A Leap of Faith (19 page)

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Authors: T Gephart

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Contemporary Fiction

BOOK: A Leap of Faith
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“Can I go in?” I asked James, desperately wanting to see Hannah as well as her new little boy.

“Of course. June said she’s going to make an exception to the two people in the room rule for me.” James beamed.

It didn’t surprise me that not even June was immune to James’ charismatic spell.

James led us through the door, we crowded into the room as I watched the swaddled bundle wriggle within Hannah’s arms.

“Everyone can say hello and then out!” June directed, making it clear she was only willing to bend slightly.

Stevens was still checking Hannah’s vitals as James’ and Hannah’s parents stepped outside to make room for us.

“Lexi, Alex!” Andrea hugged us sweetly. “Don’t I have the most adorable grandson?”

“Without question, Mrs. B.” Alex kissed her cheek before she left.

“Hannah, I’ll be back to check on you in
a bit.” Doctor Stevens smiled as he nodded and also left the room.

I walked over to the side of the bed, Hannah looked exhausted but blissfully happy. “You did it
,” I gently rubbed her arm.

Hannah nodded, “He was worth it.”

“Have you picked out a name?” I pulled back the blanket and looked at the tiny, wrinkled face, his eyes tightly scrunched shut. His tiny, perfect mouth slightly pouted as he slept, his little hands balled up near his chin.

“Noah,” Hannah said as he gently kissed his head.

“Like the dude with the Arc?” Dan questioned, scratching his head.

“No, we just like the name,” Hannah smiled.

“Han has a thing for Ryan Gosling in the Notebook,” James chuckled as he sat on the bed beside her, his arm wrapping around his family.

“I do not!” Hannah protested. “I just love the movie and it’s a great name.”

“I don’t mind Sweetheart. I’m just teasing and you are right, it’s a great name.”

It was a great name, perfect for this little boy that would be surrounded by love and someday break a lot of hearts.

“Hopefully he looks like his Mama,” Troy joked as he peeked over Hannah’s shoulder.

“With his Daddy’s pipes,” joined in Jason.

“He’s perfection.” Alex smiled, as he slid up against my body.

“Ok, Mommy needs her rest! Everyone out, except the proud Papa!” June ordered as she ushered us out the door.

“What a cute little dude!” Troy crooned as we roamed back into the hall.

“They did good.” Jason agreed.

Our feel-good gathering was interrupted by a blood-curdling scream from one of the other rooms.

“What the FUCK was that?” asked a nervous Dan.

“This a labour and delivery ward Dan, people are having babies.  They are trying to squeeze a watermelon out of a hole the size of a grapefruit.” I laughed.

“Jesus Christ Lexi!” winced Dan, “I think I can kiss my hard-ons goodbye for a solid week.”

“And the female population tonight breathes a sigh of relief,” Troy mused, enjoying the look of horror on Dan’s face.

“Seriously, Lexi... I think I’m scarred for life,” Dan continued. “That shit is just messed up!”

“How the hell do you think babies are born? Where were you during health class in high school?” Jason questioned.

Dan just shivered and shook his head in disgust. God help him if he ever got any girl pregnant. I guess we should all be thankful that Dan wasn’t in a hurry to procreate, the world really didn’t need any more Dans.

DarNell cleared his throat, “If you are ready to leave we can bring the car around and get you all home.”

“I need to go collect the Suburban from a parking garage.” I interjected, fishing the keys out of my handbag.

“We’ll go retrieve it later Lexi. There is a pretty large crowd assembled out the front now so I think it’s best if no one goes wandering off on their own.” DarNell gave me a pointed look and held out his hands for the keys.

Alex raised an eyebrow and gave me an “I told you so” smirk as he waited for me pass them over.

“Fine, Fine. I’m not in the mood to argue, even though your reasoning is flawed.” I dropped the keys into DarNell’s hand.

Brad and Jake, the two additional security team members that had travelled with us on the tour were staying at the hospital while DarNell and Bear
barrelled us into waiting cars and delivered us to our respective homes.

I called Matt on the way home and helped him draft a statement about the early arrival of Baby Bowden, but kept all the details minimal to give James and Hannah the opportunity to make their own more detailed announcement if they wished. 

In a case of Deja Vu the SUV drove into Alex’s undercover parking garage for the second time today. Alex and I climbed out of the car. With the adrenaline and excitement of the night wearing off, fatigue was setting in. Thanking TJ and DarNell for the ride, we ambled to the waiting elevator. I struggled to keep my eyes open.

Alex pulled me close as the metal doors closed behind us and my body melded against him. Leaning into his chest, I shut my eyes and breathed in his intoxicating scent. The loud ding of the elevator alerted me to the fact we had reached our floor but I couldn’t will my eyes open. Alex swept me up in his arms, carrying me through the hall and into our apartment.

I rested my head against his chest. His strong, steady heartbeat easing me into tranquillity as we walked through the apartment and into the bedroom. Alex carefully laid me onto our bed, gently removing my shoes before he slowly peeled off my clothing.

,” I murmured as his agile fingers worked the button and zipper of my jeans.

A quiet chuckle rose from his throat as he continued to undress me. “Sleep now baby, we can play later.”

“But I want to play now,” I drowsily protested, unable to force my eyelids open.

“You’re adorable when you are sleepy.” Alex kissed my neck as he pulled the covers over my naked body.

The softness of the bed felt heavenly as its pillow top absorbed my tired limbs. I reached out to touch him and felt the bed empty. “Alex?” I muttered

“Right here baby,” he responded as he pulled off the rest of his clothes and slid in beside me.

“Mmmmmmm,” I moaned as he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into a tight embrace.

“Stop doing that, I can only resist so much.” Alex lips touched the back of my neck.

“I don’t want you to ever hold back with me,” I managed to mutter.

“Sleep now, it’s been a long day.” Alex whispered in my ear.

“I meant... what I... said Alex” I struggled to formulate words as I felt myself drift off to sleep “...I …want... a... baby...”

“And I want to give you one, but we will talk about it tomorrow when you can form proper sentences,” Alex murmured. I heard the smile in his voice.

He had kept his word. He wouldn’t pressure me, even though I knew that it was something he desperately wanted. He had been willing to give it up for me. In my whole life, no one had ever put me first and yet here was this amazing man willing to make this huge sacrifice for me. It was the most true act of love I’d ever experienced.

Chapter 17 – Pride and Passion

“Are you sure this is a good idea James? Hannah and Noah only got home from the hospital yesterday?” The phone call had pulled me away from the mindless staring competition I was having with my computer screen.

“Yes, it’s what she wants. I told her we can wait but you know Hannah. She feels bad our other welcome home dinner was cut short so she figured we’d do another, this time with our little man.” James’ smooth voice filled my ear.

“Ok, on the condition that she doesn’t cook. I’ll cook.”

There was no way I was going to let a recently discharged first time mother with a newborn feed a horde of people despite her best intentions.

“She’ll probably argue but I’m sure I can convince her.” James laughed knowing of the two of us, he’d have a better chance at changing Hannah’s mind than mine.

“Ok, we’ll be there in a couple of hours, Alex is still at the gym. I’ll pick up groceries on the way over. Give our love to Hannah and kisses to Noah.” I managed to say my goodbyes before I heard the front door slam.

I dashed into the lounge-room to find Alex standing in the doorway, saturated in sweat. His headphone buds were still in his ears as he walked over to the sofa, using it to assist in his stretches.

My eyes were glued to his perfectly sculptured body as it moved and flexed, his soaked t-shirt plastered against his finely
chiselled chest showing every line of definition.

I stood there, mesmerized by him, unable to look away as my eyes followed the lines of his amazing body. Even after months of being with him, I still found him breathtaking. No one deserved to be that good looking, it just didn’t seem right.

“You know when you look at me like that, it makes me want to do bad, bad things.” Alex’s mouth twisted into his delicious half grin.

“Maybe that’s my intention!” I smirked back as I sauntered over to him. “I thought you were going to the gym?”

“Yeah, I decided to go for a run instead. Want to help me shower?” Alex’s lips twitched.

“Are we getting clean, or getting dirty?” I peeled Alex’s wet t-shirt from his torso.

Alex let out a big, throaty laugh, “God I love the way you think!”

“Well come on then, we have dinner plans. We are doing a welcome home dinner take two.” I pulled Alex through the lounge room in the direction of the bathroom.

“Really? Didn’t Hannah just get home?” Alex paused as he shoved his running shorts to the floor.

“Yes, I already went through this with James. She really wants to do this so I am going to cook. It was my one stipulation.” As I reached the bathroom Alex pressed his sweaty muscular body to mine pinning me against the cool wall tiles.

“Seems like both James and I have a thing for strong,
women.” Alex ran his nose along my jaw, causing me to draw a sharp breath.

“Is that your way of calling me stubborn?” I smiled sweetly as my hands followed the curves of Alex’s shoulders.

“Would that make you mad? You know I can’t resist you when you’re mad.” Alex’s hands found themselves at the hemline of my dress, lifting it over my head.

“Here I thought men wanted submissive, compliant women?” My fingers played with the waistband of this fitted, cotton trunks.

“Where’s the fun in that?” Alex raised his eyebrow as he hands travelled along my back, unhooking my bra with a single flick.

I pressed my half-naked body against his. His skin, still warm from his run, gave me goose bumps on contact. The thin cotton of his trucks did little to contain the evidence of his arousal. I pulled his mouth down on mine, wanting to taste him.

Alex reached behind me, turning on the water. I felt the gentle spray ricochet off the glass and tickle my back. He pulled away from me long enough to rid himself of his underwear, his erection sprang free from its constraint.

I ran my hands along his long, hard length, stroking him firmly and deliberately. I watched as his eyes rolled back into his head and pleasurable moans spilled from his lips. Seeing him so turned on and knowing I was the cause intensified my already heightened desire.

“Lexi,” his husky voice beaconed, “I want you now!” and in one swift movement he pushed down my panties. His hands cupped my ass, pulling me close, lust burning intently in his eyes.

His mouth devoured mine as we moved under the spray of cascading water, his lips hungry and urgent as they pressed firmly against mine. His fingers moved across my thigh until they came to rest in my moist, silky folds.

“Mmmmmm,” Alex groaned, “Does jerking me off turn you on baby?” His heated gazed seared me.

,” I murmured as my hands once again wrapped around his shaft, “But what really turns me on is having you in my mouth.”

I slithered down his body and placed his throbbing hardness in my mouth, my lips wrapping around him tightly as my tongue followed the firmness of his length.

“Aghhhhhh, fuck!” Alex moaned as I sucked and licked him, his hands twisting through the strands of my wet hair as he held my head.

I continued to pleasure him, using my hands, my tongue, my mouth. I drew him deep, pushing him as far into my throat as I could take him. I could feel his body shake as he struggled to maintain control.

“Oh. My. God. Lexi!” Alex growled, his hands gently pulling my head back as he yanked on my hair. “You are going to make me come and I am not ready for that.” his chest heaved as he freed himself from my lips.

“I don’t know baby, you feel kinda ready to me?” I smirked as I tired to push him back in.

“Not yet.” His hand covered my mouth as his voiced heated. “I love making love to you baby, I love taking it slow and feeling myself slide in and out of your tight little body. BUT. Right now, I need to fuck you. I need it fast and hard. I need to push you up against this wall and fuck you so hard that you come till you shake. So that you have no other thought than my cock inside you.” 

His eyes burned as he looked down on me, kneeling in front of him. His hand still covered my mouth. His words almost made me come on the spot as my eyes raked over his amazing body. I nodded as I stood, pushing my lips against his neck and running my tongue along his jaw.

“I’m driving tonight, Sweetheart” Alex smirked, “But if you still want me to come in your mouth, I can give you that pleasure later.”

He placed his hands around my waist as he turned me around so that my body was pushed flush against the tiled wall of the shower. It excited me further as my already firm nipples touched the wet, cold surface.

“Mmmmmm so wet and ready,” Alex groaned as his fingers moved between my thighs, “Do you know what that does to me Lexi? To feel you like this?”

“No,” I moaned, losing all focus as he ran his fingers up and down my
centre, pleasure shouting through my body.

“It drives me… insane.” His hands quickened as they travelled over my entrance, the pleasure growing to an almost unbearable level. “You make me lose all self control. All I can think about is being in you, making you come, feeling you twitch and tighten around my cock and know that I was the cause.” Alex stopped rubbing and slid a finger inside me.

I closed my eyes as my body began to shake, my face pressed against the tiles, his hard, throbbing cock resting along my back.

Alex slid in another finger as he gently rubbed my clit with this thumb.

“Aghhhhhhhhh,” I moaned as I squeezed my eyes tighter.

“I love that sound. I love hearing you moan.” Alex whispered as he slid his fingers out of me, my body desperately needing release.

“Fuck me... please!” I begged as I pushed back against him.

He paused as he watched me writhe up against the wall, seeking to find any friction, desperately needing to come. “As you wish.” Alex pushed himself inside of me, in one movement, filling me completely.

“Aghhhhh,” I moaned again as he pulled out of me before re-entering with the same amount of force.

I couldn’t speak as he rocked my hips back and forth. Each time he thrust deeper and deeper into me, my body reaching its limit as he buried himself further into my core.

My body tightened around him as I got closer to my finish, pulsing around his rock hard cock.

“That’s it baby, Come for me. I need to feel you come.” His lips grazed against my ear as he continued to take me from behind.

I felt myself lose control as I pushed back against him. I pulsed and twitched as I came hard on his cock. He held himself inside of me, absorbing my monumental orgasm. I grasped onto the wall as my body shook, my legs feeling like they would give way at any moment.

“I’ve got you baby.” Alex moaned as he grabbed my waist, hoisting me back onto him, continuing with smaller, gentler thrusts as I rode out the rest of my orgasm.

“Mmmmmm, that’s it baby. That’s it.” Alex licked my neck as he continued to move inside of me, my body over-sensitive as every touch and movement was intensified by a hundred.

,” I heard the desperation in his voice as his pace quickened.

“Come in me!” I demanded, as I positioned myself to meet his every thrust.

“Not yet!” Alex growled as he steadied me, his hands traveling down to my swollen clit.

“Agghhhhh.” I moaned as I felt myself climbing again, my body already close due to my heightened sense of arousal. His agile fingers teased me as he continued to move, the sensation so pleasurable it was almost maddening.

“ALEX!” I cried out when I felt like I couldn’t stand it any longer, and with a strong, purposeful thrust he exploded into me, sending me spiralling out of control as we came together.

His strong arms held me as our bodies shook, I no longer had the ability to stand as I sagged into him, my body limp as he lowered us gently to the wet floor, cradling me in his lap. The shower spray above us was unrelenting as the water bit into our sensitive skin.

“God you are beautiful!” Alex whispered as he wiped the wet hair from my face.

“God you are amazing!” I smiled unable to open my eyes. “THAT was amazing. You can rest assured that every thought other than your cock was well and truly FUCKED out of me.”

I felt Alex’s body gently shake as a small laugh emanated from his throat. “Good, I’m glad to see my objective was met.”

“Are you kidding me? I don’t think I can move.” I smirked as I tried to straighten my stiff legs from underneath me.

Alex shifted beneath me. I watched curiously as he grabbed the bottle of shampoo and poured it into his palm. His fingers worked it into my scalp, through to the ends of my hair. It felt so good as his hands worked expertly over my head and neck, the seemingly simple act making me feel so loved and revered.

“Mmmmmm, that feels so good.” I closed my eyes as Alex applied the right amount of pressure as his fingers busily worked massaging my scalp.

“Stop that.” Alex grinned as he gently nipped my ear, “Or I won’t be held responsible for any actions that proceed it.”

“Is that a threat or a promise?” A wicked grin spread across my lips.

“We are in so much trouble!” Alex laughed.




The drive to James and Hannah’s had been uneventful. As promised, I stopped and picked up the bits and pieces to make dinner. I opted for Mexican, getting what I needed to make Tacos and Fajitas. I knew it would be a crowd pleaser and wouldn’t have me relegated to the kitchen all night so I could get lots of Noah cuddles.

We were the first to arrive and I busily set to task in what was the most monotonous part of Mexican - the prep work. Hannah and I chatted as I chopped and diced the various ingredients, putting them in small bowls for later.

James and Alex took Noah into the living room, where they discussed what his position would be when he would finally be old enough to play Gridiron. It was fun watching these two “wild” men so relaxed in the company of a baby.

“So, James tells me you and Alex are going to Australia. Are your family mad that you got married without telling them?” Hannah quizzed as she crunched on a corn chip.

“Don’t really care,” I shrugged. “We’re not close. I haven’t really spoken to them about it other than just letting them know I got married.”

“Lexi, I can’t believe your parents don’t care. Sometimes people just have a hard time showing their emotions. I think it’s great that you are going there and introducing Alex to them. They are going to see how happy you are and it’s going to be fantastic.” Hannah piped enthusiastically.

I didn’t have the heart to try and correct her. For most families this was probably true, but she didn’t know my family and the depth of indifference that accompanied them. Not many people understood. There was only a small selection of my closest friends who knew what my family were like, even fewer had witnessed it first hand. I just didn’t want anything good being tainted by them but I also knew if I was going to move forward with Alex and have a real marriage then I was going to have to show him all of me, even the ugly parts.

“You have an older brother?” Hannah pursued, I could tell the conversation wasn’t easily going to be put to rest.

“Yes, Lachlan. We haven’t spoken in years. He’s a successful lawyer, married, two kids etcetera, etcetera. Not much to say, he’s my Mother and Father’s pride and joy,” I mused sarcastically.

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