Read A Second Chance at love The Rocker Girls Series Online
Authors: Jennifer Byars
Tags: #romance, #womens fiction, #contemporary, #music, #romance fiction, #romance erotic, #rocker
But I work all the time,
Win. It won’t be the same for us, I’m not going to be around, when
we’re out I’m going to get paged to come in. Are you sure you can
handle something like that?”
Angel, I have seen what
time you come home. I’ve also seen you get up after three hours of
sleep and head back to work. I want to be the guy picking your sexy
ass up, the one who gets to have you all to himself when you’re not
saving someone’s life.”
She hugged him close to her. “Just
promise me one thing?”
Anything, angel,” he
murmured sleepily.
If you find that this is
too difficult for you, or when I tell you everything about me and
you’re not sure if you can handle it…just tell me. Please don’t
have me walk in on you with another woman.”
His arms stiffened. “Addison Reade, I’m
not going to cheat on you. We’ll deal with your past when we’ve
secured our future, okay, angel?”
Okay, Winston Malloye,”she
whispered, and he kissed the side of her head.
Night, angel.”
Chapter 10
Addison had been seeing Win for just
about six months. For the first time in almost two years she could
honestly say she was happy once again. Winston was so damn sexy,
and she loved that he could stay home and watch a movie, just as
well as getting dressed up and going dancing. It felt wonderful to
live among normal people once again.
She had completely fallen head over
heels in love with Winston. That was something she’d never thought
she’d be able to do again…fall in love. Since she was ten years old
it had always been Jimmy. Even when she couldn’t stand the sight of
him, it was Jimmy. But now…
Addison was asleep in her bed when she
heard the front door open and then slam shut. She looked over at
her clock, seeing she could sleep three more hours, so cuddled
herself back into bed, getting comfortable, when the moaning
started in. Margie was talking loudly as she mauled Rex, and Rex
was laughing, saying what he going to do to her when he got her in
the bedroom.
Addison pulled her pillow out from
under her, placing it over her head. But when the moaning started
to penetrate the damn walls, she tried to stuff the material in her
ears. She groaned when Rex started talking again.
She got up from the bed still half
asleep, grabbed her pillow and walked out her bedroom door. She
made a quick pit stop at Margie’s door, giving it a good bang with
her fist. “Hey! Some of us are trying to sleep here! And I don’t
need a play by play of what you’re going to do to her, Rex… Just do
it, damn it,” she mumbled, walking away, hearing them laugh at
She came to Win’s front door, pillow in
hand, and knocked. South answered it, looking down at her. “Ad, you
don’t need to knock, just come in, sweetheart,” he told her, but
she just stumbled over the doorstep and to the couch, placing her
pillow down and falling onto it.
Who the hell is this,
South?” asked an angry female, and Addison groaned.
Shut the hell up, Trish.
This is Win’s girlfriend.”
Footsteps came up to her and she could
feel South next to her. “Hey, shouldn’t you be sleeping in your own
bed?” he asked her, moving some hair out of her face.
I was trying to, but Marge
came in with Rex. I’ve never heard a man talk so much before having
sex. It was like he was commentating, giving me play by play what
he was going to do to her. I’m going to take your clothes off, off,
off. Now let me grab your tit, tit, tit. I’m going to lick your
slit, slit, slit and make you cum… hut, hut, hike!” she mumbled,
and South laughed.
And he is the loudest damn
moaner I’ve ever heard! I think I’m going to give Marge a roll of
duck tape for when he comes over.” She yawned. “South, it came
through my door and the pillow I was trying to smother myself with.
I think only death would have stopped it.”
Oh shit, Ad, you’re too
funny!” He laughed, pulling her up from the couch. “Come on,
sweetheart, let’s put you in Win’s bed. He lost the flip, so he had
to close up today after work.”
Hey South, I’m still
here!” Trish yelled.
Just go wait in the room.
I’ll be there in a minute.”
Ad groaned. “I don’t remember if you’re
a moaner or not. Just play the quiet game for me, would ya,” she
told South as he took her to Win’s room.
What the hell, South? You
screwed her?” Trish yelled at him.
No, I was going to screw
him but I passed out. No fault of his, I assure you, I was dead
tired. I’m sure he’s great!” Addison mumbled back to
Okay, let’s get you to lay
down,” he whispered in her ear. She could hear that he was trying
not to laugh.
What? I’m sure you’re
fabulous,” she said as her eyes closed.
He opened Win’s door, and she made it
to his bed, literally falling into it. “You have very loose lips
when you’re exhausted, did you know that?” he told her, moving some
hair out of her face from where her head hit the pillow.
Sorry, I’ll zip ’em
Win came into the apartment with an arm
full of groceries. He heard grunting coming from South’s room.
“Shit, South! Hurry up, I’m not bringing up all the shit because
you’re getting a piece!” he yelled, walking into the kitchen and
putting the bags on the counter.
He heard mumbling and was going to head
out to get more groceries when he saw Addison’s pillow on the
couch. Then his head whipped to South’s door again, where he heard
the headboard hitting the wall.
He was seeing red. All he could think
of was that South had somehow talked Addison into going to bed with
him. He knew she had had a crush on both of them, but he was sure
she’d chosen him!
The bed was hitting the wall harder and
he could hear a soft moan come from South’s room, and all he could
think was that South was touching what was his! He was going to
hurt him, really fucking hurt him, as he stormed down the hall and
burst into South’s room with a look of death on his
A high-pitched scream echoed through
the apartment as the woman South was screwing tried to pull up the
covers to hide her exposed body from him. “What the fuck, Win!”
South yelled, as he turned over to see who’d barged into his
He just stood there, his heart racing,
trying to calm down. He had the worst fucking scenario running
through his mind when he came into South’s room, but what he was
expecting to see and what he found were completely
Addison opened his bedroom door,
running over to him. She looked at South, who looked uncomfortable
under her gaze, and then at Win. “Win, what are you doing?” she
asked, confused, pulling on his arm to get him out of the bedroom.
“Come on, let’s shut the door and leave them alone.”
Win looked down and saw his angel in
one of his old t-shirts he’d given her to sleep in. The weight that
lifted from his shoulders at the sight of her was immense. The
breath he didn’t even realize he was holding, he let go. He scooped
her up into his arms, turning quickly without an apology to South,
took her to his room, and slammed the door behind him.
He sat on the edge of the bed with
Addison straddling his lap, and for the first time he really knew
he was in love. Not the kind of love that you can say carelessly,
like a goodbye. No, this was the burning kind of love that can make
a man do crazy things.
Hey, what’s up with you?”
she asked, wrapping her arms around his neck.
Nothing, angel,” he told
her, the truth of what he felt hitting like a bat to the
No, not nothing, Win. You
looked like you were going to rip South’s head off. And I think you
gave the girl he’s with a heart attack. Thank goodness I’m a
doctor.” She smiled at him, taking his face in her hands. “Now tell
me what made you go in there?”
I thought you were in the
room with South.”
Why would I be in his
room, when I have my own playboy?” she asked lightly, kissing his
I don’t know. I heard him
in his room, and then I saw your pillow on the sofa…and I lost
She sighed, running her fingers through
his hair, then went to the scruff on his face. “Okay. Well, let’s
get this straight between us. I don’t cheat. I know how that feels,
to be cheated on, so if I’m not happy or want to end things, I will
come out and tell you. You’ll never have to wonder if I’m with
someone else.”
He grabbed her up in his arms, kissing
her, then picked her up and placed her underneath him. “But that’s
not going to happen, is it.”
No, it’s not, playboy.”
She looked at his piercing in his lip, and bit her own.
You like my piercing,
angel?” he smiled cockily at her. He loved how she looked at
Her eyes became hooded and in the soft
light of the lamp they looked a dark purple. “I really love all
your piercings, playboy.”
Yeah? Well I like seeing
you in my shirt,” he told her, running his hand underneath the
I like your shirt too, it
smells like you,” she whispered, running her hand through his hair
once more.
Let’s see if you have
anything under this shirt of mine?” He lifted the shirt, exposing
her generous chest.
He groaned when he kissed her nipple.
“You have got the best set of tits I’ve ever seen!” he told her as
he pulled one into his mouth.
She gasped, as her body shivered and
her hands grabbed into his hair. Her legs fell open, letting him
rub his erection up against her. “I have to be at work in an hour
and a half, and I really should eat before I go in today,” she
Her hands went to his t-shirt, pulling
it off. He let go of her nipple as the shirt went over his head.
“Are you saying we don’t have time for me to enjoy your body before
you leave?”
She was undoing the buckle to his
jeans, when she smiled up at him. “I think I can spare a couple
minutes. But there are other ways we can enjoy each other, and it
might be even a little kinky.”
Oh angel, I am all about
kinky,” he growled.
I really like…” but she
Oh now you’re just being
cruel. Tell me.”
I really like
sixty-nines…if that’s okay with you?”
He didn’t even bother with an answer.
He jumped off the bed, stripping off his clothing quickly, then
stripped her bare. “You on top or bottom?”
She smiled, biting her lip.
He picked her up, laid her on the bed,
and she crawled on top of him.
Win, you can smack my ass
if you want to. I kinda like that too,” she whispered to him,
getting into position.
He groaned loudly. “Holy fuck, angel!
Too bad you weren’t betting with the girls right now. You’d
definitely win the five-minute bet!” She chuckled, right before she
took him with her mouth.
South had gone to the gym after he
dropped Trish off, knowing that Addison and Win were in the midst
of things he’d rather not think about, back at the apartment. He’d
never seen Win lose his cool before, and the way he burst through
the door…
He knew it was his boxing night, and
everyone was meeting up at The Tab to maybe get some new song
ideas. The last couple months they’d been pretty fucking dry, with
Andy all pussy-whipped and Rex fighting and fucking
Their once clear-cut world had been
turned upside down because of these chicks, and all he knew was
that he wanted that record deal. He wanted his own
Win was right about one thing: Ad
didn’t want all the things he wanted. That was going to help him do
what he wanted to do. If his friend was willing to be the man she
needed then he wouldn’t stand in the way, but damn it, it hurt. And
he thought it always would.
Win came through the door twenty
minutes later, looking much more relaxed than he’d seen him in a
while. “Dude, you calm now?” South asked, grabbing a
His bag dropped on the floor as he made
his way to the kitchen. “Yeah, sorry about that earlier,” he said,
grabbing a protein bar.
I think you and Andy have
gone mental.”
Yeah, I’ll give you that
Are we going to the Tab
tonight to get some ideas out?”
Yeah, give me five,” he
said, going to take a quick shower and change.
Hey, do you pick up Ad at
some point tonight?”
Win walked out wearing a pair of jeans.
“No, she’s off tomorrow at nine in the morning, and Marge is
picking her up.” He put on his shirt and shoes. “But she’ll be able
to watch us play tomorrow night.”
Shit, how long have you
been dating now, six months? Is the newness wearing off