Zombie Theorem: The End Game (16 page)

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I looked at the Delta operators and saw a little droop in their posture. That was the only indication I could find showing their operational status. What the hell am I saying? My thoughts are starting to sound like Kuppers. I nodded my head in agreement.

“Yes, I agree, Let’s have them rack out ASAP. We need to start resting our night guards during the day. I seriously don’t want to lose anyone else.”

“Good thought.” He scratched his chin and then yelled, “Doc, Apache, move it!”

Heaven patted my shoulder and then disappeared with the rest of Delta to go pass out and recharge. Brian tapped my shoulder and I turned to meet his eyes. I know I have stood next to this man a thousand times and yet, I am always surprised at how big he really is. So here I was, staring, at his chest. I stepped back and craned my head up.

“What’s up, Sasquatch?”

“I would be happy to set the watch tonight. I got to know a lot of these guys and gals.”

I looked at Kuppers and shrugged my shoulders, he shrugged his back with a ‘whatever’ look on his face. I turned back to Brian.

“Ok, it is all yours. But you will still need to drive tomorrow, I am in too much pain to drive that damn Humvee. They need to start putting leather Recaro racing seats in them. My ass and back hurt.”

A hand appeared between Brian and I. I looked down and found three little white pills in a smaller, thinner, more delicate hand. I turned and smiled at Apache, taking the pills and dry swallowing them back. She gave me a little hug, and appraised me up and down.

“I want to take a look at you in a bit. Want to make sure you are healing good. These last couple of months have been hard on your soft girly like body.” She punched me in the shoulder lightly, but still enough for me to hiss with pain.

“Hey, be careful of the merchandise, I am a soft little flower and demand to be treated like one!” Brian picked this time to laugh at me. I looked back up at him. “Hey Sasquatch, don’t you have something you should be doing?”

He snapped into attention and threw me a crisp salute. “Sir, Yes Sir!” He pivoted on his feet and took off.

“Stop that shit or I am going to take away your extra portion of gruel!” I shouted out to his retreating form. He stuck his hand back at me, showing me his middle finger, giving me the bird as it is. “God, that man!” I muttered.

Apache started laughing and I gave her a cold dead stare. “You know Dan, when I first met you I said I liked you. I was wrong. I think I love who you are becoming. Now, take your shirt off and let me check your doughy physique.”

I rolled my eyes and looked at Kuppers for support. He was trying to hide a smile and doing a terrible job at it.

“Again, I can’t get no respect!” I tried my best Rodney Dangerfield imitation again.

“Just go with the pretty lady and do as she says. No one here wants to hear you try your standup routine,” Doc drawled out from behind me.

Apache took my hand as my shoulders slumped as she led me away. She took me inside the lead APC and had me take my blouse and undershirt off. She removed some of the bandages that the doctor had put over some of the worse wounds. She clucked her tongue and shook her head.

“You really need to find time to rest and heal Dan.” She pushed down on the pink scar on my abdomen and I just about fell to the ground in pain. “Sorry about that. I guess the pills have not kicked in yet. The good thing is there is no infection, everything seems to be scarring up nicely. If we were in a safe facility, I’d be starting you on physical therapy. But since we are out in the field you will just have to figure out when you are pushing yourself too much. You will be weak for a while, till we can get you some serious rest. But I think you will be fine just grit through the pain and let me know when it gets to be too much and I will give you some more of these beauties.” She shook a pill bottle full of those little white pills at me.

“Okay, I am putting my shirt back on before I can gross out any other women.”

I snagged my undershirt and pulled it on over my head. I retreated out of the APC to the laughter of Apache. Once back at the Humvee, my stomach decided to grumble. It hadn’t been long since I’d eaten last, but I had learned from Brian and the rest of the team, to eat when you can, you never know when you will have time again. I rooted in the back of the Humvee and found a box of MREs. What I wouldn’t do for a steak, fresh veggies, and a cup of my coffee. God, I miss my coffee. Seriously, I would choke the hell out of a goat for some good coffee. I found a flavor I thought would be nice and sat back to heat it up. It said ‘roast beef’ but ended up tasting like a greasy eel instead. I dumped the entire little bottle of hot sauce and the salt and pepper in it but it still tasted bad. I sucked it up and ate it anyway, I needed the calories. I made sure to eat the cookie in the pack immediately after swallowing my last bite of roast beef. I wanted to get its taste out of my mouth. Unfortunately for me though the cookie ended up taking on the taste of the so called meat. I drained my canteen and considered throwing up. But that wouldn’t do, so I just sat there, trying to keep the meal down. I must have fallen asleep sitting there with my back against the rear tire, cause the next thing I knew, someone was tapping my arm.

“Boss, it’s time to roll. Get your ass up.”

I opened my eyes and found that I could see the hills in front of us. I watched the retreating form of the APC as it climbed slowly up a rocky pass, that looked like I would have had problems climbing on foot. I grabbed the offered hand from Brian and pulled myself up. I patted his shoulder and looked around our little convoy as engines started and people rushed around preparing for the day.

“How long was I asleep for?” I was grossed out over the lingering taste of my meal from the night before. “By the way sorry for the sewer pipe smell, known as my breath. I ate an MRE last night that announced it was roast beef, but it lied. I am sure I ate moldy rat in grease.”

We climbed into our positions in the Humvee and I secured myself preparing for the rough ride through the rocky pass.

“You slept for about three hours. We had a nice quiet night, the guards I picked did well. I enacted your orders and picked tonight’s guards and made sure they racked out in their vehicles. I got a catnap as you suggested, and I feel good enough to make it through the day. And I could’ve told you not to eat the roast beef. Stick to the chili and spaghetti, they taste closer to the real thing.”

It was our turn next to start climbing our way into the pass. Brian revved up the engine and brought us to the first incline and rocks. He looked over at me and gave me a wicked little grin.

“Time for some fun, Boss!” He hooted out loud.

He slowed and got the first tire up on the rock, and gave it some power. We rocked and rolled like a pinball being batted around. But after ten minutes of me trying to keep my head from slamming into the roof, we’d made it to the top. I took this moment of semi-level ground to find my helmet and secure it to my noggin. I then looked around and found Brian’s. I slammed it home down on his enormous head and secured it for him.

“Thanks Boss, I forgot about that. I took a quick walk up here and picked out the best path. Heaven and Howser are further up, choosing better routes for us to use.”

The next climb was worse than the first, but we made it up that one too. We stayed a good distance behind the lead APC, just in case something happened. I turned in my seat and looked behind us at the small convoy making its way up single file. Something kept nagging at me, but I couldn’t figure it out, so I kept my mouth shut. Which was hard to do, with all the bouncing around we were doing. I felt like my teeth were going to break with how many times they had slammed together.

We finally made it to the summit after six intense hours of climbing and being tossed around in our seats. I climbed outside, wanting to give my ass a rest. After slinging my MP-5 to my back I climbed on top of the Humvee’s hood and looked down at the valley laid out in front of us. I could see a small city in the distance and pointed it out to Heaven who had come up next to me. He handed a pair of glasses up. I raised them to my eyes and sighted in on it. Small wisps of smoke rose up from a couple of the buildings. I handed them back to Heaven, and took out my notebook and the map I had stashed in my thigh pocket.

“That city has survivors in it. Look at where the smoke is coming from. That is not a building on fire, those are fires being burned inside the building. We need to see if we can help. Heaven, call Delta and Kuppers over.”

He got on his radio and made his call. Brian climbed out after over-hearing what I’d said. I pointed to the city and then looked back down at my map. I found the city name, Owyhee. It was smaller than you would think, but if people were alive, somehow we were going to do our best to help. Kuppers appeared around the APC leading the Delta team over. I climbed down off the hood and stretched out my map on it.

“Gentlemen, if you gaze in that direction you will see a little town called Owyhee. It would seem there may be life there.”

Kuppers followed my finger, took his field glasses out, and surveyed the town and surrounding area. He handed the glasses over to Hase who took them and repeated Kuppers actions.

“So, what do you want us to do?” Kuppers inquired.

“Well, if you look further up the road there, you will see that the horde we had to detour around is heading down the highway, and will be rolling right over that town. I think we should act like soldiers, and protect the good citizens of that city. What do you guys think?” I spoke my mind.

Hase pursed his lips. “I can volunteer Delta to go down there, but without some of the trucks, we may not be able to get those people out. And they may not want to leave with us.”

I nodded my head at his observations. I looked over at Kuppers, who looked back at me, slightly pissed.

“I am not overly excited about this situation,” he growled.

“How about we do this then? Delta pushes out in front and heads to the town to make contact. If there are people there needing help, we bring the convoy in close to offer assistance. We will be spread out, but I cannot in good conscience, leave people behind to die by the hand of the Initiative. This is the first in our plan of fighting back. Any questions, concerns, or alternate plans?” I laid out.

Kuppers looked to Delta team and then over to Vic who had walked up while I was laying out my plan.

“Kuppers, if we were back in San Francisco, you wouldn’t have hesitated to help others. So the question is what has changed?” Vic looked right into Kuppers’ eyes.

I could tell Kuppers didn’t like being questioned or cornered, I had done this myself to him. He put his fists on his hips and looked right at me, focusing his rage and anger. He wasn’t mad at Vic he was mad at me for questioning his integrity. After what seemed an eternity, but was closer to a minute, Kuppers relaxed and dropped his shoulders in defeat.

“This whole situation has me single-minded lately. Dan, you are right. We need to do everything possible to save everyone we can. Hase, take Delta down to the town. Be careful and offer support, and let them know we would be happy to take them with us. If they balk, inform them of the coming horde. We will bring the convoy down toward the town, if we are needed, we will detour into the town. If not, mount up and meet us on the agreed route.”

Hase snapped into attention and saluted Kuppers. “Yes, Sir. I like your plan, Sir,”

Kuppers snorted and saluted him back. “You boys need to point those kinds of things to our tactician, Dan.” He pointed at me.

I stepped back and put my hands up. “Don’t you dare salute me. Just get going already, every second is one we will not get back against that horde.”

Hase patted my shoulder then turned and ran off. Delta formed up and climbed into their Humvee and disappeared down the mountain. Kuppers climbed onto the Humvees hood. He had a grim look set onto his face.

“Ok, let’s start getting this convoy moving.” Kuppers trotted to his APC.




Chapter 3


Brian worked our way down the slope slowly, making sure to find a good line. The Humvee still rocked from side to side but amazingly I didn’t feel like a bouncy ball in a dryer. We made it down in one piece and I directed Brian to alter our course toward the town and away from the convoy.

“Dan, what are you and Brian doing? You do realize you are going in the wrong way, right? Over.” Kuppers called over the Humvees radio.

I picked up the handset and called back. “Kuppers, we will catch up to you, we are going to back up Delta, just in case. Over.”

I heard the radio click open and then Kuppers sighed heavily and stopped transmitting. I instructed Brian to go in slow, so we could dash back if trouble appeared. I turned in my seat and watched as the rest of the convoy made its way down the improvised pass through the mountains. Kuppers’ APC sat with its hood pointed in our direction. I knew through all his tough talk that he would be there as fast as he could, if Delta and I needed him.

We pulled up next to the Humvee Delta had taken as their own. Hunter manned the .50 cal in the cupola on top. He looked down at us and gave a sketchy salute, then pointed toward a modern-looking concrete building. I opened my door and Brian grabbed my bicep, stopping me from disembarking. I shot a look in his direction and let him know with that look that he should let go.

“Boss, Hase and the guys have this. We don’t know what is going on in there, and you may walk into a mess.” He had a pleading look on his face.

I reached over with my free hand and removed his hand from my bicep. Yes, I am not stupid, I know that I never would have been able to remove his fingers without a crowbar unless he let me. Like he did now.

“Brian, cover Hunter and our way out of here. I’ll be right back, trust me.” I slid out of my seat and left the door open, just in case I came out running with something on my heels.

I checked my MP-5 and slipped off the safety, then checked to make sure I had a full magazine and a round in the chamber. I took a deep breath and could discern the rotting meat smell on the air coming from the horde just up the road. I squared my shoulders, ignored my pain, and strode up to the building. The door opened as I walked up and Howser saluted. As I walked in I saluted him back and stopped just inside, to allow my vision to adapt to the low lights. Howser escorted me down a small hallway into a medium sized auditorium, in which sat twenty adults and thirty-three children of various ages. At the front, two elder gentlemen stood speaking to the rest of Delta. I made my way down to them and stood, waiting for a break in the conversation.

After another minute, Hase and Heaven snapped to attention and saluted me, and the two older men also snapped attention and saluted. I stood for a second surprised at the reception. I saluted back, and offered my hand to the two older men.

“I am Major Welko, and you two gentlemen are?” I introduced myself and shook their hands warmly, noting the firm grips and clear eyes of the two men.

The man with a waterfall of silver hair which reached his waist smiled, and introduced himself and the other man.

“I am Chief Winnemucca of the Shoshone Paiute tribe. I am named after the greatest leader our tribe has ever known.” He then gestured toward the other man. “This is my son, Henry.”

“Very nice to meet you, gentlemen. I am sorry if we are intruding. We saw your town as our convoy was coming over an improvised pass into your valley. Did you know about the infected horde to your north?”

“As I was telling your man Hase. We know of the horde. We have already battled a smaller horde. We lost many good men and women fighting them.” The Chief looked into my eyes as we spoke.

“I have a convoy which could be here very soon, we could help you and your people out of here if you need us to.” I offered. 

He and his son spoke in another language for a moment before answering me.

“Your man Hase has informed us of the situation. But as I told him, we are a proud people and can handle our own problems,” the son answered me this time.

I thought for a while, going over my words carefully in my head before answering.

“I respect your stance. Now, let me ask you for something then. You two saluted me when you recognized my rank. Did you serve in the military?” I had to be careful with how I made my case.

The Chief spoke this time, shushing his son before he could butt in. “I served in the Big Army, spent a long time in Vietnam. I held the rank of Lieutenant. Of course this was all before I became Chief. My son served in the first Gulf war with the Army, he was a Sergeant. Why do you ask, Major?”

I smiled deep inside, I did not want to trick anyone, but I wanted to save these people. To let them become victims of the horde was a shameful loss of life. And we could use these people’s knowledge of the area on our trip.

“Chief Winnemucca, I have a man in my convoy that could be humankinds last hope against this scourge.” I took a map out of my thigh cargo pocket and pointed at the point on the map I had circled earlier. “I need to get him here; I have no idea how to do that without using the roads. I need you and your people to take us there going overland. Chief, I could be a prick and pull you and your son along with anyone else who served back into the military and order you. But I don’t think that is necessary. I believe you want this scourge wiped out as much as the rest of us. What do you say, sir?”

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