Zen and the Art of Vampires

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Authors: Katie MacAlister

BOOK: Zen and the Art of Vampires
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Table of Contents
Praise for Katie MacAlister
The Last of the Red-Hot Vampires
“MacAlister's fast-paced romp is a delight with all its quirky twists and turns, which even include a murder mystery.”
“A wild, zany romantic fantasy. . . . Paranormal romance readers will enjoy this madcap tale of the logical physicist who finds love.”—The Best Reviews
“A fascinating paranormal read that will captivate you.”
—Romance Reviews Today
“A pleasurable afternoon of reading.”
The Romance Reader
Even Vampires Get the Blues
“A wild, zany private-investigative romantic fantasy . . . a frenzied, fun frolic.”—The Best Reviews
“Another hit for Katie MacAlister. I absolutely love it! It is full of the humor that you expect from her books, and on top of that you get mystery and great chemistry from the characters. . . . This book is wonderful and must be read by everyone.”—Romance Junkies
“Cheerful mayhem and offbeat characters enliven another MacAlister gem. Witty banter that sparkles with humor and a plot that zips along make even the most outlandish situation seem perfectly reasonable. MacAlister is a rare talent.” —
Romantic Times
(4 ½ stars)
“A laugh riot . . . invigorating and steamy. . . . If you are in the mood for a comedy with chills, thrills, and heat, then look no further.”—A Romance Review (5 roses)
“Wickedly hot and unusual . . . with electrifying characters, an entertaining storyline, and spicy sex,
Even Vampires Get the Blues
is a stimulating read.”—Romance Reviews Today
Praise for Katie MacAlister's Aisling Grey, Guardian, Novels
Holy Smokes
“[A] comedic, hot paranormal caper.”—
“A wonderfully amusing relationship drama . . . a laugh-out-loud tale.”—
Midwest Book Review
“Hysterical. . . . MacAlister hits the humor button dead-on. . . . This cast of wacky—if somewhat dangerous—characters makes for giggles galore, while also producing some hair-raising adventures. MacAlister has written a cure for the common blues!”—
Romantic Times
Light My Fire
“Crazy paranormal high jinks, delightful characters, and simmering romance.”—
“Once again Katie MacAlister knocks one out of the box with the third book in the Aisling Grey series.
Light My Fire
. . . takes you on a nonstop thrill ride full of sarcastic wit, verve, and action right to the end. Clear your day, because you will not put this book down until it is finished.”
—A Romance Review
“There is lots of enjoyment to be had. . . . This is a staying-up-late-to-see-what-happens-next story.”
The Romance Reader
“Once again Aisling Grey will fire up readers. . . . Katie MacAlister provides a humorous fantasy.”
Midwest Book Review
Fire Me Up
“[A] wickedly witty, wildly inventive, and fiendishly fun adventure in the paranormal world.”—
“Who knows where she will take us next! . . . [A] fascinating and fun writer.”—The Best Reviews
“Fresh, funny, and fabulous . . .
Fire Me Up
will crack you up. With so many intriguing, intelligently drawn, distinctive characters, it is no wonder [Katie MacAlister] is soaring to the top.”—A Romance Review
“MacAlister's ability to combine adventure, thrills, passion, and outlandish humor is fast making her a superstar. Unstoppable fun!”—
Romantic Times BOOKclub
You Slay Me
“Smart, sexy, and laugh-out-loud funny!”
—Christine Feehan
“Amusing romantic fantasy. . . . Fans will appreciate this warm, humorous tale that slays readers with laughter.”
—The Best Reviews
“Katie MacAlister creates an entertaining world of demons, dragons and the people who control them. . . . Intriguing and funny.”—A Romance Review
“Graced with MacAlister's signature sharp wit and fabulously fun characters, this paranormal romance is wickedly sensual and irresistibly amusing.”—
Don't miss
Crouching Vampire, Hidden Fang
Coming in May 2009!
Also by Katie MacAlister
Novels of the Silver Dragons
Playing with Fire
Up in Smoke
Aisling Grey, Guardian
Holy Smokes
Light My Fire
Fire Me Up
You Slay Me
Paranormal Romances
The Last of the Red-Hot Vampires
Even Vampires Get the Blues
Contemporary Romances
Blow Me Down
Hard Day's Knight
The Corset Diaries
Men in Kilts
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First Printing, December 2008
Copyright © Katie MacAlister, 2008
eISBN : 978-1-440-65468-8
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This book is offered to the lovely ladies (and the few brave men) of my message forum, in gratitude for the hours of amusement, entertainment, and chuckles. You're too many to list here, but you know who you are. And don't think I haven't noticed that there is now a waiting list for people to get into the Corner of Shame—I told you guys that having buff, shirtless, kilt-clad men as waiters was just going to cause trouble. . . .
Chapter 1
“Experience the romance of Iceland under the starry summer night sky with a descendant of the Vikings of yore; that's what the brochure said.”
Eyes a startling shade of unadulterated grey considered me seriously.
“Thus far, my starry summer nights have been trying to figure out why my hair-dryer adapter keeps blowing out the hotel lights. I don't suppose you are free tonight for a little stargazing?”
The grey eyes didn't blink, just continued to watch me cautiously, as if their owner expected me to suddenly leap onto the tiny round metal and glass table at which we sat, and start dancing the cancan. “Stargazing?”
“Yes, it means looking at the stars. Speaking of which, your English is remarkably good. But I assume your lack of enthusiasm means you'd rather pass on the idea.” I sighed. “I kind of thought so. It's par for the course, you know. Well, par for
course. A couple of ladies on the tour have done well for themselves thus far.”
Three women danced by in progression. The first two were strangers, but the third one, Magda, was a decidedly plump, buxom lady of Spanish descent who had snapping black eyes and a wicked sense of humor.

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