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Authors: Darcy Burke

You're Still the One (19 page)

BOOK: You're Still the One
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Hayden toured the ground floor. The front of the house boasted a decent-sized living room, a smallish dining room, a half bathroom, and an eat-in kitchen, which had been remodeled within the past five years. It was nice—nothing spectacular—but perfectly acceptable with a granite tile counter and white cabinets.

He went back to the entry where the stairs led to the second floor. He climbed up and turned to the left where a hallway stretched from the front bedroom to the back, with a bathroom in between.

Bex stepped out of the bathroom, and his mind just stopped.

She wore jean shorts and a purple T-shirt, just an ordinary outfit, and her hair was pulled into a ponytail. She shouldn't have looked stunning, but to him, she'd never looked better. His body reacted, hardening with desire and pulsing with need.

it all.

Her eyes flickered with surprise. She blinked. “Hayden, what are you doing here?”

“Probably the same thing as you. House hunting.”

More surprise in her gaze, but something else, too. Alarm? Excitement? Maybe both. “Wait, does that mean you're staying in Ribbon Ridge?”

“I'm exploring my options.” He wasn't going to publicly commit until after they'd made this vineyard purchase official. He stepped past her and tried to ignore her alluring scent, the one he'd banished from his bed the night before. “How's the bathroom?”

“Nice. Updated.”

He walked inside. It wasn't particularly spacious, but it had good amenities. “Two sinks is cool.” He walked to the window on the outside wall.

“What about your house?”

He turned. She'd moved to the threshold. Her brow was wrinkled with confusion. “Didn't you know?” he asked. “I'm selling it to Kyle.”

The disappointment in her eyes reached into his soul and squeezed. His emotions tried to break free, but he wouldn't let them.

know,” she said softly. She stepped into the bathroom. “You loved that house.”

“I did, but it's sort of his and Maggie's now.” And it had way too many memories. It was bad enough that he was staying in his room at his parents' house where there were also memories, including a new one from two nights ago.

God, he wanted to touch her again.

“So you need a new place to live.” She took another step inside. “I need a place to live too, and I like this house.”

He arched a brow in challenge. “I see. We're going to have to fight for it?”

She narrowed her eyes. “What do you have in mind?”

He surveyed her and was again struck by her beauty. He was just going to have to accept that he would always be attracted to her. “Arm wrestle?”

She laughed. “Right. No.”

“Tickle fight?”

She gasped. “That's playing dirty, Archer. You know I can't stand to be tickled.”

Tickled no, but stroked in a very specific way? That drove her wild. And just thinking about it was driving
wild. He really ought to go.

She put her hand on the doorknob and gave him a saucy, borderline seductive stare. “I could lock you in here and run downstairs to close the deal.”

He reached over her head and shut the door, moving close enough that she had to flatten her back against the wood. “I don't think it locks from the outside. But look”—he turned the lock in the knob—“it does on the

She looked up at him, her lips parted. “Hayden, what are you doing?” Her voice had dropped two octaves, and its throaty breathiness only fueled the fire in his belly.

He watched her pupils grow larger. He tucked an errant strand of hair that had dislodged from her ponytail behind her ear. “Playing dirty, apparently.”

“This isn't a good idea. You said—”

“Screw what I said.” He lowered his head and kissed her.

Chapter Sixteen

seen Hayden in the hallway, her body had screamed for his. But she knew nothing would happen. He'd made that clear.

Then he'd walked past her, and she'd practically bitten her tongue to keep from saying something flirtatious, or outright asking him to reconsider his one-night rule.

Then he'd mentioned a tickle fight, and she'd known he would never do that to her. That he'd meant something else entirely. So she'd let herself flirt a little by threatening to lock him inside. She'd never imagined he'd take it a step further. She couldn't believe he was kissing her.

And it felt divine. She'd woken up early this morning from a hot, sensual dream in which he'd made achingly slow love to her in his house. The house he'd just told her he was selling to Kyle. That made her sad.

The hell with sad. She didn't want that emotion right now. She wanted desire and anticipation and pleasure.

His kiss wasn't soft or gentle, but hard and demanding. His body pressed into hers, pinning her against the door. His hands were on her hips, kneading her flesh through her shorts.

She slid her hands up under his shirt and ran her nails lightly over his back. He thrust his pelvis into her, connecting just enough with her clit to send a wave of need pulsing through her.

She moaned softly into his mouth, and he pulled away, saying, “Shh. You don't want Theo to hear, do you?” He moved his mouth to her neck, nibbling and licking at her flesh.

“We're not really doing this, are we?”

“Sometimes you talk too damned much.” He kissed her again, his mouth hot and wet, his tongue spearing into her as his hips slammed into hers.

He brought his hand up under her shirt and cupped her breast, squeezing her through her bra. Then his hand was inside, plucking at her nipple, driving her frantic with want.

She clutched at his back, her nails curling into his flesh. She widened her legs, silently pleading with him to ease the ache between them.

He still understood their language. His hand glided down over her belly and unfastened her shorts. Then he plunged into the garment, his fingers finding her heat.

“Damn, Bex. You are so wet.”

“Because you are so damn hot.
We are in the bathroom of a random rental house.

“What's your point?” He picked her up by the waist and turned, setting her on the counter between the two sinks. He cupped the back of her head with one hand and kissed her again.

her point? She gave herself over to him, spreading her legs so he was nestled right between them.

He let go of her head to pull her shorts and panties down her legs. Together, they managed to get them off one leg before her impatience won out and she tugged him forward once more. All the while, their kiss blazed on—hot and sultry, amping her desire.

He tore his mouth from hers. “You know, I could do this all day, but we should hurry before Theo comes looking for us.”

She snagged her lip with her teeth, almost afraid to ask this question. “Do you have a condom?”

His lips curved up, slowly at first, and then spread into a Cheshire cat grin. “That would be a real bitch if I didn't, now, wouldn't it?” He pulled his wallet from his back pocket and withdrew a condom.

She took the package from his fingers and tore it open. “When did you become such a hardcore tease?”

He tossed his wallet on the counter and unbuttoned his shorts. “You don't like it?”

She pulled the condom out and dropped the wrapper. “You're different.” With her free hand, she shoved his underwear down inside his shorts and stroked his cock. Smooth and hard, she ran her fingers up and down his length. “I like it.
A lot.

She moved faster, loving the feel of him.

“Now who's the tease? Bex, you need to hurry.”

She flashed him a not-sorry smile. “Sorry.” She ran her thumb over the tip, capturing the moisture there before stretching the condom over his length.

She'd barely covered him before he slipped his hand beneath her ass and scooted her to the edge of the counter.

“Wrap your legs around me and hold on tight,” he growled.

She tilted her hips up and did as he said. The anticipation she'd been looking for rocketed through her. “Is this the part where you screw me senseless?”

He guided himself into her, slowly, but then he plunged forward, filling her completely. He kissed her deeply, his tongue mimicking the thrust of his cock as he drove into her. She heard his hand slap against the mirror as he braced himself. Then he let loose and did exactly what she'd said.

He pulled his mouth from hers as they moved together. Their pants filled the small room, but they fought to be as quiet as possible. At least it was a struggle for her. She wanted to moan and yell and tell him how good he felt.

She squeezed her legs around his hips, urging him deep, while she clawed at his back through his shirt. She was mindless with need, pleasure beating through her. His speed and depth were relentless, pushing her to the edge. Then he brought his hand around from her backside and found her clit, stroking her over the mountain and down the other side into sheer bliss.

Her orgasm exploded through her, and a cry started in the back of her throat. He kissed her again, stealing any sound she'd been about to make.

A moment later he came too, his body thrusting deep into hers. She swallowed his grunt and held him tight, her heels digging into him as she pinned him against her.

He broke the kiss once more, panting as he fought to regain his breath.

A soft knock on the door made them both freeze. “Hello?”

Bex widened her eyes and mouthed, “Now what?”

Hayden shook his head and put his finger to his lips. “I'll be out in a sec, Theo.”

Hayden pulled free from her body and went to the toilet to dispose of the condom.

Bex slid from the counter and pulled her clothes back on.

After flushing the toilet and readjusting his clothing, Hayden turned and pointed to the bathtub. “Get in,” he mouthed.

Bex stepped in as Hayden went to the door. Just as she was about to pull the shower curtain closed, she saw the condom wrapper on the floor. “Hayden!” she hissed softly.

He turned, and she pointed at the wrapper.

He bent and picked it up then shoved it into his pocket. He threw her a sexy grin before turning back to the door.

Struck with an impending case of serious giggles, Bex slapped her hand over her mouth as she pulled the curtain closed.

“Sorry, I had to use the bathroom.” Hayden said. Then all she heard was muffled voices and retreating footsteps.

She waited a minute then left the bathroom, picking her way down the stairs quietly. The front door stood partway open, and she saw Hayden and Theo talking on the porch.

She walked toward them and pulled the door wider so she could step outside.

Theo turned. “Oh, there you are. I wondered if you'd left.” He frowned. “Did I miss you upstairs?”

Hayden arched a brow at her.

Bex smiled at Theo. “No, I was in the backyard. There's a lovely pear tree.”

“Yes, and strawberries, though they're done now.” Theo looked between them, his brow creased, but didn't say anything more.

“Thank you for meeting me,” Bex said. “I'll make a decision as soon as possible and let you know.”

Hayden stepped off the porch. “I'll do the same. Thanks, Theo.”

“If you both decide you want it, you'll have to duke it out.”

Bex walked down the steps to the front path where Hayden stood. She made eye contact with him but quickly looked away before she broke out laughing.

“Oh, I'm sure we'll find a way to make peace,” Hayden said.

Had they? His words filled her with hope. But what had changed since yesterday morning?

Theo chuckled. “Sounds good. I look forward to hearing from you!”

Hayden waved as they strode, side by side, to the sidewalk. Once there, he glanced over at her. “Well, that was a new one.”

Bex finally let her giggles go. “I'm sorry,” she managed between fits. “But that was close. The condom wrapper . . . ” She wiped at her eye.

Hayden grinned then looked up and down the street. “Where are you parked?”

She pointed to the next block over. “Up there.”

They crossed the street since they were both parked on that side. Once they reached the other sidewalk, a sliver of discomfort edged through her good mood. She longed to ask what had happened to change his mind since yesterday, but was afraid to tempt Fate.

“Listen, I'm sorry about that,” he said. “I got a little carried away.”

“I'd say we both got
a lot
carried away.” She laughed nervously. “Can't say I minded, though.”

He looked at her, his gaze assessing. “Clearly I didn't mind either. Just the same, we should probably be careful.”

She nodded. “Absolutely. Wouldn't want to get caught.”

He seemed to be struggling to keep a straight face. “Definitely not. That said, it's possible it could happen again. You know, if we happen to meet up in another rental property.”

“In the bathroom,” she added.

He set his hand on his hip. “I'd be open to the kitchen. Or even a closet.”

“Or a laundry room. Washers are supposed to be fun.”

He laughed. “But then I don't think you'd need me.”

She wanted to say,
I'll always need you
, but didn't. They'd made some progress today, even if it was very small. She didn't want to jinx it.

“I need to get back to the brewhouse,” she said at last, not wanting this wonderful interlude to end.

“Yeah, I've got some things to do. And listen, please don't mention that I was here to anyone. I haven't decided if I'm going to stay in Ribbon Ridge, and I don't want to get my parents' hopes up.”

She completely understood. “Mum's the word.”

He smiled. “Thanks. See you later.”

“Bye.” She turned and walked to her truck. By the time she got to it and turned around, he was already pulling away from the curb. She climbed into her truck and fired up the engine. The air-conditioning blasted into the heated interior, blowing the wisps of hair that had escaped her ponytail during their quickie.

She let her head drop against the steering wheel and groaned softly. What on earth were they doing?

He'd wanted only one night, but then jumped her bones the next time they were alone. They had heart-to-heart, meaningful conversations, and he shared things with her he hadn't shared with anyone else. She was falling in love with him all over again—she was sure of it—but she'd decided she ought to leave him alone now that he'd finally moved on with his life.

Alaina's words from yesterday haunted her. “If you want something, you have to fight for it.”

Bex wanted Hayden. More than she'd ever wanted anything—including him five years ago. When she'd broken his heart.

She raised her head and looked at where he'd been parked. She knew she'd hurt him when she'd left, but she hadn't realized how deep the wound had cut. If she had it to do over again, she'd . . . she'd what? She'd do the exact same thing. She'd felt like she couldn't breathe here, especially after they'd lost the baby.

If she had it to do over again, she'd leave. Which meant she'd put him through that hell again.

But she wasn't going to do that, not
time. She cared too much for him. Maybe if she could get him to open up and talk about how he'd felt after she'd left . . .

Somehow she wasn't sure he'd do that. He seemed to be burying his feelings quite deep these days. Like he was suppressing something.

But if he was really here to stay, and it looked as if he was, she'd have time to figure it all out. She'd peel back the layers and get to the heart of what had gone wrong. Then they'd fix it and start fresh.

Wow, she'd never believed in fairy tales, but that right there was a full-blown Disney story.
One day at a time, Bex.
Right now, she'd focus on just fighting for him—showing him that she cared, that she wanted him, that she wasn't the same girl who'd left him. She wanted a second chance.

And she just might want forever.

carloads drove to Slide Mountain for their group hike. In Cam's Range Rover, there was Jamie, Hayden, Sean, and Tori, while Liam and Aubrey had ridden up in Bex's truck. Kyle and Maggie planned to drive up to the campsite later for dinner and to sleep over. They'd determined there was an old logging road that led most of the way to the campsite, which sort of defeated the purpose of hiking everything in. Still, they were doing their best, with Kyle bringing the rest.

Evan and Alaina had opted to stay home while Dylan and Sara were busy working at The Alex, and Derek and Chloe had made prior plans. They'd all fervently tried to convince them to come, but Dylan had staunchly refused. The soft open was Thursday, and he was determined to make sure everything was done on time.

Cam parked at the trailhead, while Bex pulled in next to him. They all bailed out of the cars and grabbed their packs.

Hayden couldn't help but watch Bex as she slung her pack on her shoulders. She wore olive green ripstop shorts and a fitted light gray T-shirt. Well-worn hiking boots encased her feet, indicating she'd been doing this awhile since their breakup. She hadn't been a hiker back then. What had prompted her to start? Where had she gone? Had she done this with a boyfriend?

A streak of baseless jealousy shot through him, and he cautioned himself to take a step back. Since their crazy quickie at the rental house, they'd slept together twice, hooking up in his bedroom late Wednesday and Thursday nights. Neither one of them had gotten the rental house—someone else had offered above market—so they were stuck living together. For now. The garage apartment was supposed to be ready later this week when the flooring arrived. Still, she wouldn't be far away . . .

BOOK: You're Still the One
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