A Bit of Me (13 page)

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Authors: Bailey Bradford

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: A Bit of Me
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“No,” Chase groaned, his cock throbbing in his grasp. He was already on the verge of coming, and whether he was protesting that or his mind’s determination to turn him into Xavier’s willing
. “No…” Not that, Xavier wouldn’t be content to use him once. There was a look in his eyes, something deeper than Chase thought he could handle…something that made Chase think Xavier could consume him, absorb Chase right into that big, strong body.

Stop thinking!
Chase raked his nails over his chest, ignoring the twinge in his shoulder.

He caught a taut peak, scraping the nub hard and sending a shudder down his body that made his cheeks clench tight. He fisted his cock harder, pumping as fast as he could. Heat spread from his groin and chest, spiralling down his legs and arms, making them tingle. A swipe of his hand down his belly pulled a moan from his lips; his skin twitched under his palm, burning as something inside him screamed for more.

Images assailed him—Xavier nipping his way down to Chase’s nipples, teeth scraping

over first one bud then the other. Chase sucked his bottom lip in between his teeth, biting the chapped flesh as he imagined Xavier biting at something much firmer. Chase dragged his hand back up from his stomach and pinched his nipples, writhing, shoving up into the touch.

His shoulder burned, pain glowing hot in the damaged joint. Chase gasped and stilled the hand on his cock, nearly sobbing at having to stave off his climax. He needed to come, needed to at least have Xavier this way.

Chase rested his right hand on his stomach and palmed his cock with his left. The

rhythm wasn’t quite as good—a little jerky—but he didn’t care. Xavier wouldn’t let him come easy, he’d draw it out, make Chase work for it, beg for it. His fantasy lover would www.total-e-bound.com



Bailey Bradford



touch him everywhere. Every part of him would be licked and nibbled, something Chase had never experienced before but now couldn’t get out of his head.

Xavier would want all of him, want to drive Chase out of his mind with exquisite

pleasure. He’d spread Chase’s legs and push them up, exposing his tight little hole. Chase’s breath hitched at the thought, stuttering out when he tried to swap that image around to one of Xavier on his back, legs and butt tilted up—the image caused a screeching in his head like a needle being dragged over a record. That didn’t work, Chase couldn’t make it work, not when his mind was protesting as much as his body, both wanting something Chase had

never wanted before.

It was just a fantasy, Chase reasoned, nothing more. And he was going to explode if he didn’t come soon.

“Just a fantasy,” he whispered as he let the images flow—Xavier, pressing his muscular body down onto Chase, forcing him deeper into the mattress. That broad chest would be hairy, dense with dark fuzz that trailed down over sculpted abs, around the dip of the belly button, thickening once again at Xavier’s bush.

This time Chase didn’t stop himself from lifting his legs as he pumped his cock. He bent his knees, bringing his thighs almost against his chest as he eased his right hand down. The twinge in his shoulder didn’t stop him from cupping his balls—in his mind it was Xavier’s hand tugging and rolling his sac.

Chase’s moan shifted into a whimper when he dared to rub a finger over the crinkled

skin of his hole. He twitched from head to toe as need welled in him. Flashes of Xavier flickered behind his lids so fast Chase couldn’t focus on any one of them. It was as if the man was surrounding him, inside and out—as if this fantasy had turned into Xavier’s own rather than Chase’s.

Except that was a cop out, and Chase realised it even when passion was threatening to melt him into the mattress. For whatever reason, his body and mind wanted this…this

claiming by Xavier. It wasn’t real, it’d never happen, but for now, here alone in his room, Chase chose to let go of his inhibitions.

His back arched as he pressed the tip of his finger against his entrance. Without lube, the resistance was greater, the burn stronger, but Chase could no more stop what he was www.total-e-bound.com



Bailey Bradford



doing than he could stop his heart from beating. It was Xavier’s finger pushing into him, spearing through that tight ring as he fisted Chase’s dick. Xavier’s thumbnail pressing into Chase’s weeping slit, Xavier’s teeth tugging at the sweat-slicked skin of his neck before firm lips crashed down on his, demanding, taking—Xavier’s tongue plundering his

mouth…Chase cried out as cum spurted from his dick, splattering on his stomach. His hole spasmed around his finger, clenching the digit tight as ecstasy washed Chase’s vision in white. His climax seemed endless and all too brief, time halting then spinning back into motion as the last dribbles of spunk dripped onto his hand.

Trembling, gasping, Chase let his finger slip from his opening and at the same time he released his cock. He lay boneless, shaken to his core by the force of his orgasm and the direction his fantasy had taken. When he finally had the energy, he swiped his hands on the sheets then cleaned his belly with the soft material. He didn’t want to think about what had just happened, or why he had just had the best orgasm of his life.

That direction would lead to more thinking, and Chase was tired and his shoulder was past aching. A pain pill or two would help, but that would mean getting up and he just didn’t have the strength for that right now. Instead he rolled onto his side and curled up on top of the sheets. Then Chase did something he hadn’t been able to do for weeks—he closed his eyes and slept without waking until morning.





Bailey Bradford


Chapter Eight

Usually Xavier spent a fair amount of his time at The Xxchange in his office, but tonight he was restless, his nerves pinging with a need that began as a small hot lump coiled in his belly. The sound of the music thumping combined with the scents and sights in the club—

various colognes tinged with sweat, sex and alcohol, men gathered in corners and tables, many whose faces were glowing with impending sexual release—usually Xavier was

immune to it, pretty much. But tonight it was calling to him, the need to join that mass of pleasure-seeking people even if it was just to hit the dance floor for an hour or two.

So much for bitching about what The Xxchange has become. I may have wanted this to be a
classier place, at least a little, but right now it seems like just the right club for me.
It had been a long time since Xavier had bothered with picking anyone up. There’d been a glut of it at first, with Xavier mowing through willing men like a scythe through grass. It had got old after a while though, and he’d had to step back and reconsider what he wanted in life. Turns out it hadn’t been a near-constant string of one night stands.

And tonight was an odd mix of emotions for him. His body was humming with need,

but emotionally he wanted something else.

Maybe it was seeing so many happy couples lately, or maybe it was just that he’d

reached a certain point in his life where sex wasn’t enough. Xavier craved having someone to spend time with in and out of bed, someone for whom he felt that visceral pull, as if an invisible band of lust and affection linked them. He wanted someone he could talk to one minute then fuck into the mattress the next, if they were so inclined.

Whether it was due to Billy leaving soon or just the fact that Xavier was getting older and might have possibly matured enough to consider having a partner, he wanted someone of his own, to whom he belonged.

Xavier watched the gyrating bodies on the dance floor. He wondered how many of the

people there were actual couples and how many were just out for a fuck. Then he wondered www.total-e-bound.com



Bailey Bradford



why he cared. As edgy as he was feeling, if he found a man who snagged his interest, at least for a little while, he might be tempted to slake some of his body’s need.

he could get a certain blond haired, surly man out of his mind long enough to even notice anyone else. Xavier snorted. That didn’t seem likely when Chase’s eyes seemed to haunt him constantly. It had been almost a week since he’d last seen Chase at the bunkhouse, and instead of fading, the attraction Xavier felt for him seemed to have multiplied. It was frustrating, because Xavier couldn’t pursue Chase even though everything in Xavier urged him to do just that.

Chase was well past skittish; he was wounded in a way that Xavier suspected went all the way through to his soul. His friends were protective of him, which was good, but Xavier didn’t think they’d beeager to help him out with his desire to get closer to Chase. He’d tried to come up with ways to arrange an ‘accidental’ meeting, but as far as he knew Chase only went to the hospital for physical therapy. He’d dropped by Adam and Les’ place a couple of times but Chase hadn’t been there. Short of hurting himself, which was a bit extreme in Xavier’s opinion, he couldn’t come up with a reason to show up at the hospital. Even so, he didn’t know when Chase’s appointments were.

Sure, he could show up at the bunkhouse, but he had the feeling that would scare the shit out of Chase. Not that the blond would show it in any way other than anger. Xavier could handle that, but he didn’t think it’d help him to make any headway with Chase. If anything, he was afraid it would make Chase run. That wouldn’t be acceptable, not just because it would put Chase further out of reach, but because the man was injured and needed the help of his friends as well as physical therapy. He didn’t want to do anything detrimental to Chase’s recovery—physical or otherwise.

Which left him floundering while he tried to figure out what to do. Waiting for Chase to come to him seemed a waste of time. He’d have to have snared the man’s interest, and while Chase had responded to his touch, Xavier didn’t think that had been enough. Chase hadn’t even bothered to say goodbye the other night.

A small, warm body pressed against his side. Xavier looked down and found himself

the recipient of an interested gaze. Blue eyes—too blue to be their real colour—gazed up at him from an attractive face. Black liner rimmed those eyes, making the colour stand out even www.total-e-bound.com



Bailey Bradford



more. Thick lashes coated with mascara lowered as the man looked up at him through them.

Plump red lips moved. Xavier thought there was probably some sort of makeup on them as well. Delicate hands gripped his right arm as Xavier leaned down to hear what the man was saying.

It wasn’t the touch of the man he wanted, but it still went straight to Xavier’s dick. It’d been too long since he’d found relief somewhere other than with his hand. Xavier had to turn his head and stop looking at those lips in order to catch the man’s words. The brush of moist lips and hot breath over his ear made him shiver as that small body pressed closer.

Instead of speaking, though, a wet tongue swiped over the shell of Xavier’s ear. Soft lips brushed down his neck; teeth raked his skin. Xavier’s cock hardened and pressed

uncomfortably against his zipper. He’d foregone underwear and tucking right or left tonight in favour of displaying what he had, and now he was aching because of it.

Xavier murmured his approval when hot hands slid over his lower back and stomach.

Teeth nipped at the base of his neck while his cock was palmed, and Xavier’s head spun as his blood rushed through his veins. He wondered if it could have been any man tonight or if there was something about this made-up guy that got to him. Xavier suspected it was the first, because he was just about desperate to feel wanted. The ease with which Chase had ignored him at the bunkhouse had stung more than he cared to admit. At least here, tonight, someone seemed to be interested.

Very interested, if the way Xavier’s cock was being pumped through his leather pants was any indication. If he wasn’t careful, he’d shoot his load too quickly. Chase’s eyes flashed at him in his mind, and it was enough to give Xavier pause. Did he really want to find a substitute for the person he truly wanted tonight? Would it make him feel any better to get lost in another’s body for an hour or two, or would he feel like he’d betrayed Chase?

That’s stupid! Chase isn’t even interested. The man couldn’t give less than a shit about what I
do or who I do it with.
Still, he caught his new admirer’s hand in his and tugged it up to his stomach again. If nothing else, he was moving too fast. Xavier didn’t want a quick one-off in the middle of the club. He wasn’t sure what he wanted, other than a certain unattainable man.





Bailey Bradford



Xavier looked into confused bright blue eyes and smiled slightly. He lifted the hand from his belly and brushed a kiss across the guy’s knuckles. The man’s expression shifted from irritated to flabbergasted, his red lips parting as he widened his eyes. Xavier leaned down enough to bring his lips to speak into the man’s ear.

“I don’t want this”—he squeezed the hand in his—“right now. My head just isn’t in the right place, but I’d love to dance with you.” Xavier pulled back enough to see the man’s expression, half expecting anger to have twisted his cute features. Instead the guy’s eyes glistened in a way that made Xavier’s stomach cramp with guilt. He shouldn’t have let this go on as long as it had.

“Just dance? That’s it?” the man asked in a light, almost feminine voice. Xavier nodded, keeping a close watch for tears. Instead the man broke into a smile that might have stopped Xavier’s heart had that organ not decided it wanted someone else. “Okay, okay, I can do that—I’d love to do that!”

Xavier felt his own mouth curling up into a smile. He straightened and, his hand still clasping the other man’s, led him onto the dance floor.

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