A Second Chance at love The Rocker Girls Series (20 page)

Read A Second Chance at love The Rocker Girls Series Online

Authors: Jennifer Byars

Tags: #romance, #womens fiction, #contemporary, #music, #romance fiction, #romance erotic, #rocker

BOOK: A Second Chance at love The Rocker Girls Series
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Those two didn’t have some little
fight, they beat the hell out of each other that night. It was hard
to hear what they were saying because of all the people talking in
the video. But what he didn’t expect, and what Addison didn’t tell
him, was that after the fight broke up James Richardson threw
Addison over his shoulder, taking her out of the

All their mouths dropped open but it
was Rex who commented. “Holy shit! They beat the fuck out of each

Was that Addison he threw
over his shoulder?” South questioned, and Rex nodded, clearly
stunned. “Wow, that’s not something you see every day.”

Win walked into the kitchen
to get away from all the shit they had everywhere, but kept
South handed him. “I’m heading off to bed, see you in the

Hey, you still are coming
with us to Los Angeles, right?”

I don’t know, guys. I
really need to talk to Ad.”

Dude, this is what we
wanted. Just think about that.”

What time are we supposed
to leave?”

The flight leaves at seven
at night,” South told him.

Win nodded, heading into his




Addison was thankful for the quiet
afternoon they were having today. Relatively easy things, a couple
of earaches, things broken, and some elderly who needed special

She found Lynn at the counter talking
to Mindy quietly, and they seemed to be making amends with each
other. “Hey ladies, I’m off to the cafeteria to get a snack. Can I
get you something?”

No, I’m good. Thanks,”
Lynn said.

I could use something
salty,” Mindy said quietly.

Addison smiled. “Okay, I’ll be

Fifteen minutes later she came from the
cafeteria with some good unhealthy junk food, handing a bag of
chips to Mindy.

Someone waiting for you in
the lobby,” she told her softly, opening her bag of chips and
starting on some paperwork. “And he doesn’t look too happy

Okay. Thanks.”

She walked out into the lobby, looking
around and seeing the tall lean frame of Winston. She knew this
wasn’t going to be good, so she took a deep breath before making
her way over to him.

Hey, I wasn’t expecting to
see you today,” she said, placing her hand on his arm as he turned
to her.

His eyes roamed over her and he smiled.
“You know, this is the first time I’ve seen you at work. You’re one
sexy doctor, I might have to get hurt just to have you work on

She smiled up at him. “I only have a
couple minutes. It’s slow, but I still have tons of paperwork to

Can we sit for a minute?”
he asked.

She took his hand and pulled him to a
quiet spot in the waiting area; he took a seat and she sat next to
him. His hand kept hold of hers and he wouldn’t look up as his
thumb caressed her skin. “The guys still want to go to Los Angeles.
I told them that I’m not sure that’s what I want anymore.” His blue
eyes now found hers. “But I want to know how you feel about it…if I
did go?”

She bit her lip. This was going to be
one of the hardest things she’d ever had to do. “Winston, I want
you to go fulfill your dreams. I want you to do what’ll make you
happy,” she told him. His eyes dropped to their joined hands and he
frowned. “But if we sign, and we do get a recording deal…would you
come with me?”

She looked at him, his auburn hair,
blue eyes, and her heart broke. “No. I’m sorry, but I can’t do
that, not even for you, playboy.” She touched his face, and the
whiskers that were growing in. “You see I lived the life you guys
are hoping for, and truthfully, I really don’t want it.”

Then maybe I should

She sighed, squeezing his hand. “I
can’t tell you what you want to hear, Winston. I can’t tell you not
to go, I can’t take that away from you, can’t you see that?” she
told him earnestly. “But I promise, whatever decision you make I
will be proud of you, and truly happy for you.”

He nodded, but his frown was deeper,
and she could tell he was upset. “But you won’t come with me.” He
sounded like he was speaking more to himself than to her, but she
answered anyway.

No, but don’t let that
play a part in what you want. You’ll always find someone else.” His
eyes went wide in shock at what she said, as she stood up quickly,
holding his hand in hers. “Go see Nickels, see if that’s what you
want and if it is, please don’t let me stop you from signing. I can
tell you guys will be big,” she said, smiling down at him. She
kissed his lips tenderly. “I’ll see you in two weeks,

She walked towards the double doors,
looked back, and he was watching her. She smiled at his frowning
face, trying to hide how devastated she really was inside. She
wished she knew why she fell in love with musicians, when someone
like Frank would be so much easier for her heart to love. She stood
there for a minute more soaking up his appearance, while he still
sat there hunched over with his elbows on his knees, watching her,
so she waved to him before she swiped her card and walked into the

Lynn was behind the door watching them,
and stayed to talk to Ad when she entered. “So what did Win want?”
she asked, looking back out the window at Win, who just now was
getting up and walking out of the waiting room.

He wanted me to tell him
to stay. That I don’t want him going to California,” she told her,
wiping a couple of tears from her face, and taking a deep

Lynn put her hands on her hips, still
looking over at her best friend and seeing how devastated she
looked now that she was away from Win. “Well, what did you tell

Addison put her hands to her face, and
sighed as they dropped to her sides. “I told him to go, of course.
I won’t steal his dream from him, Lynn, if that’s what he

And what are you going to
do then?”

She met Lynn’s eyes and looked around
at the people who were walking around the ward. “I like it here. I
guess move on, live my dream of being a doctor, with me and my best
friends growing old together.”

Ad…” Lynn started

Look, Lynn, one rock star
was enough. I dated another and look what that brought me. If
that’s what he wants then he should go. Because you and I both know
what happens once they make it big. I was lucky I survived the
first rock star… I’m not willing to push my luck once more. My
heart just couldn’t take it.”

She heard her name being called through
the speaker system; they both looked at each other. “I’m off, don’t
worry, okay. Let’s see what happens in two weeks,” she told her,
walking away.




When Win and the guys got into LAX, and
took their first steps in the California sun, one thing ran through
their heads…it was fucking hot! With bags in hand they made their
way to find the driver that they’d been told to look

Standing over by a black limousine was
a man dressed in a black suit, black hat, with sunglasses on. He
looked like something they’d see in a damn movie. South and Rex
took everything in stride, really excited about this opportunity,
looking around and trying to make conversation.

But the only thing that was running
through Win’s mind was Addison telling him he’d find someone else.
Damn, that killed him. Sometimes fate’s a bitch! Right when he gets
the woman of his dreams, this falls into his fucking lap. He looked
over to Andy who looked exactly like he felt, an absolute fucking

The massive hotel was amazing, and as
the sun set they really felt like they were in some kind of movie.
Once they checked in, Nickels called South’s room, telling him to
let them all know that tomorrow they would get into the details of
the contract, and just relax and enjoy their night there in the
City of Angels. He thought that was kind of ironic.

Andy knocked on Win’s door. “What’s up,
man? I thought you’d already have your ass talking to Tia?” Win
laughed as Andy came in.

No, I know she’s upset
with me. I think I’ll call her a little later…when I know I’ll have
time to really talk to her,” he told him. “You call Ad

Win shook his head. “No, I know she’s
at work. I don’t want to bug her. I did send her a text that we
were safe, and at the hotel.” He looked over at Andy. “That might
ease Tia’s mind, if you told her you’d call her

Andy sat on the end of the bed, pulling
out his cell, when a loud pounding came at the door. “Dude, open
the door,” Rex laughed.

Win rolled his eyes, letting the asses
in, when they saw Andy texting. “Man, what, we’ve been here for
what, twenty minutes. She’ll be fine, Andy!” Rex barked.

Win and South both saw that a fight was
about to happen after Rex’s comment. “Hey, let’s go down to the
bar, get a drink and just relax, guys,” South suggested.

Rex turned to look at South, his
pissed-off stance fading instantly. “Sounds good, let’s change and
head down and see what L.A. has to offer,” he laughed.

South looked at Andy, who really didn’t
seem all that thrilled to go. “Come on, one drink, then you can
call Tia.”

Yeah, I guess.”

Rex slapped Win on the back. “I know
you’re in, right, Win?”

Yeah, I guess I can get a
beer,” he placated them. No sense in making a big deal, they were
here to see what L.A. had to offer, might as well head down and
have a beer.

Fifteen minutes later they were down in
the hotel bar, sitting at some fancy-ass table having a beer, and
South was talking about what kind of car he was going to buy with
his first paycheck. The waitress made another round for them and
set down their new beers, when some women came over to say

Hi guys, didn’t know if
you guys wanted company?” a hot little redhead offered.

Rex sat right up, smiling at her,
pulling out a chair next to him. “Sure, come on over.”

Andy didn’t look too happy with Rex at
all at the moment. Rex gave with the “shut your fucking mouth and
don’t say a fucking word” stare.

The rest of the girls pulled out
chairs, making themselves comfortable and ordering drinks. “Hi, I’m
Sally; that’s Tracie, and the one next to me is Jane.”

Little Jane seemed to like Andy as she
moved closer to him. “Hi, I like the tattoos on your neck,” she
cooed. Her finger came up, touching one. “What does this one say?”
she asked, tracing it.

Andy popped up like a damn jack in the
box popping out of its box. “You know I’m really tired, so you guys
have fun. Night, ladies,” he said, excusing himself

South looked over at Win, and he could
see the questions running through his mind as Tracie talked. There
was no way in hell they were going to get Andy to leave Tia, and
Win thought South just realized that too.

Little Jane moved over to sit next to
Win, as Sally struck up a conversation with Rex.

Did I say something wrong
to make him run off?” Jane asked him.

No, sweetheart, you just
picked the wrong man. He is totally whipped,” Win

Well, what about you? Are
you available?”

Oh no, sweetheart, I’m way
beyond whipped.”

So who’s the lucky

He smiled. “Just some girl back home.”
He chuckled, taking a sip of his beer. Then a thought came to mind.
This is where Addison was from. He looked to all the girls at the
table and wondered something. “Hey, have you girls ever heard of
Addie Richardson?”

They all started laughing at his
question with high-pitched giggles, making him miss his angel’s
deep voice even more. “Of course I’ve heard of Addie Richardson!
Who hasn’t?”

You know we’d go to the
Hot Spot every Friday night just to see them play. They used to
have angry girl night. They’d have a drink called the dirty dick,
and sing songs about how men are asses!” Jane giggled. “So much

And once a month they
would set a theme night…the fifties was kick-ass!” Tracie told them
with a smile.

No, the best was twenties
gangster!” Sally laughed with the girls.

Oh, man, on those nights
you better know someone to get in, too, that was no joke!” Tracie
told the guys, who now were completely fascinated by the stories
that were being told.

Yeah, or you’d have to get
there early cuz the line was out the door!” Tracie reminded the

Sally leaned forward like she was
telling some secret. “Some nights in the back of the club, and out
of sight from Spitfire, Death Ever After would be there watching
their show! James and Addison’s marriage is so romantic,” she told
them excitedly. “I even had James Richardson sign my t-shirt once
when I was there…he’s so hot!”

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