A Little Bit of Us (31 page)

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Authors: A. E. Murphy

BOOK: A Little Bit of Us
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About Me

22 and I’ve been writing since I could hold a pen in my hand! I love to write, it’s my passion, and I never stop.  In fact I love to write so much I have started over one hundred and fifty different books before finally completing my first ever novel 'A Little Bit of Crazy' which I published this month. I was grateful when I received feedback as it helps me be a better writer.


When I'm not writing, I love spending time with my family and when I get some spare time (not easy with young children!) It’s either reading or listening to music. You won’t find me without a book or my Kindle in my hand. I read whilst I’m cooking, cleaning, talking, walking… you could say reading is my other passion!  


Although I base my books in America I am in fact a British author (I live in the north East of England). I chose to set my books in America as although I love England, I also love all things American and I have read a lot of American novels and as I love a challenge, I decided to write in an American voice! Studying the differences between Britain and America has been fascinating to say the least, even something as simple as remembering our chips are their fries and our crisps are their chips was a challenge! I’m pretty sure you’ll still find some Britishisms in my book and if you do, drop me a line (contact details below) to correct me!


Thank you for taking the time to read my book. I appreciate any kind of feedback be it good or bad. This has been a huge learning curve for me and I'm happy to receive any advice/criticism...praise?! That you wish to provide. Don’t be shy.

Thank you,

Love Alex









Contact Details

To get in touch with me please use the following.




[email protected]







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