Read A Pretty Pill Online

Authors: Criss Copp

Tags: #General Fiction, #New Adult

A Pretty Pill (29 page)

BOOK: A Pretty Pill
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“Yeah, but in some ways it’s made me really good with money before I became loaded.” She reasons.

, you’re a bit of a scrooge from what I hear!” I say nodding.

“Shut the fuck up Reynolds!” she curses, laughing.

“I wish you didn’t look like you were going to throw up again, I still haven’t collected on that coffee we talked about today!” I whine.

“Jeezus!” she curses again.  “You’ll get your sweaty hot sex and cataclysmic blow job
, just not tonight!” she sighs melodramatically.

“Cataclysmic?  You promise it will be cataclysmic?” I say with mock awe.

“Yes, you’ll be calling me God and everything!” she promises.

, can’t you do something about that now?” I ask pleadingly, the thought has me growing an erection already.

’m still sore from today, and if I put that thing in my mouth now, I’ll be introducing a new colour scheme to your bed sheets!”  She suggests.

, you kind of killed it just now.” I lie.  My dick doesn’t care at all, even if I do!



I feel better this morning
; I discover this welcome feeling at the same time as I become aware of Ben; nudging my shoulder and handing me a couple of tic-tacs. 

“What’s this for?” I ask, looking at him over my shoulder.

“Morning breath.” He says, popping two in his mouth and chewing on them, releasing a peppermint scent like toothpaste.

“Are you saying I have arse breath?” I ask.

“I don’t know if you do or don’t... but I’d like to maintain the mystery please.  If I find out your breath smells like shit in the morning, I may be forced to reconsider my feelings for you!” he explains, taking a swig from a bottle of water.

, I’ll cop that!” I shrug, placing the two tic-tacs on my tongue and then beginning to chew them.

When I finish chewing
, he gives me the water, which I take a swig of and deliver back to him; before attempting to readjust the pillow under my head.  Only instead, I feel myself get quite literally picked up and twisted about to face a kneeling half naked Ben.

“Good morning,” he says as he leans in and places his mouth softly on mine, and begins to kiss me gently.

” I manage to muffle forth since his tongue is tracing across mine, and his mouth is smothering me.

He goes to slide
down into the sheets and lie down beside me, kissing me as he goes; but I’m not having that.

I break my mouth away from his and start moving down his neck toward his chest, which means I’m rising up.

“I...” he starts, but I place a finger over his mouth.

“Swing around!” I demand; twirling my finger in an indication for him to seat himself on the edge of the bed.

“Like this?” he asks, trailing his lower legs over the edge of the bed.

“Yes.” I agree, climbing off the bed and standing before him.

“Jade?” he queries, a shit-eating grin plastered across his face.

“Shhh...” I request, placing my finger once again over his mouth.

I undo the buttons of my pyjama top; I’m naked underneath it; I take it off and drop it to the floor.  I’ve been thinking about this ever since I mentioned giving him a cataclysmic blow job last night... this will not be that, but it will be good, very good.  I want him watching me, watching me undo him and feeling everything I do to him, heightening his reactions because I don’t really want him to touch me, even if he really wants to.  My pussy’s getting seriously wet just thinking about it, and the tight feeling in my pelvic floor, which is a sensation somewhere between clenching and tenderness, is weeping for joy that I’m willing to go here again, with him.

He goes to touch my breasts,
but I don’t want him to, so I knock his hand away, and shake my head.  He gasps, but remains where he is.

Next I slowly
and seductively slide my undies and pyjama bottoms down off my hips... over my arse and then down my thighs.  He’s watching me with fascination; and when I get to my knees I just let the undies and pants go, to fall at my feet.  I step away and kick them aside.

I look at his face and notice his eyes are directed on my pussy.  I find myself smiling at this.  I’m not a girl to go
and get waxed, primped and pulled at.  But then I never could grow much of a bush to worry about anyway.  For whatever reason, my body placed all its energy into growing a thick and lustrous mane of head hair, but neglected to provide any effort in any other areas of my body.  So I have a light smattering of hair over my mound that looks rather pathetic.  My armpits and legs are the same, hardly anything.  I shave my armpits, legs and bikini line, but I don’t need to do it as often as most.  In any case, I know that my hairlessness has been a boon in the past with guys, they like it!

I’m thinking about what I should do
, about what he’ll like.

Graeme and I used to get pretty
kinky; he was into some serious games.  I quite liked some of them, so I’ve decided I’m just going with what I feel like doing to turn Ben on right now, not too much, just a little bit naughty, because my head inside is screaming at me to stop thinking so much and start moving.

I bend over so that my arse remains in the air... the cool morning air snapping at my skin... apparent by my erect nipples; and
then I slowly undo the top button of his bedtime boxers, so that the open fly allows me access to his cock.

I’m pretty sure he can’t see what I’m doing at the moment, since my
heavy mane of hair is long these days; so I gather it back at the nape of my neck and grab his hand, placing it on my gathered hair and squeezing it to close at the nape around the hair bunched there, imploring him to hold it tight and secure, and freeing me up to use my hands and mouth, but guiding me to suck his cock for him.

He gets the idea
, throwing out an almost inaudible

I’m pulling out his fully erect penis
from his pants; and then I place my mouth over it, feeding his penis in through my lips before pushing my mouth further and further down, till I get to my gag centre and slow down; and then gradually pull back, sucking him at the same time and placing my hand over his wet shaft to provide firm pressure. 

“Fuck...” Ben laments softly as I return to repeat the gesture.  He’s holding my hair fairly firmly now
, applying pressure on the back of my head to implore me to go down as far as I can. He’s not being brutal, he’s simply pushing me down until he feels my resistance, and then he’s pulling me back up.  If it wasn’t for last night’s nausea, I might be able to go further; but I’m a little nervous about it, so I only go to where I am currently comfortable.

With my other hand I reach up to where I
sense his face is; finding it and lightly tracing his lips, before pushing two fingers into his mouth, as he slides my face back down his cock; my luscious lips and mouth once more devouring his flesh.  He sucks on my fingers; and I have him simulate the act I am performing on his cock with my fingers slowly thrusting in and out of his mouth.  The sensations of his tongue licking, his teeth grazing and his mouth sucking hard, are all in response to what he’s feeling as a result of my mouth on him.

I love this... I feel like I’m in charge,
despite his insistent hand at the back of my head; that I’m turning him inside out with my wantonness... both our desire twisted back on each of us.  I feel heady and determined to encourage the lusty feelings my actions are encouraging within me... he’s moving me slowly along his cock now, and I’m enjoying the whimpers and moans that escape his throat, informing me that I’m providing him with an intense pleasure. 

His sounds elicit a frantic pooling of need inside my pussy and my womb
; I need to feel movement over myself, within myself.  A desperate need to match his own.

I pull my fingers back from his mouth and I remove them completely, after scooping some saliva in the last twist of my exit.  Bringing them back to me and placing them over my clit; I begin to massage myself, focussing on my desire as he focuses on his through the demanding pressure of his hand on my head.  I’m masturbating myself into a greater arousal.  I’m already feeling heady and needy due to what I’m providing for him, so my movements across myself are quickly fuelling my desire, such that now my mouth is issuing divine moans and groans that vibrate against his cock and cause a spasm to radiate up his length.

“Jesus Jade!” Ben reverently states
, and he reaches forward and begins to play with my right nipple.  I’m unable to stop him, the feeling is so exquisite.  It’s like he’s pulling at my insides through that tight little bud.  He applies the correct amount of pressure, like he’s privy to my feelings and is adjusting his touch accordingly.  I reach around and begin to fuck myself with my fingers, demanding my body feed my desire further.

We’re both moaning...

His cock is becoming increasingly heavy and his breathing is laboured.  With his persistence on my nipple, I’m reaching beyond heightened arousal.  My desperate ache down in my pussy is driving me wild.  And what started out with me thinking to be in control of this situation, is fast proving to be a misnomer.



I am seriously on fire and in total awe at what this vixen is doing to me.  I’m struggling between feeling my growing pleasure and watching her stimulating performance
, both on myself and her.  I have my work cut out for me to try and hold on in any way, waiting for her to erupt first; and then she’s pulling my hand off her hair and is standing up; before pushing me down backward onto the bed.

, now!” she demands.

“In the drawer.” I say and point.

“Play with yourself!” she insists.

“Damn.” I curse
, taking her advice and placing my hand over my cock and stroking the wet shaft she’s left behind.

She pulls out a condom, and breaks the seal; pulling the barrier out.  She crawls up over me, and sits on my lap, immediately below my erection... watching me stroke myself.  It makes me want to blow
, right now.  I put a little more effort into my stroke, and she begins to gnaw on her bottom lip; staring at my hand loving my cock.

Then she licks her hand and places her fingers down on her pussy and begins to play with herself.  She’s massaging her clit and then reaching around to push her fingers inside herself, all the while sitting
centimetres from my cock.  It’s so hot I’m beginning to feel a build up in my balls that will lead to an eruptive orgasm.

Then her fingers that she’s just smeared through her arousal, across her clit and into her pussy are on my lips
; where she traces them across my lips and then slightly breaches them, she’s smearing her juices on my mouth, and I’m fucking my hand, while she is seated naked on my lap... her aroused pussy mere centimetres from my desperate cock.

It is overwhelming what I feel for this woman
; my heart is hers, my soul is hers, I need her so much; I’m determined to keep her.

I tentatively push my tongue out to taste her fingers, and the sensations are devastating.

I begin to moan again, and she stops my hand from stroking anymore... at just the last moment possible.  My cock is screaming for me to finish what we’ve started, and then she’s sliding the condom over the tip, making sure to pinch the top and then maintain a steady slide down the shaft.

At the same time she’s placing the condom in place, she’s
removed her fingers from my mouth, and is lightly placing her pussy flavoured fingers over her own mouth and then sucking them inside. 

The heady and incredible scent of her arousal
and the visual performance she creates, damages my breathing capabilities as I struggle not to engage and take charge of her little game... it makes my balls want to contract further, and arrive at their climax.  The smells, the visual show and her touch fuel my desire for her into a bonfire of hunger and aching need.  She’s at serious risk of losing any control in this situation, because I’m ready to take over and fuck her till she screams, even if my mother is only down the hall.  Instead I growl possessively as I grab and snatch her fingers back and place them into my mouth to suck any remaining juices from them.

She moans over my actions, and almost loses focus when I
then grab hold of her hand in both of mine and suckle each finger completely clean.

she lifts her hips up and hovers over my cock, before centring herself and slowly lowering herself down the length of it.

“Farrrrck!” I lament in painful pleasure
, while lacing my tongue around her index finger.  Her warmth is incredibly inviting, and her tight pussy provides far more complete and perfect pressure than my hand could ever manage.

“I think I need to go on the pill permanently if this is going to be an ongoing occurrence.” She states breathlessly.

“Oh...” I shudder and drop her hand so I can hold the bedspread below me in a strangling grip... “You’ll be going on it from today then!” I assure her.  But I can’t say anything else after that, because she’s mashing her mouth on mine and sucking my lips, tasting herself once more, and sharing her taste at the same time; and then she’s adjusted to my cock inside of her, and at her instigation, she seats herself high and begins moving up and down my shaft and stealing my breath with both the sight and sensation.

BOOK: A Pretty Pill
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