a little kick?”

It’s not every day you turn twenty one so I decided one alcoholic punch wouldn’t hurt me. “Punch please.”

“Oooh, looks like I’ll be carrying you out of here.”

“I’m only having one, now that I’m legal and all.”

“Sure. Whatever you say.”

He took my hand and put a glass in it, not pulling back for a few seconds. His touched sizzled.

When his breath became a whisper on my cheek, I whimpered.

“I have something special planned for us tonight. I’ve already got approval from Dana and Mitch.”

I stepped back, surprised. “You’re on a first name basis with my parents?”

“Don’t sound so shocked. Your dad happens to like me.”

I sputtered, “Jax, he barely knows you.”

“That doesn’t matter. We had a long chat on the phone while you were prettying yourself up. He was putty in my hands.”

“Pfft! And what did you guys talk about?”


That was not what I had been expecting. “You talked about me behind my back?”

“Well, technically yes but it was all good. He asked me what my intentions were with his daughter.”

“What was your response?”

“I’ll let you know tonight.” His thumb stroked my earlobe. “How about a dance?”

I honed in my hearing because when Jax was murmuring to me like that all my senses apart from ‘feel’ tended to disappear. It was a slower song that I couldn’t place. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to slow dance with Jax for all to see. Was it appropriate with students around? I placed my glass down on the table.

“Come on. I’ll behave. I promise.” Before I knew it he led me further into what I imagined was the center of the room and pulled me into his chest of armor. Two strong arms bracketed my waist.

I raised my hands high enough to feel his shoulders. He didn’t appear to be a fluent dancer because he merely rocked from side to side a little mechanically but hey, I wasn’t complaining at all. This was where I wanted to be.

“So, are you going to tell me what you have planned for tonight?”

“No. These lips are sealed.”

I yearned to see those lips that had been all over my body. They felt amazing and I’m sure they would look even hotter. Just thinking about the orgasm he had given me two weeks ago drizzled my panties with moisture.

“Do I need to go home and get a change of clothes?”

“Your mom packed some stuff for you. Your backpack is already here.”

What the heck? There had been some plotting going on behind my back. “When did my mother get time to pack my bag? She was with me most of the afternoon.”

“That just goes to prove how efficient she is.”

Obviously Jax wasn’t aware that I hated surprises.

“I’m going to have words with my parents about conspiring with you. Especially my mother. Whatever you have planned it mustn’t be too bad because she wouldn’t pack a bag for me unless she approved.”

“It depends on what you call bad, Angel.” His voice had taken on that silky, low inflection that told me he was turning it into something sinful.

My breath paused as I imagined all the possibilities of that sentence. Jax leaned in further and whispered, “Breathe, Holly.”

That was not helping. It only made me want to desert my own party early and see what the rest of the night brought me.

“Ahem. May I please cut in?” asked a fake posh voice that I recognized immediately.

I spun around, incredulous. “Ty?”

“Happy Birthday, sis!”

I couldn’t contain my excitement as he picked me up and hugged me so tight. “I’ve missed you, pip-squeak! Welcome to adulthood.”

“I can’t believe you are here! How? I thought you couldn’t get away. I thought you were going to call!”

“That was part of the big surprise. I had to tell you something believable.”

I was laughing with glee. “This is so fantastic!”

“I’ll let you two catch up,” Jax said with a kiss to my head.

Having my brother at my birthday completed my wonderful day. I couldn’t fathom that he had flown all the way from California to be here just for the night. It brought tears to my eyes.

“Aww Hols, don’t cry.”
“I can’t help it. This is the best birthday ever.”

We danced the rest of the slow song, hands on shoulders and waists and then upped the pace when a rock song came on. Ty appreared to be jumping all over the place and I shook and jostled my body as best I could without falling over.

“So, I see there has been a bit going on since I’ve been gone. Anything you want to tell me about?”

I knew he was referring to Jax and it made my neck burn. “Is it that obvious?”

“I saw the way he held you when you were dancing and the way he was looking at you. That is not the look a guy gives a girl if they are just friends.”

I puffed out a breath. “What can I say? Things are good. I think I like him.”

“Oh you think, do you? Holly, I’ve never seen you glow so much as you were when you were in his arms. It’s kind of sickening.”

“Haha! Jealous much?”

“Oooh, yeah. Mr. Bad boy does it for me. I’m so envious!”

“What do you mean, bad boy?”

“Oh he’s got the BB look happening, real good!”
Suddenly I wondered just what he meant by that. When a guy called someone a bad boy it was pretty real, right?
I screwed my face up slightly. “How bad is he?”

“He’s not covered in tats or anything but he’s edgy. Definitely edgy. He walks with a little swagger. His dark eyes shoot through you like bullets. I’m kinda scared of him.”

That made me cackle. “You? Big Tyson the football player? I don’t believe it.”

“Not many things scare me Hols but I gotta tell ya. He’s ripped, tall and intimidating.”

“Taller than you?”

“No but not too much shorter. I guess his muscles make him appear like a giant. You guys are total opposites.”

“They say opposites attract.”

“I guess. As long as he treats you right then I’m all for it.”

“He’s a softie at heart. I think his tough guy act is just that. An act.”

“Yeah well even though he scares the bejesus out of me, you might quietly want to let him know that Big Brother is watching. Or in your case, Little Brother.”

“God! You’re such a dork.”

“Just call me if he hurts you, twerp.”
I gave him an eye roll and we continued to dance in silence. It was hard to swing my hips and arms while talking.

When the song ended, Jax was at my side.  “I think they have the food out in the staff room. You hungry?”

I was starving. “Show me the way.”

Ty called out as we walked away, “Thanks for the dance, Holly.”

I turned to the direction of his voice. “You’re welcome!” I offered him my biggest smile before going to eat dinner.

The rest of the night was taken up with speeches from just about everyone which embarrassed me to no end. My father brought up plenty of stories from my childhood that I’d hoped he’d forgotten but obviously he’d been saving for this very night.

At ten o’clock many of the students were leaving, the evening winding down.

Jax had barely left my side which I loved. He was fast becoming my security blanket.

“You ready to leave, angel?”

“Yes. Let’s say goodbye to everyone and then I’m all yours.”

“Oh, you’re going to regret saying that,” he rasped.

I didn’t think that would be the case though. Not at all. In fact, I was filled with anticipation of what was to come.

We walked over to my parents to say goodbye. I hugged them both. “Thanks so much for this party. It was amazing.”

“We’re so proud of you, darling. We’re glad you had a nice time.”

“Do I still have a curfew now that I have come of age?” I wasn’t sure what the rules would be now.
My father cleared his voice, “We’ll see you tomorrow.”
I faltered, confused. “Are you and Mom staying away for the night?”

“No. Not us. You are.”

“Me?” I turned to where I knew Jax was silently standing. “What do they mean?”

“My surprise involves a sleepover.”
“Oh!” Turning back to my parents, I couldn’t believe they were okay with letting me have a sleepover with a guy that rode a motorbike. Just what had Jax said to convince them?

I could feel my eyes widen like dinner plates.

“It’s okay. You go. Have a wonderful time. We’ll see you tomorrow before your father leaves.” My mother soothed.

“Are you sure you’re both okay with this?”

“Yes. You’re an adult now. We trust you.”

I knew they trusted me but why were they so trusting with Jax? I wasn’t complaining or anything but this was the first guy to take an interest in me and I expected a little more resistance from them.

Tyson embraced me lastly, whispering in my ear, “Remember what I told you earlier.”

“I will. I love you. Thanks so much for coming. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Love you more. Have fun.”

After saying our goodbyes we made our way outside. “You up for another ride?”

Excitement filled me, “You bet!” I squealed, eager to get back on the bike again.

“Your chariot awaits,” Jax drawled, picking me up and placing me on the bike before fastening my helmet.

I slung my backpack that we’d retrieved from my mother, over my shoulders and settled in to await my surprise.


When we stopped after about ten minutes I had no clue where we were except for an inkling that maybe we were in the vicinity of downtown Denver. The atmosphere had changed along with the sounds. We’d stopped quite a bit which led me to believe that there were lots of lights and traffic, even at the late hour.

“Sir, can I park your bike?”

Sir? Valet parking? Where on earth were we?

Stabilizing the bike, leaving it running, Jax got off and then helped me. “Be gentle with her,” he ordered.

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