Read A Second Chance at love The Rocker Girls Series Online
Authors: Jennifer Byars
Tags: #romance, #womens fiction, #contemporary, #music, #romance fiction, #romance erotic, #rocker
Shut up and watch your man
on the stage.”
Tia looked over her shoulder at Lynn’s
comment. “Who’s her man?”
Lynn laughed. “Win, of
Tia’s mouth made a little O, and then
she looked at her sister, nodding her head. “Yeah, I liked him for
her too.”
Ad laughed. “I’m glad you guys chose my
man for me, but are you sure you informed him of this decision?”
she said, kicking her feet up on Mindy’s lap. Lynn smiled, putting
her beer bottle to her lips rather than comment, her other arm
around Betsy.
Tia had her elbows on the back of the
chair, watching Andy, smiling at him the whole time. Margie was
sucking so much face Addison was afraid they were going to eat each
other. Mindy giggled at the whole Margie and Bob scene with a shake
of her head, but leaned into Ad. “I’m going to go get a drink.
Anybody want something?” she asked. “I’ll take a take a water
please,” Ad hollered, and Mindy’s hand came up letting her know
that she heard.
They were all sitting back and enjoying
the music, when Addison realized it had been quite a while since
she’d seen Mindy. Turning her head she looked around to make sure
she was all right. But she seemed to be A.O.L at the
Looking past the crowd she thought she
saw her bobbed brunette hair, only to see it disappear behind a
man’s head in front of her. Addison tried to get a better look at
the man who walked in the path, blocking out who she thought was
Mindy. He looked familiar; she just couldn’t place him from only
the back of his head.
The band was finishing their last song
of the night, and the crowd went wild. South gave all the girls his
infectious smile as they called out his name, took a guy kind of
bow. “Thank you, guys for coming out tonight! See you next week,
and good night!” South screamed out as Win let loose on an ending
riff. Where the hell was Mindy; she could really use some water
right now!
About fifteen minutes later the guys
walked toward their table. Addison was trying to play it cool, but
was a nervous mess as they approached. She took her beer in hand,
taking a sip and watching Win make his way to her.
South growled something over at him,
and Win turned his head sharply, saying something right back, but
then South left, going over to some girl.
Win’s eyes never left her, and he wore
a sexy little grin as he came closer, but he was abruptly stopped
in his tracks. The same girl that Addison saw him with the other
night came up to him, rubbing her hands all over him, but he gently
pushed her aside, saying something to her that made her
The seat Mindy vacated a while ago, Win
took and sat down next to her. His eyes were bright from their
show, and damn he was sexy. He had gone and cleaned himself up
before he came out and she smiled, taking another sip of her beer,
appreciating the male next to her.
So what did you think?” he
asked, leaning closer to her.
I thought you guys totally
kicked ass. You’ve definitely got your thing going on here,” she
South came up to the table frowning at
her, as he now had some girl in his arms. Then Rex showed up with
some woman who looked, honestly, as if she forgot to put on enough
clothing to cover herself, and seemed to be trying to match Margie
in the sucking-face contest.
Win cleared his throat, and her
attention was focused back on him. “No, I wanted to know what you
think about my playing,” he asked, leaning into her closely, his
voice rough and sexy.
Addison looked over his gorgeous face,
and her eyes fell to the piercing on his lip, then met his blue
eyes. “I think you were fantastic,” she told him, blushing as she
totally checked him out blatantly.
He leaned in, taking her by the back of
the neck to pull her to his lips. He licked her bottom lip and then
nibbled it. Her hand went to the side of his face as he slipped his
tongue in her mouth, making her melt.
About fucking time,” Andy
said, placing Tia in his lap and kissing the side of her
Win pulled back, looking into her eyes.
“So I take it that you’re willing to give me a chance?” he said
with a small chuckle and a beautiful smirk on his lips.
Yes, playboy. I say let’s
give this a chance,” she told him, but her hand touched his
blackened eye. “Nice shiner, by the way. Do I need to be concerned
that South has one too?”
No, angel. We worked
everything out,” he said, pulling her chair even closer to
I don’t want to be the one
who breaks up your friendship, Win,” she said,
He leaned in once more, kissing her
lips softly. “Angel, you’re not. But even if you did, you’re
fucking worth it,” he assured her, and kissed her again.
Addison was enjoying the taste of Win,
when a voice from her past broke through the happy moment. “You
guys were really good. I liked what I heard. I can absolutely see
the potential here. I’ve found a couple bands from the ‘net, but
they never sound as good in person. But you guys are the whole
package, and that’s very marketable.”
She pulled her head back and looked at
one of her husband’s best friends, Nickels Roman. Margie quit
sucking face and put her hand over Bob’s face, pushing him back
from her to make sure what she was seeing was real.
Tia looked about ready to have a panic
attack, hopping out of Andy’s lap and blinking her eyes, like she
couldn’t believe what she was seeing, either. She looked to
Addison, and Addison could tell this was going to cause some havoc
with Tia’s nerves. Lynn sat back, crossing her arms and looking at
her longtime lover.
Win turned to look at the man, after he
saw all the girls’ reactions. He could tell there was something up
with this guy just by the way he was staring at all of them. It was
South who seemed to be beaming at the praise that Nickels was
offering him. He and Rex looked at each other, smiling. “Great! I’m
glad you liked it, so you think you might have a place for us with
your label?” South asked him.
Win took Addison’s hand, pulling her
out of her seat and onto his lap, but she wouldn’t go. Win looked
over at her, at her stance, and knew that she knew this record guy.
Nickels watched the whole thing and smiled a cruel smile. “I think
that’s a definite possibility.”
He came closer to Addison and leaned on
the table, staring at her now. This time Win took her hand, pulled
her down to his lap, and tightened his arm around her waist.
Nickels glared at Addison. “You know, I hear there’s a female band
playing here too. I’ve also heard they’re the whole package as
well. I even heard they’re something fucking spectacular to look
at. With a lead singer who gives men walking hard-ons,” he
chuckled. Addison just sat there listening to Nickels spew his
Lynn leaned forward so he was looking
at her and not Addison. “You don’t want any trouble if your boy
comes here, do you? Can you imagine the publicity that would bring,
and can you imagine the damage control you’d have to deal with if
he…lost his shit again?”
They stared at each other, but Win was
done. “I don’t care if you’re some big fucking record producer, in
fact I don’t give a shit who you are. Nobody talks to her that way!
Do I make myself fuckin’ clear?” he growled.
Again that smirk that hid all of
Nickels’ anger found its way back to his mouth. “Shit, Addie. You
always do have the men fighting over you, don’t you?” He looked
over at South’s black eye and busted lip, then back at Win. “I see
you’ve already had these two at each other’s throats. Tell me, does
this one want to marry you too?” he chuckled dryly.
Tia gasped, her hand flying over her
mouth, and Lynn and Margie both stood up, glaring at him. But Ad
just sat in Win’s lap, crossing her arms and trying very hard to
keep her anger in check. “Don’t push me, Nickels, I’m done with
this shit, and that includes yours. All I want is to be left
Nickels frowned at her.
Don’t tell him where I am,
it will do neither of us any good, and you know it. I’m out, so
just get him to sign the damn papers. Then you won’t have to see my
ass again!”
He hit the table with his fist, making
the bottles bounce and people around them jump back. Win shot up,
pulling her behind his back, blocking her from him. Nickels was
just as tall as Win, and had always known how to fight, just like
the rest of the guys. Things were finally going her way; the last
thing she wanted was for Win to be involved with her old life.
People were starting to look at them now.
Outside!” she growled,
turning with the girls and heading out so as not to put on a damn
show inside.
Once they were out of the sight of
onlookers Nickels ran a hand through his black hair, his other on
his hip. “He won’t sign the papers, Addison! He’s looking for you
everywhere. Just go back to him, knock off this shit! He needs you,
you hold him together!” He looked at all the girls and sighed.
“Look, now that I know where you’re at, just come home. You and I
will make amends and I’ll give you time with him. He’s not writing,
or singing, hell he says he won’t tour unless you’re with him,
Her eyes widened after he said that.
“Oh, so now he won’t tour without me with him? Look, I haven’t
toured with him in three years. And as far as I can tell, you’ve
kept him stocked up on any female he wants!” she screamed at him
with hatred.
Look, I know I started
this shit.” He glanced over at Lynn, who looked just as pissed at
him. Then his gaze traveled back to Addison. “I just want this shit
over, so let’s just be friends once again, and call it a day,” he
told her in frustration.
you want to make amends?
I’m good enough for him, Nickels? What, because
some fucking movie star didn’t want him like you were hoping, now
he can have me? You have wanted me gone and out of his life since
we were ten. Well, guess what, you’ve got your wish, I’m gone, I’ve
found someone else,” she seethed.
His hands went to his hair, pulling it
back. “He made a mistake, Addison. It kills him when you tell him
that you’re not coming home. I’ll get Scotty, and you and the girls
can come back to your home in the hills. He told me he’ll go to
counseling.” He saw that she wasn’t going to budge with what he
just said. “He wants to see you. Come on…”
It’s not only the one
mistake, Nickels, and you know that! There’ve been multiples of
them, and the last time he saw me, he put me in the hospital! He’s
not himself anymore… No, I can’t do this, I won’t! Just get him to
sign the damn papers!” she yelled at him before walking
Lynn and Nickels stared at each other.
“Lynn…please,” he said to her, but she turned her back to him,
threw her arm around Betsy and walked off.
Win sat by the truck, waiting for the
girls to finish the conversation they were having with each other.
Mindy made her way back to the group after this Nickels left;
apparently something had made her very unhappy.
South came up and stood next to Win.
“Hey, you remember the night she was drunk and woke up in your bed,
wasn’t that the name she said, Nickels?”
She told him she found
someone else. You catch that?”
Yeah, I caught that,” Win
told him.
So are you going to ask
her what the hell is going on?”
Well, I’m not so fucking
stupid that I haven’t figured out that she’s married. And not only
that, but I’m guessing to someone famous.”
They saw Mindy getting defensive with
Lynn. Addison stepped in but Mindy started yelling at her, pointing
a finger in her chest. That made Margie get in Mindy’s face and
scream profanities, pushing her back.
Rex walked up next to South, watching
everything play out. “So should we go over and stop whatever shit
that’s going on? I don’t think I’ve ever heard Margie say a foul
word or raise her hand, and now I’ve seen both.”
Andy stood in front of Win’s truck, and
they could all see that he was pussy-whipped for little Tia. And
they could all see Tia was white as a sheet; Addison pulled her
into her shoulder as she started to cry. At that Andy started
pacing in front of them. Addison said something in Tia’s ear, and
she nodded, wiping tears from her face with her palms.
Win saw how they all acted with each
other, like sisters. “No, this is their family, and it looks like
the girls are working some shit out,” he told them.
Addison pulled away from the group,
walking Tia over to Andy. “Do you think you could bring her home
for me?”
But Ad, I need to make a
decision too,” she whispered with a whimper.
I know your decision,
sweetheart. Let your big sister take care of it.”
Tia. I know. You want to
stay, but you’re afraid. Let us come up with a plan,
She nodded, and Addison looked over at
Andy. “Don’t push her. She doesn’t talk when she’s this upset.